阅读理解       I grew up in New Hampshire, a small town in South Canada, where in my

阅读理解       I grew up in New Hampshire, a small town in South Canada, where in my

阅读理解       I grew up in New Hampshire, a small town in South Canada, where in my father"s words for the
seasons were "Spring, Summer, Fairtime and Winter!" At that time, a week-long fair was held in the
town every autumn. Thousands of people from other towns came to sell and buy things. It was the
busiest time of the year.
       When "Fairtime" came, my grandma became the most "useful" and busiest person of the family.
Grandma was a kind, well-educated old lady. She was good at cooking. All her rrelatives liked the
foodshe cooked. During "fairtime", they would come to live in her house and have meals there.
Grandma was always happy to look after them.
       Year after year, many people moved to big cities. There was no loner "Fairtime". Grandma became
very old and was gradually going blind. My parents and I moved to live with Granma in her house. We
did our best to make her day-to-day life as comfortable as possible. I was at high school then. What I
often did at home was to help Grandma with the daily newspaper"s crossword puzzle. However, she
didn"t look happy. She often sat in her room for hours, without saying a word.
       To attract people to move back, the Town Hall decided to reopen the Fair. One day, when I came
back room school, I saw Grandma wearing her glasses, washing the dishes in the kitchen. With a big
smile on her face, she looked a lot much younger. She told me that her two nieces would come. "They
said the food I cooked was very delicious and they want to stay in my house again." Grandma said
happily. "They will stay here for one week and we can have a big party. That must be the busiest week
I"ve had in years!"
       I suddenly realized that Grandma didn"t want to be looked after. She wanted to be "useful",
appreciated and helpful.1. Thousands of people came to the town to __________ at the Fair.A. enjoy Grandma"s food    
B. sell and buy things
C. learn to cook  
D. have a big party 2. Why was Grandma unhappy?A. She was too busy.  
B. No one lived with her.
C. She was not "useful".  
D. She couldn"t see anything3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Grandma was good at cooking.  
B. Many people moved to big cities.
C. Grandma didn"t like "Fairtime".  
D. Grandma was a kind old lady.4. What"s the best title for the passage?A. Fairtime  
B. My "Old" Grandma
C. A Small Town    
D. Grandma"s Family
1-4 B C C B
阅读理解       One day a rich boy bought a magic mirror (镜子). When he got home, he looked in the mirror. His
face looked sad. He tried to smile and make funny faces, his face looked still sad. Then he did many
happy things, but his face always looked sad.
       "Oh, what a terrible mirror! It doesn"t work! " he said angrily.
       The next day on his way to buy some chocolate, he saw a little girl crying sadly. The rich boy went
up to her and asked what had happened. The little girl said she couldn"t find her parents. "Don"t worry.
I"ll help you," the rich boy said. So they went to look for them together. Finally they found her parents.
They were so thankful for his help. After the rich boy arrived home, he looked in the mirror as usual. To
his surprise, his face looked very happy. The boy understood the magic of the mirror. The mirror could
show the true feelings of its owner. This was true-the rich boy had helped that little girl so he felt really
happy.请根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。1. One day a rich boy bought _______.  A. a magic mirror    
B. a normal mirror  
C. a small mirror  
D. a magic book2. The boy"s face always looked _______ in the mirror on the first day.A. happy
B. sad
C. terrible  
D. funny3. On his way to buy some chocolate, the rich boy saw_______ crying sadly.A. a little boy
B. a little girl
C. a little dog
D. a little cat 4. Finally the rich boy _______.A. lost his parents
B. bought a new mirror
C. helped the little girl find her parents
D. bought a mirror for the little girl5. From the story we know the boy was _______.A. brave
B. foolish
C. clever
D. helpful
题型:广西自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解       You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that.
       When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friend"s birthday party. She was
pleased but sad because she didn"t have enough money to buy a gift for her.
       "The party is coming soon, but now I have little money." Tears ran down her face.
       Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came
in." What happened? " her grandma asked. Hearing the girl"s story, she said, "Don"t worry. I think I can
help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to …"What a beautiful song! They sang
and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her
friends at the party.
       When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. "How wonderfully you sing! We haven"t heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift." said her
friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became well-known in America. 1. The song Happy Birthday was written by                     .A. an American girl
B. an American girl"s grandma
C. an American boy
D. an American girl"s friend2. The girl was sad because                   .A. she didn"t want to go to the party.        
B. she would be busy that day.
C. she didn"t have enough money to buy a gift.
D. she wasn"t invited to the party.3. What gift did she give her friend?                     A. A flower.  
B. A toy.    
C. An interesting book.  
D. A song.4. What did her friends think of the song?  It was                  .A. boring        
B. beautiful  
C. exciting            
D. interesting5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The girl was still poor after writing the song .
B. The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream.
C. The girl"s friends had heard the song before.  
D. The girl became famous because of the song.
题型:贵州省中考真题难度:| 查看答案

    Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an _ 1  .Yani
wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her father as she painted, which made him laugh.
    One day, Yani painted lines on her faher"s painting. He got     2   . At the time she was only two
and a half years old. She cried and said, "I want to   3   like you!" Her father looked at her without
saying anything. He    4   remembered his childhood(童年). He also wanted to draw and paint, but
his parents didn"t understand. They just got angry. He didn"t want to see the same thing happen to
his daughter. So he decided to     5   her.
    With her father"s help, Yani soon    6   . Her lines became flowers, trees, and animals. Her father
took her to parks and zoos to get    7   for her paintings. By the end of six, Yani had made over
4,000 works. Her paintings were very special. People   8   her works. When she was eight, one of
her paintings was made into a Chinese postage stamp.
    Yani became famous when she was young. Her works were    9   in different countries in Asia,
Europe and North America,     10   her parents never sold her paintings. She is well-known in the
world, and art is still a great joy in her life..

(     )1. A. actor        
(     )2. A. angry        
(     )3. A. laugh        
(     )4. A. happily      
(     )5. A. help        
(     )6. A. did homework
(     )7. A. news        
(     )8. A. hated        
(     )9. A. lost        
(     )10.A. and          

B. athlete        
B. excited        
B. speak          
B. clearly        
B. stop          
B. made money    
B. time          
B. loved          
B. sold          
B. but            

C. artist    
C. sad        
C. stand      
C. hardly    
C. refuse    
C. did sports
C. ideas      
C. found      
C. bought    
C. so        

D. engineer      
D. interested    
D. paint        
D. usually      
D. miss          
D. made progress
D. luck          
D. forget        
D. shown        
D. or            

题型:陕西省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读判断(根据短文内容判断1-5 题的正误。正确的用A ,错误的用B)       A teenage girl couldn"t stand her parents" family rules, so she left home.
       She wanted to be famous. But she had poor education and several years later she had to ask for
food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still
looking for her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she puts up
a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes,"I still love you . . . , come
back home!"
       One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar(熟悉). "Is that my mother?"
she moved closer and read the words"I still love you ..." She cried. When she got home, it was early
morning. She knocked on the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to her mother"s bedroom. Her
mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up,"It"s me! Your daughter is back home!" The mother and
daughter held each other, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, "Why is the door not locked? A thief
could get in." The mother answered softly, "The door has never been locked since you left."
       The door of parents" love for their children will never be closed.(     )1. The girl left home because her parents were cruel to her.(     )2. No money caused the girl couldn"t be famous.(     )3. The mother put up her daughter"s photo on the wall so that she could find her daughter .(     )4. When the girl came back home,she couldn"t wait to see her mother.(     )5. From the story we know that parents love their children forever at any time.
题型:贵州省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Arctic fox(北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters
long, not including its tail, 30 centimeters tall and weighs from 3 to 7 kilos.
   The Arctic foxes are white or blue in color. The white ones are white in winter, but grey-brown
in summer. The blue ones are blue-grey all year round. The Arctic foxes have long, thick hair that is
called fur. And the long fur covers their whole bodies, including both their cat eyes and rabbit feet,
to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.
    The Arctic foxes feed mainly on birds, birds" eggs and other small animals. Teamwork is the way
they look for food, and they don"t like to do that alone.
    Baby Arctic foxes are very lovely. They don"t open their eyes until a week after their birth. For the
first half of the year, their parents offer them food. They begin to look for food on their own when
they are about six months old. The next year they can live alone.
    Today, the number of the Arctic foxes is becoming smaller and smaller, because people kill them
for their fur to make beautiful coats for money. Something must be done to protect the Arctic foxes.1.Not all the Arctic foxes change their colors in different seasons.
2. The Arctic foxes have rabbit eyes and cat feet.
3. Baby Arctic foxes are born with their eyes open.
4. Birds, birds" eggs and other small animals are the main food for the Arctic foxes.
5. According to the passage, there are more Arctic foxes now.
题型:陕西省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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