根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What are the best ways to learn new wor

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What are the best ways to learn new wor

What are the best ways to learn new words? Once you have learned new words, how can you remember them?
___1_____.What is your reason for wanting to improve your vocabulary—for a purpose, like the SAT, or for fun and general self-improvement?___ 2___ For example, there are books specifically written with methods for increasing one’s vocabulary for SAT test-taking.
___3____Some people need to use what they learn in order for it to stick—as in conversation and writing.Others succeed by taking quizzes. Still others are good at memorizing.
We tend to remember words more easily when we read about them in meaningful context, when we see that they are useful and worth remembering , and also when they have been fully explained._____4_____ Most word-of-the-day offerings supply the definition as well as an example sentence or two.
Studies have shown that a new word will stay in your vocabulary if it is regularly reinforced (强化)through use and reading._____5_____ It is great to have a quiz book with you when you have to wait in places like a dentist’s office.Keeping a quiz book in the car and on the bedside table is good, too.
A.If you want to learn new words, knowing new words’ meanings in your native language is in the first place.
B.Also,you can examine how you learn best, especially word-based information.
C.Taking word quizzes is a fun way to spend a few minutes learning words.
D.Getting many kinds of methods towards your learning goal by reading.
E. Knowing how to use a word is just as important as knowing its meaning.
F. If you want to learn new words, you have to take a couple of things into consideration
G. If you have a goal, it is good to read about different approaches toward achieving the goal.


1、根据句子后陈述的学习词汇的不同目的可知此处选择:If you want to learn new words, you have to take a couple of things into consideration“如果你想学习新单词,你必须综合考虑”最佳。
2、根据关键句子:there are books specifically written with methods可以判断出答案。
3、根据文章具体语境可知:上文已经陈述一中方法,此处有陈述第二种,故此选择:Also,you can examine how you learn best, especially word-based information.
4、根据句子:Most word-of-the-day offerings supply the definition as well as an example sentence or two“大多数现在的词条都能提供定义及一两个例句”可知选择:Knowing how to use a word is just as important as knowing its meaning“知道如何使用一个单词和知道它的意思一样重要”最佳。
5、根据下面的句子:It is great to have a quiz book with you ;Keeping a quiz book in the car and on the bedside table is good, too可以选出最佳答案。
Throughout history man has changed their physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology that he has changed many physical features of the earth. Thus, man’s changes to the physical environment has not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is a increasing danger to the health of the planet. Like we know, massive destruction of environment has brought in negative effects and even formed a great threat to man’s existence. Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws pass to conserve environment. Otherwise, man is certain to suffer the serious consequences causing by this lack of care for his living surroundings.
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小题1: Weather _________ (permit),we’ll visit the Great Wall.  
小题2:With him _________ (give) us a lead,our team is sure to win. 
小题3:___________ (not; receive) a reply,he decided to write a sixth letter. 
小题4:He will attend the meeting _________ (hold) tomorrow.  
小题5: The novel is said ____________ (translate) into many languages.  
小题6: The manager promised to keep me ___________ (inform) of how our business was going on.
小题7: ______ (give) more encouragement, the boy could have behaved better.
小题8: After ______(interview) for the job, you will be required to take a language test.
小题9:The officials discussed the plan that they would like to see _________(carry out) the next month.
小题10: On ________ (hear) the news of his father’s death, he burst into tears. 
小题11: The reason ______ she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn’t allow her to.   
小题12: We are wondering            our teacher will come to the party or not.
小题13: The reason        I have to go is that my mother is ill in bed.  
小题14:This is the place ________ we worked last year.  
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No fight can end, and no friendship can move on, until everyone says these little words. I’m sorry Sometimes, though, they can be difficult to say.  1 
It is not about winning.
Friendships aren’t like the Super Bowl, and there should never be a winner and a loser. When you start fighting with a friend, it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving you’re right and he is wrong, or by making him be the first to apologize.
In reality, you’ll both lose if you let your fight ruin your friendship, and you’ll both win if you find a way to heal it.
You may have heard the expression “His pride stood in the way”. It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to be “right” that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever.3  Remember: as time goes on, we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement, and only remember the sadness of losing a friend.
Take the first step.
Are you sick of fighting? Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship?  you don’t have to take full responsibility for starting the fight, or even say that your feelings were wrong. But you should find something you did or said that’s worth apologizing for. Maybe you’re sorry that you let the fight go for so long, or that you overreacted to something your friend did. If you say you’re sorry, it’s like an invitation for your friend to do the same.  5  
A.Then try to be the first to apologize.
B.Stop thinking about your pride.
C.It’s about taking some responsibility for the argument.
D.Don’t let this happen to a friendship you care about.
E. Here are some things to keep in mind.
F. There are some special cases when you shouldn’t be the one to apologize first.
G. Once you’ve both said it, you’ll both feel a million times better.
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注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Joe was late to school this morning. He looked a little tiring when he met his maths teacher Miss Hunt. He apologized her for being late. Miss Hunt asked him if there was something wrong with him. The boy said he was OK, but he did not have much more sleep last night. He went to a football game and took some pictures. After they got home, he was busy developing them. He stayed till midnight. Miss Hunt told him to get more sleep in night. Joe promised don’t to do that again. Then he showed Miss Hunt with his pictures.
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1.These days Ada and her classmates are arguing about whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary.They are searching for any useful information about women and politics.
2.Albert shows great interest in Asian history.These days he is busy collecting information about how people in Asia fought against colonists(殖民者)in the 1930s.He thinks the people from that time were very great.
63.Elva realizes that it is difficult to combine music and performance perfectly so she wants to watch more films and plays that are full of music.
4.Ivy is something of a dreamer.She is always hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation.In her opinion,films like that are the most romantic.
5.Tim majors in science,but these days he finds it difficult to concentrate on his work.He’s not sure if he’s fit for the course so he wants to watch a film that can give him some courage.
Gandhi is the biography of Mahatma Gandhi,who became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest(非暴力抗争).This film describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means.
It is a film directed by Ronald F.Maxwell which presents a lifelike picture of the Gettysburg
War.The turning point of the Civil War.The famous speech The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is related to this war.
C.Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday,a 1953 romantic comedy,introduced American audiences to Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn.The film was remade for television in 1987.
Princess Anne signs up for a very popular tour of all the European capitals;however,when she arrives in Rome,she becomes dissatisfied with her very restricted(受限制)schedule.
D.The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is a 1956 film directed by Robert Wise and starring Julie Andrews in the lead role.The film is based on the Broadway musical The Sound of Music,with songs written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II,and with the musical book written by the writing team of Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse.Ernest Lehman wrote the screenplay.
E.A Beautiful Mind
This is a 2001 American film about John Forbes Nash.The story begins in the early years of
Nash’s life at Princeton University,as he develops his “original idea” that will revolutionize the
world of mathematics.Early in the movie,Nash begins developing schizophrenia(精神分裂症)and brings a heavy burden upon his wife and friends.
Eva(Evita)Peron,started out life as a poor girl who went on to become an actress and then
the wife of the president of Argentina,Juan Peron.The musical is a story of love and politics.Evita’s huge political influence and constant charity(慈善)work earned her love from people all over the country.She is described-as the most beloved woman in Argentina.    ‘
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