阅读理解。     "Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"     The usual laughter f

阅读理解。     "Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"     The usual laughter f

阅读理解。     "Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"
     The usual laughter followed, and people stirred to go. Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the
room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes
that I was.
     "I will answer your question."
     Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small
round mirror, about the size of a quarter. And what he said went like this:
     "When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a remote village. One
day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that
     I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest
piece. This one, and, by scratching it on a stone, I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and
became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never
shine-in deep holes and crevices (裂缝) and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the
most inaccessible places I could find.
     I kept the little mirror, and, as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and
continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a
child"s game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life. I came to understand that I am not the
light or the source of light. But light-truth, understanding, knowledge-is there, and it will shine in many
dark places only if I reflect it.
     I am a fragment (碎片) of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless,
with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world-into the black places in the hearts
of men-and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what
I am about. This is the meaning of my life."1. On hearing the author"s question, Dr. Papaderos _____ at first.A. laughed at his foolishness     
B. wasn"t sure of the answer
C. doubted his seriousness        
D. wasn"t interested at all2. Why did Dr. Papaderos like the small round mirror so much as a child?A. Because he was too poor to afford other toys. 
B. Because it could shine the places where the sun couldn"t reach. 
C. Because he believed it would bring good luck to him. 
D. Because it told him a lot about what life really meant to him. 3.  The underlined "metaphor" in the 7th paragraph most probably means _____.   A. symbol      
B. source         
C. light    
D. purpose4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. A Special Game in the Childhood    
B. A Broken Piece of Mirror
C. Dr. Papaderos" Experience    
D. The Meaning of Life
1-4: CBAD
完形填空。     About ten years ago, I was on a plane going west, and a young woman   1   and sat across the aisle
(过道) from me. I noticed her for two reasons. She was very attractive, and she was holding a teddy bear
about half her  2  . I teased her by asking if she had a   3   for the bear.She laughed and said no.
    About halfway through the flight she   4  over and told me she was going to Tucson to enter rehab (康
复治疗). She   5  to share her life story with me. She had been working as a dancer  in a nightclub.
That   6   had led her down a dark   7   to drugs and alcohol. As I listened to her story, I was   8   at all she
had gone through. I listened to all she shared and told her I was sure she was going to   9   it.  At the end
of the   10  , she thanked me for listening to her.
     A few years later, I got a   11   in the mail saying, "Wow, it"s been five years since we met on that plane. It is  12  how you touched my life." She went on to tell me that she had   13   to stay away from drugs, and
had been working for a radio station. She felt she had achieved things she could not have   14   that
day on the plane. We agreed to set up a time to get   15  .
     When I saw her, she was   16_ the attractive young woman I remembered. She told me that that little 
  17   we had had turned her life around. She had got on the plane   18   anything would work in her life,
and my affirmation of her as a person and of her   19   had given her the last bit of   20   she needed to
work through her problems.
     The young woman taught me it"s never too late to make a new start in life.
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. turned    
(     )2. A. shape    
(     )3. A. ticket    
(     )4. A. moved      
(     )5. A. agreed      
(     )6. A. manner      
(     )7. A. path      
(     )8. A. disappointed
(     )9. A. own      
(     )10. A. journey    
(     )11. A. case      
(     )12. A. effective  
(     )13. A. worked      
(     )14. A. realized    
(     )15. A. through    
(     )16. A. still    
(     )17. A. expectation  
(     )18. A. doubting    
(     )19. A. condition  
(     )20. A. delight    
B. boarded  
B. weight    
B. friend   
B. pulled    
B. learned  
B. lifestyle  
B. door     
B. worried    
B. make    
B. flight  
B. word    
B. amazing  
B. tried        
B. imagined  
B. along  
B. once    
B. conversation
B. promising
B. possibilities
B. interest    
C. bent  
C. size  
C. name     
C. looked    
C. continued
C. event  
C. key    
C. blamed  
C. leave  
C. speech  
C. note  
C. easy  
C. decided  
C. required    
C. together
C. never  
C. information
C. believing
C. criticism
C. strength
D. slipped        
D. leg            
D. cloth          
D. leaned        
D. refused        
D. feeling        
D. point          
D. surprised      
D. reach          
D. conversation  
D. text          
D. clear          
D. managed        
D. produced      
D. off            
D. even          
D. explanation    
D. admitting      
D. discoveries    
D. character      
     Anthony was sad. He was, as he put it, "not very bright" and couldn"t win the attention of his very
wealthy parents, who preferred his "clever" older brother. At  age 8, Anthony was sent away to a
boarding school in his native England, even though he screamed and pleaded with (恳求) his parents
year after year not to send  him. "The thought was ,it would be good for me," he recalled.
     It was not. Anthony did badly in his studies, had few friends and was bullied for five years. "My
teachers couldn"t have had a lower opinion of me," he said. "I wasn"t even smart enough to rebel. The
one thing I remember from the very earliest age was the desire to write. When I was 10 years old, I
remember asking my parents to get me a typewriter for my birthday because I wanted to be a writer."
     Now, at 55, Anthony is one of the world"s most successful children"s book authors. His Alex Rider
series has sold more than 5 million copies,and the eighth book featuring the young spy, Crocodile Tears,
has come out.
    The Alex Rider books tell the adventures of 14-year-old Alex Rider, an agent for the British
intelligence agency M16.
     Anthony says he doesn"t try to write for kids; it just comes out that way." I have a feeling that it has
something to do with purity and simplicity. I give as little information as is necessary to describe the
room, the character in the room, and get on with the action," he said.
     The style has also made Anthony a successful writer of television shows for adults in Britain because,
he says, writing books for kids is a lot like writing television for grown-ups: In both cases, it"s all about
entertaining people with a good story.
     Now, Anthony couldn"t be happier with his life. He sums up his success:"…you can be anything you
want to be if you just believe in yourself. I do believe it completely."
1. Which of the following is true of Anthony?
A. He was the beloved child of his family.
B. Although he is successful, he isn"t very happy.
C. He places more emphasis on the characters" behavior in his stories.
D. Studying in a boarding school proved a good choice for him.
2. At boarding school , Anthony"s teachers ________.
A. often criticized him.
B. showed great concern for him.
C. encouraged him to be a writer.
D. thought little of his ability.
3. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Anthony"s popular books-Alex Rider series
B. Alex Rider, a popular character
C. Anthony, a successful children"s book author
D. Special writing style
4. What advice does Anthony give to readers?
A. Confidence is the key to success.
B. Hardship teaches valuable lessons.
C. Internet is the best teacher.
D. Failure is the mother of success.
     Filled with sorrow, I didn"t notice the hardness of the chair I was sitting on. I was at the funeral of my   1  . The hurt was so intense, and I found it hard to   2   at times.
    Suddenly, I heard a   3   open and slam shut at the back of the church. Quick   4   hurried along the floor. A young man looked around in a   5   and then sat next to me. His eyes were full of tears.
    "I"m   6  ," he explained, though no explanation was   7  . After several eulogies (悼文), he leaned over and commented, "Why do they keep   8   Mary by the name of "Margaret"?" "Because that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary," I   9  . "No, that isn"t correct," he insisted. "Her name is Mary, Mary Peters." "That isn"t   10   this is," I replied. "Isn"t this the Lutheran church?" "No, the Lutheran church is across the street. I believe you"re at the   11   funeral, sir."
    The solemnness (庄严) of the occasion   12   with the realization of the man"s mistake bubbled (充溢) up inside me and came out as   13  . I peeked at the misguided man seated beside me. He was laughing,   14  . I imagined Mother laughing. At the   15   "Aman", we darted(猛冲) out a door and into the parking lot.
    "I do believe we"ll be the   16   of the town," he smiled. He said his name was Rick and that   17   he had missed his aunt"s funeral, he asked me out for a cup of coffee. That afternoon began a lifelong   18   for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral. A year after our meeting, we were   19   at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.
    Whenever anyone asks us how we   20  , Rick tells them, "Her mother and my aunt Mary introduced us."
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. neighbor
(     )2.A. stand
(     )3.A. box  
(     )4.A. claps
(     )5.A. mood    
(     )6.A. full  
(     )7.A. necessary
(     )8.A. questioning
(     )9.A. whispered
(     )10.A. who
(     )11.A. right
(     )12.A. worked
(     )13.A. tear
(     )14.A. though
(     )15.A. middle
(     )16.A. talk
(     )17.A. although
(     )18.A. journey
(     )19.A. protected
(     )20.A. lived
B. sister
B. imagine
B. door
B. songs
B. row
B. angry
B. impossible
B. naming
B. shouted
B. when
B. same
B. matched
B. fighting
B. yet
B. second
B. word
B. if  
B. waiting
B. married
B. met
C. mother
C. breathe
C. bottle
C. steps   
C. rush  
C. anxious  
C. natural
C. calling
C. reported
C. where     
C. different
C. tied
C. singing   
C. too
C. final   
C. eye
C. since
C. dream
C. improved
C. grew
D. aunt    
D. explain  
D. chair    
D. noises  
D. mess    
D. late    
D. uncertain
D. asking  
D. cried    
D. why      
D. wrong    
D. mixed    
D. laughter
D. still    
D. first    
D. idea    
D. before  
D. thought  
D. placed  
D. stayed  
     During the first week of the term, every student was given a job for which they would be responsible for
the rest of that school year.
     Some jobs were more   1  than others, and the children were eager to be given one of the best ones.
And the teacher would   2  who had been most responsible during the previous year. Among them Rita 
  3  . During the previous year she had followed all the teacher"s   4    perfectly.
     But that year there was a big   5  . Each child received one of the normal 6 , like cleaning the blackboard. But Rita"s job was very   7  . She was given a little box containing some sand and one ant. And even though the teacher  8  that this ant was a very special ant, it   9  Rita. Most of her classmates felt sorry for her and
even her father  10   Rita to ignore it. 11 , Rita preferred to show the teacher her error by making the
unimportant task into a special job.
    " I will turn this little task into  12    great," Rita said to herself.
     So Rita started   13    her little ant. She gave the ant the best food, and it grew bigger than anyone had
     One day, the teacher   14    a man to the students and said he would tell them a  15   piece of news.
The man said, " Today they have announced the winner of the  16 , and this class is the winner! This class
has been chosen to accompany me on a  17   to the tropical rainforest to investigate all kinds of insects. 
  18  all the schools of this region, it is this one that has best  19    for the little ant given to you. Well done!"
   That day the class was filled with joy. Everyone   20    Rita and thanked the teacher. And many children
learnt that to be given the most important tasks you have to know how to be responsible for even the
smallest tasks.
题型:陕西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:陕西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1.  A. interesting  
(     )2.  A. realize      
(     )3.  A. stood up    
(     )4.  A. opinions    
(     )5.  A. curiosity    
(     )6.  A. tasks        
(     )7.  A. different    
(     )8.  A. hoped        
(     )9.  A. annoyed      
(     )10.  A. supposed    
(     )11.  A. Therefore  
(     )12.  A. something  
(     )13.  A. developing  
(     )14.  A. introduced  
(     )15.  A. terrible    
(     )16.  A. competition
(     )17.  A. journey    
(     )18.  A. Between    
(     )19.  A looked      
(     )20.  A. prized      
B. possible      
B. doubt        
B. stood out    
B. concerns      
B. movement      
B. promises      
B. ordinary      
B. insisted      
B. inspired      
B. forced        
B. Otherwise    
B. nothing      
B. studying      
B. exposed      
B. confusing    
B. challenge    
B. vacation      
B. Along        
B. paid          
B. congratulated
C. necessary    
C. argue        
C. stood for    
C. instructions
C. surprise    
C. dreams      
C. familiar    
C. agreed      
C. satisfied    
C. encouraged  
C. However      
C. everything  
C. comforting  
C. appealed    
C. wonderful    
C. conference  
C. meeting      
C. Besides      
C. cared        
C. respected    
D. creative      
D. consider      
D. stood by      
D. experiments  
D. chance        
D. purposes      
D. valuable      
D. guessed      
D. disappointed  
D. admitted      
D. Moreover      
D. anything      
D. writing      
D. connected    
D. foolish      
D. negotiation  
D. story        
D. Among        
D. worked        
D. celebrated    
    The young boy saw me, or rather, he saw the car and quickly ran up to me, eager to sell his bunches
of bananas and bags of peanuts. Though he appeared to be about twelve, he seemed to have already
known the bitterness of life. "Bananas 300 naira. Peanuts 200 naira." He said in a low voice. I bargained
him down to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. When he agreed, I handed him a 500 naira bill. He didn"t
have change, so I told him not to worry. He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
     When, two weeks later, I saw the boy again, I was more aware of my position in a society where it"s
not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the
burning sun. My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the
responsibility it brought to us.
     I pulled over and rolled down my window. He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready.
I waved them away. "What"s up?" I asked him.
     "I…don"t have money to buy books for school." I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh
500 naira bills. "Will this help?" I asked. He looked around nervously before taking the money. One
thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000 naira or less
each year. "Thank you, sir." he said. "Thank you very much!"
     When driving home, I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks. What if
he"s a cheat? And then I wondered why I did it. Did I do it to make myself feel better? Was I using him?
Later, I realized that I didn"t know his name or the least bit about him, nor did I think to ask.
     Over the next six months, I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria. Sometime after I
returned, I went out for a drive. When I was about to pull over, the boy suddenly appeared by my
window with a big smile ready on his face.
     "Oh, gosh! Long time."
     "Are you in school now?" I asked.
     He nodded.
     "That"s good," I said. A silence fell as we looked at each other, and then I realized what he wanted.
"Here," I held out a 500 naira bill. "Take this." He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt. "What"s
wrong?" I asked. "It"s a gift."
      He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back. His face shone with sweat. He
dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said, "I"ve been waiting to
give these to you."
1. What was the author"s first impression of the boy?
A. He seemed to be poor and greedy.
B. He seemed to have suffered a lot.
C. He seemed younger than his age.
D. He seemed good at bargaining.
2. The second time the author met the boy, the boy ______.
A. told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts
B. wanted to express his thanks
C. asked him for money for his schoolbooks
D. tried to take advantage of him
3. Why did the author give his money to the boy?
A. Because he had enough money to do that.
B. Because he had learnt to help others since childhood.
C. Because he held a higher position in the society.
D. Because he had been asked by the news agency to do so.
4. Which of the following best describes the boy?
A. Brave and polite.          
B. Kind and smart.
C. Honest and thankful.        
D. Shy and nervous.