阅读理解。     It was a terribly rainy wet winter day.While I was walking from the li

阅读理解。     It was a terribly rainy wet winter day.While I was walking from the li


     It was a terribly rainy wet winter day.While I was walking from the library after getting
my University applications (申请) for next year at the end of my lunch break,a man was
walking towards me with two huge boxes of brochures (小册子).
     I thought,"What on earth is that man trying to do?Carry all those things?" Then all of a
sudden he dropped them all!It was a terrible mess with hundreds of brochures all over the
 path in front of me!"Oh,no," I thought.The man sat down and started trying to pick all
of the brochures up.I couldn"t believe how many people walked on by without even
caring at all.
     I thought,"I"m not going to be one of those people who don"t care about this man.I"m
going to help him."So,even though it was the end of my lunch break from work and I would
 be late if I stopped to help him,I didn"t mind.If I explained what happened,I was sure my
boss wouldn"t mind too much.So,I helped him pick them all up.Then I asked if he would
like a hand in carrying a box to where he went.He said yes gratefully.
     I carried one of the heavy boxes.The box I had to carry was very heavy-as I"m quite
a petite (娇小的) girl-but I didn"t complain.I just helped him with a big smile across my
face.We got there and he thanked me very much for helping him out.He also gave me one
of these lovely brochures about all the walks in and around the Bay of Plenty.
     What is a better way to spend my lunchtime than helping someone?Luckily,I wasn"t that
late back to work,so nobody minded at all!

1.Whatdidtheauthorprobablydo? A.Alibrarian.
D.Acompanyworker. 2.Theauthorwassurprisedthat________. A.manypeoplewouldn"thelptheman
D.manypeoplepickedupthebrochuresandwentaway   3.Intheauthor"sopinion,ifshehelpedthemanshewould________. A.missherlunch
D.beaskedtocarryaboxofbrochures 4.Howdidthemanthanktheauthor? A.Heinvitedherforawalk.
D.Hesmiledabigsmileather. 5.Whichofthefollowingopinionsdoestheauthoragreewith? A.Neverlaughatothers.
完形填空        Being positive is very important.So I often__1__my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not
__2__what I often tell him to do.
     My son is 7 years old and he was__3__a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of
an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me,"Mom,can we__4__angels?" As usual,I seized (抓住) the__5__to teach him to be positive and I said,"Yes,__6__only those who are perfect,and think and
talk positively can." He asked,"You must have seen them then?"
     I was__7__for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his__8__that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,__9__a positive answer.I chose to be__10__with him and told
him,"__11__.I"ve not been a good person all the time." I was almost__12__to admit this to him.I thought
that his__13__of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he__14__it positively and
said,"It"s alright.You know to try to be better__15__." I smiled as I replied,"That"s__16__.Sometimes,we might make a__17__,but when we do,we must always try to do better."
     My son"s__18__struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I__19__a good lesson that day "to always try to be better".This will always__20__me in all situations where I"ll need to be positive.(     )1. A.paid        
(     )2. A.saying      
(     )3. A.going through
(     )4. A.describe    
(     )5. A.feeling      
(     )6. A.but          
(     )7. A.pleased      
(     )8. A.thought      
(     )9. A.making      
(     )10. A.wrong      
(     )11. A.N o        
(     )12. A.glad        
(     )13. A.description  
(     )14. A.finished    
(     )15. A.in the future
(     )16. A.right      
(     )17. A.plan        
(     )18. A.words      
(     )19. A.taught      
(     )20. A.hurt        B. refuse        
B. sharing        
B. preparing for  
B. draw          
B. attitude      
B. so            
B. interested    
B. behavior      
B. expecting      
B. angry          
B. Sure          
B. surprised      
B. speech        
B. took          
B. again and again
B. fine          
B. decision      
B. performances  
B. learnt        
B. protect        C. worry      
C. doing      
C. turning to  
C. invite    
C. chance    
C. because    
C. excited    
C. dream      
C. trying    
C. strict    
C. OK        
C. relaxed    
C. picture    
C. caught    
C. from now on
C. impossible  
C. difference  
C. joy        
C. organized  
C. help      D. encourage  
D. explaining  
D. looking for
D. see        
D. method      
D. if          
D. quiet      
D. story      
D. choosing    
D. honest      
D. Great      
D. embarrassed
D. idea        
D. changed    
D. at times    
D. unnecessary
D. mistake    
D. progress    
D. created    
D. find        
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     A king once went to a master (大师).He wanted to become more powerful than other
__1__kings.He sat in front of the master and__2__telling him the purpose of his__3__.
The master listened__4__to the king.
     He then told the king to go to the__5    where a rose plant and a cypress (柏树) plant
were growing side by side.He told the king,"They are your__6__.They can teach you what
you want to__7__."
     The king went into the garden,and__8__the two plants but could not__9__what he
could learn from them.He went back to the master and asked,"What do you__10__,master?
I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me."
     The master took the king to the plants and__11__,"This cypress plant has been next to the
rose plant for so many years.Never once has it wanted to become a rose plant.__12__,the rose
plant has never wanted to become a cypress plant.If man had been the cypress plant,he would
have__13__himself with the rose and felt jealous (忌妒的) at the__14__that the beautiful rose
plant was getting from all the people.__15__,if man were the rose plant,he would have__16__
the cypress plant enviously  (羡慕地)  thinking how__17__ the plant was without the__18__
of being disturbed by people all day!Both of the plants grew very well because they__19__all
their energy for their own__20__instead of using it to compete with the other."(     )1.A.rich    
(     )2.A.forgot  
(     )3.A.transport
(     )4.A.patiently
(     )5.A.valley  
(     )6.A.enemies  
(     )7.A.design  
(     )8.A.saw      
(     )9.A.provide  
(     )10. A.hear  
(     )11. A.ordered  
(     )12. A.Similarly
(     )13. A.covered  
(     )14. A.pack    
(     )15. A.Besides  
(     )16. A.looked at
(     )17. A.heavy  
(     )18. A.duty  
(     )19. A.lost    
(     )20. A.growth   B.handsome  
B.waited for

C.called on  

D.listened to
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     On my first day of teaching,I found that I spent 85 per cent of my energy disciplining and 15 per cent
teaching knowledge.Of course I had some wonderful,serious students who would do well wherever they
were in life,but others worked hard to push themselves to the limit (限度).At night I went home
exhausted,often near tears.What gave me the idea I wanted to teach?
      And then there was Matthew.
     After school Matthew would come into my classroom to dust erasers or empty the wastepaper basket.
     "Why do you come in to visit me?" I asked him one night.
     "Because at home no one listens to me," was his reply.Later I found out that there were eleven children in his family,with Matthew near the middle.
     One time when he came to see me,he said,"Miss Ausmus,the kids are saying that you and Mr D.like each other."
     "Matthew,Mr D.is a nice man and we both teach some of the same students.He is not my boyfriend,
and it"s not something the children should be talking about anyway."
     Another time,he said,"Will you wait for me so I can marry you when I grow up?"
     "Sorry,Matthew,but that won"t work," I answered in a gentle way.
     When my birthday arrived,his mother made me a cake.She delivered (递送) it after school,and as
Matthew was carrying it up the school steps,he tripped (绊倒),dropping the cake.I found him in tears.I
told him that bringing me a cake was very,very special,whether I was able to eat it or not.
     After my second year of teaching,I said "goodbye" to Matthew and his family.
     Years passed and in 1992,I went back to the little town to visit.Matthew"s parents still lived in the same house.His mother greeted me warmly."Janet,"she said,"Thanks for all the time you spent encouraging
Matthew.You taught him to believe in himself.You are the reason he went to college."
     I had made a difference in the life of a young boy.But I wonder...did Matthew ever know the difference he made in mine?
1. How did the author feel at the beginning of her teaching?A. Embarrassed.  
B. Excited.
C. Frustrated.  
D. Amused.2. By saying "others worked hard to push themselves to the limit",the author meant other students
________.A. were forced to challenge themselves
B. made efforts to challenge their classmates
C. needed to be encouraged to learn
D. did everything they could to do well3. Why did Matthew visit the author after school?A. Because he had less communication at home.
B. Because he wondered if she liked Mr D.
C. Because he decided to marry her when he grew up.
D. Because he was going to celebrate her birthday.4. Under the influence of the author,Matthew became________.A. honest  
B. sincere
C. confident  
D. hardworking5. What difference did Matthew make to the author?A. He encouraged her to win Mr D."s love.
B. He made her become enthusiastic about disciplining.
C. He gave her the courage to continue teaching.
D. He got her to understand what was true love.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     I’m an American.Years ago, I traveled to the north of Thailand. I  1   the heat, the noisy streets, the
busy markets and the smell of Thai dishes.I enjoyed my  2   there very much.However, there is one thing
that I wish I hadn’t done.
     One day, I set off from my hotel to a temple that_3_me.It was a very  4  day.As I walked past some
buildings, I glanced between two  5   buildings.There, an old woman in traditional clothing    6   on the
dusty rubble (碎石). The terrible thought crossed my mind that she might be   7  . Feeling quite helpless, I  8   her. Her face was sunkissed.She looked quite beautiful but very ill. I   9   reached into my pocket to
find some 10 .Then I pushed it into her hand.It was enough for her to  11    for a few months.At this
moment, she opened her large, brown eyes and  12   the prize I’d given her.I felt like the“ 13   stranger”. 
       14  a common language, she looked at me with the wisdom and pity that could burn into a soul.She
weakly  15  the money.She stood up and walked away. I was  16  , with the money in my hand.It took
me at least a kilometer of walking to  17   I was quite the fool.She didn’t need money.  18  she needed
shade, a bottle of water or just some comfort.She was the one who taught me a good  19  .
     That evening, I sat thinking over my “kindness”. This beautiful woman made me know that not everyone would  20   someone else’s money.We should be kind to others, but we should choose the right way.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. preferred      
(     )2. A. style          
(     )3. A. bored          
(     )4. A. cold            
(     )5. A.  beautiful      
(     )6. A. lay            
(     )7. A. hungry          
(     )8. A. went up to      
(     )9. A. strangely      
(     )10. A. fruit          
(     )11. A. live          
(     )12. A. looked for    
(     )13. A. careful        
(     )14. A. Without        
(     )15. A. watched out    
(     )16. A. high          
(     )17. A. show          
(     )18. A. Finally        
(     )19. A. word          
(     )20. A. accept        
B. loved            
B. stay              
B. scared            
B. warm              
B. unfinished        
B. sat              
B. dead              
B. looked down upon  
B. luckily          
B. paper            
B. work              
B. took away        
B. kind              
B. With              
B. threw away        
B. excited          
B. remember          
B. Sometimes        
B. lesson            
B. hide              
C. expected      
C. idea          
C. needed        
C. cool          
C. wonderful      
C. stood          
C. thirsty        
C. ran away from  
C. unwillingly    
C. money          
C. see            
C. went through  
C. exciting      
C. Like          
C. put away      
C. happy          
C. realize        
C. Usually        
C. saying        
C. consider      
D. disliked        
D. way            
D. interested      
D. hot            
D. common          
D. walked          
D. sleepy          
D. took care of    
D. immediately    
D. food            
D. wear            
D. looked at      
D. pretty          
D. For            
D. pushed back    
D. surprised      
D. tell            
D. Maybe          
D. thought        
D. refuse          
     Back in 2007,I rented a room in Johor Bahru,Malaysia while studying for my Masters programme in
Singapore.I travelled daily by  1   across the JohorSingapore Causeway for my   2  ,which were usually
in the evening.It was quite_3 by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru,and I would still
need to take another bus home.
     One night, I   4   the last bus and didn"t have enough money to take a taxi.With no other choice, I
decided to   5   the twokilometre journey home,which would have been fine  6    I were not so tired that
day.It also didn"t  7   that the route was pretty rough  (凹凸不平的)  and dark.But I walked forward
with   8  ,with the promise of a night"s rest   9   me on.After walking for a few minutes,a car  10   in front
of me.The driver,who looked  11  , asked where I was headed."Not many people walk  through here,"
he said,and  12   me a ride.He really  13    me up as he  went out of his way to get me to my apartment.
     What was more  14  , however,was the story behind it.During the ride,the driver told me that when
he saw me  walking,it made him think of his   15  who used to walk to work by the  16   road and though he often saw his uncle on the way,he had  17   offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction.
  18   his uncle passed away because of an illness,and until today he still feels   19   for not being kinder
to his uncle.So when he   20   me walking that night,he just had to stop and help.
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(     )1. A.bus          
(     )2. A.job          
(     )3. A.early        
(     )4. A.caught        
(     )5. A.drive        
(     )6. A.if            
(     )7. A.suggest      
(     )8. A.pleasure      
(     )9. A.pushing      
(     )10. A.pulled      
(     )11. A.concerned    
(     )12. A.had          
(     )13. A.cheered      
(     )14. A.worse        
(     )15. A.grandfather  
(     )16. A.busy        
(     )17. A.sometimes    
(     )18. A.Sadly        
(     )19. A.puzzled      
(     )20. A.knew        
B. bike            
B. classes        
B. late            
B. took            
B. enjoy          
B. though          
B. help            
B. hunger          
B. turning        
B. stopped        
B. disappointed    
B. asked          
B. brought        
B. interesting    
B. uncle          
B. new            
B. always          
B. Exactly        
B. lucky          
B. saw            
C. car        
C. tasks      
C. cold      
C. missed    
C. run        
C. because    
C. say        
C. fear      
C. holding    
C. broke      
C. excited    
C. offered    
C. gave      
C. upset      
C. father    
C. main      
C. often      
C. Gradually  
C. guilty    
C. recognized
D. train        
D. home        
D. hot          
D. left        
D. walk        
D. unless      
D. mean        
D. difficulty  
D. putting      
D. went        
D. worried      
D. got          
D. picked      
D. meaningful  
D. mother      
D. same        
D. never        
D. Actually    
D. grateful    
D. followed