Tom was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work.

Tom was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work.

Tom was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work. He had to go to school, of course , but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become one, too. But one day Tom said to his mother, “ When I finish school, I want to be a dustman.”
“A dustman?” his mother asked, she was very surprised. “ that’s not a very pleasant job, why do you want to be a dustman?”
“Because then I would only have to work one day a week.” Tom answered at once.
“Only one day a week?” his mother said, “What do you mean? And how do you know?”
“ Well,” Tom replied, “ I know that the dustmen who come to our house to work on Thursday, because I only see them on that day.”
小题1:What kind of boy was Tom?
A.Tom was a clever boy.B.Tom was a lazy boy.
C.Tom worked very hard.D.Tom was not polite.
小题2:What were his father and mother?
A.His father was a doctor and his mother was a nurse.
B.His father was a worker and his mother was a doctor.
C.His father was a doctor and his mother was a doctor, too.
D.His father and mother were teachers.
小题3:What did his parents want him to be when he grew up?
A.They wanted him to be a dustman.
B.They wanted him to be an officer.
C.They wanted him to be a doctor.
D.They wanted him to be a football player.
小题4:What did Tom say he wanted to be when he grew up?
A.Tom said that he wanted to be a dustman.
B.Tom said that he wanted to be a teacher.
C.Tom said that he wanted to be a doctor.
D.Tom said that he wanted to be a singer.
小题5:Why did Tom think that dustmen only worked one day a week?
A.Because Tom heard of this before.
B.Because one of the dustmen had told him before.
C.Because Tom had seen the dustmen only on Thursday at his house.
D.Because Tom’s mother told him.



小题1:根据Tom was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. 可知选B。
小题2:根据His father and mother were both doctors 可知选C
小题3:根据they hoped that their son would become one, too. 可知他的父母也想让他成为医生,故选C。
小题4:根据"When I finish school, I want to be a dustman描述,可知他想当一个清洁工。故选A,他想成为一个收集垃圾和倒垃圾箱的人。故选
小题5:根据"I know that the dustmen who come to our house on work on Thursday, because I only see them on that day."描述,可知汤姆只是在周四在他家看见清洁工。故选C。
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Barak Obama(巴拉克.奥巴马), a black man, is the president(总统) of the United States now. He was born on August 4th, 1961, in Hawaii(夏威夷) and has lived in many places. His mother was from Kansas(堪萨斯州) and his father was from Kenya(肯尼亚). Obama went to Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学) in New York and got a law degree(律师学位) at Harvard University(哈佛大学) in Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州). His wife is Michelle Obama(米歇尔.奥巴马). She also worked as a lawyer and later worked for the University of Chicago(芝加哥大学). They have two young daughters.
Obama wrote a book Dreams from My Father.  “ I always live in the dream of my father and American people, ” Obama once said. He was born in a poor family. And his grandparents looked after him very well when Obama was young. He also lived and worked in Africa(非洲). Then he got good education(教育) in Harvard University. On November 4th, 2008, he became the new president of America for the next four years.
小题1:Where was Barack Obama born?
A.In Kansas.B.In Hawaii.
C.In Kenya.D.In Massachusetts.
小题2:How many universities are there in the passage?
A.Three .B.Six.C.Two.D.Five.
小题3:Barack Obama became President at the age of           
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Obama’s father was born in Kenya.
B.Obama has a son and a daughter.
C.Obama once worked in Africa.
D.Obama got good education in Harvard University.
小题5:Which is the best title of this passage?
A.Education of a President
B.Dreams from My father
C.Life of Barack Obama
D.Barack Obama and His Wife

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The telephone rings and Sue answers it. “  1  I speak to Mrs Potts, please?” a man asks.
“I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong  2 ,” Sue says.
“I’m sorry,” the man says.
A few minutes later the telephone rings  3 . Sue  4  it. It is the same man. He makes a mistake again. Three minutes   5  the telephone rings once more, but she   6  answer it this time, It rings and rings. Her mother hears the  7 . “Why   8  you answer the phone, Sue? she calls.
“Oh, all right,” Sue says. “I’m sure it’s that man again.” But she is   9 . It is her father and he is very   10  . Sue keeps him waiting.
A.more B.againC.backD.soon
A.ago B.beforeC.laterD.past
A.goes toB.would like C.can’tD.doesn’t
A.soundB.voice C.noiseD.telephone

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It was Mother"s Day,but the young mother was a little unhappy,because she was 800 miles away from her parents.In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother"s Day,and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香)in the garden.
Later that day,when she told her husband about the lilacs,he said,“I know where we can find all that you want.Get the children and come on.”So they went,driving down the country roads.
There on a small hill,they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs.The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers.Carefully,she picked a few here and a few there.On their way home there was a smile on her face.
When they were passing a nursing home(养老院),the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair.She had no children with her.They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman,put the flowers in her hands,and smiled at her.The old granny thanked her again and again.She smiled happily,too.
When the young mother came back to her car,her children asked her,“Who is that old granny?Why did you give our flowers to her?”
“I don"t know her,”their mother said.“But it"s Mother"s Day,and she has no children.I have all of you,and I still have my mother.Just think how much those flowers meant to her.
小题1:The young woman was a little unhappy on Mother"s Day because _____.
A.she didn"t have a present
B.she was a long way from her mother
C.she didn"t know it was Mother"s Day
D.she wanted to see her father
小题2:There were many beautiful purple lilacs. her the market her mother"s the nursing home
小题3:The young woman had __________. childC.more than one childD.a boy and a girl
小题4:The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because ________.
A.she was her mother
B.she didn"t like those flowers
C.her mother asked her to do so
D.she wanted the old granny to be happy,too
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The young woman was kind.
B.The young woman was understanding.
C.The young woman was friendly.
D.The young woman was surprised.

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You may not know how his magic tricks work . But that’s why they are so much fun ! American magician(魔术师) David Copperfield is coming back to China. He’s going to show everyone, young and old, ___1______ cool, new magic tricks.
Copperfield is one of the world’s most famous ___2______. Copperfield’s shows begin in Beijing on April 20. He will also give shows in Changsha , Hangzhou , Nanjing and Shanghai __3________ April and May . There will be 38___4______ in all .
Copperfield began studying magic when he was a child . At the ___5______ of 12 , he was the youngest person to be in the Society of American Magicians (全美魔术家协会).
And now , he is famous all over the world . In 1983, he made the Statue of Liberty in New York go away ___6______ a few minutes . In 1986, he walked through the Great Wall in Beijing!
His shows are not just magic. He also dances ____7_____does lots of interesting things to make his fans happy . He even asks his fans to help ____8_____ do trick!
One of Copperfield’s body greatest tricks is flying . At his shows in China, he is going to make some fans fly around! How does he make people fly? No one knows .That’s his secret.
In ___9______ trick, an electric saw(电锯) will cut Copperfield’s body in halt._____10_______ after the trick, he’s OK. Copperfield will also teach magic tricks to some disable(残疾) children in Chinese hospitals.
A.muchB.a littleC.a bit ofD.a lot of
A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the other

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Rick goes to Boston ___1___ a meeting. The meeting is in Prince’s Building on ___2___ Street, and Rick wants to be there on time. However, it is Rick’s first time to visit the city, ___3___  he doesn’t know his way around. When he sees an old couple sitting on a bench, he goes up to ask for ___4___. The couple kindly tell Rick to ___5___ the underground and to get ___6___ at Prince Station. Rick follows their direction, gets off at Prince Station and walks east for two blocks. An hour later, he is disappointed(失望的) to find that he is ___7___  41st Street, not 44th Street. The ___8___  misheard(听错) him and gave him the ___9___  direction. Another hour later, when a policeman takes him back, he sees the old couple again. They are still ___10___ on the bench, right in front of Prince’s Building.
A.4thB.41stC.45th D.44th
小题3: B.because C.butD.or
A.time B.meeting C.directionD.bus
A.go B.leaveC.getD.take
A.manB.womanC.policemanD.old couple

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