完形填空。     Today is   1     . I got up very early (早) in the morning. I went to s

完形填空。     Today is   1     . I got up very early (早) in the morning. I went to s

完形填空。     Today is   1     . I got up very early (早) in the morning. I went to school at    2    six.    3  _ school
was     4    clean (干净的)   5     were bright (明亮的). The sky was blue. Birds were singing all
the    6     . All the boys were    7       white shirts.    8     were in nice skirts. We sang    9     danced, ran
and jumped. We    10    little birds. How happy we were!
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(     )1. A. Children"s Day
(     )2. A. near      
(     )3. A. We        
(     )4. A. very      
(     )5. A. The windows in  
                 our classroom
(     )6. A. day        
(     )7. A. in      
(     )8. A. Boys      
(     )9. A. with      
(     )10. A. looked at  
B. Children Days
B. about    
B. Us        
B. much      
B. The window of  
     our classroom  
B. way      
B. from      
B. Girls    
B. or        
B. looked after
C. Day of Children
C. only        
C. Our        
C. too        
C. Our classroom"s
C. today      
C. on          
C. Men        
C. but        
C. looked the same
D. the Children"s Day
D. over              
D. Ours              
D. there              
D. The windows of  
     our classroom      
D. time              
D. like              
D. Women              
D. and                
D. looked like        
1-5 ABCAD  6-10 DABDD
     Linda comes from England. She is an English girl. She speaks English. She can speak a little 
Chinese. Now she is a student in our school. We are in the same class. Her favorite subject is Chinese.
Her favorite sport is swimming. We are good friends. She often plays games with her Chinese friends.
     Linda"s father is a teacher. He is in our school, too. He is a good teacher. He is strict with (严格) his
students. He teaches English. Linda and his father like Chinese food. They like China and Chinese people
very much.
(     ) 1. Linda is a student in China.
(     ) 2. Linda and I are classmates.
(     ) 3. Linda can"t speak Chinese.
(     ) 4. Linda"s father speaks good Enlgish.
(     ) 5. Linda likes Chinese food but her father doesn"t.
       Some years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children at all. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats. The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the old woman"s house. There were too many cats. The old woman couldn’t(不能) feed them all. Then she had an idea (主意). “The children love my cats,” she thought (想). So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they each had a room.
1. The old woman didn"t like       .
A. old cats
B. baby cats
C. old people
D. children
2. Why did the children come to the woman"s house?
A. To look at her house        
B. To help the old woman
C. To play with the cats      
D. To buy young cats
3. The word “feed” in the passage means       .
A. give food to    
B. look after
C. live with    
D. play games 
4. The woman gave each child a cat because       .     
A. the children liked the cats    
B. she couldn"t feed so many cats
C. more cats came to her house  
D. children came to her house very day 
5. Finally (最后) the woman      

A. began to love children    
B. sold (卖掉) all her cats to children
C. bought enough food for the children"s cats
D. could get enough (足够的) food for the cats in her house

        Bill and Sue were brother and sister. They studied in the same school. One day, on the way home they saw some nice birds. But they had no money to buy them.Sue had a good idea. On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and help their father pick apples. So their father gave them twenty dollars.Sue and Bill went to Mr. King"s shop after school, Every one of them bought a bird. One is yellow, the other is green. The yellow one is smaller than green one. They liked them very much.
1. Bill was Sue"s      .
A. father
B. mother
C. brother
D. sister
2.       they went to work for money
A. Every day  
B. After school  
C. at night
D. On Saturday & Sunday  
3. They helped their father       on the farm.  

A. clean the room
B. pick apples  
C. water the trees
D. cook supper    

4. Bill and sue bought        in Mr. King"s shop.
A. two dogs    
B. two apple    
C. two birds    
D. apples
5. The green bird was       than that yellow one.        
A. bigger      
B. cheaper    
C. better    
D. smaller
     Carol and Susan are very good friends. They are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_
 home at weekends (周末). Now they are _3_ eight years old. Carol"s mother has got a new baby.
 Carol is very _4_ to have a little sister. So she is always talking about her to Susan. At first she is very
 _5_ in the new baby because she doesn"t have any brothers or sisters. But _6_ some time she begins to
 get tired of Carol"s endless talking (喋喋不休地谈论) about it. She also fells a little jealous (嫉妒) of her
     One morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground, Carol says to Susan, "Do you _8_, Sue, my
 baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (体重增加了半磅) this week."
     "That is not very _9_." answers Susan. "I know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day."
     "Oh, that can"t be _10_." answers Carol laughingly. "Whose baby is it?" "An elephant"s" says Susan.
(     ) 1. A. grade        
(     ) 2. A. each other"s  
(     ) 3. A. all          
(     ) 4. A. angry        
(     ) 5. A. interesting  
(     ) 6. A. before        
(     ) 7. A. play          
(     ) 8. A. hear          
(     ) 9. A. much          
(     ) 10. A. impossible  
B. table      
B. their      
B. two        
B. sorry      
B. interested  
B. for        
B. meet        
B. think      
B. many        
B. wrong      
C. Class      
C. Theirs    
C. both      
C. surprised  
C. Happy      
C. after      
C. weight    
C. find      
C. few        
C. true      
  D. group        
  D. each other    
  D. either        
  D. glad          
  D. satisfied    
  D. at            
  D. walk          
  D. know          
  D. little        
  D. sure          
        The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught (捉住catch的过去式) him.
When they were taking photos of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without
(不戴) a hat, he suddenly attacked (袭击) the police and ran off. The police tried to catch (捉住) him,
but he got away. A week later the telephone rang in the police station, and somebody said, “You are
looking for Bill Cross, aren’t you? Well, he went to Waterbridge an hour ago.”Waterbridge was a
small town 150 kms away from the city. Four photos of the thief were sent (送到) to the police in
Waterbridge at once by (由) the city police.Not more than 12 hours later they got a call from the
police station in Waterbridge, “We caught 3 of the man,” they said happily, “and we will catch the
4th this evening, we think.”
1. In the passage, “somebody” may (可能) be           .
A. the police in Waterbridge
B. someone in the city
C. the man taking photos        
D. the thief himself
2. The police in Waterbridge caught three of men according to (根据)           .
A. the facts (事实)
B. the phone
C. the photos  
D. the news
3. In fact (实际上) the police           the thief.
A. caught
B. did not catch    
C. were sure (确信) to catch  
D. were not sure to catch
4. The story happened (发生) in           .

A. a city      
B. a town      
C. the country  
D. A and B

5. Who made a ridiculous mistake (可笑的错误) in the passage?
A. the police in the city        
B. the thief
C. the police in Waterbridge    
D. the police in the city