首字母填空。根据短文大意和首字母提示填空(每词1分,计10分)Mr King taught English in a middle school.  He wa

首字母填空。根据短文大意和首字母提示填空(每词1分,计10分)Mr King taught English in a middle school.  He wa

Mr King taught English in a middle school.  He was very  b___小题1:___  all  the time  and couldn’t do some r__小题2:__  .So he left the school and  opened  a bookshop in  the  c__小题3:___  of  the  town.  It  wasn’t  big enough but all  the books were nice  and  most people  liked to  buy  some  there. When  the  shop was c_小题4:__  ,he could  read  at  home. He knew  a  lot and  the  learned (有学问的) people  were  glad  to  make  f__小题5:___ with  him .
It was Sunday and it was cold outside .Mr King was  very  busy. At nine  in  the  evening  all  the  buyers  left  e__小题6:___ a  girl.  She  was  dressed   up  and waited  for  s_小题7:___ there. Standing  by  the  shelves,  she  looked  over  the  books  one  after  a__小题8:__ . It  made them  in  a  fearful mess(凌乱不堪).Mr  King  came  up  to  her  and  asked, “ Excuse  me , madam. What  can  I  do  for  you?” “Your  books  are  all  dull(乏味的),”said  the  girl,“I  want  a  d_小题9:___  one.”“That's  easy,”  Mr  King smiled .  He  t_小题10:__  out  a  cookbook (烹饪书) and  said, “Here  you  are ,madam.”


小题2:因为忙所以没有时间读书,再结合后面的he could  read  at  home.一句可知答案为reading。
小题7:根据前面的She was dressed up 可知她应该是在等人,借以在书店里打发时间;故答案为somebody/someone。
小题8:因为等人,所以书看了一本又一本,即one after another;故答案为another。
A teacher can be any age. Just ask Sandy. (1)She was ______ ten when she started ______.
How did Sandy get the job? It was not easy. She wanted to help children who cannot hear. But the school had never had such a young helper. Could Sandy do it?
First, Sandy learned to sign. Signing is a way of talking with your hands. (2)Soon it was easy for Sandy to talk to the children. So the school let her help. Now Sandy visits the school almost every day. The children love their young teacher. She is their friend. 
_____________ _____________
小题3:找出与“She’d like to help the deaf (聋的)children. ”意思相近的句子。
小题4:回答问题:What is “signing”?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Wen Genying was born in 1987 in South Korea. She is a very f _小题1:_ actress. She has many fans all over the w _小题2:_. She likes to p _小题3:__ the piano and read comic books when she is f _小题4:__. And she is good at swimming and dancing. She has a h _小题5:__ family. Her grandmother helps her a lot w_小题6:_ her acting and teaches her Japanese. She often helps    p __小题7:__ people and gives away some m _小题8:_ to the people in n __小题9:__. She also sets up a Wen Genying Scholarship(奖学金) for s __小题10:__. I think we should learn from her.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
New York is one of the most exciting c___小题1:___ in the world. You might want to do some shopping in New York. Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most f____小题2:____shopping street, but if you go, be prepared to “window shop” only. This is shopping for the r___小题3:____. There are others , less expensive shopping areas nearby , and they’ll soon come a___小题4:____ famous stores such as Bloomingdales, Macy’s and FAO Schwartz.
And if you’ve brought your rollerblades(滚轮冰刀鞋) , t___小题5:____ a visit to
Central Park is a must. This is a large, open park right in the middle of Manhattan, but if you thought that people came here to r___小题6:_____, sit down for a few minutes and get a____小题7:_____ from the rush of New York life, then you’d been wrong. N____小题8:___ sits in Central Park: they run, jpg(慢跑) , and m___小题9:____ of them wear their rollerblades.
When you l___小题10:_____ New York, you might be tired, but the one thing you won’t be is bored!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mr. Hand ___小题1:____(begin) his trip in France last Saturday. Three days later when he ____小题2:_____ (travel)in the country by car, he saw a dog behind a thin man. As the car came near them, the dog suddenly started____小题3:____(cross) the street and it was hit(撞) by the car and____小题4:_____(die).
Mr. Hand ____小题5:____(stop) his car and walked to the thin man. “I’m very sorry ____小题6:_____( hit )your dog,” he said. “How much should I pay? __小题7:___ten dollars_____( be) enough?”
“Oh, yes,” said the thin man. Mr. Hand____小题8:____ ( put) his hand into his pocket, but he only found five dollars in the pocket. “Sorry, sir, I _____小题9:____(have )only five dollars,” said Mr. Hand.
“That’s all right. Five dollars is also OK,” the man answered.
“Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you,” Mr. Hand thanked the man and ___小题10:_____ (drive) away.
After the car went away, the man looked down at the dog and said to himself, “Whose dog is it?”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Many students get ill easily . ①They have to go to hospital and may miss a lot of classes. What can we do to keep healthy? Here are some tips:
Healthy food. You should eat less fast food but more vegetables and fruits. You’d better drink 500 ml milk every day .Remember to eat breakfast.
Enough exercise. Doing exercise is important. It makes you more athletic .You can play some sports after class or on weekends.
Happy smiles. Smile is a good way to make you healthy .Try to find things that can make you laugh . Remember that smile is the best medicine to cure(治疗)your illness.
Good rest. If you want to get a good grade ,you must have a good rest .As a famous saying goes, “②Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy(富有的)and wise(聪明的).
小题1:How many suggestions are given to keep healthy?
小题2:What is important for you to get a good grade ?
小题3: 把画线①处句子翻译成汉语。
小题4: 把画线②处句子翻译成汉语。
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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