In the summer of 1978 an English farmer was driving his tractor through a f

     In the summer of 1978 an English farmer was driving his tractor through a f

     In the summer of 1978 an English farmer was driving his tractor through a field of wheat when he
discovered that some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The flattened wheat formed a circle
about six meters across. Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat. The five circles
were in a formation like five dots. During the following years, farmers in England found the strange
circles in their fields more and more often.
     The circles are called "crop circles" because they appear in the fields of grain-usually wheat or corn.
The grain in the circles lies flat on the ground but is never broken; it continues to grow, and farmers can
later harvest it. Farmers always discover the crop circles in the morning, so the circles probably form
at night. They appear only in the months from May to September.
     At first, people thought that the circles were a hoax. Probably young people were making them as
a joke, or farmers were making them to attract tourists. To prove that the circles were a hoax, people
tried to make circles exactly like the ones that farmers had found. They couldn"t do it. They couldn"t
enter a field of grain without leaving tracks, and they couldn"t flatten the grain without breaking it.
     Many people believe that beings from outer space are making the circles to communicate with us
from far away and that the crop circles are messages from them.
     Scientists who have studied the crop circles suggested several possibilities. Some scientists say that
a downward rush of wind leads to the formation of the circles-the same downward rush of air that
sometimes causes an airplane to crash. Other scientists say that forces within the earth cause the circles
to appear. There is one problem with all these scientific explanations:crop circles often appear in
formations, like the five-dot formation. It is hard to believe that any natural force could form those. 1. In the summer of 1978, an English farmer discovered in his field that ________. A. some of his wheat had been damaged
B. some of his wheat had fallen onto the ground
C. his grain was growing up in circles
D. his grain was moved into several circles2. The underlined word "hoax" in Paragraph 3 is probably ________. A. an attempt made to fool people
B. a special way to plant crops
C. an experiment for the protection of crops
D. a research on the force of winds3. Which of the following may prove that the crop circles are not made by man?A. The farmers couldn"t step out of the field.
B. The farmers couldn"t make the circles round.
C. The farmers couldn"t leave without footprints.
D. The farmers couldn"t keep the wheat straight up. 4. One explanation given by scientists for the crop circles is that they are made by ________. A. airplane crashes
B. air movement
C. unknown flying objects
D. new farming techniques
1-4: BACB
     I  met Connie the day she was admitted to the hospital  ward, where I  worked  as a volunteer. Her
husband,Bill,stood nervously nearby.Although Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer,she
was cheerful.We got her settled in.As we became acquainted,she told me that how frustrating it was to be
married 32 years to a man who often called her "a silly woman".
    "Oh,I know Bill loves me,"she said,"but he has never been one to say he loves me,or send cards to me."
Bill visited Connie every day.When she began sleeping more,he paced up and down the hallway outside
her room.Soon,when she no longer watched television and had fewer waking moments,I began spending
more of my volunteer time with Bill.He said he could not express his feelings about the fact that his wife
was dying.
     One day,I got him on the subject of women and how we need romance in our lives;how we love to
get sentimental cards and love letters.
     "Do you tell Connie you love her?" I asked(knowing his answer),and he looked at me as if I was crazy.
     "I don"t have to,"he said."She knows I do!"
     "I"m sure she knows,"I said,"but she needs to hear what she has meant to you all these years.Please
think about it."
     Two days later I walked down the hospital ward at noon.There stood Bill,leaning up against the wall in
the hallway,staring at the floor.I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 a.m..
     When Bill saw me,he allowed himself to come into my arms for a long time.His face was wet with tears
and he was trembling."I have to say something."he said."I have to say how good I feel about telling her."
     I went into the room to say my own goodbye  to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large
Valentine card saying,"To my wonderful wife... I love you."1.The author asked Bill whether he had told Connie he loved her in order to __________.A.give Connie a big surprise in her final stages
B.find out whether Bill knew Connie loved him
C.remind him of what to do in Connie"s last stage
D.make it clear she would support him2.The tone of the story seems to be a little bit __________.A.romantic  
D.friendly3.We can learn from the text that the author __________.A.worked hardest in the hospital
B.liked things full of romance
C.was a woman volunteer in the hospital
D.sent Connie a sentimental card for Bill
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     In a class I teach adults.I gave the task to "Go to someone you love,and tell them that you
love them."At the beginning of the next __1__,one of the students began by saying,"I was __2__
with you last week when you gave us this __3__.But as I began driving home my conscience
(良心) started talking.Then I knew __4__ who I needed to say "I love you"to.Five years ago,
my father and I had a __5__ and never really resolved it.We __6__ seeing each other unless
we absolutely had to at family gatherings.We hardly __7__ to each other.So by the time I got
home,I had __8__ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.Just __9__that decision
seemed to lift a heavy load off my chest.At 5:30,I was at my parents"house ringing the doorbell,
praying that Dad would __10__ the door.__11__ luck would have it,Dad did answer the
door.I didn"t __12__ any time-I took one step in the door and said,"Dad,I just __13__ over
to tell you that I love you."It was as if a change came over my dad.Before my __14__ his face
softened,the wrinkles (皱纹)seemed to __15__ and he began to cry.He __16__ out and
hugged me and said,"I love you too,son,but I"ve never been able to say it."But that"s not__17__
my point.Two days after that visit,my dad had a heart attack and is in the hospital.I don"t even
know if he"ll __18__ it.So my __19__ to all of you is this: Don"t wait to do the things you know
need to be done.What if I had waited to tell my dad?Take the__20__ to do what you need to
and do it now!"(     )1.
(     )2. A.angry
(     )3. A.task
(     )4. A.hardly
(     )5. A.disagreement
(     )6. A.kept
(     )7. A.talked
(     )8. A.advised
(     )9. A.doing
(     )10.A.answer
(     )11. A.When
(     )12. A.treasure
(     )13. A.came
(     )14. A.eyes
(     )15. A.appear
(     )16. A.reached
(     )17. A.still
(     )18. A.make
(     )19. A.information
(     )20. A.time


C .work


题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空.     I was told just now in the hospital that I was having a Bell"s palsy attack,a condition in
which the face muscles tighten because of stress.During the long car ride home,all I could
think about was my coming interview.But now I could not even __1__ myself in the mirror
and my lips was unable to open normally,surely all the other applicants would have the __2__,
I concluded.
     However,I wouldn"t let my own self-consciousness __3__ me.Not now,not when I had
__4__ so hard for so long to be given this opportunity.This was the kind of position I"d
dreamed of for all these years."Mom,__5__ me off on Jacob Street.I"m going to the __6__."
     "Honey,I don"t think you should.You look...__7__,"she said,ever so gently.
      I knew she was __8__.But if I didn"t,I"d always __9__ if I could have gotten my dream job.
     "No,Mom,take me there."
     __10__,she took me where I wanted to go.
     "Hello,"a gray-haired man sitting behind the large desk __11__ me."Miss Jenkins?"
     "Yes.Please excuse me.I"m having a Bell"s palsy attack.My doctor explained to me that it
would last a few days.I came right from the __12__."
     "You"re very __13__ to come when you"re in such a state,"he __14__,after a pause.
     He spent a few minutes looking through my __15__."Is everything on here __16__?"he
     "Yes,but I __17__ to mention I type seventy-five words per minute."
     "Well,you have an impressive background with related experience,you are __18__ qualified.
When are you __19__?"he asked.
      I took a deep breath and asked,"You"re hiring me?"
     "Not only have you got the skills I"m looking for,you also have the __20__."He gave me a
big smile.(     )1.A.recognize
(     )2.A.chance
(     )3.A.pardon
(     )4.A.driven
(     )5.A.take
(     )6.A.interview
(     )7.A.weak
(     )8.A.kind
(     )9.A.regret
(     )10.A.Hopefully
(     )11.A.doubted 
(     )
(     )13.A.crazy
(     )14.A.stressed
(     )15.A.face
(     )16.A.correct
(     )17.A.pretended
(     )18.A.narrowly
(     )19.A.accessible
(     )20.A.appearance

B .advantage
B .help
B .turned
B .pull
B .supermarket
B .stubborn
B .right
B .believe
B .Unwillingly
B .examined
B .home
B .determined
B .interrupted
B .health
B .normal
B .focused
B .certainly
B .convenient
B .character



题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空                                                                     Eating the Cookie
     One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become
depressed unless things went a certain way. __1__ was"having the cookie. "If you had the cookie,
things were good. If you didn"t have the cookie, life was __2__.
     Unfortunately, the cookie kept __3__. Some of the time it was money, and sometimes power. At
__4__ time, it was the new car, the biggest contract. . . . A year and a half after his diagnosis of
prostate(前列腺)cancer, he sits __5__ his head regretfully. "It seems that I stopped learning how to
__6__ after I was a kid. When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it
__7__, he is unhappy. But he is two and a half and I am forty three. It"s taken me this long to understand
that the __8__ will never make me happy for long.
     The __9__ you have the cookie it starts to fall to pieces or you start to __10__ about it crumbling
(弄碎)or about someone trying to take it away from you. You know, you have to __11__ a lot of things
to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be __12__ that no one takes it away from you. You may not even get a chance to eat it __13__ you are so busy just trying not to lose it. __14__ the
cookie is not what life is about."
     My patient laughs and says __15__ has changed him. For the first time he is __16__. No matter if
his __17__ is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. "Two years ago, cancer __18__
me, "What is really important?" Well, life is important. Life. Life any way you can, have it, life with the
cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to __19__ with the cookie:it has to
do with being __20__."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Happiness  
(     )2. A. normal  
(     )3. A. increasing  
(     )4. A. one  
(     )5. A. shaking  
(     )6. A. grow  
(     )7. A. burns  
(     )8. A. disease  
(     )9. A. hour      
(     )10. A. think  
(     )11. A. give up  
(     )12. A. brave  
(     )13. A. unless  
(     )14. A. Eating      
(     )15. A. death  
(     )16. A. happy  
(     )17. A. result  
(     )18. A. asked  
(     )19. A. deal  
(     )20. A. alone  
B. uccess  
B. ommon    
B. hanging  
B. a        
B. odding  
B. earn    
B. reaks    
B. hange    
B. ime      
B. ome      
B. dd up    
B. urious  
B. ecause  
B. rotecting
B. nergy    
B. eak      
B. ortunate
B. eft      
B. do      
B. live    
C. Business  
C. worthless  
C. decreasing  
C. no  
C. knocking  
C. live  
C. shares  
C. kid  
C. second  
C. worry  
C. use up  
C. aware  
C. though  
C. Having      
C. life  
C. upset  
C. business  
C. deserted  
C. connect  
C. ambitious  
D. Love        
D. useless    
D. recovering  
D. other      
D. raising    
D. work        
D. throws      
D. cookie      
D. minute      
D. doubt      
D. call up    
D. sure        
D. until      
D. Making      
D. cancer      
D. sad        
D. behavior    
D. recognized  
D. link        
D. active      
     One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter __1__
some things from a moving truck.Normally I"m shy away from contact with __2__.That particular day,
though,something was in me;I can"t explain __3__,but I felt like I should just help these people,even
__4__ something as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck.So I __5__ and introduced myself,
welcomed them to the town,and asked them to give me a(n)__6__ to put some proper shoes on.After
I had flip-flops(夹趾拖鞋)on,I went over and helped them move all of their __7__ into the apartment.
     After we finished,we talked some and I got to know my new __8__.It might seem unimportant,but
it seems like people are less __9__ and friendly to their neighbors these days;I wanted to __10__ that,
at least in my small __11__ block.So we did talk,and they"re from Florida,just like me.
     At that __12__ time in my life,I was going through a really difficult __13__ with my girlfriend of 7
years.I didn"t feel like helping anyone or doing anything __14__,but I figured why not?And I"m glad I did.
Also,as __15__ would have it,their daughter is my age(college student)and we each had a mutual(相互
的)__16__in one another.This developed into a friendship,and in the coming months,probably more.
      The __17__ was the act itself,though.I got to know my new neighbors and made some new friends
in the __18__.And I felt really good about it.Since then,I"ve tried __19__ my comfort zone to perform
other unplanned acts of __20__.So far,so good.I"d encourage everyone else to do the same!
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(     )1. A. stealing  ?
(     )2. A. teachers  
(     )3. A. which  
(     )4. A. with  
(     )5. A. came up  
(     )6. A. moment  
(     )7. A. treasure  
(     )8. A. neighbors  
(     )9. A. open  
(     )10. A. change  
(     )11. A. house  
(     )12. A. particular  
(     )13. A. breakout  
(     )14. A. primitive  
(     )15. A. luck  
(     )16. A. choice  
(     )17. A. award  
(     )18. A. game  
(     )19. A. expanding  
(     )20. A. success  
B. burdening  
B. strangers  
B. why        
B. about      
B. came on    
B. hand        
B. goods      
B. girlfriend  
B. afraid      
B. accept      
B. school      
B. common      
B. breakup    
B. positive    
B. accident    
B. habit      
B. chance      
B. process    
B. decreasing  
B. courage    
C. unloading  
C. friends  
C. what  
C. for  
C. came out  
C. hour  
C. furniture  
C. students  
C. curious  
C. receive  
C. apartment  
C. normal  
C. breakthrough
C. meaningless  
C. success  
C. love  
C. reward  
C. program  
C. reducing  
C. kindness  
D. packing        
D. parents        
D. when          
D. on            
D. came back      
D. break          
D. belongings    
D. classmates    
D. lucky          
D. observe        
D. company        
D. usual          
D. breakdown      
D. important      
D. result        
D. interest      
D. prize          
D. direction      
D. closing        
D. consideration