With the help of the foreign experts, they produced ___ washing machines in 2003

With the help of the foreign experts, they produced ___ washing machines in 2003

With the help of the foreign experts, they produced ___ washing machines in 2003 as the year before.   
A.as twice manyB.as twice as manyC.as many as twiceD.twice as many

Having no child of their own, the Smiths took in a _____ girl, Yuan Yuan by name.
A.lovely little ChineseB.Chinese lovely little
C.little Chinese lovelyD.lovely Chinese little

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My car’s performance is ___ since the engine’s been tuned and the tires have been changed.
A.better as twiceB.twice as the condition
C.twice as goodD.twice as better

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Your story is perfect; I’ve never heard___ before.
A.a good one
B.a better one
C.the better one
D.the best one

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The air in mountain areas is ____ that in big cities.
A.as fresh asB.fresher thanC.as dirty asD.dirtier than

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Of the two girls over there, the one in green is _________.     
A.tallB.tallerC.the tallD.the taller

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