(E)A.Importance of Transport in TradeB.Birth of Transport-related Industries and

(E)A.Importance of Transport in TradeB.Birth of Transport-related Industries and


A.Importance of Transport in Trade
B.Birth of Transport-related Industries and Trade
C.Role of Transport in Trade Development
D.Another Means to Develop Trade
E.Higher Living Standard
F.Modern Life Needs Modern Traffics
Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce, transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer, the better for trade.When there were no railways, no good roads, no canals, and only small sailing ships, trade was on a small scale.
The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand, for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from, and selling goods to, all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.
Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally.Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year.Transport has raised the standard of living.
By moving fuel, raw materials, and even power, for example, through electric cables, transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another.The cheaper and quicker transport becomes, the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried.Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.Means of communication, like telephones, cables and radio, send information about prices, supplies, and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way, advanced communication system also help to develop trade.

80-84 C A E B D 


—Nice to see you, Mary. How are you these days?
—Pretty good, thank you.  61  .
—You’ve finished it? That’s great.  62  What do you think of it?
—I think it is a wonderful description of nature. The book focuses on the struggle between nature and humanity. I find it very educational.
—I think so, too.  63
—Oh, I’m sorry. I have to go now.
—Why?  64
—I have to go to my little brother’s birthday party, or he will be angry with me. Shall we talk about it another time?
—Okay.  65  See you!
A.I come to return the book I borrowed from you.
B.I don’t litk the book at all.
C.How about sitting down and talking about it?
D.I think our conversation is getting so interesting.
E.I love books that discuss the struggle between humans and nature.
F.Say “Happy Birthday”to him for me!
G.I’ve been wating to talk to you about the book.
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My senior year ,I can’t believe it’s almost over .Now when I __36__ ,it was stressful ,but exciting ,the prom ,graduation ,and then of course ,college.
I started my college application process months before Christmas .My parents told me it would be __37__if I set up interviews and tours .But I was unmotivated .I wanted to go to college, but I didn’t want to deal with the  __38 __.
As the day flew by, my application lay on my desk just as I had __39__ them three months before.“You are wasting __40__time ,” my parents complained .Sweeping away the gathered  __41__ on the applications, I worked on them every Sunday __42__ I finished .Next came writing the essays .I had many ideas, but every school had different__43__. I changed them until I was pleased.  __44__,everything was underway. Now I had to wait. In March, I started receiving letters of rejections(拒绝),I began to think that I had set myself up for__45__ .I had a letter from Salem State College stating that they wanted to see my third quarter __46__ before they made their decision .Yes !At least someone wanted to __47__ me. The beginning of April, I received a letter from Keens State.I had been rejected. Those  __48__words :“We regret to inform you...”made me sit down and cry. I had  __49__all hope .Then I heard from Plymouth State. Not my first __50__,but...I had been accepted. Maybe if I get my grades __51__ ,I can transfer to another school ....
The college application progress __52__ me deeply. All my friends had dozens of schools to choose from, I guess my parents were __53__ .High school grades are extremely important to your __54__.If I could do it all over again, I would take it more __55__ .
36. A.hold back      B.look back    C.keep back    D.go back
37.A.smart        B.certain C.convenient   D.available
38.A.loneliness      B.subjects       C.stress   D.tests  
39.A. found       B. left        C. sent        D. chosen
40.A.busy          B. spare      C. changeableD.valuable
41.A.dust              B.ideas       C.work        D.troubles
42.A. before      B.unless    C. until       D. when
43.A.decision     B.standards     C.regulations D.requirements
44.A.Suddenly       B.Finally     C.Generally   D.Fortunately
45.A.disappointment      B.achievements      C.discrimination     D.preparations
46.A.papers       B.plans       C.grades      D.exams
47.A.accept       B.respect     C.judge       D.consider
48.A.borrowed       B.cheering      C.heated      D.opening
49.A.ruined       B.gained     C.lost          D.seen
50.A.chance       B.choice     C.guess       D.success
51.A.up          B.out         C.on               D.over
52.A.hurt              B.beat        C.punished    D.frightened
53.A.strict         B.right       C.kind         D.upset
54.A.school history       B.present familyC.final exams D.future  plans
55.A.firmly       B.readily     C.seriously     D.willingly
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Mayor Boris Johnson Monday outlined plans to make London “the cleanest, greenest city on Earth” by the 2012 Olympics and called for commitments from other world cities at a climate change conference. Leaders of the world’s 40 largest cities are meeting in Seoul this week for a summit on combating global warming –the third to be held since 2005.
“What we should do in Seoul is that we will stop the endless addiction of mankind to the internal combustion engine (内燃机),” said Johnson. He said at a press conference the world’s cities consume 75 percent of the world’s energy and produce 80 percent of the emissions which cause climate change. “The problem of our planet is an urban problem,” Johnson said.
He said the British capital wants to use the Olympics” to drive the greeting and the improvement of our city and noted that London is committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by 2025.
Johnson said the key measure was being taken to solve problems relating to housing and commercial buildings, which accounted for 70 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in London. This involved retrofitting (翻新) ---installing lagging – in large numbers of public buildings.
Johnson proclaimed himself a “passionate cyclist” and said he would push ahead with cycle superhighways around London.
London’s air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8,300 worn and used diesel (柴油buses, which could be replaced by low-carbon vehicle. In addition, there were also 32,000 taxis running on diesel fuel, which could be replaced by electric vehicle.
Johnson said there would be a few programs in the next few years to produce a “cleaner, greener” bus for the city. “The age of the diesel bus has got to be over in London.”
68. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to this passage?
London’s air quality will be improved in the near future.
The used buses running on diesel will be replaced by electric vehicles.
London promises to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by 2025.
Something has been done to solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions.
69What does the underlined word mean in the first paragraph?
A. resisting     B. supporting   C. agreeing        D. solving
70. The topic of the meeting in Seoul might be _____.
A. climate change                        B. global warming
C. London Olympics in 2012               D. green environment
71. If the passage was continually written, the following might be ______.
A. measures to end the age of the diesel bus
B. measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in London
C. measures to solve housing and commercial items
D. measures to replace the old and used vehicles
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In 1891, a man named James Naismith was teaching physical education at a school in Springfield. One long, cold winter, he had to create a game for 18 young men to play indoors. So the Canadian-born Naismith wrote some rules.
Rule number one: “The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.” Two: “The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist).”
In all, there were 13 rules— the original rules of basketball. James Naismith is recognized as the inventor of basketball.
The National Association of Basketball Coaches established the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States in 1949. It opened in 1968 at Springfield College. A new, larger building opened in 1985. And, four years ago, the Hall of Fame moved into a newer building, just south of its former home. The new building increased the size by almost one hundred percent. 
Honors ring in Basketball Hall of Fame.
The Basketball Hall of Fame is a museum and entertainment center. It combines history with technology. And it tries to capture the energy and excitement of the game. In the Center Court area, for example, visitors can play interactive games of basketball and take part in skill competitions.
The Hall of Fame explores basketball at every level of the game. Visitors learn about professional basketball in the United States and other countries. They learn about women’s teams and how the game is played at the college level. They also learn about basketball for disabled people.
The Hall of Fame honors the best players, teams, coaches and officials in basketball. Earlier this month, six more honorees joined the more than 250 people in the Hall of Fame. The six new members are Geno Auriemma, Charles Barkley, Joe Dumars, Sandro Gamba, David Gavitt and Dominique Wilkins.
40. James Naismith is considered to be the forerunner of basketball mainly because ____.
A. he discovered the first basketball                
B. he created the earliest basketball games
C. he set up the Basketball Hall of Fame
D. he organized the earliest basketball games
41. From the passage, we can infer that ____.
A. the Hall of Fame only honors the best basketball players
B. James Naismith was employed as a coach in the Hall of Fame
C. visitors can compete with the professional players in the hall
D. a variety of basketball games are developed by the Hall of Fame
42. James Naismith made some rules in order to ____.
A. organize an indoor basketball game  
B. improve physical education at school
C. train his students for the Hall of Fame
D. invent the game of basketball for the young
43. The passage talks mainly about ____.
A. the Basketball Hall of Fame         B. the first basketball games
C. the original 13 basketball rules   D. the players in the Hall of Fame
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III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
It’s December again. In addition to the excitement about   50   down to the holidays and parties. This month is also about long study hours for thousands of senior college students in China.
According to the Ministry of Education, the number of postgraduate   51   has risen again this year. The ministry has even   52   the enrollment dates to allow for the   53  applicants. However. I do not see the point of enrolling in postgraduate study  54  after college.
Postgraduate programs are  55 on specific fields and on advanced research and study. They also require   56   knowledge you can only gain from the workplace. If your goal is to gain more skills, you should try harder to find a job. Employers want   57  . not more qualifications. Otherwise, postgraduate study straight is a   58   of time and money.
Job applicants with a master’s degree often find that their competitors hold   59  qualifications.
Ten years ago, graduates with bachelor degrees had no problem finding employment, but authorities   60   the number of university places in 1999 and now where are millions of graduates without work.
It appears that postgraduate education will   61 this history of undergraduate education.
62  , the human resources staff faced with the choice between two applicants with masters degrees will usually choose the graduate from the more 63  undergraduate school. A bachelor’s degree from a key university is more helpful than a master’s degree sometimes.
If you don’t have working experience when you graduate, you will have the same problem even though you go on to   64  a master’s degree immediately.
50.A.taking                    B.counting                 C.casting             D.tracking
51.A.achievements          B.admissions              C.accusations       D.applications
52.A.expanded                B.expected                 C.stretched          D.shortened
53.A.national                  B.additional               C.visible             D.desperate
54.A.suddenly                 B.curly                      C.straight            D.far
55.A.focused                  B.depended                C.fed                  D.impressed
56.A.book                      B.abstract                   C.rich                 D.practical
57.A.elegance                 B.excitement              C.experiment       D.experience
58.A.memory                 B.waste                      C.cement            D.symbol
59.A.different                 B.various                   C.similar             D.adequate
60.A.increased                B.eliminated               C.abandoned              D.enlarged
61.A.shape                     B.polish                     C.promote           D.shadow
62.A.However                B.Subsequently           C.Meanwhile       D.Originally
63.A.well-built               B.prepared                 C.well-known      D.newly-opened
64.A.hold                       B.earn                       C.evaluate           D.Deposit
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