阅读理解     June 26, 2000 - the Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15-y

阅读理解     June 26, 2000 - the Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15-y

阅读理解     June 26, 2000 - the Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15-year task aimed at
drawing the genetic(遗传的) map of humans, is now more than 90 percent completed. The scientific
and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid
of diseases and prolonging(延长) human life. But those communities and policymakers also are careful
about the scientific door they are opening as the project uncovers the mysteries of life.
     For the last few years, the genetic advances in the developing field of biotechnology(生物技术) have
provides material for all kinds of work, but the developments of modern science in unlocking the secrets
of the human genetic code have opened a world of possibilities for human health, as well as for the
popular imagination.
   While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding(解码) human DNA,
the leading organization for genetic research is in the United States, which began in 1990, is "unlocking
the code" of the human body to learn how to defeat fatal diseases . Already, the Human Genome Project
has become widely known and praised for finding the genes connected with terrible diseases as yet, and
making progress toward separating the genes that show a sign of breast cancer or AIDS.
     Once these genes are found and studied, researchers can develop new ways to attack infections and
genetic diseases. Medical companies are very interested in mapping the human genome, as they expect to develop a lot of new drugs for these illnesses.

1. Why did the scientists work hard at mapping the human genome?

A. Because the human genome can help us live longer.
B. Because they wanted to be better known than others.
C. Because the human genome can provide a lot of money
D. Because the human genome"s completion can help them get rid of many diseases.

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. If the genes can be found, scientists can study many new ways to cure illnesses.
B. The scientists have made great progress in connecting the genes with the cancers.
C. Many medical companies show great interest in drawing the human genome map.
D. The United States began the Genes Study early in the 19th century.

3. Which country studied the genes most rapidly in the world?

A. Japan.  
C. The United States  .  
B. British England    
D. China.

4. We can conclude that the Human Genome Project can cause _______.

A. the policy makers to feel very happy.  
B. the scientists to work harder
C. many people to live longer.          
D. a lot of companies to produce many new drugs

5. What" the best title of the passage?

A. unlocking genetic code                     
B. the genes" discovery
C. human genome"s science                    
D. the genes and the scientists
1-5: DDCBA
    English now is also spoken as a foreign or (1)___ language in South Asia. For example, India has a
very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 (2)___1947. English (3) (speak)______ in Singapore and Malaysia and some (4)______ in Africa such as South Africa too.
    During that time English became the language for government (5)_____ education. Today (6)_____
number of people learning English in China (7) (increase)__________ rapidly. In fact, China may have
the (8) (large)______ number of people (9) (learn)_______.Will Chinese English develop (10)_____
own identity ? Only time will tell.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     In order to know a foreign language thoroughly(完全地), four things are necessary.   First,  we must
understand the language when we hear it spoken.   Secondly,  we must be able to speak it ourselves, 
 with confidence(自信) and without hesitation(犹豫).   Thirdly,  we must do much reading.   Finally,  we
must be able to write it.   We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.  
     There are no shortcuts to success in language learning.   A good memory is a great help,  but it is not
enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book.   It is not much learning by heart long lists(一
览表) of words and their  meanings,  studying the dictionary and so on.   We must learn by using the
      If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized,  we are not really learning the language.  
We must "learn through use.  " Practice is important.   We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.  

1.   The most important things to learn a foreign language are_____________. 

A.   understanding and speaking  
B.   listening,  speaking,  reading and writing
C.   writing and understanding      
D.   memorizing and listening
2.   Someone hears and writes English very well, but he speaks it very badly.  This is because__.   

A.   he doesn"t understand the language when he hears it spoken
B.   he doesn"t have a good memory
C.   he always remembers lists of words and their meanings
D.   he often hesitates(犹豫) to practise speaking it

3.   One can never learn a foreign language well by _____.   

A.   doing much practice        
B.   studying the dictionary
C.   learning through use        
D.   using the language

4.   Which is the most important in learning a foreign language?

A.   A good memory.    
B.   Speaking.        
C.   Practice.      
D.   Writing.  

5.   "Learn through use" means __________.   

A.   we use a language in order to learn it
B.   we learn a foreign language in order to use it
C.   we can learn a language well while we are keeping using it    
D.   B and C.  
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。      Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy.After all,
you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.
      Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy.However,
they sing most of the time for a very different reason.Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to
stay out of their territory.
      Do you know what a "territory" is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims as its
own .Only he and his family are welcome there .No other families of the same species are welcome.
Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome.If a stranger
should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout.Probably this would be enough to frighten
him away.
      If so, you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him.A bird does the same
thing.But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting (筑巢) season.So he"s screaming (高声尖叫) all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not.This screaming is what we call a bird"s
song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.
      Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the
territory of theirs.You can see that birds have a language of their own.Most of it has something to do
with attracting mates and setting up territories.1.Some scientists believe that most of the time birds" singing is actually              .A.an expression of happiness        
B.a way of warning
C.an expression of anger            
D.a language of their own2.What is a bird"s "territory"?A.A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice.
B.A place where other bird families are not accepted.
C.An area for which birds fight against each other.
D.An area which a bird considers to be its own3.Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?A.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.
B.Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.
C.Because they want to find outsiders around.
D.Because they want to invite more bird friends.4.How does the writer explain birds" singing?A.By comparing birds with human beings.
B.By reporting experimental results.
C.By describing birds"daily life.
D.By telling a bird"s story.
题型:四川省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since. A man who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can still swim as
well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for
years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember the story of
Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
     One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional(额外的) learning trials(尝试)increase the length(长度) of time we will remember it.
     In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing
baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.
     The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表)are an exception(例外) to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in
     The law of overlearning explains why cramming(突击学习)for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the
subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he
learned. A little overlearning, on the other hand, is really necessary for one"s future development.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph I?
A. People remember well what they learned in childhood.
B. Children have a better memory than grown-ups.
C. Poem reading is a good way to learn words.
D. Stories for children arc easy to remember.
2. The author explains the law of overlearning by_________.
A. presenting research findings
B. setting down general rules
C. making a comparison
D. using examples
3. According to the author, being able to use multiplication tables is_______.
A. a result of overlearning
B. a special case of cramming
C. a skill to deal with math problems
D. a basic step towards advanced studies
4. What does the word "they" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A. Commonly accepted rules.
B. The multiplication tables.
C. Things easily forgotten.
D. School subjects.
5. What is the author"s opinion on cramming?
A. It leads to failure in college exams.
B. It"s helpful only in a limited way.
C. It"s possible to result in poor memory.
D. It increases students" learning interest.
题型:四川省月考题难度:| 查看答案
     Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth.There are hundreds of kinds of sharks.Most are about
two meters long.The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length.A shark has an
extremely good sense of smell.It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body
liquids and chemicals produced by animals.__1__ Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the
     Sharks grow slowly.About forty percent of all sharks lay eggs.__2__Some sharks carry their young
inside their bodies as humans do.Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old.
Most reproduce only every two years.And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks.For this reason, overfishing of sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal.
     Sharks are important for the world"s oceans.They eat injured and diseased fish.Their hunting activities
mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great.__3__
People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin.Experts say the international market for some
kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable.
     Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark.__4__The skin of a shark can be used like
     In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins.Experts say a fisherman can earn a lot of
money for even one kilogram of shark fins.Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth.__5__
A. Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A.
B. This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.
C. Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them.
D. These powerful senses help sharks find their food.
E. If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never return to normal population
F. They are a threat to other forms of life in the ocean.
G. The others give birth to live young.
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