根据所给的首字母或中文提示写出正确的单词(必修4)小题1:He was under o_____________(观察) by the police.小题2:W

根据所给的首字母或中文提示写出正确的单词(必修4)小题1:He was under o_____________(观察) by the police.小题2:W

小题1:He was under o_____________(观察) by the police.
小题2:We have been told to show______________(尊敬)for our elders.
小题3:After a long ____________ (奋斗), he gained control of the business.
小题4:She r____________ her weight by 5 kilograms.
小题5:Could you e______________ the child for an hour, while I make dinner?
小题6:He had o____________ the difficulties with his English before he went aboard.
小题7:As you _____________ (接近) the school the first building you see is the teaching building.
小题8:Today many people are experiencing the joy of the a______________ park for the first time.


小题1:observation 本句考察的是固定搭配under observation在观察中;相似的结构还有under discussion讨论中;under construction在建设中;名词observation是由动词observe转换而来。
小题2: respect   固定搭配show respect for sb表示出某人的尊敬;名词respect是一个抽象名词要单独使用,不接冠词。
小题3: struggle  动词struggle奋斗,作为动词是一个不及物动词,该词的名词形式还是struggle。
小题4:reduced  动词reduce减少;该词可以作为及物动词后面接宾语构成动宾短语。另外要特别注意本题中的reduce…by…减少了….,介词by表示程度、
小题5: entertain  动词entertain使快乐;给…以娱乐;使有兴趣;句义:当我做饭的时候,你能帮助我照顾孩子一个小时吗?本句中的entertain相当于look after。
小题6: overcome   动词overcome克服,相当于get over克服,通常都和difficulty连用,表示克服困难。
小题7:approach   动词approach靠近,该词是一个及物动词,后面直接加宾语构成动宾短语。同时approach还可以作为名词方法,和介词to连用。
小题8:amusement 名词amusement娱乐,本句中作为定语修饰后面的名词park形成amusement park娱乐公园。
根据汉语提示写出英语单词(一词1分 共10分)。
小题1:It’s ________________ (难以置信的)that such a little boy should work out so difficult a problem while many adults can’t.
小题2:What’s your ____________ (印象) of my uncle?
小题3:The class ________________of (组成)56 members.
小题4:Do you think the writer has an            (乐观的) or pessimistic view of the future?  
小题5:It is supposed that the __________有毒的)food may be the cause of the man’s sudden death.
小题6:Did you attend your uncle"s wedding_____________________(仪式)
小题7:He had to ______ (使习惯于)himself to the cold weather.
小题8:The best way to _______ (预测)your future is to create it.
小题9:Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk ______ (稳定地).
小题10:Shopping bags are provided for the customers’ _______________ (方便).
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:We hope we can reach the market through different c____________( 渠道).
小题2:The police said that the shooting was an isolated i_________ (事件 )
小题3:If you want to see Dr Lee, you have to make an a__________(预约)first.
小题4:For the past 30 years, e________ (经济) growth in China has lifted millions of people out of poverty
小题5:Alexander Hamilton f_______ (坚定地) believed that no country could become a modern nation without industry
小题6:As we all know, Canada, like the USA and Australia, is a m____________ (多文化的 ) country.
小题7:It often strikes adults, leaving them u    (不能)to work.
小题8:President Abraham Lincoln wrote the address at the White House , p______ (润色) it at this home in Gettysburg,and then delivered it at a battlefield in Gettysburg.
小题9:Now, as wages rise, Chinese citizens are i_________ (越来越,更加) worried about the environment and pollution.
小题10:Effective treatments do exist, but u_________ (不幸地) they are very expensive.
小题11:As teenagers, we should all learn to be i___________ (独立)。
小题12:Hundreds of thousands of children become i______ (感染) with the AIDS virus every year.
小题13:Two amphibious ships, the U.S.S.Germantown and U.S.S. Ashland, can deliver tons of s_______ (必需品,物质), personnel, and equipment to remote beaches in otherwise unreachable areas.
小题14:The researchers found that people driving pricey cars were less likely to stop for people trying to walk across the street and were more likely to i_____ (忽视) traffic laws.
小题15:When students are first starting out as future physicians, they learn that it"s important to e_____(建立)a relationship with their patients and to be able to communicate effectively.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
小题1:Each person’s fingerprints are u____________, so they can be used to confirm one’s identity.
小题2:To c____________ a new bridge on the river calls for a large sum of money.
小题3:At first, we were suspected, but we finally c___________ them of our innocence.
小题4:In a dictionary the words are a____________ in alphabetical order.
小题5:How s____________ the Palace Museum looks! It has attracted millions of tourists.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:I would be __________(感激) if you could give me some advice.
小题2:I can _________(辨认出) his voice on the phone.
小题3:The _________(坚定的)look on her face shows that she will never give up.
小题4:About 200 people are _________(围困)under the ruins.
小题5:The job and the pay from the government are my _________(回报).
小题6:All the ___________(艺术家)are coming from western countries.
小题7:Her being __________(录取) to the key school made her parents happy.
小题8:___________(就我个人而言), I think our team will win the match.
小题9:I’m ___________(保护) myself from mosquitoes.
小题10:Fans showed their _________(热爱) by waiting outside for hours.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写, 用词的正确形式填空(共10小题每小题1分,共10分)
小题1:The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous ______ (象征) of Paris.
小题2:Have you ever _______________ (经历) a flood?
小题3:They can ___________ (毁掉) houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.
小题4:It was the most frightening and the most ___________ (危险的) situation I’ve ever been in.
小题5:___________(古代的)China was a place where states were often at war each other.
小题6:No one knows for sure, and making ____________(预测)is a risky business.#
小题7:Trains are fast and _____________(方便的),but rush hours can be terrible..
小题8:As a result of Yuan Longping’s discoveries Chinese rice ____________(产量) rose by 5 percent in the 1990’s..
小题9:Mencious was a __________(思想家) whose teachings were very similar to that of Confucius.
小题10:The gorge _________(变狭窄)to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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