完形填空。     Some people just can not decide what to do all by themselves. They oft

完形填空。     Some people just can not decide what to do all by themselves. They oft

完形填空。     Some people just can not decide what to do all by themselves. They often __1__ the advice (建议) of
  their friends. But they never do as their friends have said. My friend Jack is __2__  person, and he is
  always asking me for help. I try to help him as well as I can, but he never listens to me. Yesterday I
  __3__ a new way to make him take my advice. It worked. "Look," he said __4__ me a letter. "What do
  you think I should do? " The letter told him that there was a good job for him. It seemed to be a good
  chance (机会) for a young artist. His teacher __5__ him to Australia to work. The job would pay very
 __6__ , and he __7__ to travel and visit many interesting places. " __8__ this, Rose?" he asked, " If I
 take the job, I will have to stay in Australia for two years. I may stay a bit longer. But it would be a
 wonderful time for me. Should I go, Rose?"
     "Don"t go," I told him, "You"ll suffer (受苦) a lot there." "Don"t go?" he __9__ surprised at my answer. 
  As you have probably known, Jack went. I wonder (想知道) __10__ he found that I really wanted him
  to take the job.(     ) 1. A. ask for          
(     ) 2. A. such kind        
(     ) 3. A. thought          
(     ) 4. A. showing          
(     ) 5. A. will send        
(     ) 6. A. good               
(     ) 7. A. could be able
(     ) 8. A. What do you like   
(     ) 9. A. asked           
(     ) 10. A. why               B. receive      
B. this kind    
B. tried      
B. showed        
B. send        
B. well        
B. could          
B. How do you like
B. spoke      
B. whether      C. take            
C. such a          
C. gave            
C. to show          
C. would send        
C. nice            
C. would be able
C. How do you think of
C. said            
C. that            D. give                
D. a such              
D. wanted              
D. shown              
D. sends              
D. enough              
D. would be going      
D. What do you think  
D. looked              
D. when                
1—5:  ACBAC          6—10:  BCBDB

阅读理解       Light and shadow are friends. They usually go together. We receive light every day. At the same time, we produce shadow.
       Light cannot shine through you. Your body stops it from passing. There is a dark spot on the ground
next to you. The light cannot reach the dark spot. This is your shadow.
       At noon the sun shines over your head. Your body stops very little light from reaching the ground.
       We love light, especially sunlight. Without sunlight, life on earth is impossible. Most of us like to stand
in the shadow of a tree in summer. But some people are afraid of their own shadow at night. They do not want to walk in a dark street. They do not want to see the shadow, either. But still light and shadow usually go together.1. The sentence "Light and shadow are friends" means ____.A. the shadow produce light
B. the light usually follows the shadow
C. they usually get on well with each other
D. when we get light, we can get shadow. They are always together.2. Light cannot shine through you because  ___.A. it is too weak
B. your body stops it from traveling on
C. your body is tall and strong
D. there is a dark spot on the ground next to you3. Your body"s shadow is long because ____.A. the sun is low in the sky in the morning or late afternoon
B. the sun is over your head
C. the sunlight is very strong at noon
D. your body stops very little light reaching the ground4. It is  ___ in the shadow of a tree in summer; so many people like to stay there.A. hot
B. warm
C. cool
D. cold5. Which of the following is not true?A. There will be no shadow without light.
B. Shadow is produced when something stops the light from passing.
C. We produce light when we receive it.
D. Man, animals and plants have to live on sunlight.
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阅读理解     John Carlin was a "jack-of-all-trades." He was an artist and writer. He taught himself five foreign languages. He
was a leader among the deaf. John Carlin"s father was a poor shoemaker. John did not need to do things that other
children of his age had to do. John showed his talent for drawing early in life. He often drew pictures on the floor
with chalk. John worked as a house painter when he was 12. His days were busy with work. However, he taught
himself foreign languages at night. When he was 20, he went to New York to learn drawing. When he ran out of
his money, he went to work again. But he would return to learn drawing whenever he could afford it.
     John was the first person to receive an honorary degree(荣誉学位) from Gallaudet. He beat all difficulties and
became a successful American.1. The underlined phrase "jack-of-all-trades" may mean "__________" in Chinese.A. 多面手
B. 生意经
C. 工作狂
D. 守财奴2. John Carlin ________when he was young.A. worked hard at school
B. learned five languages at school
C. didn"t go to school
D. walked around after school3. John showed his talent for drawing __________.A. before 12 years old
B. at the age of 12
C. when he was 20
D. in his early thirties4. John went to New York to learn drawing with money __________.A. donated(捐赠) by an organization
B. by selling his paintings
C. that his parents gave him
D. that he earned by himself5. "Gallaudet" in the last paragraph is probably the name of __________.A. a college
B. a hospital
C. a man
D. a factory
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完形填空。      Museums are often    1   interesting and beautiful things, but in most museums you can only look at the
things there, you can"t touch them. This is not very   2    for most of us. People want to touch things. They
want to use them and   3   them. That is     4    we learn about things. If we are interested in    5   ,we
learn about it    6     . But some museums are quite different. For example, at the Boston    7   Museum
in Boston, young people can use computers and other modern machines. They can also move and play
games there.     8    this kind of museum. boys and girls feel very happy. They can   9   a lot   10   the
same time.(    )1.  A. full of      
(    )2.  A. interested    
(    )3.  A. play          
(    )4.  A. how          
(    )5.  A. anything      
(    )6.  A. much easily  
(    )7.  A. Child"s      
(    )8.  A. In            
(    )9.  A. look at      
(    )10. A. from          B. full with    
B. interesting  
B. play together
B. why          
B. something    
B. much easier  
B. Children"s    
B. At            
B. see          
B. at            C. filled of  
C. interest    
C. play for    
C. where      
C. nothing    
C. more easily
C. Childs"    
C. Into        
C. watch      
C. in          D. fill with  
D. interests  
D. play with  
D. when        
D. all thing  
D. more easier
D. Childrens  
D. For        
D. learn      
D. of          
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阅读下面短文,用所给词的适当形式填空Dear mom,
     I"m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. Still, it"s a
great place (1)__________(visit) and I"m (2)__________(luck) to be here for my six-month English course.  My
accommodation is with an English family. They are (3)__________(friend) to me. We are getting on well with each
other. By the way, my host family (4)__________(take) me to an Indian film festival next weekend.  
     There are so many things (5)__________(see) and to do here. Every day I have many (6)__________(activity)
which take place after class. I can (7)__________(take) trips to the beaches, Disneyland and soon I can also go to
various (8)__________(shop) centres, sports centres, cinemas and concerts.
     There are lots of different kinds of food here. Last night I (9)__________(go) for Italian food before the concert.
Do you like it? I don"t know what (10)__________(try) next.
     Recently I (11)__________(make) progress with my speaking and listening skills. My host family also teaches
me something about English culture.
     In general, I (12)__________(have) a good time, but I miss you very much.
                                                                                                                                                        Li Feng
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阅读下面短文,用所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。     Rose is one of the 1__________(funny) girls in her class. She looks like a boy, and she is good at
2_______(perform). So she 3__________(choose) to play Harry Potter by her classmates last week.
She said 4______(happy), "I"m sure that I am able 5____(do) the job well because I 6__________
(see) the movie many times already."
    Dick, one of Rose"s best classmates, is also an actor in the play. He 7___________(like) to perform
the play with Rose. He said, "We are confident that we 8__________(do) well in our school art festival
next week."
     Mrs. Smith, their teacher, _9________(pay) much attention to their play. She often 10__________
(encourage) them.  Yesterday  afternoon   when  she  11___________(watch)  their  performance, she
12________(take) photos of them.
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