阅读理解 。     Mr. Grey liked shooting very much, but he did not get much practice a

阅读理解 。     Mr. Grey liked shooting very much, but he did not get much practice a

阅读理解 。     Mr. Grey liked shooting very much, but he did not get much practice at shooting wild animals, and
he   was not very good at it.   One of his troubles was that his eyes were not very good and he had to
wear glasses. When it rained and his glasses got wet, he could not see very well.
     One day he was invited to go out shooting bears in the mountains. It was rather a rainy day and by
mistake Mr. Grey shot at one of the other hunters and hit him in the leg.
     There was a court case (官司) about this, and at it the lawyer(律师) for the other man said, " Why
did you shoot at Mr. Robinson?"
     Mr. Grey answered, "I thought that he was a bear."
     "When did you realize (意识到) that you were wrong?" the lawyer asked.
     "When the bear began to shoot back at me," Mr. Grey answered.1. What did Mr. Grey do in the mountains one day?       A. He hit a bear in the leg.      
B, He shot at a bear but missed it.
C. He was hit by another hunter.  
D. He mistook a man for a bear.2. When did Mr. Grey realize that he was wrong?A.When the bear began to shoot at him.
B.When the bear got angry.
C.When he found the bear wasn"t shot.
D.When he found "the bear" was a human being. 3. Who do you think shot back at Mr. Grey?    A. Some other hunters.    
B. Mr. Robinson.  
C. No one at all.  
D. The bear.
1-3  DDB
阅读理解。     Long long ago, a donkey(驴)  fell  into a well(井). The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to
think out what to do.   Finally,   the farmer thought  the  animal was too old and the  well needed to be
covered up anyway, so he decided not to save the donkey.
     The farmer  invited  his neighbours  to help him.   They began  to  shovel(铲)  dirt into the well. The
donkey cried harder.   But a  few minutes later, he became quiet. The farmer looked into the well, and
was surprised by what he saw.
     While every shovelful of dirt hit his back, the donkey  would shake it off and take a step on the new
layer of dirt. As the farmer"s neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, the donkey would
shake it off and take another step up. Soon the donkey stepped up  out of the well and ran away, to the
surprise of all the neighbours.
     The lesson we get from this story is that if life  shovels  some dirt on us, we must get out the well and
not let it cover us. We must learn to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a
stepping-stone(踏脚石). We can get out of the deepest well by never giving up!1. The farmer is ________________.                A. careless  
B. kind to the donkey  
C. read to give up the donkey    
D. friendly2. When we are in trouble, we have to learn from _______ in the story.A. the farmer  
B. the neighbours  
C. the donkey      
D. all of them3. the story tells us _____________.A.never to give up even if we"re in great trouble
B.the donkey is a clever animal
C.the man has to be kind to the animal
D.the man is the most cruel(残酷的) animal
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
主观性阅读。                                                         Stories of animals
     ①Bill Bowell, was suffering from depression(抑郁症). The  doctor gave him some medicine, but it
didn"t help, and he was unable to work for twelve years.
    Then he decided to swim with dolphins..
    " My life has changed," says Bowell. " A dolphin named  Simo looked into my eyes for a few minutes
and started to cry. All my strong feelings came out suddenly  like a volcano(火山). As I cried, Simo put
his head on my chest(胸部) kept very quiet." After swimming with dolphins, Bowell says he has fully got
     ② In France, a man had to move to a new job two  hundred kilometers away.  He had a dog and a
cat, and he loved them both. But he thought that the cat prefer to stay  in  the same house with the new
owners. So he moved and took only the dog..
     About three weeks later, the dog was suddenly lost.   For several days, the man looked for his dog,
but didn"t find him. Then , seven weeks later the dog  came back but he was not alone. By his side was
the cat. they were tired and hungry  after their long trip,   and there was something wrong with the cat"s
paws(爪子). But they got well quickly and were never separated(分离) again.
     ③ people say that fish are cold,   but this story  shows that  they have feelings,   too.  A friend was
moving to another country, so I took her pet goldfish and put it in a bowl with our goldfish. They lived
together for six months, and when the friend came back,   we separated them again, and she took her
goldfish home.
     I found that my goldfish was acting strangely, hitting against the side of the bowl. The next morning
he was dead.
     Later that day, my friend phoned to say that her goldfish was also dead.   I believe they died of  a
broken heart.
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
               Story①  Story② Story③
Animals   Dolphins1._______________Two goldfish
People2.________________A man in FranceThe writer and his friend
CausesHe was suffering from
A man moved to 3._____________ A friend moved to another  country
ResultsThe dolphins helped the man        get well.The dog came back with the 
From the stories we know that 5. _______________ just like humans.
                                                   No more chores, please!
     Sam hated doing chores. And he had many chores. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays he took out the trash. And on the weekend he always washed his father"s car. He
also cleaned his own room once a week. What a chore that was ! Sometimes he even had to look
after his little sister and brother.
     Sam had a foreign friend at school. His name was Kumar. Doing chores in Kumar"s family
was very different. In the house only the girls did chores. His sisters made all the beds and
cleaned all the rooms too, even his bedroom. His mother always cooked the meals, and his sisters
helped their mother. So when Kumar talked to his friend Sam about chores, he felt very lucky.
One day, Sam had an idea. He asked Kumar,"Could I borrow your sisters?" He wanted
them to help him clean his room, but they refused.  Instead, they asked Sam to teach their brother
how to do chores, so he could make his own bed.
     Sam and Kumar are very good at science. They are going to be scientists after university.
They want to make a robot do the chores. Then everyone-mothers and fathers, sons and daughters
will be happy !
1. When did Sam take out the trash?
2. How often did he clean his room?
3. What did Kumar"s sisters do in the house?
4. Why did Sam want to borrow Kumar"s sisters?
5. What did Sam and Kumar want to do to help with the chores?
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案


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     A passenger (乘客) told an air hostess (空姐) that he needed a cup of water to take medicine when
the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the   1   soon.
     Twenty minutes   2 , when the passenger"s ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once.
She was kept so busy that she   3   to bring him the water. Therefore, the passenger was held up (延迟)
to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he   4   it.
     In the following hours on the flight,   5   time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him
with a smile   6   he needed help or not. But the passenger never   7   her words.
     When he  was going to  get off   the     8   ,   the passenger asked the  air hostess  to hand   him the
passengers" booklet (意见簿). She was very   9    . She knew that he would write down sharp words,
which might make her   10   the job.   11   with a smile she handed it to him.
     Off the plane, she   12      the booklet, and cracked a smile, for the passenger put it, "On the flight,
you asked me if I needed help for twelve times   13  . How can I refuse   14   twelve sincere smiles?"
     That"s right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that touched (感动) the passenger  15   and
of  course she wouldn"t lose her job!
     It was getting late. There was no noise in the forest. We could only hear the birds singing. And then,
a bear-a big brown bear-came into the forest.
     The bear stopped under a tall tree. He was very hungry. He looked up into the tree. There in the nut
tree was his supper-a supper of nice nuts. But the nuts were high up in the tree. The hungry  bear  could
not reach them. But he knew how to get his supper. He climbed up the tree.
     Up and up he climbed. He climbed onto a big branch of the tree. He sat there  and  then shook(摇)
the branch again and again. At last the branch broke. The brown bear fell down  with  the branch  and
     The bear sat up and looked around. With his big paws he picked up the nuts and ate them up.
1.How did the brown bear get his supper?                  
A. He climbed up the tree and ate the nuts there.
B. He shook the apples off a tree and ate them.
C. He picked up the nuts on the ground and ate them.
D. He fell down with the branch of the tree. Then he took the nuts and ate them.
2.The bear was         .
A. black        
B. brown    
C. black and white    
D. brown and black
3.The story took place          .
A. in the morning  
B. at noon
C. before evening ca        
D. at midnight
4.The word "branch" in this passage means          in Chinese.
A. 树干        
B. 树叶        
C. 树枝            
D. 树桩
5.Where did the bear eat the nuts?
A. in a forest.  
B. outside the forest.
C. near a forest.  
D. in front of the forest.