用所给词的正确形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)小题1:He tried his best ___________ (help) me with my

用所给词的正确形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)小题1:He tried his best ___________ (help) me with my

小题1:He tried his best ___________ (help) me with my study.
小题2:Don"t give up_________ (learn) English. It is important to you.
小题3:They are foreign _________ (visit).
小题4:Please help me _________ (clean) the house this afternoon.
小题5:Would you like __________ (watch)TV?

小题1:to help
小题4:(to) clean
小题5:to watch

小题1:句意:他尽全力去帮助我学英语。这里是短语try one’s best to do 尽力去做某事。所以这里应该用不定式,故用to help。
小题2:句意:不要放弃学英语,它对你是很重要的。这里是短语give up doing sth放弃做某事,这里应该用learning。
小题4:句意: 请今天下午帮我打扫房间。这里是短语help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事。这里的to可以省略,故用(to) clean。
小题5:句意:你想看电视吗?这里是短语would like to do sth 想要做某事,故用to watch。
小题1:I’m writing a ______________ (作文) called “My family”.
小题2:The sun _______________ (升起) in the east.
小题3:Mark Twain isn’t known as a great ______________ (思想家) like Confucius.
小题4:They were ___________ (打败)last time.
小题5:Mo Yan is r__________ (尊重)by many readers.
小题6:What’s wrong with an _____________(普通的)magazine?
小题7:We’ll go to the park if it _______________ (not rain) tomorrow
小题8:Stars can’t __________(see) in the daytime.
小题9:I didn’t finish _____________ (write) my test because I ran out of time.
小题10:Shakespeare had many famous             (work).
小题11:Our English teacher is always the last one ___________ (leave) school.
小题12:Do you know what is the               (famous) song now?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Nanyang has changed a lot in the past five years.
---Yes. You can see lots of new buildings ,flowers and trees on ___side of the street.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Friends are those ___make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
—Don"t be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you?
—No. I won"t. I know that ______of us are perfect after all.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Sitting in the play area of the doctor"s office, my children, Paul, four, and Bailey, three, built a Lego tower while we w小题1:to be called for Paul"s examination.
"Good job, you guys, "I said, trying not to s小题2:too tired. My husband was away on business, and it was difficult being a 小题3: with the kids. "Don"t put the Lego in your mouth, Bailey, " I said. Paul grabbed it from him. "That"s not nice, Paul, " I said. He gave back the Lego. I looked around and saw an old gentleman in a c 小题4:was reading something, I wished I could sit q 小题5:for a while. I wanted to be able to take a rest, or go shopping alone. At once, I was ashamed of myself. What kind of mother was I?" God, " I thought, "help me to be the very best mom I can be." The nurse came into the waiting room to get us. Just at that moment, the old gentleman in the waiting room put down his m 小题6:and came up to me. With a smile on his face, he said, "Your children are  l 小题7:to have such a wonderful mother." "Thank you, "I replied in a low v小题8:and watched him walk back to his seat. We f 小题9: the nurse into the examination room. While she weighed Paul, I told her how that man had made my day.
Now when I feel tired I remember the encouraging w 小题10: of the old gentleman.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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