一年一度的暑假即将来临,这对于我们平时忙于学习的学生来说尤其宝贵。每个人对于暑假都有自己的打算。比如:1. 和家人朋友在一起或和父母去拜访他们的朋友;2. 参

一年一度的暑假即将来临,这对于我们平时忙于学习的学生来说尤其宝贵。每个人对于暑假都有自己的打算。比如:1. 和家人朋友在一起或和父母去拜访他们的朋友;2. 参

1. 和家人朋友在一起或和父母去拜访他们的朋友;
2. 参加一些活动以发展培养自己的业余爱好和才能,如: 打球,游泳,跳舞等;
3. 去图书馆学习或借书阅读以增长知识;
4. 观看一些展览以开阔眼界。
参考词汇:开阔眼界broaden one’s horizon 展览 exhibition
One possible version:
Summer vacation is approaching, which means that we can have enough time to relax ourselves, especially for us students. Different students have different ways of relaxation.
During the summer vacation, some students will stay with their families and friends to have a good chat with each other or pay a visit to their friends with their parents. Some students would like to take part in some activities to develop their hobbies and skills, such as playing basketball, swimming or dancing. Others perhaps go to the library to study or do some reading to gain more knowledge. Besides, they may also go to see various exhibitions so that they can broaden their horizon.
For me, I’m going to relax myself by listening to my favourite music ,reading some famous literatures, or watching interesting films. In addition, I plan to go sightseeing on the seashore or in some places of interest. I’m sure I’ll have a pleasant and meaningful summer vacation.

注意:1,须包括所有图画的内容,可适当增减细节,使日记连贯;2. 词数约 100词。
May 11, Sunday                                      Fine
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
注意:1.词数:100-120。2.题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3.可以适当发挥  4.参考词汇:有益的beneficial

How to spend a meaningful summer holiday
With the winter holiday coming near,our class have had a heated discussion about how to spend a meaningful holiday.The following are the results.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
为迎接五四青年节,你校举办了一场英语才艺展示活动(English talent show)。

1. 活动的情况介绍;
2. 你所参加的活动内容:短剧表演,担任主角;
3. 你的感受:……
参考词汇:主角leading actor/actress
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
We spend hours, days and years of our lives in education. But how perfect do you think your school is? Imagine you could decide your ideal school. What would it be like? What would you be doing? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is what they said.
Sonia from Italy: I’d like a room where we can go and relax and play computer games and chat with friends. Some older pupils in the school have this but I think there should be a place for everyone to go when they want to switch off from the lessons.
Richard form USA: I think it would be great to have a day off every week, as well as the weekend. If that day was a Friday or a Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. I’m sure we could learn just as much in fewer hours.
David from UK: The school dinners are absolutely disgusting. There is a little shop called a “tuck shop” which we can go to in our breaks but it just sells rubbish. I’d like to be able to buy fruit and healthy snacks.
Hannah from Australia: My school environment is great – especially the sports facilities. We’ve got a swimming pool and tennis court. It’s teachers I’d change. I think they should give us more freedom and choice about how we study and what we study. I also think it’s ridiculous that we have to wear a school uniform.
Sam form Mexico: I’d like clean toilets and showers, a big library, big lockers and a restaurant. Not much to ask for.
1. 以约30词概括短文要点;
2. 然后以约120字以“我的理想学校”为主题,描述你心目中的理想的学校应具备哪些条件,此部分应包括以下内容:
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1) 我和同学将一起参与学校组织的一次环保活动(be about to do)
2) 学校周边环境陷入了困境,到处都是垃圾(be caught in)
3) 我们将把学校周边大量的垃圾进行处理(deal with)
4) 尽管(even if)我们很努力,但还需要社会人士的支持
5) 有关当局也应该不允许乱丢垃圾,因为这样做对环境非常有好处。  (permit doing)
2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文;
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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