完形填空     In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen chi

完形填空     In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen chi

完形填空     In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. They were so poor that
two children, who wanted to pursue their talent for __1__, knew their father would never be __2__
able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
     So they tossed (掷) a coin. Albrecht Durer, the younger, __3__ the toss and went off to
Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous __4__ and, for the next four years, financed his
brother, who did so well that his works were even better than those of most of his __5__. By the time
he graduated, he was beginning to earn __6__ fees by drawing for wealthy people.
     When Albrecht returned home, at dinner he drank a __7__ to his beloved brother for the years of
__8__ that had enabled him to fulfill his __9__. He said, "Albert, my blessed brother, now it is your
__10__ to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream, and I will take care of you."
     With tears in his eyes, Albert held his hands close to his right cheek and said, "No, brother. I
cannot go. Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my __11__! The bones in every
finger have been __12__ at least once. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis (关节炎) so badly
in my right hand that I cannot even hold a __13__ to return your toast, much less make delicate lines
with a pen or a brush. No, brother…, for me it is too __14__."
     Deeply moved, Albrecht painstakingly drew his brother"s __15__ hands with palms together and
thin fingers stretched skyward. He called his powerful drawing __16__ "Hands", to which the entire
world immediately opened their hearts and later they __17__ it "The Praying Hands".
     The next time when you see a copy of that __18__ creation, take a second look. Let it be your
__19__, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it __20__!                      
(     )1. A. assistance    
(     )2. A. fundamentally  
(     )3. A. won          
(     )4. A. mountains      
(     )5. A. classmates    
(     )6. A. concrete      
(     )7. A. beer          
(     )8. A. donation      
(     )9. A. attempt        
(     )10. A. turn          
(     )11. A. health      
(     )12. A. injured      
(     )13. A. knife        
(     )14. A. urgent        
(     )15. A. abused        
(     )16. A. happily      
(     )17. A. sold          
(     )18. A. longing      
(     )19. A. reminder      
(     )20. A. along        
B. art          
B. frequently  
B. lost        
B. oceans      
B. colleagues  
B. considerable
B. drink      
B. education    
B. ambition    
B. dream        
B. body        
B. strengthened
B. spoon        
B. unnecessary  
B. dark        
B. simply      
B. bought      
B. touching    
B. aid          
B. aside        
C. science      
C. financially  
C. ended      
C. deserts      
C. professors  
C. considerate  
C. drop        
C. sacrifice    
C. assignment  
C. kindness    
C. mind        
C. sharpened    
C. glass        
C. messy        
C. wide        
C. carefully    
C. found        
C. challenging  
C. guide        
C. alone        
D. dreaming    
D. flexibly    
D. started      
D. mines        
D. brothers    
D. confidential
D. toast        
D. experience  
D. assessment  
D. hope        
D. hands        
D. used        
D. pen          
D. late        
D. fragile      
D. badly        
D. renamed      
D. disturbing  
D. coach        
D. aware        
1-5: BCADC         6-10: BDCBA          11-15: DACDA        16-20: BDBAC
     After years of searching, the seeker was told to go to a cave, in which there was a well. "Ask the well
what is 1 ", he was advised. Having 2 the well, the seeker asked the question. From the came the
answer: "Go to the village crossroad: there you shall find what you are   4   ."
     The man ran to the crossroad, only to find three rather small   5  . One was selling pieces of metal,
another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third.    6  seemed to have much to do with the
     Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to    7  an explanation, but he was told only: "You will
   8  in the future."
     Angry about having been made fool of, the seeker   9   his wanderings in search of truth. As years
went by, the   10   of his experience at the well    11  faded until one night, while he was walking in the
moonlight, the sound of sitar (一种弦乐器) music    12  his heart. It was wonderful and it was played
with great 13  .  
     Deeply moved, the truth seeker felt drawn towards the player. He looked at the fingers dancing over
the strings. He became 14 of the sitar itself. And then 15 he let out a cry of joyful recognition: the sitar
was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like those he had 16 seen in the three stores
and had thought them to be without any particular significance. 
     At last he understood the   17   of the well: we"ve already been given everything we need: our    18  is
to assemble (装配) and use it in the proper way. Nothing is meaningful so long as we    19   only separate
parts. But as soon as the parts   20   , a new entity (实体) will form.
题型:陕西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1. A. fame   
(     ) 2. A. filled   
(     ) 3. A. height   
(     ) 4. A. seeking
(     ) 5. A. entrances  
(     ) 6. A. Everything
(     ) 7. A. demand   
(     ) 8. A. improve  
(     ) 9. A. treasured
(     )10. A. description  
(     )11. A. gradually
(     )12. A. fixed
(     )13. A. curiosity    
(     )14. A. proud   
(     )15. A. peacefully
(     )16. A. once   
(     )17. A. goal   
(     )18. A. advice   
(     )19. A. finish
(     )20. A. come together
B. life
B. missed
B. depth
B. learning
B. stations  
B. Nothing
B. offer
B. grow
B. ended
B. memory
B. immediately
B. affected
B. surprise
B. afraid
B. suddenly
B. always
B. use
B. interest
B. consider
B. break down
C. truth
C. dug
C. north
C. losing
C. shops
C. Anything
C. make
C. understand
C. started
C. bravery
C. quickly
C. caught
C. difficulty
C. sick
C. regularly
C. never
C. message
C. dream
C. change
C. dry up
D. success      
D. found        
D. south        
D. gaining      
D. offices      
D. Something    
D. write        
D. forget      
D. continued    
D. pleasure    
D. unfortunately
D. broke        
D. inspiration  
D. aware        
D. carefully    
D. also        
D. imagination  
D. task        
D. talk        
D. take over    
     I recently heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important
medical breakthroughs.He was being interviewed by a reporter who asked him __1__ he
thought he was able to be so much more __2__ than the average person.
He __3__ that it all came from a(n)__4__ with his mother that occurred when he was
about 2.He had been trying to remove milk from the fridge when he __5__ the slippery
(光滑的) bottle,its contents running all over the kitchen floor.
     When his mother came in,__6__ shouting at him or giving him a lecture,she said,
“Robert,what a great and wonderful __7__ you have made! I have __8__ seen such
a huge pool of milk.Well,the damage has already been __9__.Would you like to get
down and __10__ in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”Indeed,he
did.After a few minutes,his mother said,“Robert,whenever you make a mess like
this,eventually you have to __11__ everything to its proper order.So,how would you
like to do that? We could use a sponge(海绵),a towel or a mop.Which do you prefer?”
He chose the sponge.
     His mother then said,“You know,what we have here is a __12__ experiment in
how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two __13__ hands.Let"s go out in the back
yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can make it.” The little boy learned that
if he __14__ the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands,he could carry it without
dropping it.What a wonderful __15__!
     This scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn"t need to
be __16__to make mistakes.Instead,he learned that mistakes were just __17__ for
learning something new,which is,__18__,what scientific experiments are all about.
Even if the experiment “doesn"t__19__,” we usually learn something __20__ from it.
(     )1.A.why
(     )2.A.capable
(     )3.A.responded
(     )4.A.coincidence
(     )5.A.fell
(     )6.A.rather than
(     )7.A.picture
(     )8.A.rarely
(     )9.A.obtained
(     )10.A.jump
(     )11.A.recover
(     )12.A.failed
(     )13.A.strong
(     )14.A.controlled
(     )15.A.example
(     )16.A.anxious
(     )17.A.situations
(     )18.A.after all
(     )19.A.do
(     )20.A.worthy

B.instead of
B.above all

C.other than
C.first of all

D.in place of
D.in all

     One day I took a bus with my girlfriend. It was so__1__ that we stood for several stops until a
vacant seat was __2__ for her.
     Then a pretty girl rushed towards me, saying, "Hi, where are you going?"  I was so struck by the
stranger that I had a hard time trying to __3__ her. Clearly she had taken me __4__ somebody else. I
returned her greeting with politeness, __5__ to give explanation to my girlfriend later.
     Noticing my dialogue with somebody else, my girlfriend__6__ her eyes and found she was pretty.
She asked jealously, "Who"s she?" The pretty girl, quite __7__ of the situation, spoke out first, "Hi, let
me __8__ myself. I"m Nancy,   used to be __9__. Very glad to meet you." She behaved very __10__.
     But I was __11__ to search in my memory for someone called Nancy among my neighbors. I was
worrying how to explain this to my girlfriend __12__ the pretty girl again turned to me, "Will you give
me your cell phone number so that we __13__ keep contacts(联系) later?" I had to submit to her
     Then the girl got off the bus at the next stop.
     A minute later I got a short __15__ on my phone-from a stranger. My girlfriend __16__ my
phone and read the note. It was from the girl, who said, "Just now, two thieves tried to __17__ your
pocket. I had to act as an acquaintance to draw your attention. I should have left at the __18__ stop
but gave up as I noticed these two thieves also __19__ to leave at the same stop. Because of the __20__ I delayed my departure. Now you" ll understand all I have done to you. Wish you luck."
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. tiring      
(     )2. A. ready      
(     )3. A. identify    
(     )4. A. on          
(     )5. A. preferring  
(     )6. A. fixed      
(     )7. A. proud      
(     )8. A. explain    
(     )9. A. partners    
(     )10. A. naturally  
(     )11. A. in a hurry
(     )12. A. while      
(     )13. A. would      
(     )14. A. request    
(     )15. A. suggestion
(     )16. A. removed    
(     )17. A. steal      
(     )18. A. terminal  
(     )19. A. pretending
(     )20. A. incident  
B. slow      
B. available
B. realize  
B. by        
B. planning  
B. opened    
B. careful  
B. enjoy    
B. neighbors
B. generously
B. at a loss
B. before    
B. can      
B. question  
B. warning  
B. seized    
B. reach    
B. former    
B. intending
B. matter    
C. crowded    
C. special    
C. remind    
C. with      
C. managing  
C. raised    
C. afraid    
C. introduce  
C. friends    
C. cautiously
C. at ease    
C. when      
C. should    
C. command    
C. notice    
C. found      
C. get        
C. previous  
C. demanding  
C. accident  
D. messy        
D. suitable    
D. judge        
D. for          
D. promising    
D. focused      
D. aware        
D. help        
D. colleagues  
D. normally    
D. in time      
D. until        
D. must        
D. opinion      
D. message      
D. caught      
D. pick        
D. latter      
D. announcing  
D. affair      
     A businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown. As it was the rush hour and she was in a__1__to catch
a train,   she__2__a quick way to reach it. "I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!" the driver said__3__.
"You don"t think I know the best way to go?"
     The woman tried to explain that she hadn"t__4__to annoy him,   but the driver kept__5__. She finally
realized that he was too annoyed to be__6__,   so she changed her__7__. "You know,   you are right,  
" she told him. "It must seem__8__for me not to think you know the best way__9__the city."
  10   ,   the driver glanced at his   11   in the rearview mirror,   turned down the street she wanted and
got her to the train on time. "He didn"t say another word the rest of the ride,   "she said. "  12   I got out
and paid him. Then he thanked me."
     When you find yourself  13  with people like the taxi driver,   you will always try to  14    your idea. It
can lead to longer arguments,   lose job chances or  15   marriages. I have discovered one simple  16 
extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or other difficult situations from 17   in a
     The  18   is to put yourself in the other person"s shoes and look for the  19   in what that person is
saying. Find a way to  20  , and the result may surprise you.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. hurry        
(     )2. A. chose        
(     )3. A. jokingly    
(     )4. A. supposed    
(     )5. A. apologizing  
(     )6. A. reasonable  
(     )7. A. road        
(     )8. A. strange      
(     )9. A. across      
(     )10. A. Surprised  
(     )11. A. rider      
(     )12. A. until      
(     )13. A. satisfied  
(     )14. A. give up    
(     )15. A. combine    
(     )16. A. and        
(     )17. A. lying      
(     )18. A. problem    
(     )19. A. fact        
(     )20. A. agree      
B. rush        
B. made        
B. angrily    
B. expected    
B. driving    
B. thoughtful  
B. mind        
B. wrong      
B. at          
B. Worried    
B. speaker    
B. after      
B. concerned  
B. turn down  
B. destroy    
B. that        
B. resulting  
B. importance  
B. meaning    
B. argue      
C. moment      
C. found      
C. anxiously  
C. meant      
C. asking      
C. normal      
C. direction  
C. terrible    
C. through    
C. Annoyed    
C. helper      
C. because    
C. crowded    
C. stick to    
C. suffer      
C. but        
C. setting    
C. key        
C. expression  
C. escape      
D. way          
D. suggested    
D. curiously    
D. decided      
D. shouting      
D. practical    
D. manner        
D. stupid        
D. along        
D. Disappointed  
D. comer        
D. since        
D. faced        
D. point out    
D. divide        
D. though        
D. leading      
D. reply        
D. truth        
D. fight        
     One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue when remembered it was necessary to buy a
pair of socks. I __1__ the first sock shop that __2__ my eye,   and a boy clerk,   not more than
seventeen,   came forward. "I wish to buy a pair of socks." His eyes __3__. " Do you know that you
have come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?" I had not been aware of that,   as my
entrance had been __4__.
     "Hold on,   lad,   I am going to buy only one pair!" "I know that,   but I want you to see how
marvelously __5__ these are." There was on his face an expression of serious and holy joy,   as if he
were revealing to me the __6__ of his religion. I looked at him in __7__. " My friend,   " said I,   "if you
can keep up this zeal and excitement day after day,   in ten years you will __8__ every sock in the
United States."
     My amazement at his __9__ and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood. In many shops the
customer has to wait for someone to   10   him. And when finally some clerk does    11   you,   you are
made to feel as if you were    12   him. He shows no interest either in you or in the goods he is   13   to
sell.    14   possibly every clerk began his career with hope and  15  . The daily work was too much
and dull for him; gradually his only pleasures were found   16   of working hours. He became a  17  ,  
not inspired salesman. After being mechanical,   he became incompetent,   then sour. That was the last
  18  . His usefulness was over.
     I have observed this melancholy (可悲的)   19   in the lives of so many men in so many occupations
that I have come to the   20   that the surest road to failure is to do things mechanically.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(      )1. A. rushed into  
(      )2. A. hit          
(      )3. A. opened      
(      )4. A. accidental  
(      )5. A. various      
(      )6. A. mysteries    
(      )7. A. amazement    
(      )8. A. occupy      
(      )9. A. affection    
(      )10. A. wait upon  
(      )11. A. observe    
(      )12. A. asking      
(      )13. A. paid        
(      )14. A. And        
(      )15. A. sadness    
(      )16. A. outside    
(      )17. A. mechanical  
(      )18. A. procedure  
(      )19. A. improvement
(      )20. A. faith      
B. turned into    
B. caught        
B. glared        
B. deliberate    
B. strange        
B. opinion        
B. interest      
B. sell          
B. prejudice      
B. care about    
B. notice        
B. inviting      
B. ordered        
B. However        
B. enthusiasm    
B. beyond        
B. strong        
B. approach      
B. decrease      
B. conclusion    
C. stole into    
C. fixed        
C. brightened    
C. considerate  
C. long          
C. idea          
C. puzzle        
C. own          
C. success      
C. concern about
C. view          
C. interrupting  
C. motivated    
C. Therefore    
C. doubt        
C. inside        
C. courageous    
C. stage        
C. increase      
C. summary      
D. changed into  
D. focused        
D. widened        
D. special        
D. beautiful      
D. thought        
D. admiration    
D. attract        
D. pride          
D. take care      
D. see            
D. punishing      
D. permitted      
D. Yet            
D. consideration  
D. dull          
D. demanding      
D. pace          
D. decline        
D. intention