小题1:The Information Highway          .A.is free from traffic accidentsB.is crowd

小题1:The Information Highway          .A.is free from traffic accidentsB.is crowd


小题1:The Information Highway          .
A.is free from traffic accidentsB.is crowded with car drivers
C.offers just a few on-line servicesD.appeals to a large number of users
小题2:How does Mr. Cool manage to travel the Information way so fast?
A.By storing fewer filesB.By repairing the system.
C.By buying a better computerD.By using a broad—band connection.
小题3:What can be learned from Passage 2 ?
A.There will be a book show at Grayson Hall.
B.Friedman is now studying the Great Barrier Reef.
C.There will be a talk on global warming this week.
D.Friedman is a leading expert on computer science.
小题4:Passage 2 is most probably          .
A.a poster about a lectureB.an ad for a new book
C.a note to a doctor in a universityD.an introduction to a professor



试题分析:本文分为两个部分第一部分介绍了信息高速公路的话题,并介绍了Mr. Cool的情况。第二部分关于Friedman所做的一个报告的海报,里面简要介绍了Friedman的一些研究情况。
小题1:D 细节题。根据第一部分4,5行内容中的30Million家庭都连上了信息高速公路,说明信息高速公路吸引了大量的用户。故D项正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据第一部分倒数2,3行with his new broad—band connection故D项正确。
小题3:B 细节题。根据第二部分倒数2,3,4行内容说明the Great Barrier Reef在2002年就成为他研究的项目之一,故B正确。
小题4:A 段落大意题。本文的第二段是关于Friedman所做的一个报告的海报,里面简要介绍了Friedman的一些研究情况,故A项正确。
点评:本文分为两个部分第一部分介绍了信息高速公路的话题,并介绍了Mr. Cool的情况。第二部分关于Friedman所做的一个报告的海报,里面简要介绍了Friedman的一些研究情况。
An Australian man who has been donating his extremely rare kind of blood for 56 years has saved the lives of more than two million babies.
James Harrison has an antibody in his plasma(血浆)that stops babies dying from Rhesus disease, a form of severe anaemia. He has enabled countless mothers to give birth to healthy babies, including his own daughter, Tracey, who had a healthy son thanks to her father"s blood.
Mr. Harrison has been giving blood every few weeks since he was 18 years old and has now racked up a total of 984 donations. When he started donating, his blood was deemed so special that his life was insured for one million Australian dollars.
He was also nicknamed the “man with the golden arm” or the “man in two million”. He said, “I"ve never thought about stopping. Never!” He made a pledge to be a donor aged 14 after undergoing major chest surgery in which he needed 13 liters of blood. “I was in hospital for three months,” he said. “The blood I received saved my life so I made a pledge to give blood when I was 18.”
Just after he started donating he was found to have the rare and life-saving antibody in his blood. At the time, thousands of babies in Australia were dying each year of Rhesus disease. Other newborns suffered permanent brain damage because of the condition. The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother"s blood and her unborn baby"s blood. It stems from one having Rh-positive blood and the other Rh-negative.
His blood has since led to the development of a vaccine called Anti-D. After his blood type was discovered, Mr. Harrison volunteered to undergo a series of tests to help develop the Anti-D vaccine. “They insured me for a million dollars so I knew my wife Barbara would be taken care of,” he said. “I wasn"t scared. I was glad to help. I had to sign every form going and basically sign my life away.”
Mr. Harrison is Rh-negative and was given injections of Rh-positive blood. It was found his plasma could treat the condition and since then it has been given to hundreds of thousands of women. It has also been given to babies after they are born to stop them developing the disease.
It is estimated he has helped save 2.2 million babies so far. Mr. Harrison is still donating every few weeks now.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase “two million” refer to?
小题2:Why did James decide to donate his blood? Because _____.
A.his daughter asked him to help her son
B.he has a golden arm worth a million dollars
C.a vaccine called Anti-D is to be developed
D.someone else’s blood saved his life
小题3:The sentence “The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother"s blood and her unborn baby"s blood” (underlined in Paragraph 5) suggests that _____.
A.the mother and the baby have different types of blood
B.babies suffer permanent brain damage before born
C.Rhesus disease contributes to permanent brain damage
D.all the patients have a rare antibody in their blood
小题4:What can we infer from the sixth paragraph?
A.His wife Barbara needed to be taken care of badly then.
B.Mr. Harrison was not glad to help develop a new vaccine.
C.Some of the tests to develop the vaccine are dangerous.
D.His blood type was accidentally discovered after tests

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Gates Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
After May 2009:
46 Clayton Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
To work with the client(委托人)population in a social service position.
B.A., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2009
Major: Social Services
Minor: Applied Psychology
Assistant Activities Supervisor, Fairview Nursing Home, Lawrence, KS, November 2006-present. Help organize and implement recreational activities for nursing home residents. Activities include crafts, dances, day trips, sing-alongs, and visiting performers.
Hotline Volunteer, Teen Crisis Center, Lawrence, KS, September 2006- May 2007. Handled crisis calls from teenagers in the community. Dealt with drug use, unwanted pregnancies, failing grades, and the breakdown of parent-teen relationships.
Nurse’s Aide, Danyers General Hospital, St. Louis, MO, Summer 2006. Assisted nurses in patient care. Took histories, updated charts, and helped prepare patients for surgery. 
University Concert Board. Work with other board members to plan and implement on-campus concerts.
Senior Gift Campaign. Help manage the campaign to raise funds for the senior class gift to the university.
Residence Hall Programming Board. Planned social events for Eggar Residence Hall.
Fluent in French. Water safety instructor. Skilled at working with people.
Skiing, softball, classical music, and guitar.
小题1:This passage is most probably ______.
A.an advertisement for enrolling new employees
B.a school report at the end of an academic year
C.a self-introduction meant to apply for a job
D.a part of a recommendation letter from a university
小题2:According to the “Experience” section, we can infer that Donald Sloan can be ____.
A.a wise leaderB.a skillful performer
C.a gifted scientistD.a good social worker
小题3:From the passage we can learn that Donald Sloan ______.
A.is good at singing and dancingB.is about to graduate from a university
C.has an interest in being a surgeonD.specializes in psychology

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Read the advertisements carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
Three people are required for professional cleaning in the CBD area. Working hours from 5:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Approximately five hours per shift. A good record is necessary. Experience preferred. Phone 63457843 now.
Are you a creative and trained florist with at least two years of experience? Then this may be just what you are seeking. The city’s leading Florist Artist Studio needs another part-time member on their wedding team.
Please phone 6098 7888 now!
This is an exciting opportunity for a qualified dental
nurse with a confident and cheerful personality to
work in the School Dental Health Schemae. You
must be able to get along well with children because
work involves talking to groups about dental
health practices. For further information, visit our
website at:schooledntalservices@ gov. sg. And fax
your resume to 62344567.
Qualified person or preschool teacher needed for busy childcare center, south of the river. Full-time work guaranteed. Immediate start necessary. The candidate must be able to work as a co-operative team member. Phone 63452345 for an interview
and fax resume to 63452345.
小题1:You may find the above advertisements  .
A.in a store windowB.in a newspaper
C.in a school magazineD.on a company notice-board
小题2:The position of a(n)   is a part-time job.
A.preschool teacherB.artist
C.floristD.dental nurse
小题3:Which of the following is the most important for the childcare job?
A.Cooking skills.B.Childcare experience.
C.The ability to start work in two weeks. D.The ability to work well with other people.
小题4:The office cleaners will be required to work about  hours a week.

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Learn a new language as quickly as possible.
Learn like a spy! Be mistaken for a native.
Pimsleur courses help people who need to speak another language quickly. Our courses took 40 years to develop and are now used by the FBI, CIA, and business professionals everywhere. They’re so effective; you have nothing to lose!
You will get:
•Language instruction that is proven to be effective
•No boring repetition, charts or meaningless formulas
•Eight fluency-focused lessons on four audio CDs
•Audio instruction with a 25-year history of success
•Full 30-day money-back guarantee (just in case)
•Special offers on our more advanced courses
Reasons to learn using the Pimsleur Approach:
•Speak without an accent so that you sound like a native.
•Practice what’s natural to you in English.
•Feel safe and confident. You’ll know how to deal with any situation.
•Protect your busy life. 30-minute lessons are perfect for your daily commuting, lunch break, or workout.
•Remember without trying. Material is scientifically arranged so that you learn without pain.
•Join 25 million people who have graduated with success since 1980.
The entire Pimsleur Approach is what language learning should be: quick, fun, and easy! Each lesson is the foundation for the next. You’ll keep building on what you’ve learned.
小题1:What can prove Pimsleur courses to be successful?
A.Full 30-day money-back guarantee.
B.Eight fluency-focused lessons on four audio CDs.
C.30-minute lessons are perfect for your daily commuting, lunch break, or workout.
D.25 million people have graduated with success.
小题2:According to the text, what does the course offer?
A.Language rules for you to recite.
B.Effective language instruction.
C.Learning a new language by repeating many times.
D.Opportunities to work with business professionals.
小题3:According to the text, which of the following is NOT a reason for choosing the Pimsleur Approach?
A.It will correct your accent.
B.It will build your confidence.
C.It will teach you how to control your balance.
D.It will help you remember things easily.
小题4:It can be inferred that the text is a (n) __________.
A.report on a new language learning method
B.comment on a language training organization
C.notice of the opening of a new course
D.ad of a language training organization

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If you have questions about developing your study practices,the first place to look is in our Study Guides. However,if you don"t find the answers you need here, or you feel the guidance would make more sense in the situation of your own work, then you may find it helpful to talk to an adviser individually.
We offer subject-focused sessions(辅导课) -with friendly professional advisers. These 30-nunute sessions (longer if necessary)are "tailor-made" to your individual needs and completely secret.
What to expect from an individual advice session
Our individual advice sessions are quite informal and tailored to your needs. Your adviser will usually want to talk a bit about how your studies are going generally, and what you would like to discuss. As sessions are quite short, it"s useful if you can be prepared by tlunking about this before you arrive. It will be helpful for us if you can bring any marked work that you have, so that we can see what areas of your work markers have commented on.
We aimto help you developyour skills to study more effectively andachievesubject success. So we will not correct work for you, but will help you understand what youneed to know to correct it yourself in the future. Everyone works differently, so we may make a number of suggestions - it will be up to you to try them out and see what worksest for you.
If you"d like to discuss a coursework assignment which you are currently working on,it may be helpful if you can email your work to the adviser you are seeing oefore your meeting (contact details are here), with a note sessions are quite short, you might prefer that develop your work, rather than reading it!
Please note:
Saying what you would like to discuss. Aswe spent the time discussing how you can.  We cannot pravide subject-specific advice. For this,it is best to consult your course    tutor. If you would prefer to talk to someone else, try your personal tutor, or the    Senior Tutor in your department. Your department or school office will be able to advise on who that is.
We do not proof-read work. See our guide to Effective Proof-reading to help you to develop develop your own proof-reading practices.
Study Advisers are not trained to teach English as a Foreign Language. For basic     principles relating to common errors in academic English, please see our guide to       Academic Writing. If you feel you need more detailed help, there are also links on the    Academic Writing pages to more comprehensive websites, including some with  interactive exercises.
If  English is not your first language, the In-sessional English SLrpport Programme    (IESP) provides training courses in academic writing skills, speaking skills, and  pronunciation practice.There is a smll charge for students not paying full overseas fees.
Booking an advice session
Sessions may be booked in advance by calling 0118 378 4242 0r emailing studyadvice@reading.ac.uk. Please include a contact phone number in any messages you  leave.
小题1:The underlined word "tailor_made" in Paragraph 2 most probably means      .
小题2:As sessions are time-limited,it is helpful if you can       .
A.predict what suggestion works best for you
B.bring some non-marked work for comments
C.prepare what you"d like to discuss in advance
D.consult with your adviser on your work by phone
小题3:If a Chinese student plans to take an English pronunciation training course, he/she can see the guide to       .
A.Study GuidesB.Effective Proof-reading
C.Academic WritingD.In-sessional English Support Programme
小题4:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To give some professional subject advice.
B.To promote the individual advice sessions.
C.To stress the importance of a friendly adviser.
D.To provide four websites offering study guides.

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