B Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the longest and most costly presidential

B Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the longest and most costly presidential


Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the longest and most costly presidential campaign in American history. The election results were widely seen as a strong statement by voters on economy. A public opinion study reported by the Wall Street Journal found that about sixty percent of voters considered the economy as the top issue.
Mr. Obama faces the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Dow Jones Industrial Average of leading stocks has lost nearly thirty of its value. The government seized the nation’s two largest home financing companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It also took control of the huge insurance company, A. I. G.  The government is now a share holder in nine of the country’s largest banks. That will expand to small banks , too. The amount spent on these rescue plans has been close to one trillion dollars. That amount could increase.
Another problem the new administration faces is the budget deficit(赤字). Some experts predict the deficit for next year’s budget could be close to one trillion dollars. Some observers predict that the deficit will limit speeding in economic programs.
Barack Obama has promised a tax cut for middle income Americans. He is seeking fifty billion dollars in aid for states and job creation programs. Mr. Obama has put forward a health care reform plan that costs fifty to sixty-five billion dollars. Obama is also seeking to spend one hundred and fifty billion dollars on new energy technologies over the next ten years.
In addition, Mr. Obama has been discussing a program worth one hundred billion dollars. It includes spending in public works projects and aid to American states, cities and citizens.
41. According to the passage, the election results suggested ___________________.
A. how fierce the presidential campaign was
B. the significance of the election in American history
C. Obama promised to devote himself to economic development
D. how much money was spent during the presidential campaign
42. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is mentioned to show _________________.
A. how serious the economic crisis is
B. the value of all America’s stocks
C. the economy was considered as the top issue
D. what percentage of shares Obama has in leading stocks
43. We know from the passage that _______________________.
A. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are insurance companies
B. the government will become a share holder in small banks
C. money spent on the government’s rescue plan will be decreased
D. the budget deficit will not affect the economic programs
44. Which of the following statements does NOT belong to Obama’s rescue plans?
A. Cutting taxes for middle income Americans.
B. Seeking money for job creation programs.
C. Putting forward a health care reform plan.
D. Stopping spending on new energy technologies.
45. The passage mainly tells us ____________________________.
A. the deepest economic crisis in the 1930’s
B. the result of the presidential election
C. America tries to save the country’s economy
D. how Americans think of the newly-elected president

41------45 CABDC           


C. 写作部分 
一 阅读短文,按要求填空(每空不超过3个词)(10分)
Dolphins are not fish; they’re mammals. They are warm-blooded like man and give birth to one baby called a calf at a time. At birth a calf is about 90—130cm long and grows to about 4m. They live up to 40 years. They are highly sociable animals.
Their teeth are interlocking rows of hooks, suitable for holding slippery fish. They eat fish whole starting with head first. When they go wild they keep their mouth open and sometimes keep it nodding to express their aggression. Greater aggression is shown by violent jaw clapping. Dolphins breathe through their blowhole(呼吸孔) located at the top of their head. The dolphin’s eyes produce a special slippery secretion(分泌物) which protects the eyes from foreign objects and water friction.
Dolphins use their powerful tail to move through the water. They also use their tail while hunting. They slap their tail rapidly when they get annoyed or when they want to indicate the sign of danger to alert other dolphins.
The dolphin’s skin is completely smooth allowing the dolphin to move easily through the water, and also reduce heat loss. Their skin may bear rake marks from other dolphin’s teeth during play or mating, and can easily become badly sunburned if they strand(搁浅).
Their bodies are very streamlined so they may swim at high speed through the water, and an
example of this is their ears. Dolphin’s ears are barely noticeable marked only by a small hole just behind the eyes.
While sleeping, it shuts down only half of its brain, as its breathing is under voluntary control. Dolphins take short catnaps, floating just below the surface, and then slowly rising to breathe. Often dolphins are very active during night time, for some this is their main feeding time. Dolphins are able to dive to great depths, and also leap to great heights. They may leap to avoid predators or to show how powerful they are to females at mating time.
                               Title: Dolphins
Ⅰ. Characteristics
mammals : warm-blooded animals and one baby at a birth
length : 51.___________
lifespan : 40 years
highly sociable animals
Ⅱ. 52.___________
teeth → holding slippery fish and eating fish whole 53.__________
opening and nodding mouth → expressing their aggression
54._________ jaw → expressing greater aggression
blowhole at the top of their head → 55.____________
eyes with a special slippery secretion → protecting the eyes from foreign objects and water friction
56._____________ ears → swimming at high speed through the water
Ⅲ. Tail
powerful to move through the water
57.___________ and expressing annoyance and danger
Ⅳ. 58.___________
completely smooth to move easily through the water and reduce heat loss
full of rake marks to become badly sunburned easily
Ⅴ. Body
59._____________ to swim at high speed through the water
Ⅵ. Habitual nature
short catnaps with only half of its brain
60.___________ breathing
activities during night time for feeding

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Scientists identify “ Happiness Gene ”
If life looks joyful in spite of recession (经济衰退) ,job insecurity and expanding waistline, then you should consider thanking your “brightside ” gene.
A gene that affects if we’re cheery or gloomy has been tracked down by British researchers, reports The Guardian.
The groundbreaking study claims that individuals who carry the gene don’t pay much attention to negative things happening in their lives and, instead, focus on the happier aspects of life. In the process, they end up becoming more sociable and are generally in better shape psychologically.
Elaine Fox, head of psychology at Essex University, said: “ We’ve shown for the first time that a genetic variation is linked with a tendency to look on the bright side of life. This is a key mechanism underlying resilience (复原力) to general life stress. ”
To reach the conclusion, the research team checked how long it took people to react to good and bad images that flashed up on a computer screen. The study involved more than 100 volunteers.
The positive snaps were that of a couple hugging and someone sailing along in a boat. The negative images included a photo of someone being mugged(抢劫).
Every individual inherits(继承) two versions of the gene, either two short ones, two long ones , or one of each. People who had two long versions were most likely to focus on the positives, according to the study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B(《皇家学会学报B》) .
61. What is the article about?  2’  ( no more than 2 words )
62. Generally speaking, people have two significantly different attitudes towards life , what are
they ?  2’  (no more than 5 words )
63. Which negative snap is mentioned ?  3’  ( no more than 6 words )
64. What kind of people are more likely to be sociable ?  3’  (no more than 9 words )
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When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him. I would spend the day just __36____, doing nothing and not paying much __37___to all the people around me. One day, as my dad and I were___38___ to the shop, I looked out of the car window and saw an old man on the street corner. Our ___39___ met and held for about ten seconds. There was ___40___ fearful about this man, but it was a significant encounter for me. 41_that point, I had given no _42__to anyone I saw on the street. My life was my family and friends. I had no interest in anyone else.    
43  for the first time I had an interest in what that person was all about.
Years later, I had long  44  that man, but he came to my mind recently and I remembered the ten   45   when I looked into the eyes of a stranger and  46  what he was all about.
It seems that we are all  47  every day. There are so many things to do that we  48  have time for sincere(真诚的)interest in others. Great thinkers._49_us to "stop and smell the roses". But it has taken me decades to really appreciate the __50  of these words. When I had the opportunity to  51  a young person, I did my best
to convey this message. But   52  ,young people were too busy to  53   this advice. I would like to tell young people to stop what they are doing and  54  around.  I want to tell them to try as  55  as they can to understand what is in their view and what is in the range of their hearing.
36, A. sitting around    B. fighting back    C. dropping out    D. moving off
37. A. money          B. interest        C. attention         D. respect
38.A. carrying         B. sticking        C. walking         D. driving
39. A. eyes            B. hands         C. ears             D. feet
40. A. everything       B. nothing        C. something       D. Anything
41. A. But for          B. Due to        C. As for           D. Up to
42. A. thought          B. fear          C. greeting          D. glance
43 A. So               B. Instead       C. But              D. And
44. A. remembered       B. forgotten     C. reminded          D. dreamed
45. A. years             B. seconds      C. days              D. minutes
46. A. surprised          B. learned      C. wondered          D. doubted
47. A. busy             B. stupid       C. lazy               D. puzzled
48. A. often             B. rarely        C. even               D. always
49. A. alarm            B. prove         C. force              D. encourage
50. A. influence         B. beauty        C. meaning            D. creativity
51. A. describe to        B. blame on      C. speak to          D. quarrel with
52. A. luckily           B. unfortunately  C. immediately      D. astonishingly
53. A. agree to          B. think highly of  C. look after      D. take notice of
54. A. look             B. hang          C. bring          D. come
55. A. soon             B. hard          C. long           D. Far
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In the United States, friends can be close, constant, intense, generous, and real, yet fade away m a short time if circumstances change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where it left out and are delighted.
In the States ,you can feel free to visit people" s homes , share their holidays, enjoy their lives without fear that you are taking on alasting obligation (负担). Do not hesitate to accept hospitality (热情款待) because you can"t give it in return. No one will expect you to do so for they know you are, far from home. Americans will enjoy welcoming you and be pleased if you accept their hospitality easily.
Once you arrive there, the welcome will be full, warm and real. Most visitors find themselves readily invited into many homes there. In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain (招待) at home, offering what is felt as only home-cooked food, not “doing something for your guest". It is felt that restaurant entertaining shows more respect and welcome. Or for other different reasons,  such as crowded space, language difficulties, or family custom, outsiders are not invited into homes.
In the United States, both methods are used, but it is often considered more friendly to invite a person to one"s home than to go  to a public place, except in purely business relationships. So, if your host or hostess_________, do not feel that you are being shown inferior ( 差的,低级的) treatment.
Don" t feel neglected ( 被轻视的 ) if you do not find flowers awaiting you in your hotel room, either. Flowers are very expensive there, hotel delivery is uncertain, arrival times are delayed, changed, or canceled ( 取消 ) —so flowers are not customarily sent as a welcoming touch. Please do not feel unwanted! Outward signs vary in different lands, the inward welcome is what matters, and this will be real.
81.What" s the best title of the text? ( Please answer within 5 words. )
82.Which sentence in the text is similar in meaning to the following one?
Americans gladly continue their friendships after a chance encounter even if several years have passed.
83.Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words. ( Please answer within 6 words. )
84.For what purpose does the writer mention flowers in the last paragraph? ( Please answer within 15 words. )
85.Translate the underlined part in the second paragraph into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My father was a highly educate, intelligent gentleman. He could debate or discuss for hours on almost any topic and hold your   31  in the process. I thought there was nothing be wasn’t   32 to do.
A few days before my younger brother’s 7th birthday, Dad planned to assemble(装配) a new   33  as a special birthday surprise. After nearly an hour of  34  the instructions, Dan was still unable to   35 the new bike together. Later he  36  the paper of instructions,   37 up his tool box, and decided to take the bike back to the local toy store and pay extra   38 to have it correctly assembled there.   39 an idea came to him, as he called out to Lovett, the quiet little man who cut our grassland.
“Lovett, have you ever assembled a boy’s bicycle?”
As Lovett walked towards the bike, Dad handed him the  40 . Lovett handed it back to him, saying, “No ,thanks. I can’t read. When you can’t read, you have to  41  .” Less than 15 minutes later, the new bicycle was   42  assembled, with no  43  parts remaining. Dad shook Lovett’s hand, patted him on the back, thanked him, and hid the bike.
On the night after my brother received his shiny new gift, Dad announced at the family dinner table what had happened several days earlier. He took great  44  in telling it over and over again-be used it as an example of thinking.      
He did not prefer to illiteracy(文盲) , but strongly taught us to use our  45 , The joke was on my father,   46 he was able to turn it into a learning tool, and I liked him even more after that incident. I also gained a new   47  for Lovett. To me he had   48 been the old yard man who didn’t   49  much, but after that day, he seemed to smile broader, even walk taller, It’s amazing what a real nod of   50  can do to lift people up.
31.A.attention             B.belief                  C.view                   D.breath
32.A.willing                B.lucky                  C.able                    D.sure
33.A.toy                     B.bicycle                C.computer             D.boat
34.A.reading               B.reviewing            C.examining           D.searching
35.A.bring                  B.get                      C.put.                  D.give
36.A.folded up            B.looked through    C.turned to             D.devoted to
37.A.brought               B.added                  C.set                      D.picked
38.A.money                B.effort                  C.service                D.tax
39.A.Thus                   B.Then                   C.Since                  D.Though
40.A.tools                   B.rites                    C.orders                 D.instructions
41.A.exchange             B.admit                  C.learn                   D.think
42.A.Partly                 B.fully                   C.hardly                 D.largely
43.A.separate              B.different              C.major                  D.spare
44.A.delight                B.action                 C.care                    D.risk
45.A.resources             B.knowledge           C.heads                  D.hands
46.A.so                       B. or                     C.but                     D.and
47.A.reward                B.regard                 C.relief                  D.respect
48.A.never                  B.regard                 C.ever                    D.often
49.A.show                  B.say                     C.care                    D.earn
50.A. approva1           B.agreement           C.affection1            D.altitude
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