Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is __1____than the earth(地球), but

Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is __1____than the earth(地球), but

Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is __1____than the earth(地球), but the sun is ___2___ bigger than the earth. The moon is __3__ from the earth. It’s 380 000 kilometres away. On the earth we see that the moon __4___like a cake. There is _  5____air on the moon, ___6___there is no living things there. The side of the moon towards(朝,向)the sun is very hot, while the other side is very __7____. People can jump__8__ on the moon than on the earth and walk more __9___there. It takes more than three days to get to the moon __10___spaceship(宇宙飞船).
A.smallerB.biggerC.shorter D.longer


小题1:通过but the sun is ___2___ bigger than the earth可知前一句的意思应该是“月球比地球小”应该用smaller。所以本题选A。
小题3:通过It’s 380 000 kilometres away可知,前一句应该是“月球离地球很远”,故用far。所以本题选C。
小题7:通过The side of the moon towards(朝,向)the sun is very hot, 可知“月球朝着太阳的一面很热”,而背对太阳的一面应该很冷。所以本题应选B。

It was so dark outside the car window that it was hard to see anything.
“ Can I have a carrot, Mom?” Bruce asked.
“I don’t have any carrots,” his mom said. “How about an apple?”
“No,” said Bruce. “It has to be a carrot.”
“Why do you want a carrot?” asked his mom
“You always say carrots help your eyes.” said Bruce. “If I eat one now, it might help me see in the dark.”
Would eating a carrot really help Bruce? What is special about carrots? What makes a carrot special is its color. Carrots are orange because they contain(包含) bta-carotene( 胡萝卜素). Beta-carotene is a way of saying vitamin A. Your eyes need vitamin A. It helps them work.
When light hits your eye, very small parts inside turn the light into messages. The messages go to your brain(大脑), and then you know what you’re looking at. Your eye can only turn light into messages when it has a special chemical(化学物质). Your eyes use vitamin A to make the special chemical. Every time your eye changes light into messages, a little bit of the chemical is used up. By the end of the day, you’ve looked at hundreds of things. That uses up a lot of the chemical. Your eyes need to make more.
What should you eat if you don’t like carrots? Don’t worry. Other fruits and vegetables have vitamin A, too. The secret is in their color. Most orange or red fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene, or vitamin A, Sweet vegetable, red peppers(胡椒), Mangoes(芒果) are a few foods that have the same orange secret.
小题1: Bruce wanted a carrot because he thought _______.
A. he liked it
B. it could help him see in the dark
C.  it was sweet and delicious
小题2:How does vitamin A help your eyes work?
A. The special chemical can stop your eyes from using up vitamin A.
B. The special chemical is used to make Vitamin A which turns the light into messages
C. Vitamin A is used to make the special chemical which turns light into messages.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Carrots are orange because they store beta-carotene.
B. Any food which is orange or red must have some Vitamin A.
C. Most fruits that are orange or red store some beta-carotene or Vitamin A.
小题4: Sweet vegetable, red peppers, and mangoes don’t have the same orange secret, do they?
A. No, they don’t.     B. Yes, they do.     C. I’m not sure.
小题5: The passage mainly tells us that _______.
A. we can’t see in the dark unless we eat many carrots every day
B. we can’t see unless we eat a lot of orange or red food every day
C. we should eat some food containing vitamin A so that we can see well
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Long time ago, our world was very beautiful. There were trees, flowers and rivers. It was very clean and tidy.  1 . We are living in a polluted environment, which is bad for out earth.   2  .The public has been calling for actions against pollution. Scientists have told us to protect out environment,  3 .
The earth is our only home. We should make it comfortable for ourselves and for our children in the future. Now nearly all of the countries are trying their best to stop pollution. Although they have done much, the progress is slow,   4 . No matter how difficult it is, we should try our best to fight against pollution. By working together,   5 .
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In China, water is used in many different ways. Farming takes 60 percent of China’s water use. Personal use, like drinking water, takes only 12 pencent. Fifty- three countries and regions (地方) in the world have water shortages. About one fifth of the world’s population was suffer(遭受) from water shortage.
Tips for saving water
Saving water is as easy as turning off a tap! Here are some simple things you can do at home.
² Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth.
² Take shorter showers. Can you get your showers down to three minutes?
² Fill a liter (升) plastic bottle with water and put it in your toilet tank. It will take up the same space as the water usually does, but in a year, it will keep 20,000 liters of water.
² When you wash dishes and clothes, don’t let the water run.
² Use the washing machine only when it’s full of clothes.
² 根据短文内容,填写下面表格。
Saving water
In China, ___1______ takes 60 percent of China’s water use.
Tips for saving water
_2_______ off the water while you’re brushing your teeth.
Take _____3__ showers. It’s best to get your showers down to three minutes.
Using a plastic bottle with water, put it in your toilet tank to __4_____ water.
Don’t let the water _5_____when you wash dishes and clothes.
Don’t use the __6______________unitl it is full of clothes.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A big, mighty(高大的) tree stood in a forest. Its branches(树枝) spread out and its roots (根) went deep in the earth. A lot of people came here to have a rest under it. And a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance. The big tree was very proud all the time.
At the foot of the tree, there was a little plant. The plant was thin, and seemed to be blown down by any of a little wind.
One day, the two neighbors were having a little chat.
“Well, little one,” said the tree to the plant, “why not put your feet deeply in the earth, and raise your head high in the air as I do?”
“I see there is no need to do so,” said the plant with a smile. “In fact, I think I may be safer in this way.”
“Safer?” said the tree. “Are you safer than I am? Do you know how deep my roots are in the earth and how strong my branches are? Who can possibly pull me out by the roots or bow my head to the ground?” And the tree didn’t want to say anything to the weak plant.
But the tree was to regret its words very soon. One evening, a great hurricane(飓风) came. It blew the trees off their roots and almost destroyed the forest completely. It uprooted(将……连根拔起)the mighty tree and blew it away with great force.
When the storm had gone, the villagers living nearby came to check the damage. The mighty tree lay on the ground, but the little plant still stood there.
小题1:Who was the big tree’s neighbor?
A.People.B.Birds.C.A little plant.D.Branches.
小题2:Why was the big tree proud before its neighbor?
A.Because a lot of people came to have a rest under it.
B.Because it was tall and thick.
C.Because a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance.
D.All of the above.
小题3:Why didn’t the big tree want to say anything to the little plant?
A.Because the big tree was tired.
B.Because the little plant knew less than the big tree.
C.Because the strong wind came.
D.Because the big tree looked down upon(看不起)the little plant.
小题4:What did the villagers living nearby see after the hurricane had gone?
A.They saw the forest was flooded.
B.They saw the big tree lying on the ground.
C.They saw the big tree was still mighty.
D.They saw some birds singing on the little plant.
小题5: What’s probably the best title of the passage?
A.Trees in the Forest.B.A Mighty Tree.
C.Trees and Plants.D.A Clever Plant.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:Dear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend.
小题2:Every year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English–speaking aged people.
小题3:. Earth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Club’s goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same.
小题4: My great, great grandfather invented the carpet sweeper 125 years ago. This King Sweeper is the best by far. I invite you to try it in your home. You’ll fine it used daily in hospital, restaurants, offices and homes throughout the world. This is just the thing to keep your carpet soft, clean and fresh. Only for $29.99!
小题5: They can protect your eyes when driving, gardening or reading in sun. It can make your life easier and happier, and make you look smarter! $10.99 each or 2 for $19.99!
A. The King Sweeper
B. Dear Mrs. Wed
C. Save the Earth Club
D. Help Line Volunteers
E. The new inventions
F. Trendy Sunglasses

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