Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 and at 6:30 she

Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 and at 6:30 she

Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club.At last,the traffic was moving.She swung quickly racing to her house. As she opened the door,she nearly tripped over Sheba.
“Hey,Sheba,”she said,“I"ve got no time for you now,but I"ll take you out as soon as I get back from tennis club.”Then she noticed Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking .Obviously,she could hardly breathe.Immediately Joanne realized she would have to take her to the vet(兽医).
When she got there,the vet was just about to close for the day. Seeing the state of Sheba,Dr.Sterne brought her quickly into his office.
“Listen,doctor,I"m really in a rush to get to a meeting can I leave her with you,and go and get changed? I"ll be back in ten minutes to pick her up,and then I"ll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?”
“Sure.”said the doctor
Joanne made the quick trip back to her house in a couple of minutes.As she was entering the hallway,the phone by the door began to ring.
“This is Dr.Sterne,” said an anxious voice,“I want you to get out of that house immediately,”said the doctor"s voice.“I"m coming round fight away,and the police will be there any time now.Wait outside!”
At that moment,a police car screeched to a stop outside the house.Two policemen got out and ran into the house.Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened.Then the doctor arrived.
“Where’s Sheba? Is she OK?”shouted Joanne.
“She’s fine,Joanne.I took out the thing which was choking her,and she’s OK now.”
Just then,the two policemen reappeared from the house,half-carrying a white—faced man,who could hardly walk.There was blood all over him.
“My God,”said Joanne,“how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?”
“I think he must be a burglar.”said the doctor.“I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat:it turned out to be three human fingers”
小题1:What was Joanne supposed to do at 6:30?
A.To attend a club meeting.B.To walk her dog
C.To see her doctor.D.To play tennis with her friends.
小题2:Joanne wanted to get back to her home again          . phone the police catch the badly hurt burglar dress up for the wait for her dog to be cured
小题3:From the passage,we can infer that        .
A.Sheba fought against the burglar
B.Joanne had planned to take her dog to the meeting
C.the police found the burglar had broken in
D.the doctor performed a difficult operation on the dog
小题4:In this passage,the writer intends to tell us that the dog is          .



小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club.可知6:30的时候,Joanne应该参加一个俱乐部的会议,选A
小题2:细节题:从第四段的句子:“Listen,doctor,I"m really in a rush to get to a meeting can I leave her with you,and go and get changed? I"ll be back in ten minutes to pick her up,可知Joanne再次回家是为了换衣服,选C
小题3:推理题:从文章最后一段的句子:“I think he must be a burglar.”said the doctor.“I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat:it turned out to be three human fingers”可知Sheba是和盗贼搏斗的过程中咬掉盗贼的手指的,选A。
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at      . As for me, I     both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.
The last time Dad and I set sail together is really      . It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and     Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the     lake. Dad hadn’t sailed for years, but everything     well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.
When we were in the middle of the lake, a      wind came all of a sudden. The boat was hit     . Dad was always at his best in any    , but at this moment he     .
“John!    !” he shouted in a trembling voice, with the tiller still in his hands.
In my memory he could fix any    . He was the one I always     for strength and security. Before I could respond, a      of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller     it was too late. Another huge wall of water     the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely     of him.
I swam to Dad     and assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was a little awkward about his flash of      . “It’s all right, Dad. We are safe now,” I comforted him.
That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. More importantly, I found it was my turn to start     for my father.
A.turned toB.lived withC.argued withD.objected to
A.if B.forC.afterD.but
小题16: throughB.poured intoC.turned overD.lifted up
A.making upB.getting readyC.paying offD.looking out

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“A good book for children should simply be a good book in its own right” says Mollie Hunter. Born and brought up near Edinburgh,Mollie has devoted her talents to writing primarily for young people. She firmly believes that there is and should always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its main market is. In Mollie’s opinion it is necessary to make full use of language and she enjoys telling a story,which is what every writer should be doing. “If you aren’t telling a story, you’re a very dead writer indeed.” She says. With the chief function of a writer being to entertain,Mollie is indeed an entertainer. “I have this great love of not only the meaning of language but of the music of language,” she says. “This love goes back to early childhood. I had a school teacher who used to ask us what we would like to be when we grew up and,because my family always had dogs,and I was very good at handling them,I said I wanted to work with dogs,and the teacher always said  ‘Nonsense,Mollie;dear,you’ll be a writer.’ So finally I thought that this woman must have something,since she was a good teacher and I decided when I was nine that I would be a writer.”
This childhood intention is described in her novel,A Sound of Chariots,which although written in the third person is clearly autobiographical (自传体的) and gives a picture both of Mollie’s ambition and her struggle towards its achievement. Thoughts of her childhood inevitably (不可避免地) brought thoughts of the time when her home was still a village with buttercup meadows and strawberry fields—sadly now covered with modern houses. “I was once taken back to see it and I felt that somebody had lain dirty hands all over my childhood. I’ll never go back,”she said “Never. When I set one of my books in Scotland” she said “I can recall my romantic feelings as a child playing in those fields,or watching the village blacksmith at work. And that’s important because children now know so much so early that romance can’t exist for them, as it did for us.”
小题1:What does Mollie Hunter feel about the nature of a good book?
A.It should not aim at a narrow audience.
B.It should be attractive to young readers.
C.It should be based on original ideas.
D.It should not include too much conversation.
小题2:In Mollie Hunter’s opinion,which of the following is one sign of a poor writer?
A.Being poor in life experience.
B.Being short of writing skills.
C.The weakness of description.
D.The absence of a story.
小题3:What do we learn about Mollie Hunter as a young child?
A.She didn’t expect to become a writer.
B.She didn’t enjoy writing stories.
C.She didn’t have any particular ambitions.
D.She didn’t respect her teacher’s views.
小题4:What’s the writer’s purpose in this text?
A.To share her enjoyment of Mollie Hunter’s books.
B.To introduce Mollie Hunter’s work to a wider audience.
C.To provide information for Mollie Hunter’s existing readers.
D.To describe Mollie Hunter’s most successful books.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at     __. As for me, I __    both well before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.
The last time Dad and I set sail together is really    __ . It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and __   Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the __  __ lake. Dad hadn’t sailed for years, but everything      well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.
When we were in the middle of the lake, a       wind came all of a sudden. The boat was  _  _  violently(猛烈地). Dad was always at his best in any  __, but at this moment he __  .
“John!    __ !” he shouted in a trembling(颤抖的) voice, with the tiller still in his hands.
In my memory he could fix any     __. He was the one I always __  __ for strength and security. Before I could respond, a     _ of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller      it was too late. Anther huge wall of water      the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely    of him.
I swam to Dad      and assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was still a little frightened. “It’s all right, Dad. We are __ __ now,” I comforted him.
That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency(紧急情况). More importantly, I found it was my turn to start __    of my father.
A.sentB.orderedC.invited D.allowed
A.pulled B.brokenC.sailedD.hit
A.turned toB.lived withC.argued withD.objected to
A.turned onB.turned intoC.turned overD.turned up
A.catching sightB.getting fond C.getting tiredD.taking care

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When Pat Jones finished college, she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. Pat wanted to visit Latin America first, so she got a job as an English teacher in a school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn’t know much English.
Once, A sentence she had read somewhere struck her mind: if you dream in a foreign language, you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and hoped that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.
One day, one of her worst students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had gone to bed early and had slept badly.
“What does this have to do with your homework?” Pat asked.
“I dreamed all night, Miss Jones. And my dream was in English.”
“In English?” Pat was very surprised, since he was such a bad student. She was even secretly jealous (嫉妒的). Her dream was still not in Spanish. But she encouraged her young student, “Well, tell me about your dream.”
“All the people in my dream spoke English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”
“But that’s wonderful,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?”
“I am sorry, Miss Jones. That’s why I slept so badly. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare (噩梦)”.
小题1:Pat believed that ______.
A.people can learn foreign languages in their dreams
B.she already dreamed in Spanish so she has mastered Spanish of her worst students had already mastered English
D.dreaming in a foreign language means a good command of it
小题2:Pat’s student didn’t finish his home work because______.
A.the home work was too difficult
B.the student dreamed in English
C.the student didn’t sleep well
D.the student didn’t know much English
小题3:The writer wrote this story ______. show us how to learn a foreign language show us how to teach a foreign language amuse us with an interesting story encourage us to travel to foreign countries
小题4:From the passage we can infer that ______. Bolivia, people speak Spanish
B.Pat’s student who dreamed in English was actually good at English
C.Pat has already learned much Spanish Latin America, the newspapers and magazines are in English

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On a flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged rich white South African lady had found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to complain(抱怨) about her seat. “What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the attendant.
“Can’t you see?” She said, “You have seated me next to a black person! I can’t possibly sit next to this kind of person. Find me another seat!”
“Please calm down, Madam,” the stewardess replied. “The flight is very full today, but I will tell you what I will do---- I will go and check to see if we have any seats available(可利用的) in club or first class.”
The woman glanced at the angry black man beside her. A few minutes later, the stewardess returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady.
“Madam, unfortunately, as I expected, economy is full. I have spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the stewardess continued, “It is most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, learning this condition, the captain felt that it was shocking that someone should be forced to sit next to such a tiring person.”
Having said that, the stewardess turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get you things, sir, I have your seat ready for you…”
At this point, obviously the surrounding passengers stood and gave an applause while the black man walked up to the front of the plane.
小题1:Why did the lady complain about her seating?
A.Because she didn’t want to sit in economy.
B.Because she would like a seat in first class.
C.Because she didn’t want to sit next to a black man.
D.Because she didn’t want to sit in club.
小题2:What was the good news for the lady?
A.The black man would have to change for another seat.
B.The captain understood her situation.
C.The cabin director was sparing no effort to help her.
D.They have one seat in first class.
小题3:What was the other passengers’ attitude towards the lady?
A.They liked her very much because she was a rich lady.
B.They disliked her because she looked down upon the black man.
C.They applauded for her when she moved to another seat.
D.They disliked her because she was not polite to the stewardess.
小题4:What was unexpected to the lady?
A.The plane was so full that day.
B.They found a seat for her in club.
C.The captain himself was concerned about her problem.
D.They found another seat for the black man.

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