第三部:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读短文(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) About 4 years ago, as a newly ap

第三部:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读短文(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) About 4 years ago, as a newly ap


第三部:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
About 4 years ago, as a newly appointed general manager for a chemical plant near Toronto, I was faced with several leadership challenges. When I was first appointed as acting general manager, the plant was not even covering its costs and I was told that it would either be turned around or else!
I met with all employees and explained the severity(严峻)of the situation and that we would all need to do what we could to increse sales and improve performance or reduce operating expenses. They all appreciated my honesty although they were very nervous about their futures.
I then started working with each department head to determine how I could support their efforts. At first, they thought that I was looking to fix the blame for inefficiencies(无效率), but over time, they realized that I only wanted to help them find solutions.
They learned to trust me; as when things sometimes went poorly, I told my boss that I was the person in charge rather than pointing my finger at one of my members of staff. When we gained new busuness and it directly improved our bottom line, I praised the efforts of the entire team.
The plant workers became more and more motivated and now they all seem to really enjoy their jobs and I feel honored to be their leader. Do we still have challenges? Yes, but the strength of the team is such that we  all pull toghter to face them “as one”, kind of like a family facing life’s ups and downs.
56. When the author bacame the general manager, the plant _____.
A. could only make ends meet
B. had a strong management team
C. was really in bad situation
D. was planning to enter other fields
57. When the author came to the plant the firs time, he impressed the employees with his _____. 
A. practical attitude    B. Intelligence    C. diligence       D. politeness
58. Every time things didn’t go well, the author would _____.
A. take the blame himself
B. ask his staff to take responsibility
C. get very depressed
D. think of ways to increase sales.
59. The passage offers a good example of _____.
A. being a good employee
B. being a good leader
C. reducing operating expenses
D. The importance of honesty.


I am untraditional. I like the different gift that nobody else would think
of to give. I hardly know what to get this year, however. I have given this a lot of thought because I just didn’t have a perfect gift this year for Father’s Day. As a daughter, I came up with some nice possibilities and wanted to share them with others.
Weekend stay at a favorite place. Maybe two nights in a motel(汽车旅馆) would be nice for him. He and his dear could get away for an entire weekend and would not have to worry about the room and board. It would show some thought and generosity. It might be rather expensive and out of the question for some of us, but for others it may be within price range.
Concert tickets. If your dad has a favorite musician or band he would like to see, what an opportunity! He would enjoy himself and what a gift! The entire time at the concert he would  be thinking of you and what a great gift! In most cases, they would spend their money on the family or something else.
Designer clothes for the summer. Get his sizes. A lot of men will not shop for themselves. Find out his favorite colors and brand names. Let your dad add some handsome clothes to his summer wardrobe.
Gift basket of his favorite food. Whatever he likes to eat, get him a decorative gift basket of his favorite stuff. Add a bit of coffee or tea. Summer sausage, shrimp, or sushi(寿司)? Chinese, Italian, German, or none of the above! You know him pretty well, so surprise him with delicious food and watch him gladly receive it. If you are short of cash, cook a meal yourself!
60. From the first paragraph we can know that the author _____.
A. has got a suitable gift for her father
B. has prepared different gifts for her father
C. will be away from home on Father’s Day.
D. wants to get a special gift for her father
61. The author recommends buying concert tickets probably because _____.
A. all people should learn to appreciate music
B. adults are careful with money and seldom go to concert.
C. it will bring adults back to their childhood
D. most people are fond of going to concerts.
62. If you don’t have money, you’d better _____.
A. get away from home with your father
B. buy some clothes for your father
C. give your father a decorative gift basket
D. prepare a dinner for your father at home.
63. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. It is difficult to choose a gift for Dad.
B. There are some good suggestions for Father’s Day.
C. The author has difficulty pleasing her father.
D. The author’s father will be unhappy if he can’t receive gifts.
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Something big is happening to the human race, something that could be called the Great Transformation.
The Transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress is really leading.
Nobody knows what all these changes will really mean in the long run. But this mysterious Transformation is the biggest story of all times. It is the story of the human race itself.
Some people worry about what will happen when the deposits(蕴藏)of petroleum are gone, but already researchers are finding all kinds of new ways to get energy. Someday, solar power collected by satellites circling the earth or fission(裂变) power produced by mankind may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization(文明).Space exploraton promises to open up much new land for human settlement, as well as leading to the harvest of mineral resources.
Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. We not only control all the other animals, but also reshape the world’s plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air.
Technology gives us the power to build a great new civilizaion, if we can just agee on what we want it to be, bu today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.
So it remanins to be seen what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists(悲观主义者) worry that we will use the technology eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped. Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown, but we can continue to hope.
68.The Great Transformation is caused by ________.
A. changes in human life    B.the development of science and technology
C. space exploration        D. unknown reasons
69.Today it is impossible for people to build a remarkable new civilization because __________.  A.nobody is optimistic about the future
B.human beings aare unabale to do so
C.people diagree with each other in many ways
D.people are worried too much
70.Advancing technology could possibly make us_______.
A.hesitate    B.decisive      C.powerless      D.mysterious
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第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Dad loved children. And he always wanted a ____1______ family. Eventually, he got what he wanted with twelve children in the family. Without fail, he would show us off to visitors.
Once, Dad _____2_____ presented the first three children in the family, Ann, Mary and Ernestine, to some visitors. Then he picked up a fourth child, and said, "And this is our _____3_____ model, complete with all the improvements. And don"t think that this is all; we are _____4_____ the 1953 model some time next month."
But what he _____5_____ most was taking us o t or a drive. On one occasion a man in a village we were passing through shouted _____6_____ that he had seen eleven people in our car, not _____7_____ Mum and Dad. _____8_____, called out over his shoulder, "You _____9_____ the second baby up from the front here, Mister."
Another time, Dad told us this joke, though we were not sure then whether he was telling us the ____10_____. Mum, who was a psychologist (心理学家), once went to give a lecture and left Dad in charge of the _____11_____. When Mum returned, she asked him if everything had been OK. He said everything was fine _____12_____ one of the children had been taught a lesson because he had been _____13_____. When he pointed at the child that had been _____14_____, Mum looked at him calmly and said, "That"s not one of ours, dear. He _____15_____ next door."
1. A. rich                     B. lovely              C. close                D. large
2. A. surprisingly          B. nervously         C. kindly              D. proudly
3. A. dearest                 B. smallest            C. latest                D. youngest
4. A. ordering              B. selling              C. expecting          D. improving
5. A. hated                   B. enjoyed            C. cared                D. hoped
6. A. crazily                 B. excitedly          C. curiously          D. directly
7. A. counting              B. naming             C. showing           D. reaching
8. A. Immediately         B. Carefully          C. Angrily            D. Easily
9. A. saw                     B. missed              C. forgot              D. left
10. A. truth                  B. story                C. adventure         D. accident
11. A. lecture                      B. house               C. office                      D. activity
12. A. even if                      B. apart from               C. so that              D. except that
3. A. troublesome         B. careless            C. active             D. quiet
14. A. found                B. caught            C. punished           D. wounded
15. A. goes to               B. belongs to         C. works               D. plays
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第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Like all other mothers who have small children, I, too, have to steal time-from my own children at home and from the children who know me as their teacher-just to put a few words down on paper. Many times I"ve wanted to write for myself, for other women, for my parents, for my husband, and especially for my children. I would have liked to leave a legacy (遗产) of words explaining what it has meant to have twins. One reason that there is not a great deal written about being a mother of a new baby is that there is seldom a moment to think of anything else but the baby"s needs.
With twins, I did not have a spare hand to write with.
Before my twins were born, my days were long and I had nothing to write about. After the twins" birth I did have something to write about, but I found myself facing not a pen and paper but milk bottles.
Some nights, friends would visit. They would leave at 11 p.m., heading for bed, and for us the night was only just beginning. With twins, there is really no night. Each feeding lasts a long time. At 1:00 a.m., each of them would begin crying from hunger. At 4:00am, when I finally put them down, I felt exhausted.
Two years have passed since then and we"ve managed to live through it all. My days are still very full and even now there isn"t one evening when I put the twins down for the night that I don"t have a break. At last a little time for myself.
26. When did the writer have time but she didn"t feel like writing anything?
A. Before the birth of her twins.
B. When she faced bottles of milk.
C. After her friends visited her home.
D. When she had to think about the babies" needs.
27. What does the writer mainly write about?
A. Her role as a wife.                         B. Her work as a writer.
C. Her experience as a mother.            D. Her feeling as a woman.
28. Why did the writer say the night was just beginning (in the 4th paragraph)?
A. Because her friends left her house too late.
B. Because she started to take care of the twins even at night.
C. Because her babies often cried and she woke up.
D. Because she could not sleep till four in the morning.
29. This passage is probably from a(n) ______.
A. blog          B. newspaper               C. guidebook               D. advertisement
30. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The writer was unhappy because of no time for writing.
B. The writer cared her babies more than her own interests.
C. The writer hated to be a mother of twins.
D. The writer could steal a little time at night.
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“The world"s oceans are slowly getting more acidic(酸的),” say scientists. The researchers from California report that the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The lowering of the waters" PH value is not great at the moment but could cause a serious threat to current ocean life if it continues, they warn. Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature. Increasing use of oil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air, and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater. Once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid. Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.
These researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change. “This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere,” said Dr Caldeira. And we predict the amount of future acidity will be greater than anything we have seen over the last several hundred million years.
However, it is not absolutely clear what that means for ocean life. Most organisms live near the surface, where the greatest PH change would be expected to occur, but deep-ocean life forms may be more sensitive to PH changes. Coral reefs and other organisms whose shells contain calcium carbonate(碳酸钙) may be particularly affected if the water"s acidity levels keep going up, the team predict. They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower PH.
In recent years some people have suggested storing carbon dioxide from power station in the deep ocean as a way of dealing with global warming. But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re—considered. “Previously, most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing——because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet, and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming.”
67. The ocean is becoming more acidic due to___________.
A. the lower water PH value                              B. the warming atmosphere
C. the higher level of CO2 in the air                   D. the increasing use of oil fuels
68. According to Dr Caldeira, ___________.
A. ocean absorption of carbon dioxide is a good thing
B. more oil fuels will be used in the near future
C. scientists may predict climate changes with computer models
D. the future situation of the amount of acidity is extremely serious
69. If the water"s acidity level keeps rising, ___________.
A. ocean life whose structures contain calcium carbonate may be affected
B. the water"s PH value will become higher and higher
C. organisms living near the surface are more sensitive to PH changes
D. some disastrous events will occur more often than before
70. Most experts once believed storing carbon dioxide in the ocean would reduce___________.
A. the CO2 absorbed by the ocean               B. the amount of greenhouse warming
C. the acidity of the ocean                          D. the gradual release of CO2
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