阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答案纸相应的位置上(请注意题后的词数要求)。[1]A new study has found evidence of ag

阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答案纸相应的位置上(请注意题后的词数要求)。[1]A new study has found evidence of ag

[1]A new study has found evidence of aggressive behaVior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day.
[2]The mothers of 3,000 five-year-olds took part in the study.They were asked to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a two-month period and keep records of how they behaved.The researchers found that 43 percent of the boys and girls drank at least one daily serving of soda.Four percent of the youngsters had four or more sodas to drink every day.
[3]Children who drank the most soda were more than two times likely to show signs of aggression.“For the children who consumed four or more  soft drinks per day,we see an association between aggressive behaviors, attention problems and withdrawn behaviors.”Shakira Suglia says.The aggressive behaviors included destroying possessions belonging to others,taking part in fights and physically attacking people.
[4]Shakira says the researchers identified the link after they considered the factors like the child’s age and sex.They also considered     ,such as whether the boys and girls were eating sweets or given fruit drinks on a normal day.In addition,the researchers examined parenting styles and other social conditions that might be taking place in the home.
[5]It is not quite clear why young children who drink a lot of soda have behavior pmblems.However,a substance oftell found in soft drinks is caffeine,which helps to make people feel energetic.Doctor Suglia suggests that caffeine could be causing the children to be more aggressive.
[6]The research is part of a larger study called the Fragile Families and Child Welibeing Study.It follows 5,000 poor mothers and their children in 20 American cities.
小题1:What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 10 words)
小题2:What does the underlined word“they’’in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?
小题3:List three aggressive behaviors according to the text.(no more than 10 words)

小题4:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)
小题5:Complete the following statement with one word from Paragraph 5.
People will often become      when they have some coffee,in which caffeine is the major chemical.

小题1:Soft drinks could cause aggressive behavior in children
小题2:The children ; Their children ; The mothers’ children
小题3:destroying others’ possessions  
taking part in fights 
attacking people physically
小题4:other possible influences (factors)/ other factors (influences)
小题5:energetic / aggressive

小题1:信息归纳题。本文开头提出A new study has found evidence of aggressive behavior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day,然后在下文详细叙述了调查情况,由此判断文章中心是介绍软饮料可能会造成孩子好斗的行为,答案为Soft drinks could cause aggressive behavior in children。
小题2:信息判断题。根据上文They were asked to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a two-month period ….可知参与调查的母亲要记录孩子在两个月期间喝多少饮料,所以要求记录的也是孩子的行为,而且本文中心内容是关于孩子攻击性行为和饮料的关系,由此可知they指代“孩子们”,答案为The children ; Their children ; The mothers’ children。
小题3:信息查找题。根据文章第三段The aggressive behaviors included destroying possessions belonging to others,taking part in fights and physically attacking people. 可知攻击性行为包括
①destroying others’ possessions ②taking part in fights ③attacking people physically。
小题4:信息归纳题。在第四段首句Shakira….the link after they considered the factors like the child’s age and sex中提到他们考虑到年龄、性别这样的因素,再根据下文They also considered…判断此处指其他因素的,所以填other possible influences (factors)/ other factors (influences)。
小题5:信息转换题。 根据第五段a substance oftell found in soft drinks is caffeine,which helps to make people feel energetic.Doctor Suglia suggests that caffeine could be causing the children to be more aggressive.可知咖啡因会使人精力充沛,也可能使孩子更具有攻击性,而咖啡因正是咖啡中所含有的成分,由此判断喝咖啡会让人精力旺盛或者更具有攻击性,此空填energetic 或者/aggressive。
[1] The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves. Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves.
[2] Opportunity is just the same. It is everywhere. Opportunity is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success. Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so anxious to “get in” on a “ground floor opportunity”, as if the opportunity will do all the work. That’s impossible.
[3] Just as                                   , you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity.’’ That’s not up to the opportunity. That’s up to you. It doesn’t matter what “floor” the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it.   
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 8 words)
小题2:Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
There are persons who live aimlessly breathing in air and                                         .
小题3:Fill in the blank in the third Paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. ( no more than 6 words)
小题4:According to the author, how should we use the air? ( no more than 15words)
小题5: What does the word “It” (Line 5, Paragraph 3) probably refer to? ( no more than3 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
(1) Everybody has to buy or sell things sometimes.Even students who are usually not very rich, have
to learn something about making purchases intelligently.As a student, you may find, for example, that
you need to buy a walkman or winter clothing.You may want to buy a television or a used car.Of course,
you want to get good value for your money.If you are considering a major purchase, or any purchase you
should remember several important things.
(2) Study first, and then decide what to buy.You can get enough information just by reading books
and advertisements.
(3) Remember that a high quality product will probably last longer and work better.Of course, for a
superior product you ______________.An inferior product may not give you the same quality,
but the price could be low.A poor quality product could be expensive and a valuable one could be on sale
at a greatly reduced price.
(4) Don"t worry.Take your time.After you decide what product you want to buy, go to many
different stores.If you cannot find the product you want, you try to order it directly from the factory or
ask the store to order it for you.
(5) Look for a good deal.If you wait, you may probably find that your product will go on sale and
you may be able to save 10,20, or even 50 percent of the original price.
(6) Finally, before you buy, make sure that that product is guaranteed.If you find the lowest possible
price, you will generally be happy with your purchase and also keep more money in the bank.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 8 words)
小题2:What should you care more while shopping? (no more than 5 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
Of course, for a superior product you
小题4:How can you get good value for your money? (list at least two things) (no more than 20 words)
小题5:What does‘the underlined’word“one"’refer to in paragraph 3?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Ugly, a male cat, loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, love. To start with, he had only one eye and where the other should have been was a big hole. He was also missing his ear on the same side, and his left foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, making him look like he was always turning the corner. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same reaction.“That’s one UGLY cat!”So, all the children were warned not to touch him. The adults threw rocks at him. Whenever he was treated badly, he would curl his thin body around feet in forgiveness or begged for love.
One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor’s dog. The dog"s owner did not respond kindly. From my apartment I could hear his screams, and I tried to rush to his aid. By the time I got to where he was lying, it was apparent Ugly’s sad life was almost at an end. As I picked him up and tried to carry him home, I could hear his heavy breath, and could feel him struggling. It must be hurting him terribly.
However, Ugly, in so much pain, suffering and obviously dying, was trying to get closer to me. He turned his one golden eye towards me, and even in the greatest pain Ugly was asking only for a little affection. At that time I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or even try to get away from me. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting in me to relieve his pain.
Ugly died in my arms before I could get inside, but I sat and held him for a long time afterwards. Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand books, lectures, or talk show specials ever could, and for that I will always be thankful. It is time for me to learn to love truly and deeply.
小题1:What reaction did people have when they saw Ugly? (No more than 8 words ) (2 marks)
小题2:Why did the author try to rush to help him? (No more than 5 words) (2 marks)
小题3:What did the author think about the cat when it suffered from much pain?
(No more than 14 words )    (3 marks)
小题4:What is the difference between the neighbor’s attitude and the author’s attitude towards the cat?   (No more than 13 words) (3 marks)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Most American school have boys and girls in the same classroom. But a public high school in the small, rural town of Boonsboro, Maryland, offers a special program. Top students in the ninth and tenth grades can attend single-sex classes for math, science, English and social studies.
The aim is to help teenagers keep their minds on their work by keeping males and females apart. Rebecca Brown chooses the students for what Boonsboro High School calls the Academy.
Placement in the Academy is voluntary.
Students are invited after middle school. They need high marks and test scores and strong teacher recommendations. They also need to be involved in activities.
Michael Bair has been at Boonsboro High for twenty years and directs the Academy. His ninth-grade English class for boys centres on books that he believes boys find interesting. He says, “The novels they"re reading now are very manly novels. They"re novels that deal with the arrogance(傲慢) of man and the pride of man.”
Morgan Van Fleet is a senior at Boonsboro High. She likes being in the Academy. She says boys and girls act differently when they are together in the classroom. She says, “To me, it almost seems like preventing your chances of developing yourself because you’re more focused on ‘Oh, I wish they"d shut up. Oh, what do they think of me?’, instead of focusing on ‘What"s the homework? What"s going on in this class? Or what"s the lesson?""" There is one activity that girls and boys in the Academy do together. At the end of the day, many of them stay and help tutor(辅导) students who are having trouble in school.
小题1:Why does this high school offer such a program? (No more than 16 words)
小题2:What requirements should a student meet if he / she wants to be invited after middle school?
(No more than 12 words)
小题3:What activity do boys and girls share after school? (No more than 10 words)
小题4:What is the main idea of this passage? (No more than 10 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My grandma whom we all called Nanny was a solid, first-generation, Italian immigrant. She came to this country with her family on a tiny ship during World War I when she was only 8 years old. During the trip she survived stormy seas,little food, and an attack by a German U-boat. After getting here, her large family worked hard to build a new life in America. They neverhad much money but were rich in love.
One day, when I was about 5 or 6 years old, my parents and brothers went on a trip. It was just me and Nanny in the house for the weekend. Nanny seemed so happy to be taking care of me all by herself. She made me a special breakfast that first morning. However, all I could do was to complain about how the food was not how Mom always made it. Nanny quietly put down the plate and went into the living room. I followed a minute later and saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was the first time I had ever seen my strong and proud grandmother cry and I was the one who had caused it
I walked over to Nanny, climbed on her lap, and for the first time in my short life I did something else too. I apologized without being told to and asked Nanny to forgive me. She smiled, rubbed my head, and told me I was a good boy even though I didn"t feel like one then. That memory just like my Nanny"s love will stay in my heart forever. It is a sign of both strength and wisdom. Asking for forgiveness helps us to learn, to grow, and to love.
小题1:When did Nanny come to this country?(within 4 words)
小题2:What did Nanny survived during the trip?(within 7 words)
小题3:What kind of person is Nanny?(within 5 words)
小题4:Why did my grandma cry one day?(within 12 words)
小题5:What did I learn from the experience?(within 12 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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