任务型阅读。     Many people love drinking bottled (瓶装的) water because of the convenie

任务型阅读。     Many people love drinking bottled (瓶装的) water because of the convenie

     Many people love drinking bottled (瓶装的) water because of the convenience. They believe that it is
  better to drink bottled water than to drink water out of the tap.
     However, all those bottles are made from oil and also pollute the environment. For example, Americans
  buy 29 million bottles a year. They buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world.  In order to
  make all these bottles, makers use 17 millions barrels of oil. It"s enough to keep a million cars going for
 twelve months.
     As we know, recycling bottles can help a lot. Instead of being thrown out with the trash, bottles can be
 turned into some useful things like clothing or other things. Unfortunately, for every six bottles we use, only
  one of them is put into the recycling box. The rest are sent to the special places that keep trash.  Or, even
  worse, they end up as trash on the land and in rivers, lakes, and the ocean. The fact is that bottles take
 many hundreds of years to change into small pieces.
     Water is good for you.  But think about how often you use bottles, and see if you can make a change: if
  you take one to school, don"t throw it away, bring it home and refill (再注满) it for the next day.
A) Reasons of drinking bottled water:
1. People love it because it"s _____.
2. People think drinking it is _____ than drinking the water out of the tap.
B) Materials of the bottles:
3. The material of 29 million bottles can keep a million cars going for_____.
C)The ways of doing with the bottles:
4. We should _____ them but not throw them away. They can be made into some useful things.
5. We can _____ the used bottles if we need to take water to drink.
1. convenient  2. better  3. twelve months  4. recycle  5. refill

完形填空                                                  The earth needs a helping hand
       The earth is our home and it is in danger of being polluted. The earth is getting warmer because of the 
  1   of people. We   2   and bum trees and send gases into the air with our cars and factories. Can we do
anything about it? Sure. We may   3   be leaders or scientists but we can play our part in   4   the planet.
Here are two ideas.
       Bike, do ride to school
       Do you go to school by bus or by hike? If you bike, you are doing   5   for the earth.
       Buses, cars, trains and planes produce a lot of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳). If you live near to your
school,  6   bike there on warm spring mornings?  7  , you can simply walk to school to save energy.
       Wash in the green way
       Do you often help your mom wash clothes? Then wash them   8   an energy-saving way.
A recent study by Cambridge University found   9   60% of the energy used on a piece of clothing is   10  
 in washing and drying it. Over its lifetime, a T-shirt can   11   up to 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the
         12   you wash your own clothes, wash them in cold or warm water to save energy, but not hot water. Wash your clothes when they fill up the machine. Use the most energy-saving machine you can find. Some
new ones use as   13   as one-fourth of the energy of older machines. When they"re clean,  14   your clothes in the natural way, by hanging them on a line   15   putting them in a dryer. In all, you can cut the carbon
dioxide used in washing by 90%.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. lives        
(     )2. A. let down    
(     )3. A. either      
(     )4. A. protecting  
(     )5. A. something    
(     )6. A. how about    
(     )7. A. And          
(     )8. A. with        
(     )9. A. what        
(     )10. A. taken      
(     )11. A. send        
(     )12. A. As soon as  
(     )13. A. much        
(     )14. A. wash        
(     )15. A. rather than
B. waste          
B. cut down      
B. neither        
B. building      
B. anything      
B. let"s          
B. But            
B. by            
B. that          
B. cost          
B. set            
B. SO            
B. little        
B. make          
B. would rather  
C. activities
C. turn down  
C. not        
C. repairing  
C. everything
C. why don"t  
C. Or        
C. for        
C. why        
C. spent      
C. take      
C. If        
C. more      
C. wet        
C. instead    
D. land                  
D. sit down              
D. none                  
D. destroying            
D. nothing              
D. why not              
D. However              
D. in                    
D. how                  
D. paid                  
D. make                  
D. Unless                
D. less                  
D. dry                  
D. because of            
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Some people say they have an answer to the problems of car crowding and
pollution. In many cities, hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. In
New York City, some bike riders have even  1  a group: Bike for a Better City.
They say if    2   people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer cars and
less dirty air.
    For several years this group has tried to get help for bike riders. They want
to have special roads for bikes only, because when bike riders must use the
same roads 3  cars, there may be accidents. Bike for a Better City feels if there
were bike roads, more people would use bikes.
     But  4  bike roads have been ready yet. Not everyone thinks it is a good5  .
Divers don"t like it, and some shop owners don"t,  6    . And most people live
7  far from the city to travel by bike. Still, 8   has been done about it. On
Saturdays and Sundays, the largest open park in New York is 9  to cars, and
the roads may be used by bikes only, but the group still says this is not enough
and goes on fighting  10  bike roads.  
(     ) 1.  A. found    
(     ) 2.  A. fewer  
(     ) 3.  A. as    
(     ) 4.  A. no      
(     ) 5.  A. hope     
(     ) 6.  A. so       
(     ) 7.  A. very      
(     ) 8.  A. everything
(     ) 9.  A. closed  
(     ) 10.A. get    
B. founded  
B. less      
B. like      
B. only      
B. way      
B. both      
B. quite    
B. something
B. open      
B. to get    
C. made    
C. many    
C. besides  
C. some    
C. some    
C. neither  
C. too      
C. anything
C. opening  
C. ask      
D. looked for  
D. more        
D. on          
D. on          
D. idea        
D. either      
D. so          
D. nothing    
D. closing    
D. to ask      
       Julia Hill, an American woman, was born in 1974. She was 23 years old when she discovered that a
company wanted to cut down part of a forest in California. In the forest there were lots of redwood trees. One of the trees was 70 meters tall and 1,000 years old. 
       Julia wasn’t happy about this. She traveled to California and climbed up the tree. “If I sit in the
tree.” she said, “the company can’t cut it down.” At the beginning, Julia planned to stay in the tree
for two weeks. She lived in a small tree-house and her friends were very helpful---they cooked food for
her every day. She used her mobile phone to talk to her family and to news reporters. She stayed in the
tree day and night. 
       Environmental organizations supported her, but other people weren"t on her side and they tried to stop her. The company used a helicopter that stayed near her tree-house for a long time.  The helicopter(直升飞机)Was very noisy and there was a lot of wind. Julia didn’t like it, but she stayed in the tree. 
       In the end, she was successful. The company agreed not to cut down the redwood.  Finally, after two years and eight days in the tree, Julia Hill climbed down and walked on the ground again. She and her
friends were very happy.
1. What nationality(国籍) is Julia Hill?
A. She is from America.    
B. She is from California.
C. She is from England.  
D. She is from China.
2. Julia kept in touch with others while staying high up in the tree by _____.
A. writing letters                      
B. watching TV
C. using mobile phone                
D. nothing
3. Julia climbed down the tree _____.
A. after the company got to the forest
B. after she saw the helicopter
C. after two weeks
D. after the company agreed not to cut down the redwood
4. Julia stayed in the tree ______.
A. with her friends                    
B. with her family
C. for two weeks                    
D. for two years and eight days
5. Why did Julia Hill stay in the tree?
A. Because she liked living in the tree.
B. Because she wanted to protect the trees.
C. Because environmental organizations supported her.
D. Because she wanted to buy the redwood trees.
       Nowadays problems with the earth are getting more and more serious. For example, pollution is
making the environment not anymore suitable for us to live in. Also, energy is running out. However, there
is still something everyone can do in our daily lives to help save our planet.
       First of all, we should turn off the lights when leaving a room. It"s really easy to do. Also, we"re
supposed to turn off the shower while washing our hair. And are you still using paper napkins? You"d
better stop now because paper is made from wood. If everyone uses paper napkins, a lot of trees will
have to be cut down every day. Maybe it is hard to stop using paper napkins, but we must try. At the
same time, we should think of good ways to recycle paper. Another thing is that we must try to take our
own bags when shopping instead of using plastic bags that are provided by the supermarkets. Finally, we must stop driving cars because cars pollute the air. Instead, we"d better ride bicycles. For one thing, it"s
good for our health. For another, it"s much cleaner.
       I really hope that more and more people will realize the problem and do what they can to help make
our world a better place to live in.
According to Tom"s article, fill in the blanks.
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AimsTom"s advice
To save water  1  
To save electricity  2  
To protect trees  3  
To make pollution less  4  
     Do you have a healthy lifestyle? I think I___1___. First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk
food, ___2___ I hardly eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. ___3___ they are not very delicious,
but they are ___4___ for our health. Second, I do ___5___ every day. It is said that if people run every
day, they will have more healthy hearts (心脏) than (比) others. So I run for___6___ thirty minutes every morning.
___7___, I have good living habits. I try to___8___ at least 8 hours every day. That ___9___ me to be
energetic (精力充沛的) the next day. And I can study better and get good grades.
What do you ___10___ my lifestyle? Can you learn something from it?
(     )1. A. do      
(     )2. A. and    
(     )3. A. Maybe  
(     )4. A. bad    
(     )5. A. cleaning
(     )6. A. at      
(     )7. A. First  
(     )8. A. sleep  
(     )9. A. stops  
(     )10. A. look at
B. am      
B. but      
B. Although
B. late    
B. homework
B. about    
B. Second  
B. practice
B. makes    
B. think of
C. like      
C. so        
C. Because    
C. hard      
C. exercise  
C. on        
C. Third      
C. spend      
C. helps      
C. talk about
D. make      
D. or        
D. If        
D. good      
D. reading  
D. in        
D. Fourth    
D. drink                                  
D. asks      
D. agree with