任务型阅读A political scientist from Indiana University whose work exploring how peop

任务型阅读A political scientist from Indiana University whose work exploring how peop

A political scientist from Indiana University whose work exploring how people come together to preserve their collective resources may provide important clues in the fight against climate change has become the first woman to win the Nobel prize for economics.
Elinor Ostrom, 76, shares 2009 Nobel prize with fellow American academic Oliver Williamson, 77. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced to the world the pair had been chosen to win the 40th prize in economic sciences.
For Ostrom, the award came, as a "big surprise". To rise to the peak of her area of learning has been a big journey, as she has had to struggle against her own weaknesses and the barriers of the system. At school in Los Angeles, she suffered from stuttering. She also faced the barriers common to most women of her generation entering the sciences --- she was discouraged from taking a PhD when she applied for graduate school.
Her field of study has been striking for how cross-disciplinary it is. Early on she gained a reputation for bringing economics, political science and sociology together.
What interests her is how common property can be managed successfully through groups in society. The findings of her research have been striking, as the Nobel committee pointed out, because they have challenged the traditional assumption that common property is poorly managed unless it is either controlled by government or privatized. She has shown how different individuals can band together and form collectives that protect the resource at hand.
“A lot of people are waiting for more international co-operation to solve global warming.” Ostrom said , “It is important that there is international agreement, but we can be taking steps at family level, community level, civic and national level … There are many steps that can be taken. That will not solve it on their own but continuously will make a big difference.”
(1)How did Ostrom feel when she got the prize?  (not more than 3 words)
(2)What does “cross-disciplinary” mean according to the passage?  (not more than 9 words)
(3)Why was Ostrom advised not to take a PhD when she applied for graduate school?  (not more than 9 words)
(4) Why was Ostrom awarded the Nobel prize for economics?  (not more than 16 words)



Dear Harry Potter,
Hi! I"m Kevin from India.I really feel lucky to write you a letter.
Though I live far away from your world, I think we are a little alike, You are a great wizard(魔术师) .You have done lots of magical things to be amazed at.Although I don"t do magic, I do believe in it.Well, I"m also a wizard at school.And I can often get As, but I am not a bookworm.I like to play jokes in class, which sometimes make my teachers angry.I also have many friends.They often get me into and out of trouble.No matter what has happened, we still get close together.
Oh, I almost forget to tell you that our school is almost like yours, Hogwarts.It"s a special one for excellent students.We have modern classes and technology lessons.But when much is given, much is expected, so I often stay up late just to finish my homework.It really makes me tired and bored.
Luckily, I can read your stories in my free time.I feel like I know you.You have a mind of your own.You are young, but you know how to take responsibility for your decisions.Also you think with a clear head even in danger.What a great boy you are ! How I wish I could meet you soon!
May you have a nice time.
yours, Kevin
68.Kevin and Harry are a little alike because_______.
A.they almost have the same experience                 B.their worlds are full of magic
C.their schools are close to each other                            D.they both like the same subjects.
69.In the passage, "a bookworm" means a person_______.
A.who likes keeping worms                            B.who is loved by teachers at school
C.who is nervous of reading books                  D.who enjoys nothing but reading
70.From the passage we know that Kevin_______.
A.is a slow boy in class                                        B.is fed up with much homework
C.doesn"t believe in magic                               D.likes to keep quiet in class       
71.Kevin writes to Harry to tell him many things EXCEPT_______.
A.his friends      B.his school life        C.his trouble     D.his family  
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M="Mike;" J=Jenny
M: Morning, Jenny. Did you(76) e________your weekend?                                          76. ________        
J: Yes. We went to the countryside and had a great (77) t________.                        77.   ________      
M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?
J: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon.
We cooked all our meals over an (78)o _______fire.                                            78. ________        
M: That(79)s________wonderful.                                                                             79. ________        
How was the(80)w________there?                                                                         80. ________        
J: The sun (81) s________brightly. It was really lovely there.                                       81. ________        
M: Did you like the people there?
J: Yes, they were great. We(82) m________some farmers and had tea in their homes.      82. ________        
M: When did you get (83)b________?Last night?                                                        83.   ________      
J: No. This morning. You’ll think we were mad. We got up at 4:30, left at 5:00
and (84)a ________here at 9:00.I’m so tired. What about you? Did you have a good weekend? 84. ________      
M: Yes, but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home and (85)w________TV.                      85. ________ 
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Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context.
How much paper do you use every year? Probably you can’t answer this question quickly. In 1900,the world’s use of paper was about one kilogram  48  each person in a year. Now some countries use as  49 as 50 kilograms of paper for each person in a year. The amount of paper a country uses shows how far advanced the country is, some people say. It is difficult to say  50  this is true: different people mean different things  51  the word “advanced”. But countries like the United States, England and Sweden certainly use    52   paper than other countries.
Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before   53  year 1400.The 54  wrote on papyrus; Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of years. Parchment was very strong ;   55  was made from the skin of a certain young animal. We have learnt some of the most important facts of European history from record that were kept on parchment.
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Americans hope Two-Thousand-Two will be happier than Two-Thousand-One. New York suffered terrible losses in the terrorist attacks on September Eleventh. However, the city is continuing with its New Year"s Eve traditions in Times Square for the ninety-seventh year.
The tradition began in Nineteen-Oh-Four. That year, the owners of the building at Number One Times Square held a party on top of the building. Today, the New Year"s Ball falls from the top of the same building. The ball contains thousands of pieces of lighted cut glass. It looks like burning stars as it falls through the darkness. When it reaches the ground, people in Times Square dance and sing. They throw tiny pieces of colorful paper into the air. Many people in the United States also watch this event on television.
Other cities also have New Year celebrations. For example, Chicago has a fireworks show. The fireworks are launched from the Navy Pier, a land area that extends into Lake Michigan. Some people like to watch the fireworks from a boat on the lake. The boat serves a special meal on New Year"s Eve. People drink a special wine called Champagne to celebrate the clock striking midnight.
Many young people in Chicago celebrate New Year"s Eve at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Children wear funny hats as they wish the animals a good New Year.
Many other Americans celebrate New Year"s Eve with parties at home. Or they celebrate at public eating and drinking places. These events are usually noisy. People shout and sing. They often blow on small noise-makers when the New Year arrives at midnight. They kiss their husband or wife or the person they are with. They dance to broadcast music, records or live bands.
Some people drink too much alcohol at New Year"s Eve celebrations. This can lead to tragic results if a person drinks too much and then drives a car. The National Safety Council says hundreds of people die in road accidents during the holiday.
In recent years, the danger of accidents has resulted in a new tradition called the "designated driver." One person among a group of friends drinks little or no alcohol during New Year"s Eve celebrations. Then this designated driver can safely drive the other people home. Many American cities also offer free taxi service on New Year"s Eve to take people home safely.
Other Americans observe the coming of the New Year at events without alcohol. More than two-hundred American cities hold these First Night celebrations. Artists in Boston, Massachusetts, started the tradition of First Night celebrations in Nineteen-Seventy-Six. They wanted to observe the coming of a New Year. But they did not want to hold noisy drinking parties. So they organized music, art and other events to observe the holiday.
66.What does the tradition refer to in the passage?
A. The celebration of New Year’s Eve.        B. The New Year’s Ball.
B. The fireworks show.                    D. The parties at home.
67.Why does the New Year’s Ball contain pieces of lighted cut glass?
A. To attract people in the square.            B. To light the Times Square
C. To give people atmosphere of a festival     D. To make people interested in the festival.
68. What is the passage mainly about?
A. To hope people remember the terrible suffering in the terrorist attacks
B. The colorful life of Americans.
C. The hopes of Americans in the coming new year.
D. The celebrating activities on New Year’s Eve in America.
69. How do Americans feel to the coming new year after the terrorist attacks?
A. sad, excited and hopeful             B. sad, excited and happy
C. happy, excited and hopeful           D. complicated, excited and hopeful.
70. The change people hope most to see in their tradition is __________
A. Less noise                        B. Drinking less alcohol
C. Fewer road accidents                D. Less tragedy
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Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
As a parent you may realize the importance education has in our lives, however, your child hates listening to any of your arguments, thoughts and ideas. A student uninterested in education will miss college lectures and perform extremely poorly in assessment tests. In the worst cases, students may stop attending the school or college and sit at home without any concern for career, education and life. In order to encourage the students back to their college life and career, parents should first find out what causes the lack of motivation in students.
Low self-respect in students forces them to give up challenges. Even if these students try and complete some tasks, they’re clouded by many negative thinking patterns that block the flow of confidence in their personalities.
Lack of love at home can also result in the lack of motivation in students. If the parents are away from the kids or students and they’re unaware of what their kid is doing in school, then the child feels neglected and steps back from taking responsibilities and challenges.
Constant poor performance lowers the self-confidence of the student and the student will feel lost in the crowd of brilliant students. Such academic pressures can make students lose their motivation.
Nothing can be a better motivation for students than their teachers and parents. Schools should organize motivation activities for students, like games, sports and competitions, which are important for the whole personality development of the students. Involve them in some activities like dancing, music etc. that they are interested in, so that they can learn new hobbies and increase their confidence. You should stop ignoring your child’s studies and do understand his need to be heard. In short, lack of motivation in students can be completely reduced if the parents and teachers understand the kid and support him / her to break any of his / her negative patterns of thought.
Title     (71) ___________in Students
● Making students miss college lectures and get (72) __________ in tests
● Making students drop out of school and sit at home without caring about career, education and life
Low self-respect
Quitting challenges
Losing (74) _________ due to negative thinking patterns
Lack of love at home
Feeling neglected and refusing to take
(75) _________           
(76) _____________
Being less self-confident due to constant poor performance
● Organizing motivation activities for students to (78) _______ the personality .
● Making students learn new hobbies and increase their confidence in activities
● Being (79) _____ about your child’s studies and understanding his need to be heard
Motivate students by understanding them and supporting them to break their negative (80) ___________

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