翻译。1. 每天吃早饭对我们很重要。 ____________________________________________________________2

翻译。1. 每天吃早饭对我们很重要。 ____________________________________________________________2


1. 每天吃早饭对我们很重要。
2. Sandy每天花半个小时听音乐。
3. 我们正期盼着为我校足球队得分。
4. Linda正在付钱买书。
5. 他们经常为贫困地区的孩子捐款。

1. It"s important for us to have breakfast every day.
2. Sandy spends half an hour a day listening to music /
    Sandy spends half an hour listening to music every day.
3. We"re looking forward to scoring for our football team.
4. Linda is paying for some books /the book. 
5. They often donate money to the children in poor areas.
阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。      Hi I"m Jim. Nice to meet you. 1. It"s very exciting to have a Chinese friend!
      In America, school starts at eight thirty, so 2. 我通常在大约七点起床。 What time does school start
in China? I have breakfast at seven thirty, but before that I take a shower. My favorite subject is history,
because 3. I think it"s interesting and I really like my history teacher, Mr. Hall. What"s your favorite
subject? My last class is at four o"clock, and after school I like to play basketball. Can you play
basketball? 4. 我会弹吉他,但是我弹得不是很好。 What are your hobbies?
     Today I want to go to a movie. Do you like movies? 5. My favorite movies are action movies and
. I don"t like documentaries because I think they"re boring. Please write and tell me about your
life in China.
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
题型:湖南省期末题难度:| 查看答案
翻译1. 猎人捕***大熊猫来获取他们的皮毛。
   ________ kill pandas ________ their fur.
2. 他不做完作业是不会睡觉的。
   He ________ go to sleep until he finishes _________ his homework.
3. 许多人不明白湿地的重要性。
   Many people don"t understand the ________ of the _________.
4. 桑迪没吃早饭就匆忙上学去了。
   Sandy was in a ________ to school _________ eating breakfast.
5. 一场洪水把村庄冲走了。
   A flood _________ the village _________.
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 景色是好此的美丽,以至于我不停地拍照。
   The views were so beautiful that we _______________.
2. 这地方已经变成了一个著名的主题公园。
   Now the place has ______________ a ______________ park.
3. 我每周用电脑查找信息。
    I use my computer _______________ every week.
4.  昨天我采访了他爷爷。
    Yesterday, I ______________ his grandpa.
5. 我很久没有收到我父母的来信了,我很想念他们。
    I haven"t _____________ my parents ______________ a long time.
    I ____________ them very much.
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
完成下列句子。1. 昨天这个时候他正在帮老师发书。
    He was helping the teacher ________ ________ the books at this time yesterday.
2. 这个游戏的目的是周游世界了解各地的历史。
    The goal of the game is to ________ ________ the world to learn the history of each place.
3. 她边等车边看书。
    He was reading ________ he was waiting for a bus.
4. 老人独自住在林子里,但他并不感到孤独。 
   The old man lives ________ in the village, but he does not ________.
5. 我去过北京两次.我是在2001和2004年去那里的。
    I have ________ to Beijing twice. I ________ there in 2001 and 2004.
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
翻译1. 上周,我采访了姚明,我最喜欢的篮球运动员。
     Last week, I _________________ with Yao Ming----my favourite basketball player.
2. 地震后,人们匆忙的移开砖头和石块。
    People were _________________ the bricks and stones after the earthquake.
3. 我希望我所有学生都对学英语感兴趣。
     I hope all my students _________________ English.
4. 我们已经很长时间没有见面了,但我们不时的打电话。
      We ______________ each other for a long time, but we make telephone calls __________________.
5. 这个机场投入使用三个月了。
    The airport ________________ for three months.
6. 由于搬到了另一个城市,他经常感到有点孤单。
    Because of ________________ another city, he often __________________.
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案


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