阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。Work is a very important p

阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。Work is a very important p

Work is a very important part of life in the United States. When the early Protestant immigrants(新教徒移民) came to this country, they brought the idea that work was the way to God and heaven. This attitude, the Protestant Work Ethic(道德规范), still influences America today. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological need, the feeling of doing something for the good of the society. Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive. For most Americans, their work defines them: they are what they do. What happens then, when a person can no longer work? Almost all Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, _______________; but leaving one’s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost without their jobs.
Retirements can also bring financial problems. Many people rely on Social Security checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. Each employer also gives a certain percentage to the government. When people retire, they receive this money as income. These checks do not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very rapidly. Senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet. The rate of inflation(通货膨胀) is forcing prices higher each year. Social Security checks alone cannot cover these growing expenses. The government offers some assistance, Medicare and welfare, but many senior citizens have to change their life styles after retirement. They have top spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to buy food, fuel and other necessities.
American society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and emotional needs of its senior citizens. The government is taking steps to ease the problem of limited income. They are building new housing, offering discounts in stores and museums and on buses, and providing other services such as free courses, food service, and help with housework.
76.What’s the general idea of this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
77.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.
78.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)
79.Which sentence in the passage is the closet in meaning to the following sentence?
Retirees will have many economic difficulties after retiring.
80.What other suggestions would you give to the government to take steps to ease the problems of limited income of the senior citizens? (Please answer within 30 words.)

76.Americans’ attitudes towards work and retirement.
78.some people are happy to retire/this is not always true
79.Retirements can also bring financial problems.
80.The government can decrease their expenses or increase their income. For example, they can
76. 把握文章意思和关键词:attitudes,work and retirement
77. 分析句式,注意从句翻译。
78. 按照相近句意来做。
79. 把握关键词:Retirees ,economic= financial
80. 答案可以从多个角度回答。
Once there lived a rich merchant(商人) and a poor shoemaker in the same house. The merchant occupied the second floor,  36  the shoemaker lived and worked in a small room on the first floor. The shoemaker was one of the   37  persons on earth. He worked from morning till night, singing merrily. His heart was filled with   38  , whenever he saw the boots and shoes  39 . Now the merchant upstairs was so rich that he   40   knew how much wealth(财产) he had. He was always  41   over his gold and silver coins far into the night. Even in bed his uneasiness(不安) about his riches kept him 42  . When at last he had been asleep for an hour or two, up came the song of the happy shoemaker, who was an   43  riser. It continued all day and was a(n)  44  to the merchant. Day by day the merchant grew more and more tired through want of    45  . He asked a wise friend of his how he could put an   46  to the shoemaker’s song. “Well, if I were you, I would give the shoemaker a hundred pounds,” answered his friend. “You are rich enough to do that, I suppose. Ask for nothing in  47  . Simply give the money.” The merchant    48   the advice.
When the shoemaker   49  the bag that had been sent by the merchant, he was   50   to find shining coins. “I must hide this from the eyes of my neighbors. If they see it, they will think that I have stolen it,” he thought. “I will   51  it away even from my wife.” So he hid the bag of money under the floor. From then on he   52   his neighbors as much as he could. His wife who had been the best  53   to him, became troublesome. Now his mind was too much set on the money bag to   54   to his work with diligence(勤劳). He could not sing merrily now.   55  he thought of the money bag, he became uneasy and unhappy.
36.A.for    B.therefore   C.but    D.however
37.A.poorest     B.happiest    C.richest      D.shortest
38.A.smile B.sorrow      C.sadness     D.joy
39.A.being repaired  B.repair       C.to repair   D.to be repaired
40.A.always      B.completely       C.hardly      D.entirely
41.A.hiding      B.counting   C.calculating       D.figuring
42.A.awake      B.nervous    C.frightened D.asleep
43.A.early B.happy       C.noisy D.late
44.A.threat       B.matter      C.trouble     D.alarm
45.A.sympathy  B.understanding   C.sleep D.treatment
46.A.endB.notice       C.information      D.stop
47.A.trouble     B.need  C.turn   D.return
48.A.refused     B.agreed      C.asked D.followed
49.A.stole  B.opened     C.received    D.closed/carried
50.A.excited     B.amazed     C.ashamed                 D.disappointed
51.A.throw       B.keep  C.give  D.put
52.A.avoided    B.thanked    C.helped      D.attract
53.A.companion       B.fellow      C.shoemaker       D.merchant
54.A.tend        B.turn   C.attend       D.come
55.A.Wherever B.Whatever  C.Whenever D.However
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阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项(共20个小题,每小题1分,满分20分)。
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime (一角银币) left. He was hungry so he decided to    36    for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve (不知所措,慌张) when a lovely young woman opened the door.    37    a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked   38   so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I   39   you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied, “Mother has taught me never to accept  40    for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt   41   physically, but it also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and    42    before this point. Years later the young woman became seriously ill. The  43   doctors were baffled (阻挡). They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists(专家) can be called in to study her   44   disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now   45    , was called in for the consultation (会诊). When he heard the name of the town she came __46__, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he  47  and went down through the hospital hall into her room. Dressed  48  his doctor’s gown (罩衣) he went in to see her. He recognized(辨认) her at once. He went back to the   49   room and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave special   50   to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was   51  . Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval (批准). He looked at it and then    52   something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was    53   to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill    54   her attention. She read these words…
“Paid in (已缴)full with a glass of   55  .”
(Singed) Dr. Howard Kelly Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”
36. A. search   B. beg     C. wait    D. look
37. A. Because of   B. In front of  C. In case of   D. Instead of
38. A. upset    B. thirsty C. hungry       D. sad
39. A. owe      B. cost    C. lend    D. own
40. A. offer    B. pay     C. help    D. thanks
41. A. quicker B. weaker       C. stronger     D. warmer
42. A. stop      B. continue     C. retire  D. surrender
43. A. local     B. poor   C. kind    D. cruel
44. A. common      B. ordinary     C. rare    D. scarce
45. A. old       B. famous       C. unknown    D. retired
46. A. from    B. to       C. into    D. for
47. A. stood    B. waited C. fell     D. rose
48. A. on     B. in    C. with   D. of
49. A. waiting B. treating      C. information       D. consultation
50. A. interest B. food   C. attention           D. effort
51. A. defeated       B. won    C. lost     D. completed
52. A. changed       B. left     C. crossed       D. wrote
53. A. excited B. afraid  C. nervous      D. surprised
54. A. caught  B. called  C. paid    D. caused
55. A. water   B. coffee     C. milk D. ice cream
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James Stallman Rockefeller, the oldest-known U.S. Olympic medal winner and the former head of the bank that became Citigroup, died Tuesday. He was 102. Records of the U.S. Olympic Committee show that Rockefeller was the oldest American medal winner. He was the captain of Yale University"s eight-man rowing team with coxswain that won gold at the 1924 Paris Olympics - beating the Canadian team by less than 16 seconds. The oars from the winning race and the gold medal were prominently displayed in Rockefeller"s house. "I think he was really proud of that - probably more than the bank career," said his grandson。
Rockefeller suffered a stroke on Thursday, said his grandson, who lived with him at his Greenwich home for two years, attributed his long life to a regimented(严密组织的) lifestyle: breakfast at eight a.m., lunch at 1 p.m., cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner promptly at 7 p.m.. He liked plain food, without sauces or cheese, and plenty of fresh vegetables, including those grown in the garden of his estate. Rockefeller was in good health until shortly before he died. He drove his car up until last year and would review documents from the various charities and businesses he helped lead.
Rockefeller, born June 8, 1902, was a grandson of William Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil with his brother, John D. Rockefeller. He graduated from Yale in 1924 and served in the Airborne Command during World War II. He started at the bank, and then called the National City Bank, in 1930, following his uncle and grandfather, who were leaders of the bank. He was became president in 1952, chairman in 1959 and retired in 1967. In 1955, under Rockefeller"s leadership, the bank merged with the First National Bank of New York to form Citigroup. Rockefeller also was a director of numerous companies, including Pan American Airways, Northern Pacific Railroad, NCR and Monsanto, and served on the boards of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the American Museum of Natural History.
Rockefeller and his wife, Nancy Carnegie Rockefeller, had four children. His wife died in 1994.
16. Rockefeller lost his wife when he was ___________.
A. at the age of 91    B. in his eighties   C. in his nineties       D. in his 1994
17. We can learn from the passage that ____________.
A. the American rowing team beat the Canadian team in less than 16 seconds in 1924.
B. Rockefeller was the first American medal winner.
C. James Stallman Rockefeller founded the National City Bank and became president.
D. His grandson thought Rockefeller had long life because of a regimented lifestyle.
18. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph but one mean?
A. combined     B. joined     C. took on     D. together with
19. What we can infer from the passage is that __________.
A. James Stallman Rockefeller is a great Olympic medal winner.
B. James Stallman Rockefeller was in good health until he died.
C. James Stallman Rockefeller was very active in American society.
D. James Stallman Rockefeller was the only grandson of William Rockefeller.
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Be Brave With New Things
The old advertising slogan, “so simple a child can do it ,” has taken on new meaning to me. A few weeks ago I got a computer, but I an mechanically illiterate. I knew that children had no fear of the future, so that seemed a good place to seek help. I asked my nephew, twelve years old, at an elementary school, to help me.
My nephew took the machine for granted and has simply accepted the fact that computers are now a way of life. He plays with them and does his homework on them and even creates programs for them. I , on the other hand, are terrified by what this equipment can do. It can interchange paragraphs, switch words around and even correct my spelling. It informs me of Its limitations, takes commands and asks questions. It even seems to have a sense of communication. Rather than accusing me of making an error, it prints “One of us has made a mistake!” It never gets tired and is always patient and ready to go when I am.
I think it was somewhat normal for me to be suspicious of computers. They represent a break with some very familiar habits and traditions. It is only human to instinctively avoid anything that shifts thoroughly from the acceptable, comfortable past. But the world is governed by ceaseless change and we must therefore establish links with the present and future as well as the past. Computer technology is an excellent case in point, as the newest systems grow out of date in only a few years, or even months.
This ability to see, experience and accept the new is one of our saving characteristics. To be fearful of tomorrow, to close ourselves to possibilities, to resist the inevitable, to advocate standing still when all else is moving forward, is to lose touch. If we accept the new with joy and wonder, we can move gracefully into each tomorrow. More often than not, the children shall lead us.
6.What is the new meaning of  “So simple a child can do it” for the author?
A.computers are so easy to operate that even a child can play them well
B.A child can always do more complex things than an adult.
C.It is easier for a child to accept new things than for an adult.
D.A child has greater ability than an adult in operating computers.
7.According to the second paragraph, which of the following statements is true?
A.The nephew thought it is natural to accept the fact that computers are now a way of life.
B.The nephew believed that machines were made for people to do whatever they wanted.
C.computers are not only used to communicate, but also to remove their limitations.
D.It is a fact that both adults and children have accepted computers as a way of life.
8.Which of the following doesn’t the author’s computer do ?
A.It asks the author if she has made a mistake.
B.It accuses the author of making mistakes.
C.It corrects the author’s spelling mistakes.
D.It informs the author of her mistakes.
9.According to the third paragraph, it is human nature that we resist those things which   
A.only represent the comfortable and acceptable past
B.change thoroughly into the comfortable and acceptable past
C.make people stand still when all else is moving forward
D.change completely from the acceptable and comfortable past
10.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the  text?
  A. It is always ready to inform me when I am ready to go.
  B. It is always ready to start working when I am ready for work.
  C. When I am ready to go, it is patient to wait.
  D. When I am ready to go, it has already gone.
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For many of us, printed books are satisfying in ways beyond the words they contain. Billions of printed books have been published, read and saved in the 600 years since movable type was invented, so why mess with a good things?
Sony Electronics is doing just that, betting that readers will be won over by the convenience of readability of its new electronic book devices. Sony"s reader, the PRS-505, can hold 160 books in its fixed memory, enough to line the shelves on a good-sized wall in the average American home. The $299 device is about the size of a paperback book, but a half-inch thick and weighs less than a pound.
The Sony book reader is revolutionary not only in its storage capacity. The font(字体) is highly readable and adjustable by size. Unlike laptop computers, you can put the Sony in your purse, read it in direct sunlight and even bookmark the pages. And you can connect it to your PC to download books.
Surprisingly, though the reader has liberated the book from paper, electronic books aren"t always a bargain. For example, David Baldacci"s "Stone Cold" download retails(零售) for $15.19 at the Sony site, while Amazon(卓越网) will deliver a hard copy to your mailbox for $16.19.
The Sony reader also lets you store and play or display music. So what"s not to like about the Sony? Well, for many bibliophiles, a lot. Book lovers like to have, hold and keep their volumes, which don"t need charging. You can write notes in the margins, and enjoy the ambience they provide on your book shelves.
The need for electronic reading devices is likely to grow as more people worried about the billions of tons of paper used for printed material. Many believe the time will come when devices like the Sony reader are as common as printed newspapers and magazines today.
1.What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The age of the electronic book reader is coming
B. Printed books are out of date
C. The Sony reader meets many readers’ needs
D. The revolution in book readers
2.According to the passage, the Sony book reader _________.
A. is as light as a laptop computer               B. can hold more than 200 books
C. is convenient to carry around                  D. cannot be connected to a PC
3.What is the author’s point when he mentions “Stone Cold”?
A. Amazon’s printed books are very cheap
B. “Stone Cold” can be got from the Sony site and Amazon
C. The Sony book reader is not very cheap to use
D. The Sony book reader can benefit its buyers a lot
4.The underlined word “bibliophiles” in Paragraph 5 refers to “__________”.
A. music lovers                                            B. book lovers
C. electronic reading devices                      D. Sony readers
5.According to the author, what’s the future for the electronic reading devices?
A. They’ll replace printed newspapers and magazines
B. They’ll still be more expensive than printed newspapers
C. They’ll become a must in people’s daily life
D. They’ll become more popular as time goes on
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