用所给单词的适当形式填空。(15题,共15分)小题1:Then she prepares reliable moves to see if a new situ

用所给单词的适当形式填空。(15题,共15分)小题1:Then she prepares reliable moves to see if a new situ

小题1:Then she prepares reliable moves to see if a new situation ________. (出现)
小题2:You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and _________ (意识到) how the animals live together.
小题3:Sometimes they may play to __________ (过路人) in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves.
小题4:The newly-built hospital will be a great ________ (利益)
小题5:The Chinese player named liNa was _______ (授予) the prize for doing well in the game.
小题6:The boy _________(道歉)to the teacher for being late and she _______ (原谅) him for telling lies.
小题7:Electronic games don’t have much _______ (影响) on adults but _______ (影响) students a
小题8:The box ______ (包含) fifty maps, ________ (包括) four Chinese maps.
小题9:Nobody can get into the room without _______ (permit)
小题10:Fans showed their _______ (devote) by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts.
小题11:Were you nervous when you gave a ___________ (perform) to a TV camera for the first time?
小题12:The experiment was an amazing ________ (succeed).
小题13:The toys are _______ (attract) to children due to the appearance.
小题14:In ________ (add), the winner of the match will get 500 yuan.
小题15:Don’t be so _______ about other’s affair. Sometimes your _______ will make things worse. (curiously)

小题6:apologized, forgave
小题7:effect, affect
小题8:contains, including   
小题15:curious, curiosity

小题7:固定用法:have an effect on 对……有影响;前面的结构用的是一般现在时,所以后面的结构也要用一般现在时。
小题14:固定用法,in addition 另外
小题15:固定用法: be curious about对……好奇;第二个空,作主语,故用名词形式。
小题1:We shouldn’t waste anything, _______ _______ (最重要的是) , we mustn’t waste time.
小题2:In the past few years the natural resources  ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ (充分利用).
小题3:In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ______ ______ she could ______ ______ (向某人求救) help.
小题4:They couldn’t help _______ _______ ________ (突然大笑起来) on hearing the funny story.
小题5:An increasing number of Chinese people _______ ________ _________ ________ (很重视) education.
小题6:The photo often _______ (使想起) me _______ the days we spent together.
小题7:______ _______ ______ _______ (很明显) you made a mistake.
小题8:Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ ______ (编造) jokes.
小题9:It is reported that many a new house ______ ______ ______ ______ (建立) at present in the disaster area.
小题10:没有人比他更爱吃蘑菇了。________ likes eating mushrooms _______ _______ he.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据首字母,中文或括号里词的适当形式填写单词。只限填Module 7 Unit 3 - Unit 5的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
小题1:They encouraged the students to p________ in the running of the class.
小题2:He was so generous that he d________ thousands of pounds to charity.
小题3:What skills are needed to o________ this advanced machine?
小题4: The sports meet which is held a________ in our school is an exciting activity.
小题5: We have a________ (大量的) evidence to prove that he is right.
小题6:The elderly are afraid of ________ (遗弃) to the care of strangers.
小题7:Recent years ________ (见证) a great improvement in the relations between the two countries.
小题8: The children have been a great c________ (comfortable) to me through all of this.
小题9:It’s considerate of them to provide us with the basic ________ (require) of life.
小题10:Jack does some v________ (volunteer) work in the community at weekends.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据中文及首字母提示,在空格内填写短语。运用Module 7 Unit 3-5以及NCL23,24,27,28中学到的词组翻译短语。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
小题1:Before you draw a conclusion, you should ________ (深思) it again and again.
小题2:There is no doubt that all students ________ (极想) succeed in their study.
小题3: We attended our friends’ wedding ________ (不久前的一天).
小题4:Li Lei always helps the persons ________ (需要) without hesitating.
小题5:It is believed that his nationality is not r________ (毫无关系) whether he is a novelist.
小题6:He is good at his job but he seems to ________ (缺乏信心).
小题7:I have been so o________ (忙于工作) that I haven’t had time to see my parents.
小题8:My classmate’s idea has never a________ (吸引我) very much.
小题9:We believe the priest is responsible for our ________ (精神安慰).
小题10:Mr Robot ________ got off the ship than he was stopped by a man who wanted to sell him a diamond ring. (刚一……就)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

There are many advantages of smiling. It can not onlymake us happy, but also______(使高兴;使满意)others. 小题1:___________
If we smile at life, life will smile on us in r______. So I want              小题2:__________
to smile at all whenever and wherever ________.                       小题3:____________
First, I would like to smile at my parents b________ they have            小题4:____________
given me life and take all the t_________ to bring me up.                小题5:____________
They arrange almost everything for me. ________ their help,              小题6:____________
I have made great p_________. I would like to say “Thank you”          小题7:____________
to them with a smile. Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more ___________(信心)   小题8:_____________
in smiling my troubles away and live a better ______.                  小题9:_____________
In a word, let’s ________ (迎接)every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
_______ Peter, Gary _______ football, so he is _______ to watch the football match tomorrow.
A.Unlike; dislikes; unlikelyB.Dislike; dislikes; unlikely
C.Unlike; unlikes; likelyD.Dislike; unlikes; likely

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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