完形填空。    The Olympic Games began in Olympia, a small town in   1   many years ag

完形填空。    The Olympic Games began in Olympia, a small town in   1   many years ag

完形填空。    The Olympic Games began in Olympia, a small town in   1   many years ago. The modern Olympic
Games   2   in 1896 to promote (促进) international understanding through   3  . Nine nations   4   the
Games. In 1936, a black American runner   5   four gold medals in Germany.
题型:黑龙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Greece
(     )2. A. held
(     )3. A. singers
(     )4. A. joined
(     )5. A. have won
B. Germany
B. was held
B. players
B. took part   
B. wins
C. France
C. hold
C. dancers
C. took part in 
C. had won
D. Australia
D. were held
D. politicians (政治家)              
D. have joined in
D. won
1. ______ has the largest population among these countries.
[     ]
A. Italy
B. Australia
C. China
2. If you want to visit Big Ben (大本钟), you should travel to ______.
[     ]
A. Rome
B. London
C. Beijing
3. You can visit ______ in the country with the smallest population.
[     ]
A. the Opera House
B. the Great Wall
C. the Leaning Tower of Pisa (比萨斜塔)
4. From the form, you can find ______ in Western Europe.
[     ]
A. one country
B. two countries
C. three countries
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information in the form?
[     ]
A. Australia and Britain aren"t English-speaking countries.
B. Rome is a city in Southern Europe.
C. Canberra is the capital of Italy.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江西省期末题难度:| 查看答案
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take off,   on,   wet,   with,   Britain,   and,   or,   anything,   usually,   country
    The confident (自信的), lovely and witty Haibao is the mascot (吉祥物) of the 2010 Shanghai Expo
(世博会). Its name means (意思) "treasure of the sea", Haibao"s blue color represents (代表) the water. Its hair
is like a wave (波浪) in the sea. It waves hello to show the warm welcome to friends all over the world.
1. What"s the name of the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai Expo?
[     ]
A. Sea
B. Treasure
C. Haibao
D. Water
2. What color is the mascot?
[     ]
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Black
D. Yellow
3. What does "show the warm welcome" mean?
[     ]
A. 表示热烈欢迎
B. 表示温暖的天气
C. 表示热情欢送
D. 表示温暖的海水
    One thing that British and Chinese cultures share is a love for fine tea. Today, when we think of Western
tea culture, we often think of the English and beautiful china tea cups.
Afternoon tea 
    People believe that an English lady, Anna, first introduced the idea of afternoon tea. In the 18th and 19th
centuries, the English ate only two main meals each day-breakfast and a heavy supper that would last for
several hours in the evening. As a result, people often got very hungry during the long wait between these
two meals. To solve this problem, Anna came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for
an afternoon meal between four and five o"clock. This meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was
served to wash down the food. In order to make this afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates,
and sliver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used. Soon, afternoon tea parties became popular social
occasions. Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life in modern Britain.
Will you come for coffee? 
     Coffee also has an important role in British culture. People often use the words "Will you come for coffee?"
to mean "Would you like to come to my home for a chat (聊天)?" Normally, several different drinks such as
tea, hot chocolate or a soft drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what
you would like. However, you will not normally be served wine at a "coffee" party.
Coffeehouses and the London Stock Exchange
     In the 17th century London, coffeehouses were busy and noisy places. Businessmen and bankers went to
coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee. In fact, the London Stock Exchange
(股票交易所) is believed to have started from these coffeehouses.
1. Anna introduced the idea of drinking afternoon tea because she           .
[     ]
A. enjoyed chatting with her friends at home
B. loved fine tea and beautiful china tea cups
C. wanted to share nice food with her friends
D. found people felt hungry during the long wait between the two meals
2. What does "social occasions" mean in Chinese?
[     ]
A. 集体婚礼
B. 社交活动
C. 社区表演
D. 公共场合
3. If someone says to you "Will you come for coffee?", you           .
[     ]
A. will be offered coffee only
B. are asked what you would like to drink
C. will be asked to have a chat with him or her
D. are invited to take part in an afternoon tea party
4. From the last paragraph we can see           .
[     ]
A. a new business was started in coffeehouses
B. coffeehouses are still used by businessmen and bankers
C. businessmen and bankers went to coffeehouses just for coffee
D. most people wouldn"t like to go to coffeehouses because of the noise
5. Which is the best title of the article?
[     ]
A. British And Chinese Cultures
B. The Beginning Of Tea And Coffee
C. Coffeehouses And Business
D. English Tea And Coffee Culture
     Long ago, people in Rome (罗马) talked to one another in Latin (拉丁文). Pupils in school learned to read
and write in Latin. Books are in Latin.
     Some Romans (罗马人) went to other parts of the world. They took their language with them. Soon Latin
was used in many countries. It became a world language.
     People in other countries did not talk in Latin the same way. In each land, they changed the language a little.
As time went by, they made more changes. At last they did not talk in Latin any more. New languages had
come from the old one.
     People do not talk to one another in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words. You do, too. Street,
wall, city, and salt are some of the Latin words we use. You are a pupil in school. Pupil is a Latin word. It
means "little doll".
1. Latin was used by people in _____.
[     ]
A. Rome
B. the United States
C. Greece (希腊)
D. Texas
2. The word in the story that means what people speak and write is ______.
3. The story says, "People do not talk to each other in Latin today. But they still use many Latin words,"
    The word "they" means ______.
4. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?
[     ]
A. It is not good to change a language.
B. Pupils in schools today play with dolls.
C. Not many people can read Latin today.
5. What happened to Latin when it was taken to other countries? (which sentence is exactly like the one in 
    your book?)
[     ]
A. In each land, people talked about each other.
B. In each land, they changed the language a little.
C. In each land, the children had to speak some Latin.
6. The main idea of the whole story is that ______.
[     ]
A. Romans did not like to stay home
B. people in old Rome talked a lot to each other.
C. Latin changed as it moved from land to land.