阅读理解。     I"m Katie from New Zealand and I"m 16 years old.I have two brothers an

阅读理解。     I"m Katie from New Zealand and I"m 16 years old.I have two brothers an

阅读理解。     I"m Katie from New Zealand and I"m 16 years old.I have two brothers and two sisters and we all live
together with my parents. Everyone gets along quite well but there isn"t a lot of communication going on. It seems that everyone has their own world and nobody cares about others. Does anyone know how to
break the ice? I really want everyone to start communicating and spend time together again.    
     My name is Jay. I"m 28 years old. I"m a Filipino. As a kid,I was closer to my mother than my father.
My father had two jobs-one in the day and one at night. So I never really had him around except on family vacations and on his days off. If I had a secret,my mother was the first to know it. When my father quit his evening job,our relationship got better. Later on,my father got into my DJ career (事业) and helped out.
That was so cool.     
     Hi! I"m Ikhlass and I"m 18 years old from Mauritius. My parents divorced (离婚) when I was 3. My
father mamed another woman.I love her like my own mom and she takes care of me as if I am her own
son and she never compares me to her daughter.1. How many people are there in Katie"s family?   A. Four.      
B. Five.      
C. Six.        
D. Seven. 2. What does the underlined phrase"break the ice" refer to according to the passage?  A. Care about others.      
B. Get along well.    
C. Start communicating.    
D. Spend time together.3. What does Jay do?    A. A DJ.              
B. A singer.    
C. A dancer.            
D. An actor.4. Which of the following is Not true?     A. Katie is from New Zealand.    
B. Jay used to be closer to his mother than his father.    
C. Ikhlass" new mother doesn"t treat him well.    
D. Ikhlass" new mother has a daughter of her own.
1-4  DCAC
     Should I be happy or sad? My oldest son is moving out of home.That in the sad part .The happy part is that he is following my foot steps. He is entering the oil patch(油田) and going to work on a rig (钻塔).     
     My son is 20 years old and it is time for him to move out but that doesn"t make it any easier. No one wants to. see their children move out but as a father I would never stand in his way. I have three boys. My middle one has been away from home for about a year and my youngest one is still at home. The son that is leaving today is my fishing partner and I"m going to miss him when I"m walking along the river banks without him this summer.    
      I know today is going to be hard for my wife. Her baby is leaving home. The boys have grown up with their mom.I worked in the oil patch so I missed a lot but not my wife. She never missed a thing in their lives. She will have a bad day today.    
     I love my boy and I wish him all the safety and luck that he needs to be successful. 1.The son who is moving out is the        son of the writer.   A. first        
B. second      
C. third      
D. youngest2. What did the writer use to do with the son who is moving out?     A. Go shopping.          
B. Go fishing.      
C. Go to the movies.        
D. Go for a walk.3. What does the underlined word" miss" mean?    A. Fail to catch.            
B. Fail to see.    
C. Fail to understand.       
D. Fail to hear.   4. Which of the following is true? A. The youngest son of the writer is 20 years old.      
B. The writer"s sons have grown up with their grand parents.      
C. The writer"s family has four members.      
D. The writer used to work in the oil patch.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。   Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer
because water makes them feel cool.If you swim in a wrong place,it may not be
safe.These years,more than ten people died in this city while they were enjoying
in the water and most of them were students. But some people are still not
careful in swimming.They often think they swim so well that nothing can happen
to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming, don"t forget that
better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful,no
t because they were not good at swimming. So don"t get into water when you are
alone. If there is a"No Swimming"  sign,don"t get into water,either.If you
remember all this,swimming will be safer.
(     )1. Swimming is a very safe sport.
(     )2. We shouldn"t swim in some wrong places.
(     )3. Only students die in water.
(     )4. If you are good at swimming,you will not die in water.
(     )5. If we often practice swimming,we will be safer.
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阅读填词     Many people now think that teachers g   1   students too m   2    tests in class and too m   3   homework after school.
So children don"t have any t   4   for other activities.If teachers and parents t   5   to e   6   other about the problem,they
could work o   7   it together.Teachers should t   8    to make the tests easier and create the homework better. Besides,
parents should h   9   their children develop good study habits. Then the students will b   10    happier and healthier.1.             2.             3.             4.             5.             6.             7.             8.             9.             10.          
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完形填空。     Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. __1   you go to a good shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You __2    buy anything you don"t want. You may try to find out. __3    the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is __4   selling any books at all.
     There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student __5   a very useful book in the shop,    6    it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn"t get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read _ 7    at a time. One day, however, he couldn"t find __8 _ from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __9   ,"1 put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he __10   the student to go on with his reading.(     )1. A. If          
(     )2. A shouldn"t  
(     )3. A. what     
(     )4. A surprised at  
(     )5. A. bought      
(     )6. A. but          
(     )7. A. little      
(     )8. A. the book    
(     )9. A. in a bookshop
(     )10. A. left   B. Because        
B. needn"t      
B. which      
B. not surprised at
B. found      
B. and              
B. a little        
B. the shop      
B. in his hand  
B. let        C. When        
C. mustn"t  
C. where  
C. interested in
C. read        
C. so          
C. few          
C. the assistant
C. in a corner
C. helped    D. But              
D. can"t            
D. when              
D. not interested in
D. took              
D. or                
D. a few            
D. the shopkeeper    
D. in his pocket    
D. taught            
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阅读理解。     About 130 years ago,Thomas Edison invented thelight bulb. His bulb turned night into day,but today manypeople want to turn off the light.    
     The European Union( 欧盟) has decided that peo-ple should stop using the Edison-style light bulb.Instead, they should use compact fluorescent lamps(CFLs 节能灯).      
     "CFLs save energy and last longer. They can savemoney in the long run," said a British official.  CFLs use67% less electricity than the older bulbs. Scientists saythat if everyone used CFLs,electricity use would be cutby 18% . There would also be much less greenhouse ga-      
     But it"s difficult to make people change their light-ing habits. Firstly,CFLs are more expensive. They cost 8times the prices of the older bulbs. Secondly,many peo-ple don"t like the CFL bulb. They find it too bright.      
     CFLs have been around for several years. However,the older lights still make up about 2/3 of total light bulbsales.根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F) 。
(     )1. Thomas Edison invented the CFL bulb 130 years ago.
(     )2. Using CFLs helps protect the environment.
(     )3.If you get an older bulb for l euro( 欧元) ,a CFL bulb will cost you 8 euros.
(     )4. CFLs have been widely used for many years.
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