I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I w

I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I w

I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old.
The  31  goes with me wherever I go. My mother gave it to me so that  32  would follow me. She looked at me and said, “I want you to carry this two dollar bill for extra good luck.”
“Thanks, mom,” I replied, “I will keep it  33  to me always.”
My mother passed away when I was seven years old. I remember I took out my two dollar bill and held it in my hand for the longest time, knowing that she would  34  me the rest of my life.
Each time I felt I had a crisis, I would  35  for my two dollar bill and set it on the table. I would  36  at it for several hours and could always  37  a solution. When I applied for my first job, I was thirty years old and very shy. The thought of being interviewed for a job was  38  but I had to work. I saw one of the interviewers well dressed with  39  purse and shoes. I also knew the chance of being chosen was  40  when looking at the length of others’ resumes.
“What makes you feel you are  41  for this job?” The well-dressed woman asked. “I really need this job and there is nothing I can not do” I responded. She then asked me a series of questions and the interview was over. As I left, I  42  and said “Please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very  43  member of your team.”
I went home,  44 . That evening I received a phone call. “Gina” she said, “we decided to give you a chance to  45  yourself.” “Thank you, you will not regret this decision.” I  46  the phone and yelled. At that instant, I remember my mom once said to us “You are  47  in my mind. Don’t  48  failure. It is a way to get us to try harder.”
How  49  this gift from Mom! It had built up  50  in me.
A.look out forB.watch overC.see toD.come across
A.come up withB.put forwardC.set upD.pull through
A.turned aroundB.turned backC.put upD.raise up
A.hung upB.got throughC.set asideD.got off



小题1:考查名词:A.money钱B.check支票C.bill钞票D.paper纸,从前面的I keep a two dollar bill in my wallet that was given to me by my mother when I was six years old.可知选C
小题2:考查名词:A.luck幸运B.happiness 快乐C.wealth财富D.wisdom智慧,妈妈把这张钞票给我,这样好运会跟随着我。选A
小题4:考查短语:A.look out for当心B.watch over看管C.see to负责 D.come across遇到,知道她会在余生照顾我。选B
小题7:考查短语:A.come up with提出,想出,B.put forward提出C.set up建立D.pull through度过难关,想出一个解决办法。选A
小题9:考查形容词:A.suitable适合的B.matching匹配的C.fancy极好的, D.exaggerating(夸张的),我看见一个面试官穿着讲究带着想匹配的鞋子和钱包。选B
小题10:考查形容词:A.slim苗条的,渺茫B.terrible可怕的C.few很少 D.abundant丰富的,我知道被选中的机会很渺茫。选A
小题11:考查形容词:A.born天生的B.qualified合格的C.stable稳定的, D.grateful感激的,什么使你觉得可以胜任这个工作?选B
小题12:考查短语:A.turned around转过身B.turned back回过来C.put up张贴D.raise up抬起,我离开的时候,转过身,说:请给我这个机会。选A
小题13:考查形容词:A.productive多产的,优秀的B.additional额外的C.concise(简洁)    D.effective有效的,我学的很快,会成为你们团队里面优秀的成员。选A
小题15:考查动词:A.test检测B.challenge挑战C.prove证明, D.strengthen加强,我们决定给你机会考验自己。选A
小题16:考查短语:A.hung up挂断B.got through接通C.set aside放置一边D.got off下车,我挂断电话,开始欢呼,选A
小题17:考查形容词:A.brilliant优秀的B.awesome 令人敬畏的,C.careful仔细的, D.unbelievable难以置信的,我记得妈妈对我说过,你对我来说是优秀的,选A
As a substitute teacher, my daily routine involves driving to a new school almost every day so I’m usually unable to anticipate the day’s events, good or bad!
On one particular day, I was teaching in a very difficult classroom. I was managing behavior all morning and by lunch time, I knew I needed coffee to even consider surviving the afternoon. So on my lunch break, I drove to a nearby plaza(购物中心)to get a cup of coffee. Upon returning to the car I realized I had locked my keys and my phone inside! I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4 or 5-minute drive away. I contemplated  (思考)sprinting(冲刺)back, but it being winter, I thought a nasty fall on ice would only make the situation much worse.
So I ran into a McDonald’s which was in the same plaza and asked the man at the counter who happened to be the manager to please call me a cab. I briefly explained my situation to him, and I could tell by the look in his eyes, that he empathized. He hurried to the back to use the phone while I paced in the restaurant. I had less than 10 minutes to get back to my school at this point.
The manager returned only to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got disconnected, and that he was now on hold again, but had not yet been able to request the cab yet. My expression, I assume, began to resemble some combination of hopelessness and fear.
Without a thought, he grabbed his coat and offered to drive me to the school. Without hesitation, I followed him into his car and made it back into my classroom with 2 minutes to spare before the bell!
Upon arriving at the school, I thanked this man endlessly. His calm demeanor(举止)and kind nature made me think he was probably a wonderful manager to work for, and also a wonderful human being to have on this earth. This experience makes me realize that out of every seemingly hopeless situation, there is the opportunity for acts of kindness to transpire(发生), which can have an unimaginable impact on those who receive them.
小题1:Why did the author go to get a coffee?
A.Because he needed to eat something as lunch.
B.Because he was very thirsty.
C.Because he had to refresh himself for the classes in the afternoon.
D.Because he wanted something hot to drink.
小题2:What happened to the author after he got a cup of coffee?
A.He fell on the icy road.
B.He realized his keys and phone were locked inside the car.
C.His car was broken.
D.He lost his keys and phone.
小题3:How long probably had the author stayed in the McDonald’s?
A.For about 15 minutes.B.For about 10 minutes.
C.For about 8 to 9 minutes.D.For only 2 minutes.
小题4:What kind of person is the manager?

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There once was a place  36  all the people were happy and  37 . Everyone was friendly and neighborly. Even the dogs and cats  38  together.
Then one day a stranger was seen  39  toward the village: a tall, tall stranger. As the stranger, who was a giant,  40  closer and closer, the people all ran into their houses and wouldn"t come out.
The giant  41  the village. He was enormous, towering over everything.  42  a little girl stepped out on her porch. She jumped down from her porch. Her family yelled, "STOP! COME BACK! That"s a giant!" But she didn"t stop. She began to walk  43  the giant.
The strangest thing  44  . As the child walked toward the giant, he grew  45  . Soon he was the same size as the girl. As she came beside the giant, she  46  him. She stooped down and gently  47  the giant up in her hands, asking, "What"s your name?"
The giant whispered, "My name is F-E-A-R! Help me!! I have a terrible  48  . I guess I look strange. When I meet people they are afraid of me. And when people are afraid of me, I suddenly grow into a giant and everybody runs away from me. YOU are not afraid of me, so I stayed small. Do you  49  it? It"s crazy! Please help me!"
"I can take you for a walk through our village," the girl responded. "I want everyone to hear of your problem. When they know the truth, they will no  50  be afraid of you. While we are going from house to house you can look at me  51  , and then you will stay the same size as you are now.
"But  52  we go, let"s change your name. What do you want to be called? YOU should not be called FEAR, because YOU are not afraid. It"s the people who look at you  53  fear you. That"s what causes you to grow into a giant."
"Will you hold my hand  54  ? If I get scared I"ll shut my eyes. Oh, and will you please call me  55  ." 
A.whichB.for whichC.whenD.where
A.walkB.walkingC.walkedD.having walked
A.comingB.to comeC.cameD.having come
A.destroyedB.cameC.pulled downD.entered
A.For the momentB.All of a sudden
C.In the balanceD.In other words
A.occurred toB.occurringC.happenedD.take place
A.bigger and biggerB.weaker and weaker
C.narrower and narrowerD.smaller and smaller
A.towered overB.was under the shadow of
C.was afraid ofD.fighted against
A.for a whileB.in a minuteC.all the timeD.the whole day

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My mother, Marisol Torres, came with her family to Australia in the early 1960s. Then my parents’ marriage ended and Mum began the study of precious stones. Her interest in opals (猫眼石) took her to the New South Wales remote town of Lightning Ridge. There were no luxuries (奢华的享受), but she was closer to nature and had a chance to find black opals and make some money.
My mother was beautiful with dark hair and brown eyes, but she was also quiet and shy. Early in the Ridge years, she kept to herself, but later, she started going to the neighbourhood centre to make friends.
It was her dream to mine, but her get-rich-quick thinking was unrealistic. She was cheated and she was never very successful. But she kept a sense of humour and a charming smile.
Then, just as friendships began to blossom, she was diagnosed with cancer and had to return south for treatment. She had the intention of cooking Spanish food as special treat for her Ridge friends, but died too soon. In her honour, my aunt, Marisa, and I fulfilled her desire when we visited the Ridge in March last year.
People who mine the Ridge come from a cross section of society, from lawyers to travels. Looks don’t mean much: it can be hard to tell who is millionaire and who is poor. Opals attracted Sebastian and Hanna Deisenberger to Lightning Ridge. They planned a two-year stay, but became permanent residents.
Then there’s Neil Schellnegger, 45, who moved to the area with his parents when he was a child. He lives with his son, Luke. Luke is a shy 19-year-old boy who enjoys helping his dad. They haven’t had much luck over the past couple of years, but their passion for opals conquers disappointment. They love the peaceful lifestyle.
Danny Hatcher, 38, is a second-generation miner and president of the Lightning Ridge Miners’ Association. He is an optimistic man, driven by the desire to find the perfect opal. “It’s magic,” he explains. “Once you start opal mining you don’t want to do anything else… There is always the potential for finding a million dollars. Nothing beats it.”
It’s a place where dreams --- spiritual or material --- can be fulfilled; a place, for one last bet in life.
小题1:What made the author’s mother go to Lightning Ridge?
A.The luxurious life there.B.Her new marriage there.
C.Her interest in opals.D.Her passion for nature. .
小题2:After the author’s mother died, she fulfilled her desire by __________.
A.treating her mother’s Ridge friends with Spanish food
B.writing a biography about her whole life
C.decorating her house in Lightning Ridge
D.finding a lot of black opals in Lightning Ridge
小题3:We know from the passage that _________.
A.the rich and the poor can be distinguished by their looks
B.Luke is a successful miner, just like his father
C.Sebastian is planning to leave Lightning Ridge
D.Danny Hatcher’s parents were miners in Lightning Ridge
小题4:Lightning Ridge is a place where dreams can be fulfilled because __________.
A.there are precious stones and life is peaceful
B.there are people from all walks of life
C.there are rich people who can help poor people
D.there is a lot of gold hidden in the ground
小题5:What is the author’s purpose of giving Neil Schellnegger and Danny Hatcher as examples?
A.To show the magic power of opal mining.
B.To tell people it isn’t always hard to mine opals.
C.To warn people not to take up this kind of job.
D.To persuade people to look for more resources for the country.

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Whenever my kids have a party at school, I am the mom who always signs up to bring the juice boxes. It’s not because I’m   36  or that I don’t care if my kids have a good party. I am just not good at making homemade bread into holiday-themed shapes like other mothers.   37 , I’m happy to try, even though it’ll   38  me a long time to do it.
People say that housewives should have the   39  to make delicious meals, keep their houses clean, and   40  every minute of their child’s life. Their words used to   41  me a lot. I felt that I should also be able to do those things as a housewife. So   42  I couldn’t make the turkey-shaped cookies, I   43  feeling like a failure as a mom.
After many   44  attempts at baking, and many afternoons spent crying over my inabilities as a mother, I finally accepted the   45  that my lot(命运) in life is to be the juice box mom. I worked hard to be the   46  one in the elementary school. And after one of my daughter’s class parties, it   47 . Her teacher stopped me as I was leaving and said, “Thank you so much for always bringing   48  drinks. Sometimes parents forget that other children will also   49  class parties, and they end up being left out because we don’t have enough   50  for everyone.”
I just accepted her appreciation, rather than telling her that I brought extra drinks because I could   51  remember how many kids were in the class. But her   52  taught me an important lesson: I’m not a failure as a mom.
Not everyone is cut out to be a(n)   53  mom. I believe it’s okay to be the juice box mom. I may not bake cookies and decorate them beautifully, but I  54  something to drink. And I think that’s just as   55 .
A.HoweverB.Therefore C.OtherwiseD.Besides
A.ended upB.went onC.insisted onD.set out
A.stood outB.got outC.came backD.paid off
A.attend B.holdC.enjoyD.leave

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Bertie knew there was something in the wind. His mother had been sad in recent days, not sick, just strangely sad. The lion had just lain down beside him, his head warm on Bertie"s feet when Father cleared his throat and began," You"ll soon be eight, Bertie. A boy needs a proper education. We"ve found the right place for you, a school near Salisbury in England."
His heart filled with a terrible fear, all Bertie could think of was his white lion. "But the lion," he cried, "What about the lion?"
"I"m afraid there"s something else I have to tell you," his father said. Looking across at Bertie"s mother, he took a deep breath. Then he told Bertie he had met a circus(马戏团) owner from France, who was over in Africa looking for lions to buy. He would come to their farm in a few days.
"No! You can"t send him to a circus!" said Bertie. "People will come to see him. He"ll be shut up behind bars. I promised him he never would be. And they will laugh at him. He"d rather die. Any animal would! " But as he looked across the table at them, he knew their minds were quite made up.
Bertie felt completely betrayed. He waited until he heard his father"s deep breathing next door. With his white lion at his heels, he crept downstairs in his pyjamas, took down his father"s rifle from the rack and stepped out into the night. He ran and ran till his legs could run no more. As the sun came up over the grassland, he climbed to the top of a hill and sat down, his arms round the lion"s neck. The time had come.
"Be wild now," he whispered. "You"ve got to be wild. Don"t ever come home. All my life I"ll think of you. I promise I will." He buried his head in the lion"s neck. Then, Bertie clambered down the hill and walked away.
When he looked back, the lion was still sitting there watching him; but then he stood up, yawned, stretched, and sprang down after him. Bertie shouted at him, but he kept coming. He threw sticks. He threw stones. Nothing worked.
There was only one thing left to do. With tears filling his eyes and his mouth, he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired over the lion"s head.
小题1:Bertie"s mother was sad probably because she ______.
A.had been seriously ill recently
B.had decided to send Bertie to school
C.knew selling the lion would upset Bertie
D.knew Bertie would hate to go to England
小题2:The underlined word "they" in Para.4 probably refers to ______.
A.some audience B.other animalsC.Bertie"s parentsD.circus owners
小题3:In the last paragraph, the boy lifted the rifle to ______.
A.kill the lion out of fear
B.threaten the lion back to the wild
C.protect himself from the lion
D.show his anger towards his father
小题4:The passage intends to show that ______.
A.animal-hunting is popular in Africa
B.parents are sometimes cruel to their children
C.animals usually lead a miserable life in circuses
D.people and animals can be faithful to each other

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