Xinhua Sept.25,2008 JIUQUAN, Gansu---China launched successfully its third manne

Xinhua Sept.25,2008 JIUQUAN, Gansu---China launched successfully its third manne

Xinhua Sept.25,2008
JIUQUAN, Gansu---China launched successfully its third manned spacecraft on Thursday with three astronauts on board to attempt the country’s first-ever space walk.
The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off(发射) on a Long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gansu Province at 9:10pm.after a breathtaking countdown to another milestone on China’s space journey.
On board pilots Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng are expected to orbit the earth for three days, when one of them will float out of the cabin about 343 kilometers above the earth.
When they make it, China will become the third country in the world who is able to conduct extravehicular activity (EVA) in space following the former Soviet Union and the United States.
President Hu Jintao watched the historic moment at the launch center, joined by Chinese experts and other work staff.
Hu briefly met the trio astronauts before they entered the spacecraft Thursday afternoon, wishing them “a complete success in this glorious and sacred mission”.
“During the mission, you will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit, which is a great leap for China’s space technology.” said Hu.
Other tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the release of a small monitoring satellite and a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I.
If successful, the mission would be of great significance to the country’s future plans to build a space lab and a space station, said ZhangJianqi, deputy chief commander of the manned space project.
小题1:In which section would the passage be seen in a newspaper?
A.Science and Technology.B.Entertainment.
C.Sports report.D.Advertisement
小题2:Which one is NOT true according to the report?
A.China launched its third manned spacecraft.
B.The pilots on board are expected to orbit the earth for three days
C.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off three astronauts on board.
D.One of the three astronauts will float out of the cabin above the earth.
小题3:What is the great leap for China’s space technology during the space journey?
A.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off successfully.
B.The astronauts will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit.
C.Three astronauts are expected to orbit the earth for 3 days.
D.The spaceship Shenzhou VII will release a small monitoring satellite.
小题4:The tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the following EXCEPT ________.
A.the release of a small monitoring satellite
B.a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I
C.carrying out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit
D.building a space lab and a space station



After a 15-year ban on the sale of fireworks in Beijing, Kang Guoliang, 51, was able to start his old trade again yesterday.
As a salesman in Xinhui store in Dongcheng District, he is happy about the increasing number of buying fireworks wrapped in red paper — a color standing for happiness and good luck.
“Fireworks are available for the first time in town for more than a decade,” Kang said happily.“People will buy them.”
The store has 300 boxes of fireworks piled up and is open 24 hours at the moment.Residents are buying the fireworks and firecrackers for the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on February 18.
Citywide, 2,116 registered stores and retailers, 585 in the centre and 1,600 on the outskirts are trading fireworks in the Chinese capital.Sales of fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road started yesterday and will last until March 4, Xinhua reported.Among the stores, 117 stores are permitted to operate 24 hours.About 600,000 boxes of firecrackers worth more than 100 million yuan have been carried to registered stores.
The Chinese capital began a ban in 1993 to reduce fireworks-related deaths and fires during the holiday season.Last September the ban was removed in response to residents’ fondness for fireworks when celebrating Spring Festival.
According to new rules, Beijing residents are allowed to set off fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road all day on Lunar New Year’s Eve and Lunar New Year’s day, from 7 midnight every day from February 19 to March 4.
“Spring Festival without fireworks is not Spring Festival,” said Sheng Hefei, who was buying fireworks in the store.“It was fun to light the firecrackers when I was little,” he said.“The sound and view of fireworks make a real holiday.” However, not all residents welcome the return of firecrackers because of injuries, pollution and noise.“My child is scared of the sudden sound of firecrackers, and it is annoying to hear it all night long,” complained Lu Jun, a local resident.
(China Daily02/11/2008)
小题1:The passage is likely to belong to a(n)__________? report
小题2:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Beijing fireworks sales start after a 15-year ban.
B.People go to buy fireworks and firecrackers every where in Beijing.
C.Beijing residents all welcome the return of firecrackers.
D.Many stores began to sell fireworks and firecrackers.
小题3:We can learn from the passage that ____________.
A.every Spring Festival falls on February 18
B.Beijing residents can set off fireworks everywhere .
C.fireworks are allowed to be sold because people like them.
D.from February 19 to March 4, Beijing residents can set off fireworks twenty four hours every day.
小题4:What is the writer’s attitude towards the sales of fireworks in Beijing?
A.NegativeB.Not mentionedC.PositiveD.Satisfactory

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My children go to a primary school where they are not allowed to play football in the playground for fear that a child might be hurt. Besides, now the school says there must be no homework because the local secondary school can"t keep up with the amount of homework given in the primary school. Can the school do this?   Puzzled Dad
It can"t if enough parents do something about it. It is not just schools. We live in a society which wishes to get rid of risk. However, schools should have a little common sense and courage. Children need risk if they arc to grow up self-sufficient and confident. They need homework, too, if they are to fulfill their academic potential. Complain, loudly.
I have a beautiful teenage daughter who spends an hour making up her face in front of the mirror every day. I tell her to go easy. She just gets mad or bursts into tears. How can I make her understand she"s beautiful the way she is.      Plain Mom
You can"t. Your daughter is at the age when she"s trying to look beautiful, trying on new masks. And if her friends all dress up as she does, you"re in for an extra hard time. Support her and tell her she"s beautiful — even if she looks ridiculous for now. Then invite her to join you for a day at a spa. Let her try various looks until she"s comfortable in her own skin.
小题1:Why are the children not allowed to play football in the playground?
A.The school is afraid that children might be injured.
B.The school is not sensible and confident.
C.The children don"t have enough time to do homework.
D.The children may fail to fulfill their academic potential.
小题2:What disturbs Plain Mom is that her daughter______.
A.becomes mad B.cries a lot
C.spends much time before the not beautiful enough
小题3:The solution to Plain Mom"s problem is to______.
A.make her daughter look less ridiculousB.let her daughter dress up like her friends
C.make her daughter go to a spa every weekD.let her daughter feel herself what beauty is
小题4:What does the underlined word spa mean?
A.a place where water with minerals in itB.a place where people can relax
C.a beauty salonD.a swimming pool

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Wednesday, October 29,2008.
The United States federal government had two young men in the state of Tennessee arrested on October 22 on unknown charges.
In court documents published on Monday, it came to light that the men had discussed attacking an African – American school and killing 14 of them.
Another crime was about planning to murder Presidential candidate Barack Obama. According to their affidavits (口供), the suspects’ “final act of violence” would be like this: when they attacked Obama they would wear white suits and top hats and drive “their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows.”
The two suspects are Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Arkansas and Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tennessee. According to the court papers, they met last month over the Internet through a friend. Schlesselman and Cowart are believed to share “very strong views” about White Power.
Schlesselman listed “being racist” as his occupation on his MySpace page. He further wrote: “I"m white. I"m proud. I get angry. I like guns.”
Cowart also had a MySpace page on which photos of guns were presented under a heading of “My Guns”. On his page he wrote, “Better to die quick fighting on your feet than to live forever begging on your knees.”
Some have questioned the pair"s ability to carry out the charged plan, but authorities have been very concerned about Obama as the first black presidential candidate from a major party.
“We honestly don"t know if they had the ability or the skill to carry out the kind of plan that they talked about.” said Malcolm Wiley, of the United Satates Secret Service in an interview with The New York Times. “But we take any threat seriously no matter how big or how small it is.”
Cowart and Schlesselman are scheduled to appear before a judge on Thursady.
小题1:The passage is mainly about____________.
A.Americans’ attitudes towards Barack ObarmaB.two young men planning to commit violence
C.the violence in the United StatesD.the disadvantages of the Internet
小题2:From the passage, we can know that the two young men_________.
A.shot 14 students in an African – American school B.came from the state of Tennessee
C.were proud of Barack ObamaD.have not been sentenced yet
小题3:Which of the following shows the right order of the events?
a.The two suspects were arrested.
b.The two suspects will be tried in the court.
c.Cowart set up his MySpace page on the Internet.
d.Malcolm Wiley was interviewed by The New York Times.
A.a; b; c; dB.d; c; b; aC.c; a; d; bD.c; a; b; d
小题4:What can we infer from the news?
A.Most of the white people in the United States don’t like Barack Obama.
B.The two young men planned to shoot President Barack Obama.
C.The two young men were innocent in fact.
D.The two young men strongly believed that the president should be a white man

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CONCORD, N.H.—Torrential rain forced hundreds of people from their homes in parts of New England on Sunday, as water flowed over dams and washed out roads.
The governors of New Hampshire and Massachusetts declared states of emergency. Maine’s governor also declared a state of emergency for one county. “It’s a very serious situation,” said New Hampshire Governor John Lynch, adding that forecasters were predicting 12 to 15 inches of rain by the end of the storm in parts of southern New Hampshire. “It continues to change and the situation continues to worsen.”
In some towns, police and fire crews used boats to get people out of their homes and stranded cars after hundreds of roads were damaged. Others got around in kayaks(皮船). Some towns shut down, not letting anyone pass except emergency vehicles. “The town is cut right in half,” said Glenn Laramie, police chief in Andover, N.H.
A dam in Milton, N.H., was in danger of failing, which could send a 10-foot wall of water downstream, the National Weather Service said in a bulletin. People downstream were being evacuated from the town.
In Massachusetts, cars were pulled from flooded streets in downtown Peabody, about 20 miles north of Boston, and about 300 people were evacuated from an apartment complex for seniors. Businesses stacked sandbags at their doors, trying to prevent damage from water that at one point rose to waist-deep.
Some parts of New Hampshire had seen 7 inches of rain by midday Sunday and forecasters said up to 5 more inches might come during the day. About 100 residents were evacuated from their homes in Wakefield, N.H., because of concerns about two dams in the area.
Flooding in New Hampshire in October killed seven people, carried off homes and washed away miles of roads down to bedrock.
In Maine, flooding was reported on 60 roads in the southern part of the state, said governor’s spokeswoman Crystal Canney. More than 50 homes in Sanford and several in Kennebunk also were evacuated, state officials said.
小题1:Which is NOT true according to the article?
A.The situation in N. H. is very serious.
B.New England is a region of the U.S.
C.A state of emergency was declared in three whole states.
D.Seven people lost their lives in New Hampshire in October.
小题2:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Two dams failed in New Hampshire.
B.Flood in New Hampshire.
C.State of emergency in New England.
D.Severe floods in three U.S. states.
小题3:In paragraph 4, the underlined word “evacuate” most probably means“    ”.
A.rescueB.trappedC.send awayD.wash away
小题4:Which is NOT a part of New Hampshire?
小题5:What was mentioned to cope with the situation?
A.Some towns shut down.B.Some dams were open.
C.People all left their homes.D.Some temporary houses were built.

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NEW YORK—Microsoft on Monday made another effort to challenge Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android in the exploding smartphone market—launching a wireless operating system,Windows Phone 7.
Consumers will consider it“always delightful and thoroughly mine,”Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said at a launch event. Ballmer said last year that Microsoft had“screwed up”with its Windows Mobile operating system.For example,it failed to keep up with touch-screen innovations that make iPhones and Android phones easy to use.
Microsoft fell from third to fourth place in market share this year,behind BlackBerry,iPhone and Android. Only 10.8% of smartphone owners used Microsoft’s system in August,down from 18% last December.
But Windows Phone 7 is“a total departure from anything they’ve done”.Microsoft says it sought to simplify common activities. For example,you can instantly take a picture with a phone’s camera by pushing a button on the device. You don’t have to first awaken it from its sleep mode and launch the camera application. You also can program the phones to automatically upload photos to Facebook or other social network sites in a couple of seconds. Users can easily work with Microsoft Office contact and calendar information as well as documents created in Microsoft’s Word,Excel and PowerPoint.
The phones will not show videos built on Adobe’s Flash platform,widely used by services including YouTube and Hulu.
AT&T will offer the first Windows Phone 7 smartphone,the Samsung Focus,on Nov.8.Soon after,it will have the LG Quantum and HTC Surround. Each will cost S|  199.99 with a two-year service contract. T-Mobile will have two Windows Phone 7 models out for the holiday shopping season:the HTC HD7 and Dell Venue Pro. It did not say how much they’ll cost.
小题1:What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
A.Why Microsoft fell behind others.
B.How to use Windows Phone7.
C.Advantages of Windows phone7.
D.Speed of Windows phone7.
小题2:What does the underlined phrase“screwed up”in the 2nd paragraph probably mean?
A.To make a bad mistake.B.To make big progress.
C.To achieve main goals.D.To keep up with others.
小题3:Which of the following phones will NOT use Windows Phone 7 operating system?
小题4:Why did Microsoft see a drop in market share last year?
A.Because its operating system didn’t catch up with changes.
B.Because its phones can’t show videos from YouTube.
C.Because it was inconvenient to take photos using its phones.
D.Because its system was based only on Microsoft soft wares.
小题5:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Smartphone Market Welcomes New Giant
B.Microsoft to Fight Back on Smartphone
C.Mobile Phones Getting Smarter and Easier
D.Microsoft Proved a Failure in Smartphone

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