1. 用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子。(1) 六岁时,李明摔断了腿,从那以后,他就只能整天坐在轮椅上。(from...on)   ________________

1. 用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子。(1) 六岁时,李明摔断了腿,从那以后,他就只能整天坐在轮椅上。(from...on)   ________________

1. 用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子。(1) 六岁时,李明摔断了腿,从那以后,他就只能整天坐在轮椅上。(from...on)
(2) 父母很忙,不能经常照顾他。他不得不学会了自己应对各种困难。(deal with)
(3) 有时,为了打发时间,他编故事,然后讲给自己听。(kill the time,make up)
(4) 毕竟没有上过学,他不能把自己编的故事记下来。(after all)
(5) 在一位退休老师的帮助下,他学会了5000多字。(with the help of)
(6) 结果,李明成了一位著名作家。(as a result)
(7)在他看来,残疾在某种程度上促使他独立,并成为有用之人。(in one"s opinion,in a way)
   _________________________________________________________________________2. 用五句话将以上句子连成一篇短文。    ________________________________________________________________________
1. Li Ming had his legs broken when he was six. From then on, he had to sit in a wheel
   chair all day long.
2.His parents were so busy that they couldn"t look after him. So he had to learn to deal
   with all kinds of difficulties himself.
3.To kill the time, he sometimes made up stories and told them to himself.
4.He couldn"t write down his stories because he had no schooling after all.
5.With the help of a retired teacher, he learned over 5,000 words.
6.As a result, Li Ming finally became a writer.
7.In his opinion, in a way, his disability enabled him to be an independent and useful
二、Li Ming had his legs broken when he was six,so from then on, he had to sit in a wheel
chair all day long. His parents being too busy to look after him, he had to learn to deal
with all kinds of difficulties himself. To kill the time, he sometimes made up stories and
told them to himself, but he couldn"t write down his stories because he had no schooling
after all. With the help of a retired teacher, he learned over 5,000 words, and as a
result, Li Ming could write better stories and finally became a writer. In his opinion,
his disability enabled him in a way to be an independent and useful person.
1. 用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子。 (1) 保护野生动物非常重要。(protect) 
(2) 目前它们有灭绝的危险。(in danger,die out)
(3) 一方面,为了获取食物或动物身上厚厚的皮,人们捕猎动物。(on one hand,hunt,fur)
(4) 另一方面,人们不能与一些他们认为很凶猛的动物很好相处。(on the other hand,fierce)
(5) 人们常常置它们于死地,使得野生动物面临危险。(endanger)
(6) 为了保护它们不至于灭绝,建立野生动物保护区很有必要。(extinction,set up)
(7) 只要人类让野生动物安详地生活,它们就会成为我们的朋友。(in peace)
   ___________________________________________________________________________________2. 用五句话将以上句子连成一篇短文。    __________________________________________________________________________________
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
1. 用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子。(1) 今天,音乐越来越受人们的欢迎,人们非常重视它。(popular,attach...to)
(2) 欣赏音乐,唱卡拉OK成了最普遍、最广泛的消遣方式。(appreciate,sing Karaoke,
(3) 音乐能传递思想和情感,促进人们之间的相互理解。(convey) 
(4) 最近,人们见到一些街区成立了民间乐队,这些音乐爱好者经常聚在一起,演奏不同的音乐和唱
   一些流行歌曲。(form a band,play music)
(5) 乐队的精彩表演吸引了很多过路人,使他们和表演者一样高兴。(attract,as...as...) 
(6) 音乐,使人们工作、学习更轻松,对未来更加有信心了。(feel relaxed,be confident about)
   _____________________________________________________________________________________二、用五句话将以上句子连成一篇短文。    ____________________________________________________________________________________
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
句子翻译。根据句后提示,翻译以下句子。 1. 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。(come into being)
2. 他起床晚了,结果没赶上早班汽车。(as a result)
3. 老师讲的话对学生有很大的推动作用。(have a pushing effect on)
4. 我爷爷如此盼望着麋鹿归来,以至于在南海子麋鹿苑看到它们时,抑制不住内心的激动哭了
   起来。(long for)
5. 许多人到象深圳那样的新经济开发区去找工作,希望能提高他们的收入。(economic zone)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子。1. 她曾经梦想当一名医生。
   She __________ __________ __________ a doctor.
2. 我将和你坦诚相见。
   I shall __________ __________ __________ you.
3. 当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。
   One should ___________ __________ __________ when young.
4. 我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。
   I bought the picture at an __________ __________ __________.
5. 他总是喜欢拿我开玩笑,因为我们是朋友。
   He likes to ___________ __________ __________ me because we are friends.
6. 你能不能借我十元来钱?
   Can you lend me ten yuan ___________ ___________?
7. 警察驱散了人群。
   The police __________ ___________ the __________.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子。1. 昨天我在街上无意遇见他。
   I met him _______ _______ in the street yesterday.
2. 根据颜色把这些卡片分类。 
   _______ _______ _______ according to their colors.
3. 四天后他去了国外。
   Four days _______, he went ______.
4. 不管你说什么,我还是坚持自己的计划。 
   Whatever you say, I still _______ _______ my plan.
5. 我们不能任何东西,最重要是不要浪费时间。 
   We mustn"t waste anything. _______ _______ we mustn"t _______ _______.
6. 你应该履行你的诺言。
   You should _______ your _______.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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