III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)A) 阅读下面的短文,结合文意用右边所给单词的适当形式填空。(For questions 6

III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)A) 阅读下面的短文,结合文意用右边所给单词的适当形式填空。(For questions 6


III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)
A) 阅读下面的短文,结合文意用右边所给单词的适当形式填空。(For questions 66—70, read the passage below. Use the word given in bold at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.)
Sharon Sexton
She throws Sean Penn over her shoulder and she asked Andrew Ridgeley to be quiet. She"s slim, (66) ________ 【attract】and 1.75 meters tall. Sharon Sexton is not what most of us (67) ________ 【image】a bouncer (保镖) to look like but that"s just what she is at the London club, Xenon.
Sharon says: “The aim is not to be noticed. I have to move around and mix in with the crowds. I"m here to make sure no trouble starts. If anyone looks (68) ________ 【anger】I just go and ask them to keep calm. Most men are so surprised at being spoken to by a woman bouncer that they don"t argue. I only very (69) ________ 【occasion】have to use force.”
Sharon has also worked as a (70) “________”【mind】 for  Madonna and for Al Pacino. She spends a lot time practicing Wing Chun, a method of self-defense designed for women.

66. attractive 67. imagine 68. angry
69. occasionally 70. minder


B) 阅读下面的短文,根据首字母的提示在空白处填上适当的单词,使短文意义完整。(For questions 71—80, read the passage below. Complete it by filling in each blank one word. The first letter of each word is provided.)
The Home of the Future
When Dan Green comes home from work, he doesn"t need a key to open his front door. As he walks up to the front of his house, the (71)d________ opens. The lights turn on inside. His favorite music starts to play. His dinner is (72)r________ in the oven. (73)B________ no   one   is   home.   What"s happening? This is the home of the future! Right now, Dan Green is the  only  person (74)w________ has a home like this. He is a scientist. But  in  about  25 years, many  people (75)w________ have homes like Dan"s. His  home  does  not  look different on the (76)o________. But inside it is very different.
Computers control this house of the  future. For (77)e________, Dan  is  watching  television  (78)w             the doorbell rings. The TV is a computer. When Dan presses a button on the TV remote control, he can see  a picture of his (79)v________ on  the  screen. He  can  also  use  the remote control to open or close the door. Dan can watch TV and answer the door at the same   (80)t________.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
回答下列问题。(Answer the following questions.)
96. What number should replace the question mark?
21, 20, 18, 15, 11,     ?   
97. Have a look at these strange watches. By cracking the logic which connects them you should be able to work out what time should be shown on the face of the fifth watch.

98. Spell out a 7-letter word by using each letter only once.

99. Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket?
100. What is that which has a mouth, but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分)
106. What number should replace the question mark?

107. One letter in each word of a well-known saying has been changed. What is the saying?
108. What letter should replace the question mark?

109. Tom beats Joe at pool (落袋台球戏) but loses to Sue. Hilary usually wins against Joe, sometimes against Tom, but never against Sue. Who is the weakest player?
 is to as is to: ________ .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A: TV1 7:20 p.m. Find out more about Australia’s animal life. This film was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known cameramen, Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and fish that inhabit this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our TV screens.
B: TV3 9:00p.m. The popular science programme is back with the latest in technology and medicine. This week, cars that run on sunlight and the story of one baby’s fight to live.
C: TV2 8:10p.m. Do you think what goes into the food most of us eat every day of the week? Tonight’s programme takes a serious scientific look at the bread industry. Whether you bake your own bread or just enjoy buying it, this programme will give you an interesting insight into something most of us eat every day of the week.
D: TV1 5:15p.m. Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to entertain your children while you do something else? This popular magazine programme is for the under-fives. More music, fun, songs and games with Carla and Larry.
E: TV3 8:45p.m. If you’ve always wanted to cook, now’s your chance to learn. In the studio are two chefs who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a repeat of the popular series shown last year, and available from good bookshops.
F: TV3 7:40p.m. The latest new music. Pete Hogg looks at the best of the current rap, raga and new jack swing plus new video releases. This is the programme that tells you all about what’s happening on the music scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow’s young artists.
66. Although Rob leads a quiet life in a small village, that doesn’t stop him from wanting to find out about the latest scientific development.
67. Bella enjoys eating out but can’t afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a holiday. She has never learnt how to cook, so now might be quite a good time to find out!
68. Dan is interested in taking wildlife photographs and enjoys the kind of programme which gives him a chance to see a professional photographer at work.
69. Gina is a music teacher. Although she prefers classical music, she likes to follow the kind of music that interests the teenagers she teaches.
70. Ron’s wife is in hospital. He wants to finds a programme suitable for his three-year-old son while he gets on with the housework and prepares a meal.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Ⅴ. 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
leak out,     likely ,   keep ,   undoubted ,    though ,     in short ,
make use of  ,  never ,   say  ,   take ,        still ,       afford
“You can learn English more efficiently if you spend 20 minutes a day for a week than if you spend two hours a day.” This is what a teacher usually 71  when he tells his students how to allot(分配)their time. But is it true?
Suppose you have a bucket with a small hole in its bottom. Now you are asked to fill the bucket with the water in a basin. If you are too little a boy to lift the basin full of water, you are sure 72   a bowl or something alike. You will dip out the water from the basin with the bowl and pour it into the bucket .You may dip from the basin again and again. However, you will soon find that as soon as you pour a bowl of water into the bucket , most of the water 73  through the hole , so you are 74   able to fill up the bucket this way.
On the contrary , if you are an adult, you will 75  lift the basin and pour the whole basin of water into the bucket at once. Now, the bucket is full. Though the water in it is also leaking out, you at least have filled up the bucket with water. If you want to 76   the bucket full, you only have to add a bowl of water now and then .
The same is true of English learning. Let us 77  a simple example. If you learn 10 new words today, you are most likely to remember 9 tomorrow. But if you try to learn 30 words today, though you may forget far more than one word , you may 78  be able to remember 11 or 12 words tomorrow.
Day in and day out , you will be able to remember a large number of words, 79  you may forget some of them.
80  , the more time you spend at a time, the more you will learn on the whole. Of course, the amount of time you spend each time must be within the limit that you do not exhaust (使筋疲力尽)yourself .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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