In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou

In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou

In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou lived alone in Canada and did little. One day, he passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.
“My heart tells me that music is the thing I truly want to do, not for fame or money,” Chou said. That’s how we luckily have such a music genius, who has since then composed lots of hits for the pop music charts (排行榜). 
“Sometimes we need to get close to nature to look deeply into our souls and see what we really want to follow,” he said.
Recently he has made public his latest work Lovers Genesis. In this album he explores human relationships in the Internet age.“Technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how you’re going to use it,”is Chou’s advice to teenagers.
Chou often gets his music ideas from trips. He has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a country’s language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.
Chou has worked hard on learning English to push forward his music career. He has flown to the UK to attend months-long English training schools three times. There he lives with local families and practices daily conversations.
“So I could easily read the English instructions on recording machines and communicate with the local music producers,” said Chou, “The music reviews of the US or British singers that I appreciate could help me learn and grow with them.”
小题1:Which of the following about Steve Chou is the correct order?
a. He made public his work Lovers Genesis.
b. He passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.
c. He composed lots of hits for the pop music charts.
d. Few people bought his records.
小题2:Why has Chou flown to the UK to learn English?
A.Because he wants to live in the UK.
B.Because his record company asks him to.
C.Because he wants to sell his album in the UK.
D.Because he thinks it will be helpful for his music career.
小题3:Steve Chou may agree with the following except that __________.
A.taking trips gives him some ideas of music
B.what we really want to follow is the most important is a thing that can bring him fame and money International age, technology itself is not a bad thing
小题4:What is Steve Chou like according to the passage?
A.Kind and helpful.B.Proud and confident.
C.Active and hard-working.D.Calm and disappointed.



小题1:排序题:从第一段的句子:In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou lived alone in Canada and did little. One day, he passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.可知先是d然后是b,符合这个条件的只有B项。
小题2:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:Chou has worked hard on learning English to push forward his music career.可知是为了推动他的音乐事业。选D
小题3:细节题:从第二段的句子:“My heart tells me that music is the thing I truly want to do, not for fame or money,” 可知他认为音乐不是为了名声和金钱。选C
小题4:推理题:从第五段的句子:Chou often gets his music ideas from trips. He has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a country’s language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.可知他是积极的勤奋的。选C
We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow. “Buy it,” my wife said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof rack(行李架), I’ve always wanted one like that.”
What could I do? Ten minutes later I was 20 pounds poorer, and the cupboard was tied onto the roof rack. It was six inches long and eighteen inches square, quite heavy too.
In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.
After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake, I wonder?”
In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.
“Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help?”
I was a bit puzzled. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You have been very kind. I live just on the road.”
He was staring at our car: first at the flowers, and then at the cupboard. “Well, well,” he said, laughing. “It’s a cupboard you’ve got there! We thought it was, something else.”
My wife began to laugh. Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a cupboard, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.
小题1:It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A.other drivers let the couple go first, because the husband did not drive fast
B.the cupboard cost less than 20 pounds
C.the husband, in fact, would rather not buy the cupboard
D.all the cars followed the couple’s
小题2:The police will be more polite to those who are______. great sorrowB.driving in the gathering darkness
C.driving with wild flowers in the carD.carrying furniture
小题3:What did the police officer think of the cupboard?
A.It was so expensive that it needed their help
B.It was a box for a dead person to be buried in.
C.There might be something stolen in it.
D.It was a big box with some bomb in it.
小题4:What did the husband think of the whole matter?
A.It was very strange.B.He took great pride in it.
C.He was puzzled at itD.He felt embarrassed.

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My husband Mike hated Christmas. He didn’t hate the true meaning of ___36___, but the commercial aspects (方面) of it. Knowing he felt this ____37__, I decided one year to__38__the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so on. I reached for something __39_just for Mike. The idea came in an unusual way.
   Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was____40__at the junior level at the school he attended and shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match___41____a team sponsored(资助) by a church.
   These youngsters from the church, dressed in shoes so____42___that shoestrings(鞋带) seemed to be the only thing holding them together,___43_____our son’s team were in their beautiful new wrestling shoes.
   As the match began, I was___44___to see that the other team was wrestling without a helmet(头盔) designed to___45____a wrestler’s head. They clearly could not____46___ them. Well, our son’s team ended up defeating them and took every weight class. But as the other team ____47__up from the mat(垫子), they walked around with a sense of pride that couldn’t admit___48____.
   Mike, seated beside me, shook his head___49___, “I wish just one of them could have won,” he said. “They have a lot of potential(潜力), but___50___like this could take the heart right out of them.” Mike loved__51____and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball. That’s when the __52____for his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and ___53____some wrestling helmets and shoes and sent them to the church.
   On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his____54___from me. His smile was the____55___ thing about Christmas that year.
A.the envelopeC.the wrestling D.Christmas
A.buyB.avoid  C.wearD.give
A.atB.against   C.forD.on
A.becauseB.if  C.soD.while
A.coverB.surround   C.protectD.hide
A.carryB.afford  C.designD.expect
A.gotB.dressed    C.turnedD.cheered
A.defeatB.evidence   C.chargeD.mistake
A.gentlyB.sadly  C.nervouslyD.gladly
A.runningB.winning   C.losingD.shaking
A.returnB.sold   C.boughtD.left
A.brightestB.funniest C.ugliestD.darkest

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There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died. Sadly, she went to the holy man and asked, “What magical things do you have to bring my son back to life?”
Instead of sending her away or reasoning with her, he said to her, “Fetch me a mustard (芥菜) seed from a home that has never known sadness. We will use it to drive the sadness out of your life.” The woman happily went off at once in search of that magical mustard seed.
She first came to a splendid house, knocked at the door and said, “I am looking for a home that has never known sadness. Is it such a place? It is very important to me.”
They told her “You’ve certainly come to the wrong place” and began to describe all the tragic things that had happened to them recently.
The woman said to herself, “I have had misfortune of my own. Who is able to help these poor, unfortunate people?” She stayed to comfort them, and then went on in search of a home that had never known sadness. But wherever she went, she found one tale after another of sadness and misfortune. She became so involved in other people’s sorrow that finally she forgot about her search for the magical mustard seed, never realizing that it had, in fact, driven the sadness out of her life.
小题1:Which of the following does the story lead us to believe?
A.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
B.Time passed cannot be called back again.
C.You can’t feel happy unless compared with others.
D.You can’t expect to know the result until you have tried.
小题2:Instead of sending the woman away, the holy man      .
A.asked her to help him first
B.tried to comfort her with kind words
C.asked her to look for a thing that didn’t exist at all
D.tried to encourage her by talking with her
小题3:Leaving the holy man, the woman      .
A.was full of hopeB.was filled with sadness
C.was determined to try againD.became discouraged
小题4:The best title for the text would be “     ”.
A.A woman’s misfortuneB.A nice surprise
C.The holy man’s faithD.Cure for sadness

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Gwendolyn Brooks wrote hundreds of poems during her lifetime. She was known around the world for using poetry to increase understanding of black culture in America.
During the 1940’s and the 1950’s, Gwendolyn Brooks used her poems to describe conditions among the poor, racial (种族的) inequality and drug use in the black community. She also wrote poems about the struggles of black women.
But her skill was more than her ability to write about struggling black people. She combined traditional European poetry styles with the African American experience.
Gwendolyn Brooks once said that she wrote about what she saw and heard in the street. She said she found most of her materials through looking out of the window of her second-floor apartment in Chicago, Illinois.
In her early poetry, Gwendolyn Brooks wrote about the South Side of Chicago, where many black people live. In her poems, the South Side is called Bronzeville. It was “A Street in Bronzeville” that gained the attention of literary experts in 1945. Critics praised her poetic skills and her powerful descriptions about the black experience during the time. The Bronzeville poems were her first published collection.
In 1950, Gwendolyn Brooks became the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature. She won the prize for her second book of poems called “Annie Allen”. “Annie Allen” is a collection of poetry about a Bronzeville girl as a daughter, a wife and a mother. She experiences loneliness, loss, death and poverty (贫穷).
Gwendolyn Brooks said that winning the prize changed her life.
Her next work was a novel written in 1953 called “Maud Martha”. “Maud Martha” attracted little attention when it was first published. But now it is considered an important work by some critics. Its main ideas about the difficult lives of many women are popular among female writers today.                                                      
小题1:Gwendolyn Brooks became world-famous because     .
A.she was an expert on the language of poetry
B.she introduced black culture by writing poems
C.she fought for black rights by writing poems
D.her poems showed the lives of black women
小题2:Which of the following can we learn from the text?
A.Gwendolyn Brooks’ poems focused on black people in Africa.
B.Winning the Pulitzer Prize for Literature was important to Brooks.
C.Gwendolyn Brooks used to suffer a lot from drugs.
D.Gwendolyn Brooks was very strict with herself.
小题3:How did Gwendolyn Brooks get ideas for most of her poems?
A.By observing life.B.By having talks.
C.By reading widely.D.By traveling.
小题4:We can infer that the book “Annie Allen” mainly deals with      . lifeB.inequalityC.adventure D.failure

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Two men, both seriously ill, were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in his bed for an hour each afternoon for treatment. His 47 was next to the room"s only window. The other man 48 spend all his time flat on his back. Every 49 when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he 50 pass the time by describing(描述) to his 51 all the things he could see outside the window. The window overlooked(远眺) a 52 with a lovely lake. Ducks played on the water while children 53 their model boats. Young lovers walked 54 among flowers. As the man by the window described all this beautifully, the other man would close his eyes and 55 the scene.
One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the 56 body of the man by the window, who had died 57 in his sleep. She was sad and 58 the hospital attendants (服务员) to take the body away. 59 it seemed appropriate (合适的), the other man asked if he could 60 next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch(调换), and after 61 he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he sat up to take his 62 look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the 63 of seeing it for himself. He strained (紧张地) to slowly turn to 64 the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have forced his dead roommate to 65 those wonderful things outside this window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”
A.stand upB.lie downC.sit upD.sit down
A.had toB.would ratherC.prefer toD.rather than
A.face to faceB.shoulder to shoulderC.arm in armD.back to back
A.BeforeB.As soon asC.AlthoughD.As far as
小题15: taken
A.making sureB.depending onC.making upD.accounting for
A.look outB.look atC.glare atD.stare at

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