根据你听到的一篇长对话,回答1-2小题。1. What is Peter doing? A. Writing book B. Writing a composi

根据你听到的一篇长对话,回答1-2小题。1. What is Peter doing? A. Writing book B. Writing a composi

根据你听到的一篇长对话,回答1-2小题。1. What is Peter doing? A. Writing book
B. Writing a composition in English
C. Having an English class 2. What time does class begin?A. At 13: 15
B. At 13: 25
C. At 13: 10
1-2      BA
听对话,回答问题。1. Where are they talking? A. In the hospital
B. At a bus stop
C. On the telephone
D. On the road 2. Who"s ill in hospital?A. Li Lei"s uncle
B. Ann"s uncle
C. Li Lei"s aunt
D. Ann"s aunt 3. How are they going to the hospital? A. By bus
B. On foot
C. By taxi
D. By bike
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
请从A、B、C 三个句子中选出一个与你听到的句子的意义最接近的句子。每句念一遍。 (     )1. A. Tom is old enough to dress himself. 
           B. Tom can dress himself, though he is young. 
           C. Tom is so young that he can"t dress himself. (     )2. A. Kate is weak in physics, but she is good at all her other lessons.
           B. Kate is good at both physics and all her other lessons.
           C. Kate is weak in physics and so are all her other lessons. (     )3. A. I sent him not a letter but some money. 
           B. I sent him not only a letter but also some money.
           C. I sent him nothing but some money. (     )4. A. The small child doesn"t know how he can get on well with others.
           B. The small child works hard on how to get on well with others. 
           C. It is hard for the small child to get on well with others. (     )5. A. The girls were beaten by the boys in the last match.
           B. The boys were beaten by the girls in the last match.
           C. The boys won the last match.
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
听短文,回答问题。1. The two Buddhist monks were _______. A. twins
B. brothers
C. classmates
D. roommates 2. One day they went out early _______. A. to buy some food
B. to meet their friends
C. to have a walk
D. to look for a comb 3. They kept on quarrelling till the _______ came. A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening
D. night 4. In this passage, the word "comb" means "_______" in Chinese.  A. 坟墓
B. 帽子
C. 一种食品
D. 梳子5. The story happened _______. A. on their way to village
B. on their way to town
C. on their way back home
D. in their bedroom
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
听短文,回答问题。1. Mr. Smith found it hard to remember things ______. A. fifty years ago
B. when he worked in an office
C. when he was fifty years old
D. when he was young 2. Mr. Smith decided to go to the hospital because ______. A. he was ill
B. he began to forget things
C. he became blind
D. wanted to see a patient 3. Who told Mr. Smith to go in and see Dr Black?

A. A nurse.
B. A patient.
C. A doctor.
D. A policeman.

4. The doctor asked Mr. Smith ______. A. how old he was
B. what he was
C. how long he had been like that
D. where he lived 5. Mr. Smith ______. A. could answer all the doctor"s questions
B. had a good memory
C. could remember things well
D. forgot what he had told Dr Black
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     ) 1. A. /ɑ:/           
(     ) 2. A. /g/            
(     ) 3. A. /kait/         
(     ) 4. A. new             
(     ) 5. A. here           
(     ) 6. A. 7:50           
(     ) 7. A. song            
(     ) 8. A. Lucy’s hat.     
(     ) 9. A. They’re some sheep.
(     ) 10.A. Can you see the boat?
B. /?/              
B. /j/              
B. /hait/            
B. now                
B. hair              
B. 7:15               
B. son                 
B. Lucy’s cat.        
B. There’re some sheep. 
B. Can you see the bird?
C. /?/                          
C. /d3/                            
C. /keit/                       
C. know                            
C. hill                          
C. 7:45                         
C. some                             
C. Lucy’s coat.                
C. There’re some ships.         
C. Can you say the word?