Marilyn Monroe was certainly one of the most famous actresses of the twentieth c

Marilyn Monroe was certainly one of the most famous actresses of the twentieth c


Marilyn Monroe was certainly one of the most famous actresses of the twentieth century.She was known as the “Blonde Bombshell” and the “Sex Goddess of the Silver Screen”.However,surprisingly,this famous actress never won any major acting awards throughout her 15year career in the movies.Critics(评论家) may not have thought highly of her acting ability,but the huge number of her fans flocking to see her movies propelled(推进) her to fame and fortune.
Being a teenager,she found a job in a parachute packing factory during World War Ⅱ.A picture of young Ms Mortenson in a magazine led her into modelling.Hoping to move from modelling into acting,the young woman began trying out for acting jobs with several movie studios in Hollywood.She finally got a oneyear contract(合同)with Twentieth Century-Fox.However,Ms Monroe’s career as an actress did not start well.She was given small parts in several films which did not do very well at the box office,and the studio decided to drop her contract.With no money and no work,the actress agreed to let a photographer take pictures without any clothes on for a calendar,for which she was paid $50.
In 1951,with the help of a friend,Ms Monroe got a sevenyear contract with the same studio again.The studio began putting the actress in movies playing a “dumb blonde”and Ms Monroe became a hit.After playing “dumb blonde” in six more movies,she got her first lead role in the movie Niagara in 1953,which did well in box office.She proved that she could sing and dance in her own sexy way in movies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire.She also showed that she could perform as a comic actress.
While her movie career went on well,her private life was not quite a successful.She had got married for three times,but all her marriage didn’t last long.Probably due to her addiction to alcohol and sleeping pills,she was difficult to work with and was fired.Two months later,she was found dead from an overdose.
63.How long did she stay in the field of the movie?
A.5 years.       B.15 years.  C.10 years      D.20 years.
64.What did Ms Monroe do before she became an actress?
A.She made a calendar.     B.She worked in a factory.
C.She designed clothes.     D.All of the above.
65..In which movie did Ms Monroe have her first staring role?
A.Niagara.                  B.How to Marry a Millionaire.
C.Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.   D.Some Like It Hot.
66.We can infer from the passage that .
A.what she was after were fame and fortune
B.what she liked most were alcohol and sleeping pills
C.she couldn’t get on well with others
D.she didn’t feel happy in spite of her fame and fortune


John lived all alone because his wife had died. He had worked hard as a tailor all his life, but misfortune had left him penniless. He had 16   sons, but they only had time to  17   and eat dinner with their father once a week.
18   the old man grew weaker and weaker, and his sons came by to see him less and less. He often worried  19   would become of him, until at last he thought of a plan.
The next morning he went to see his friend, the carpenter, and asked him to make a large 20. Then the locksmith, and asked him for an old  21  . Finally the glassblower for all the broken pieces of glass he  22  . The old man took the chest home, filled it to the 33   with broken glass, locked up tight and put it beneath his  24  .
“What’s in this chest?” his sons asked, looking under the table.
“Oh, nothing,” the old man replied, “just some things I’ve been  25  .” They kicked it and heard a rattling inside. “It must be full of all the gold he’s saved over the years,” they 26   to one another.
So they talked it over and realized they needed to  27   the treasure. They decided to  28    living with the old man, and  29   they could look after him, too. So the first week the youngest moved in, the second week the middle and the third week the eldest. This 30   for some time.


    At last the old father died. The sons gave him a very  31   funeral, for they knew there was a  32  sitting beneath the kitchen table. When the 33   was over, they hunted through the house until they found the key, and unlocked the chest. To their astonishment, they found nothing but broken glass. But they didn’t give up, and the eldest son turned over the chest to make sure if there was something valuable 34   among the broken glass. On the bottom he found an inscription  35  : Honor Your Father And Mother.16. A.four       B.two   C.three D.five
17. A.stand by  B.pass by     C.go by       D.stop by
18. A.Gradually      B.Clearly     C.Fortunately      D.Hurriedly
19. A.what      B.that  D.which
20. A.shelf       B.table  C.cupboard  D.chest
21. A.chest      B.lock  C.cover D.saying
22. A.made      B.broke       C.bought      D.had
23.  B.bottom       D.inside
24. A.bed table    D.yard
25. A.making   B.keeping    C.saving      D.using
26. A.whispered      B.reported    C.shouted     D.pointed
27. A.find B.own  C.know D.guard
28. A.take chances   B.take turns  C.take measures   D.take actions
29. A.on the way the way       C.that way the way
30. A.went on  B.kept on     C.moved on D.put on
31. A.sad        B.deep   D.nice
32. A.old man  B.fortune     C.guest D.lock
33. A.service    B.celebration       C.meal  D.crying
34. A.mixed     B.painted     C.hidden      D.grown
35. A.writing   B.reading     C.telling      D.speaking
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When I was a boy every holiday that I had seemed perfect. My parents took me by train or by car to a hotel by the sea. All day, I seem to remember. I played on the sands with strange exciting children. We make sandcastles with huge yellow walls, and watched the incoming tide destroy them; we splashed each other in the water and shrieked with excitement. When the tide went out, we climbed over the slippery rocks and stared down at the fish and the seaweed in the rock-pools.
In those far-off days the sun seemed to shine constantly and the water was always warm. Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country, exploring ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees that overhung streams. There were always sweets in one’s pockets or convenient places where one could buy ice-creams. Each day seemed a life-time.
Although I am now an adult, my idea of a good holiday is much the same as it was. I still like the sun and the warm sand and the sound of waves breaking on the beach. I no longer wish to build sandcastles and I dislike sweets instantly, but I look forward to sitting down to a good meal and a bottle of wine in the evening.
I think, too, that I prefer spending my holiday abroad. I want to smell different smells; I want to see different kinds of trees, flowers and birds; and I also want to see people with different colored skins, wearing different kinds of clothes. Above all, I want to hear a different language spoken and listen to different musical rhythms from those I am used to.
But I still need my companions----not, of course, to play on the sands and eat ices with, but to drink with and talk to on warm moonlit nights.
Sometimes I wonder what my perfect holiday will be when I am old. All I shall want to do then, I expect, will be to lie in bed, reading books about children who make sandcastles with huge yellow walls, who watch the incoming tide, who make themselves sick on too many ices…
39.Where did the author mostly spend his holidays when he was young?
A.In the countryside.   B.On the beach.   C.In the mountains.    D.On the sea.
40.What does the underlined word “shrieked” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.shouted    B.swam    C.struggled    D.surfed
41.What now interests the author as an adult is ____. enjoy a nice dinner           spend his holiday sunbathing chat with someone           experience a foreign culture
42.When the author grows old, he expects that ____.
A.he will read more books about children
B.he will lie in bed without worrying about anything
C.he will bring back wonderful childhood memories from a book
D.he will make sandcastles with his children
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Compared to the whole development of history, your life could be like a candle which is lit and then blown out immediately. In other words, life is short —very short. Missing any of the joys life offers is terrible.
So don’t let fears conquer your short and valuable life. If your life is being controlled by your fears, you are most certainly cheating yourself. Courage is the mental (精神上的) muscle that conquers fear. Like all muscles, the more you use it, the stronger it will become. Courage is not something you are born with. That is to say, it must be developed. It has been said that if you face the thing you fear bravely, your fear will leave you.
For years I believed that courageous people had no fear. I was wrong. Eddie Richen Bacher put it very well when he said, "There is no courage without fear." We all have fears; however, not everyone gives in to their fears easily.
There is, very likely, something you have wanted to do for years —move to another city, start your own business, apply for a better position, or go wherever you like. Whatever it is, you should do it. Remember, life is not a practice run. This is it. A little courage leads to more.
Observe those poor people who have no courage. They only tiptoe (蹑手蹑脚地走) through life, hoping they can make it safely to death. You and I never meant to live that way. Learn to live the way you like by no longer living as you dislike. Make good use of your day and have courage. That’s life!
64. We can learn from the passage that courage _______.
A. can be developed quickly                 B. needs to be used more often
C. is formed when one is born                D. makes one very excited
65. What new opinion did the author develop?
A. All courageous people have fears.           B. Those who are brave have no fear.
C. There is no fear without courage.           D. A brave person can live a safe life.
66. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. A Person’s Life Is Short                   B. Don’t Fear Anything
C. Never Give Up Easily                    D. Courage Conquers Fear
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A doctor had a son who qualified(获得….资格) as a doctor himself. One day his father decided to have a holiday and he asked his son to look after all his patients. When he returned form his holiday he asked his son if anything had happened.
“Well, yes, Dad ,” the son said, feeling very proud of himself. “You remember Mrs. Jones, the lady whose back pains you’ve been treating for twenty years. Well, I’ve cured them.”
“I see, ” replied his father, not very pleased. “Mrs. Jones’ back pains paid for your university fees. I was hoping they’d pay for your new car as well.”
1. While away from home, the father was ______
A certain that his son was able to take up his job.
B wondering if his son could do a good job
C sure that something had happened
D worried about Mrs. Jones’ back pains
2. Seeing his father back, the son was ______.
A certain that his father would praise him
B afraid that his father would scold him
C wondering what his father would think of his job
D was hoping that his father would let him take up the job
3. Which of the following is not true?
A The father was clever at making money out of his patients.
B The father’s medical skill was not so good as his son’s.
C The doctor was selfish.
D The doctor was a dishonest man but a loving father.
4. What does the writer intend to tell us by this story? He intends to _____.
A disclose(揭发) the secrets of some doctors
B criticize (批评) some doctors for their dishonesty
C prove that sons will be better than their fathers
D tell us something funny.
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Peter and his mother lived in a small village. They were very poor. To help his mother, Peter often collected wood from the forest. He also cut down small trees. One morning, a bird flew down from a branch and asked him not to cut down a certain tree. The bird explained that its home was in the tree.
Peter left the tree alone. The bird was happy and asked Peter to bring along an empty bag the next morning. Early the next day he went to the tree and waited for the bird.
The bird soon appeared and asked Peter to hold on its tail and follow him. They went to a faraway valley. Peter saw gold all over the place. He picked up some pieces of gold and put them into his bag. The bird told Peter that they must leave the valley before the sun came up. Peter quickly filled his bag and left for home.
He now had plenty of money for himself and his mother. Peter told his best friend about the tree, the bird and the gold. His friend wanted some gold too. He went to the same tree and pretended that he was going to cut it down. The bird asked him not to do so. The following morning it led Peter’s friend to the valley of gold. When the sun was about to rise, the bird told him to leave. The greedy(贪婪的) boy would not do so. The sun came up and he was changed into a bird.
1. This story tells us _______.
A.greed blinds one’s eyes
B. to be poor without debts(债) is better than to be a king
C. a man without a friend is only half a man
D. make your enemy your friend
2. Peter left the tree alone. This means he _______.
A.did not like the tree because it was the bird’s home
B.did not cut the tree down
C.was the only person in the forest
D.wanted the tree to grow bigger
3. Peter picked up some pieces of gold _______.
A.  before day broke               B. before sunset
C.  at noon                       D. after the sun rose
4. Peter’s friend turned into a bird because he _______.
A.  was too greedy               B. cut the tree down
C.  filled his bag with gold      D. left when the sun was about to rise
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