Six years ago, my interest in football started when I watched the 2006 World Cup

Six years ago, my interest in football started when I watched the 2006 World Cup

Six years ago, my interest in football started when I watched the 2006 World Cup.   小题1:  In fact, football has influenced me in many ways and I have benefited ( 受益 ) a lot from it.
First, 小题2:  Through talking about football, I have known many people with the same interest as mine. We often exchange opinions with each other in our spare time and have fun.
Second,    小题3:   For instance, I am a football fan of AC  Milan. My passion for Milan has stimulated(刺激) me to learn Italian by myself because I wanted to learn morn about that special Italian club. And most football games I have watched are aired in English, so I have the chance to practice my English listening comprehension and to learn more English words about sports.
Third, 小题4: I remember Bai Yansong once says in his book that playing a football match is just like going through an act of life. I quite agree with him. In a football match, at first you are perhaps in a leading position,  but if you don"t keep working hard enough, your opponents may take advantage of your carelessness to win the match. Also in a football match, even you are left behind by a score of, say, 0--3 and you have limited match time left, you still have a chance and hope to win as long as you play really hard. I think it is the same in our real life.
In a word,   小题5:  I will go on living football and supporting my Milan.
A.Football has been an excitement for me to learn more knowledge, especially foreign languages.
B.Being a football fan gives me a lot of chances to make friends because common interest brings us together.
C.Since then, I have always been crazy for football
D.Football has influenced me much in a positive way.
E. Football has provided me with a deeper understanding of life.


小题1:推理判断题。句意:从那时起,我一直痴迷于足球。根据Six years ago,可知选C
小题2:推理判断题。句意:做一个足球粉丝给了我很多交朋友的机会,因为共同的兴趣把我们带到了一起。根据Through talking about football, I have known many people with the same interest as mine.通过谈论足球,我已经认识了许多和我有着同样兴趣的人,可知选B
小题3:推理判断题。句意:足球刺激我学习更多的知识,特别是外语。根据My passion for Milan has stimulated(刺激) me to learn Italian by myself我对米兰的热情刺激我自学意大利语,可知选A
小题4:推理判断题。句意:足球让我更深地理解生命。根据Bai Yansong once says in his book that playing a football match is just like going through an act of life.白岩松曾在一本书中说踢足球就像经历一次生命的行动,可知选E
小题5:推理判断题。句意:足球以积极的方式太多的影响了我。根据In a word总之一句话,可知选D
Swans are beautiful birds. You must like their beautiful feathers and beautiful dancing. But how much do you know about them? Do you know that swans belong to the same family as ducks?
Swans are birds of the family Anatidae (鸭科). This family also includes geese (鹅) and ducks. Swans are the largest members of the duck family Anatidae, and are one of the largest flying birds. Swans can fly as fast as 60 miles per hour . Their wingspans can be almost 3 m. The largest swans can reach length of over 1.5 m and weigh over 15 kg. Males are usually bigger and heavier than females.
Swans usually have only one lover for life time. Swans begin breeding(繁殖) between the ages of 3-4. Female swans generally lay five to eight eggs per year, all within days of one another. Their eggs are very big. Some may weigh 400 grams. However, she will not start hatching (孵化) them until the last egg is laid. It takes swans between 35 and 42 days to hatch their eggs .
Swans are beautiful. The swans living in Northern Hemisphere (半球) have white feathers but the ones who live in Southern Hemisphere are black and white. The legs of swans are usually a dark blackish grey colour.
Swans usually live in warm places, always close to some sort of water. Swans feed in the water and on land. They mostly eat plants in the water. Their nests (巢) are on the ground near water and about a metre across. The male helps build the nests.

An Introduction to Swans
Swans, geese and ducks are of the   小题1:  family, Anatidae.
Size: They are one of the    小题2:    flying birds.
Her wing span will grow to 1.5 metres  小题3:.
小题4:  : They can be as heavy as 15 kg.
Colours: The swans living in the  小题5:  Hemisphere are white.
Those living in the Southern Hemisphere are black and white.
They have dark blackish grey legs.
Feathers: over 25000.
They can dance __小题7:__.
They can fly as fast as 60 miles per hour.
小题8:  habitat: They live in warm places near water.
Diet: They live on    小题9: plants.
Nests: They build nests on the ground near water, about a metre across.
Breeding(繁殖): They  小题10: from 5 to 10 eggs that take from 35 to 42 days to hatch.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单句改错(共10分)每题的A B C D 中有一处错误,请找出并更正。
小题1: There are  two hundreds TVs in  the shop.
小题2: I  used to is really quiet .
小题3:He  should  have his  hair __cuts__.
小题4:What if  I   won’t  know anyone ?
小题5:The T-shirt is  too much   small for me.
A.   B.            C.   D.
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If  I  were  a  teacher
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某英语报社以“China Dream, My Dream”为题,开展征文活动,请根据以下提示和要求用英语写一篇短文。
提示:1. 谈谈你的梦想及其理由;(to be, because)
2. 如何才能实现你的梦想;(achieve, work hard)
3. 只要每个人为梦想去努力,中国梦就能实现。(if, realize)
注意:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数80左右。文章的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
China Dream, My Dream
Everyone has his own dream. My dream is _____________________________________
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俗话说得好:“美不美故乡水,亲不亲故乡人”。假如你是小明,家住古城黄州。黄州位于湖北省东部,大别山南麓,长江中游北岸,是黄冈市政治、经济、文化中心、与鄂州市隔江相望,距武汉市仅1个小时车程。总人口38万人,版图面积353平方公里。城区内有东坡赤壁、遗爱湖、禹王城、安国寺、青云塔等名胜古迹。请根据以上信息,以My Hometown为题写一篇不少于80词的英语文章。
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