第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)小题1:The factory           (遭受)severe damage in the fi

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)小题1:The factory           (遭受)severe damage in the fi

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
小题1:The factory           (遭受)severe damage in the fire last year.
小题2:Do            (确切地)as the teacher says.
小题3:I’m afraid I              (不同意)with you.
小题4:The pianist listened to our            (请求,要求) that he play in public again
小题5:Now she is planning our            (时间表)for the trip.
小题6:The house            (爆发) into flames when I was sleeping..
小题7:We had a good.            (风景) of the town from the top of the hill.
小题8:The old lady needs a few feather            (枕头)to make herself comfortable.
小题9:While a person is asleep,a part of his brain is still          (积极的)
小题10:He offered guidance to poor black people on their           (法律的)problems.


小题1:suffer动词vt.忍受;容忍,遭受suffer也可以作vi.受痛苦;受损害常用suffer from.
小题3:disagree动词。agree with sb同意某人的意见。
小题6:burst动词。爆发burst into匆匆进入(某处);突然开始(某事),突然进入(某种状态);撞人
小题7:view名词。风景have a good view of 清楚看到 ; 清楚看见; 欣赏 ; 有一个好的视野
小题1:I hope this summer holiday will be _____________(有益的) to your study.
小题2:He was the only _____________( 目击者) of the accident, who would give important information.
小题3:Statistics _____________(表明) that the world population has doubled.
小题4:Tom was ___________(推选) chairman, for he is hardworking and responsible.
小题5:Can you _____________(推荐) a good dictionary to me ?
小题6:I wonder if you’ll c_________________ them all on their success.
小题7:She had a strong d_______ to go abroad for further study.
小题8:He was a_________ of wind in his face.
小题9:All the students p_______________ in cleaning the street.
小题10:He o________ his success to the good education he received.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:_________ (星期四)is the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday.
小题2:The article has been_________ (删除) before I could read.
小题3:He knows nothing about our new plan because he has been ___ (缺席) from work for days.
小题4:She always ________ (抱怨 ) about her husband.
小题5:We’re looking forward to _________ (收到)your reply as soon as possible.
小题6:Girls and boys should be treated _________ (平等地) in seeking employment.
小题7:The building was_______(毁坏)in the war, and it was rebuilt in 1960.
小题8:The custom has been kept up for ______ (十年).
小题9:He is lucky to win a_______(奖学金)to study further at Stanford.
小题10:Measures have been taken to clean the _________ (受污染的) rivers.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London from July 27 to August 12 this summer. It is the 小题1:_______(第三) time for London to hold the Olympics. People there are excited. They all help to prepare for it. They plant lots of flowers and 小题2:_________(树) to make the city beautiful. More and more people to go work by bus or by 小题3:_________(自行车). The city is now very 小题4:_______(干净的) and tidy. London is ready to小题5: ________(欢迎) people from different countries.
The weather will be 小题6:_______(凉爽的) by then. People around the world will 小题7:______(相逢,遇见) in London. They can not only watch the games but also take a 小题8:_______(短的) trip there. They can 小题9:________(参观) the British Museum and the National Gallery. It is also of great fun to enjoy the London Eye and Tower Bridge along the Thames, a beautiful 小题10:_______(河) in London. How wonderful it will be!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Today they launched a ______ (运动) to raise money for a new library.
小题2:Memories of last night ______ (涌入) his mind.
小题3:The custom has been kept up for ______ (十年).
小题4:Ninety percent of the engines are ______ (出口) to Europe.
小题5:Her voice dropped to a ______ (低语) when she was talking with him.
小题6:They dragged him home blind ______ (醉的).
小题7:He ______ (猛冲) along the platform and jumped on the train.
小题8:The boss had two basic ______ (方法) to the problem they met with.
小题9:There were only three of us on the ______ (高级的) course.
小题10:He sat on the stool ______ (摇摆、摆动) his legs.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:He made an ________(道歉)to his manager for his being late.
小题2:A beautiful lady opened the door and came in, _____(跟随着) by another who looked younger.
小题3:Much attention should be paid to _________(保护) the environment.
小题4:There _____________(存在) the generation gap between our parents and us today.
小题5:Canada has two_______________ (官方的) languages—French and English.
小题6:I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday next _____________(星期二).
小题7:Christopher was born and brought up in France, but he speaks English _________(流利).
小题8:Would you like my old TV in _____________(交换) for this camera?
小题9:Only a few people have         (进入、有权接触) to the full facts of the case.
小题10:To celebrate my grandpa’s_______(百岁) birthday, all of my family got together yesterday.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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