.第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。During an exhi

.第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。During an exhi

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
During an exhibition show the skills of disabled people, an armless man used his mouth and feet to repair a watch. He completed the task in just a few minutes at the show, which was held in Beijing last Saturday. Just imagine the tiny parts that make up a watch. You have to wonder how the disabled man developed such a skill.
It was reported that 28-year-old Wang Jianghai lost his arms in an accident when he was five and began learning to repair watches at the age of 17. He has repaired more than 10,000 watches in the past 11 years.
What strong self-confidence he must have to overcome the difficulties in getting this skill! What optimism he must have to face the unfairness of his hard life! And what strong determination he must have to go through the hardship in his struggle for a normal life! Such confidence, optimism and willpower are exactly the qualities many physically healthy people lack nowadays. Wang has set a good example for young people.
But today"s youth seem to be more interested with their TV stars and pop singers but less interested in learning from the examples of working and studying hard to achieve higher goals. . That is undoubtedly the result of the influence of a changing social atmosphere. One must admit that there is a trend towards hedonism in our society. People are increasingly more concerned about material gains than about spiritual pursuits. While adults know they must work hard whatever way they choose to materialize the gains, the younger generation are more likely to seek ease and comforts of their senses.
This pleasure-seeking trend provides a huge market for the entertainment industry and the mass media. The media devote excessive too much coverage to anecdotes of pop and TV stars, which in turn fans wider and stronger enthusiasm for entertainment among the public, especially young people.
Ours is a developing country. Global competition in the growth of national strength presents a demand for China to be quicker in its development. We cannot afford to lose time. We need to make our economy more powerful. To meet this need, all of us should maintain our tradition of working hard and overcoming difficulties.
56. A particular mention made of Wang Jianghai’s story in the first two paragraphs _____.
A. serves as a description of the trend today  
B. serves as an introduction to the discussion
C. shows a disagreement of views    
D. show the popularity of the TV stars and pop singers
57. Which of the following is the reason for young people’s increasing interest in entertainment?
A. Young people are taught by adults to seek pleasure of senses.
B. Young people have given up our traditional value of hard working completely
C. Young people are not interested in learning from the examples of hard working at all.
D. Young people are far too much influenced by too much entertainment news in media.
58. The underlined word “hedonism” (paragraph 4) means “________”.
A. a material                                                 B. spiritual gains
C. thinking pleasure is the most important            D. amusement

56—58   BDC

According to official statistics released by the Chinese government, China is expected to run out of water around the year 2030. In its directive on water use, the State Council (国务院) has stated, “Taking into full account water-saving, by 2030 our country’s water use will reach or approach the total volume of exploitable water resources (可利用的水资源总量), and the drought-fighting situation will be increasingly serious.” Such statements are certainly serious, and every man, woman and child in China must consider the situation and how it relates to their lives.
So, will China run out of water completely? The news is not all bad. Although there are serious concerns, there are some reasons to be hopeful. One of the simplest is just to consider that China has had a long history of water problems. From flooding to drought, balancing water needs has always been an issue in China; it is something that many public projects are already addressing. Some of these projects need time before their long-term value can be properly seen, but there is reason to hope that they will prove useful.
Another reason for hope lies in what seems at first to be a terrible fact: nearly 70% of China’s water is so contaminated that it is not only unsuitable for drinking but is also not useful for individual purposes. How can this be good news? Well, in recent years, the terrible situation has motivated the government and the public to become more and more committed to cleaning up these contaminated sources. Several projects have already been successful in partially cleaning these water sources. As this commitment increases, more and more of China’s water is being cleaned and made available for use.
Finally, the international community, particularly NGOs (Non Government Organizations) and the corporate community, have begun to focus on ways to help China stretch its limited water resources. Several business and NGOs are already studying the issue and investing in solutions.
It is certainly important for everyone in China to understand the situation and to take part in conserving water. Thankfully, however, the situation is not hopeless. Through the cooperation of the government, the people, NGOs and business, China can continue to find the water it needs.
72. What does the first paragraph tell us?
A. China is seriously short of water now.’
B. We still have enough water for drink and use.
C. China will be faced with serious water shortage in two decades.
D. We needn’t consider the situation for the moment.
73. Which of the following reasons to be hopeful is not mentioned?
A. Many in the international and corporate community have begun to help China.
B. China has dealt with many water problems.
C. The government and the public are becoming more and more committed to cleaning up the contaminated sources.
D. The Chinese have enough confidence and courage to overcome the difficulty.
74. Which of the following can replace the underlined word contaminated in Paragraph 3?
A. cleaned           B. wasted           C. polluted            D. purified
75. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A. The international community and the corporate community have begun to help China develop it limited water resources.
B. All China’s water is so contaminated that it is unsuitable for both drinking and industrial purposes.
C. Several business and NGOs had already studied the issue and invested in solutions.
D. There is no hope for China to find the water it needs.
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The reading skills of young male students may improve more when huts are tutored (辅导) by women, a Canadian study shows, contradicting some school policies to hire male teachers to improve boys" literacy.
Herb Katz, an education professor at the University of Alberta, took 175 boys in the third and fourth grades, identified as struggling readers, and paired them with a research assistant who worked on their reading skills for 30 minutes a week over 10 weeks.
On average, the boys paired with female tutors felt better about their reading skills after the 10 weeks than those who were guided by a male research assistant, the study found.
Katz said the study, published in the US journal Sex Roles, may cause educational policy - makers in countries such as Australia and Britain to rethink policies that call for more male teachers to be hired to provide role models for boys whose reading skills fall behind their peers (同龄人). "It tells us that the way governments respond with policy is perhaps a little too quick and a little too simple," Katz said." Boys and girls enter kindergarten with similar reading skills, Katz said, but by the end of the third grade, boys have lower reading scores than girls. The reasons behind that difference are not entirely clear. "I don"t know that reading skills fade so much as teachers may not recognize what boys are doing," he said. "We don"t really know a lot about boys, even in those early years."
The boys involved in the study attended 12 schools in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Most were from downtown neighborhoods. About a third were native Canadians and 55 percent came from ethnic minority groups.
60. What"s the purpose of this passage?
A. To encourage boys to do more reading.             B. To persuade schools to hire female teachers.
C. To advise good ways for reading skills.              D. To provide some information about a study.
61. The underlined word "contradicting" in the first paragraph probably means"_________".
A. finding out       B. going against        C. standing by         D. bringing about
62. Which of the following is TRUE about the boys taking part in the study?
A. They have difficulty in reading.          B. They take no interest in reading.
C. They come from different Canadian cities.  D. They have no female teachers at school.
63. It can be known from the passage that _________.
A. women must be better al teaching than men
B. girls do more reading than boys
C. male teachers are preferred to help reading- troubled boys in Australia
D. governments will change their policy on hiring teachers
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The H1NI flu outbreak has resulted in the first death outside Mexico today -- a 23-month-old child in Texas.
Three more cases were confirmed in the UK, adding to the two previously disclosed in Scotland.
A 12-year-old girl is among five people in the UK to have contracted HIN1 flu after visiting Mexico, Gordon Brown told the Commons during prime minister"s questions.
Two adults -- one from Birmingham and one from London -- are undergoing treatment.
More than 150 people are suspected to have died of the virus in Mexico and the illness has spread around the globe, but news of the first death outside the country where it originated will increase fears that a pandemic (流行病) could develop.
The infant"s death from H1NI flu in the US was confirmed by Dr Richard Besser, the acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He gave no other details about the child.
America has confirmed 65 cases of HIN1 flu, most of them mild, but Besser said more deaths were likely.
"HIN1 Flu is a very serious infection and each virus is unique so it" s hard to know what we" re going to be seeing, but given what we"ve seen in Mexico we have expected that we would see more severe infections and we would see deaths," he said.
It was unclear if the girl had contracted the illness in Mexico, or been infected in the US.
Confirmation that infected people in two countries are spreading the new disease to their families or contacts n a sustained way would meet the World Health Organization"s (WHO) criteria (标准) for declaring a phase five alert on its scale of one to six. It raised the level from three to four on Monday as the virus moved to Europe.
The WHO spokesman Gregory Hard told reporters yesterday, "If we have a confirmation from the United States or Canada, we could move to phase five."
64. How many cases of HINI flu are there in the UK?
A. One.              B. Two.                   C Three              D. Five.
65. According to Dr Richard Besser, why is it hard to predict what things will be like?
A. Because more than 150 people have died of the virus in Mexico.
B. Because H1 N1 flu is a very serious infection and each virus is unique.
C. Because the infections are severe and there will be more deaths.
D. Because the WHO has raised the alert level from three to four.
66. What"s the main idea of the news?
A. More cases of H1NI flu were confirmed in the UK.
B. It"s hard to deal with the HINI flu.
C. H1NI flu caused death outside Mexico.
D. "The WHO will raise the alert level.
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Paracutin was born in Mexico in February, 1943. At the end of one week Paracutin was 500 feet high, and it is now over 9,000 feet high. Today Paracutin is  36  .
What is Paracutin? It was the first volcano in the world which was  37  from its eruption right up  38  the present day. On February 20th, 1943, a peasant and his wife set  39  to work in their own fields in the Mexican village of Paracutin. They were  40  to find the earth warm under their feet. Suddenly they heard noise  41  in the earth and a small hole  42  in their fields. In the afternoon there was a sudden loud noise and stones were  43  high in the air. The peasants ran from the fields and turned to watch. They saw the  44  of a volcano.
Large quantities of stones and lava  45  out and a little hill began to  46 . By evening this hill was 100 feet high and hot  47  were falling on the village. At night the strong light of the hot lava  48  up the countryside. The trees near the village were  49  and the villagers had to leave their houses.  50  the village was destroyed, its  51  was given to the volcano. The news quickly reached Mexico City,  52  to the east. Many people came to watch the  53 . The volcano grew for ten years and hundreds of square miles of  54  were destroyed. The Paracutin had gone to sleep  55 .
36.A. asleep                   B. active             C. silent              D. terrible
37.A. changed            B. raised             C. seen               D. grown
38.A. on                    B. to                    C. from              D. by
39.A. about                B. on                 C. up                  D. out
40.A. frightened         B. surprised         C. worried          D. disappointed
41.A. deep                 B. nearby              C. outside           D. from far
42.A. erupted             B. appeared         C. remained               D. rose
43.A. thrown              B. drawn             C. pushed            D. flown
44.A. access               B. shape              C. birth               D. crash
45.A. wiped                      B. broke             C. made             D. stood
46.A. rise                   B. fall                 C. form              D. spread
47.A. mud                 B. ashes              C. virus              D. powders
48.A. called                      B. added             C. filled              D. lit
49.A. cut                   B. killed             C. lacked            D. buried
50.A. Before              B. Since              C. When             D. If
51.A. name                B. place              C. address           D. spot
52.A. away                B. far                 C. off                 D. back
53.A. nature                      B. wonder           C. scene              D. sign
54.A. forest                B. houses            C. land                      D. villages
55.A. from now on     B. by now           C. just now         D. until now
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Packaging is an important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate(促动) someone to buy a product. For example, a small child might ask for a breakfast food that comes in a box with a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or cut out, games printed on a package, or a small gift inside a box also motivate many children to buy products or to ask their parents to buy for them.
Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this. Although a similar product in a plain container might cost less,people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish, because they believe the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.
The size of a package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package had “Economy Size” or “Family Size” printed on it. This suggests that the larger size has the largest amount of product for the least money. But that is not always true. To find it out, a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit.
The information on the package should provide some answers. But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement. The words and pictures do not tell the whole story. Only the product inside can do that.
Title: 71. _________
Consumers’ opinions
Facts or
Consumer’s necessary consideration
Cover packaging
costing less
78. They _________ many children to buy products
⑴Selling ways
⑵Basic unit 80.________
⑶The product inside
Small 73. ______
Reusable containers
The cost of product includes that of the containers.
74. __________
72. ______
Family Size
The larger size has the largest amount of product for the least 77. _______
Not always 79. _____
75._______ Size

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