阅读理解.     It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,

阅读理解.     It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,

阅读理解.     It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation,it turns into an
argument.We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly,my mother
will push the conversation into World War ?.She"ll talk about my lack of a bright future
because I don"t plan to be a doctor.And much to her disappointment,I don"t want to do
any job related to science,either.In fact,when I was pushed to say that I planned to major
(主修) in English and communications,she nearly had a heart attack.
     "Why can"t you be like my coworker"s son?" she bemoans all the time.Her coworker"s
son received a fouryear scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer.
I don"t know what to answer except that I simply can"t be like Mr Perfect as I"ve called the
unnamed coworker"s son.I can"t be like him.I"m the type of person who loves to help out in
the community,write until the sun goes down,and most of all,wants to achieve a career
because I love it,not because of fame (名声) or salary.
     I understand why my mother is worried about my future major.I"ve seen my mother
struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours.She leaves the house around
6﹕30 am and usually comes home around 5 pm or even 6 pm.However,I want her to
know that by becoming a doctor,it doesn"t mean I"ll be successful.I"d rather follow my
dreams and create my own future.1. Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?A.The writer"s studies.
B.The writer"s future job.
C.Dinner plans.
D.Wars around the world.2.We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer"s mother________.A.doesn"t want the writer to major in English
B.doesn"t think the writer should be a doctor
C.gets along very well with the writer
D.doesn"t think working in the science field is a good idea3.The underlined word "bemoans" in Paragraph 2 most probably means "________".A.agrees
D.smiles4.Which of the following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?______.A.He wants to be like his mother"s coworker"s son.
B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.
C.He doesn"t think his mother"s coworker"s son is perfect.
D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.5.We can know from the last paragraph that________.A.the writer doesn"t know what his future will be like
B.the writer"s mother works very hard for the family
C.the writer doesn"t think being a doctor is a good job
D.the writer sometimes thinks his mother"s advice is very good

     The mom had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake.She was
covered by a destroyed house.Through gaps (缝隙) of those ruins,the rescuers could see
her last posture (姿势).It was something like an ancient person who was kowtowing
(叩头),but it just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure.
     The rescuers confirmed her death by touching her through the gaps of the ruins.They
shouted at the ruins again and again,knocked the bricks using various tools,but no reply
     Then the rescuing team went to the next building.Suddenly the leader ran back,calling
"Come here." He came to the body,put his hands under the woman,feeling and touching,t
hen shoutedloudly and gladly,"There is someone,a baby,still living."
     Through some efforts,rescuers cleaned up the ruins which blocked her.Under her body
lay her baby,who was covered by a small red quilt (棉被).He was about 3 or 4 months"
old.Since well protected by his mother"s body,he was safe.He was in a deep sleep when
the rescuer carried him out,and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him.
The doctor,along with the rescuing team,took the baby out of the quilt to check if the baby
was all right,and he found there was a mobile phone inthe quilt.The doctor looked at the
screen; a writtenmessage was already there:"My dear baby if you couldlive,don"t forget how
much I love you." As a doctor,he experienced much of this type of separation;but at this
moment,he cried.The mobile phone was passed,and every person who saw this message
shed (流出) tears.

1.When the rescuers found the mom,she________.A.was using her mobile phone to ask for help
B.begged the rescuers to save her baby first
C.was struggling with the pressure
D.didn"t have the normal shape2.The underlined word "confirmed" in Paragraph 2 may mean________.A.proved
D.imagined3.When the baby was rescued,he________.A.was smiling a lot
B.was fast asleep
C.was listening carefully
D.was frightened to death4.After seeing the words on the mobile phone,people was________.A.pleased
D.tired5.The passage is mainly about________.A.a story of saving a mother and her baby
B.the disaster of a terrible earthquake
C.the rescuers" hard work after an earthquake
D.the great love of a mother in the earthquake
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Pete Rose was a great baseball player.Though I have never met him, he taught me something __1__
that changed my life.
     Pete was being __2__ in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb"s alltime hits record.
Suddenly one reporter asked him, "Pete, you only need 78 hits to reach your nearest __3__. How many
atbats(击球)do you think it"ll take you to get the 78 hits?" Without hesitation, Pete just __4__ at the
reporter and said, "78." The reporter yelled back, "Ah, come on, Pete, you don"t think you"ll get 78 hits
in 78 atbats, do you?"
     Mr.Rose calmly __5__ his philosophy with the reporters who were __6__ waiting for his reply to the
     "Every time I __7__ up to the plate (击球区), I __8__ to get a hit! __9__ I have it in mind, I have no
right to step into the batter"s (击球手) box! It is __10__ expectation that has enabled me to get all of the
hits in the first place."
     When I thought about Pete Rose"s __11__ and how it applied to everyday __12__, I felt a little
embarrassed. As a business person, I was hoping to increase my __13__. As a father, I was hoping to
be a good dad. As a married man, I was hoping to be a good husband. The truth was that I was a fairly
good salesperson, I was not so __4__ a father, and I was an okay husband.I immediately decided that
being okay was not __15__! I wanted to be a great salesperson, a great father and a great husband. I
__16__ my attitude to a positive one, and the results were __17__. I was fortunate enough to win a few
sales trips, I won Coach of the Year in my __18__ baseball league, and I share a loving relationship
with my wife, Karen, with whom I am __19__ to enjoy the rest of my life!
     __20__, Mr Rose!
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. reliable
(     )2. A. admired    
(     )3. A. decision  
(     )4. A. stared    
(     )5. A. enjoyed    
(     )6. A. anxiously  
(     )7. A. climb      
(     )8. A. seem      
(     )9. A. Though    
(     )10. A. abrupt    
(     )11. A. plan      
(     )12. A. agenda    
(     )13. A. sales    
(     )14. A. wise      
(     )15. A. explicit  
(     )16. A. changed  
(     )17. A. hopeful  
(     )18. A. son"s    
(     )19. A. supposed  
(     )20. A. Good luck  
B. enjoyable    
B. interviewed  
B. record        
B. shouted      
B. shared        
B. nervously    
B. jump          
B. fail          
B. Unless        
B. simple        
B. idea          
B. exercise      
B. skills        
B. kind          
B. helpful      
B. added        
B. amazing      
B. wife"s        
B. expected      
B. Best regards  
C. valuable    
C. watched    
C. level      
C. glared      
C. discussed  
C. cheerfully  
C. drive      
C. expect      
C. Because    
C. positive    
C. ability    
C. work        
C. experiences
C. mean        
C. enough      
C. devoted    
C. funny      
C. friend"s    
C. encouraged  
C. Thanks      
D. unbelievable    
D. trained          
D. goal            
D. pointed          
D. reviewed        
D. impatiently      
D. step            
D. compete          
D. When            
D. considerate      
D. behaviour        
D. life            
D. experiments      
D. bad              
D. practical        
D. contributed      
D. disappointing    
D. customer"s      
D. determined      
D. Congratulations  
     All over my garden I"ve planted nothing but roses, because I especially love the flower. A close
friend came for a visit the other day. I told her that she should pick a bunch of roses to beautify her
bedroom. I promised that the smell of the roses would be wafted far, far away.
     That girl friend of mine, walking into the garden in high spirits, smelt here and there, but in the end
she didn"t pick a single rose. I said that she could pick many flowers; I told her that I was not a flower
farmer and didn"t make a living out of them. Saying so, I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no!
     To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one, she said. With her hands seizing at my sleeves, she told me
that by no means should they be cut. Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so
ironhearted as to destroy such a charming smile?
     My mind was shocked: the ugly earth, the tough earth, the plain earth-it is for the reason of that smile
that it wins the care and pity of people.
1. The writer plants nothing but roses in her garden probably because ________.
A. she can make money out of them
B. her friends like them
C. she enjoys the roses very much
D. the roses sell well
2. The underlined word "wafted" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to "________".
A. given off  
B. lost
C. destroyed  
D. thrown away
3. Why did the writer"s close friend refuse to pick a single rose?
A. Because the roses were not beautiful.
B. Because she loved the roses very much.
C. Because she did not like this kind of roses.
D. Because the writer did not want to give her any.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Pity of People to the Roses
B. A Lover of Flowers
C. A Lovely Rose Garden
D. The Smiling Face of the Earth
     The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know
someone we didn"t know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.
I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her
entire being.
     She said, "Hi, girl! My name is Rose. I"m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?"
     I laughed and enthusiastically(热情地)responded, "Of course you may!" and she gave me
a giant squeeze.
     "Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, "I"m
here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel!"
     "No seriously," I said. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge
at her age.
     "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I"m getting one!" she told me.
      Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever
she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other
students. She was living it up.
     At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I"ll never forget
what she taught us.
    "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are
only two secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find
humor every day. You"ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die!" she said.
     "There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old
and lie in bed for one full year and don"t do one productive thing, you will turn 20 years old. If I am
87 years old, and stay in bed for a year, and never do anything, I will turn 88. Anybody can grow
older. But every minute counts for young men," she added.
     "The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change.Have no regrets. The elderly
usually don"t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.The only people who
fear death are those with regrets."
     She concluded her speech by courageously singing The Song of Rose.She challenged each of us
to study the lyrics(歌词)and live them out in our daily lives.
At the year"s end, Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago.One week after
graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
1.Rose made herself known to the author in a________ manner.
2.From the information provided in the passage, we know ________.
A.Rose finished the college degree within a year
B.Rose did realize her dream of meeting a rich husband and getting married through college education
C.Rose enjoyed her campus life very much
D.Rose grew so old that she stopped playing
3.Rose delivered the speech________.
A.at the graduation
B.which she prepared carefully
C.ended with The Song of Rose
D.to challenge all the other speakers
4.According to her speech, ________.
A.even you have a dream, you won"t succeed
B.all people don"t grow up while growing older
C.Rose usually regretted having done something
D.a nineyearold is as old as an 87yearold if he doesn"t do anything
     John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good __1__ and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was __2__ that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They __3__ a reliable woman to care for the children and made the __4__,
returning home a little earlier than they had planned.
     __5__ they drove into their home town, they found a home in flames. Mary said, "Oh well, it isn"t our
fire; let"s go home."
     __6__ John drove closer and exclaimed (惊叫), "That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn"t be __7__ work yet. Maybe there is something we could do."
     John drove up and they were both __8__ to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics __9__, "The children! Get the children! They are in the basement."
     __10__ Mary"s protests (反对), John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿)his clothes, put his
wet handkerchief on his head and __11__ for the basement which was full of __12__. He found two
nearly suffocated (窒息的)children and after carrying them to safety, he asked how many more children
were __13__ there. They told him two more and Mary __14__ his arm and screamed, "John! Don"t go
back! It"s __15__! That house will cave in any second!"
     But he shook her off and went back by __16__ his way down the smokefilled hallway and into the
room. It __17__ a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came
out into the__18__ and fresh air, he found that he had just __19__ his own children.
     It turned out that the babysitter had __20__ them at this home while she did some shopping.
(    )1. A.job
(    )2. A.known
(    )3. A.asked
(    )4. A.preparations
(    )5. A.Before
(    )6. A.And
(    )7. A.off
(    )8. A.heart-broken
(    )9. A.coughing
(    )10. A.Apart from
(    )11. A.reached
(    )12. A.smoke
(    )13. A.up
(    )14. A.pulled
(    )15. A.dangerous
(    )16. A.pushing
(    )17. A.meant
(    )18. A.shade
(    )19. A.helped
(    )20. A.left
B. family
B. believed
B. hired
B. promise
B. As
B. So
B. on
B. conscience-stricken
B. screaming
B. In case of
B. searched
B. darkness
B. away
B. took
B. useless
B. feeling
B. spared
B. sunlight
B. found
B. charged
B. family
B. believed
B. hired
B. promise
B. As
B. So
B. on
B. conscience-stricken
B. screaming
B. In case of
B. searched
B. darkness
B. away
B. took
B. useless
B. feeling
B. spared
B. sunlight
B. found
B. charged
D. boss
D. hoped
D. reminded
D. trip
D. Since
D. But
D. at
D. poverty-stricken
D. weeping
D. In spite of
D. sent
D. danger
D. down
D. held
D. stupid
D. moving
D. seemed
D. crowd
D. rescued
D. forgotten