Although man has known asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160

Although man has known asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160

Although man has known asbestos for many hundreds of years, it was not until 160 years ago that it was mined for the first time on the North American continent. H. W. Johns, owner of a New York City Supply Shop for roofers, was responsible for(对…负责) the opening of that first mine.
Mr. Johns was given a piece of asbestos which had been found in Italy. He experimented with the material and then showed its surprising powers to his customers. After putting on a pair of asbestos gloves, which looked much like ordinary work gloves, he took red-hot coals from the fireplace and played with them in his hands. How astonished the customers were to discover that he was not burned at all. You can well imagine that he had increasing business in asbestos roofing materials. However, because it was very expensive to transport (carry) them from Italy to the United States, Mr. Johns sent out a young scientist to seek a source nearer home. This young man found great vein(岩脉), in the province of Quebec in Canada.
Ever since 1881 Quebec has led the world in the production of this unusual mineral, which is made up of magnesium, silicon, iron, and oxygen. When it is mined, the asbestos is heavy, just as you would expect a mineral to be. When it is separated, a strange thing happens; the rock breaks down into fine, soft, soapy fibres(纤维).
Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads(线), but they have found thousands of uses of this fireproof material, of the so-called “cloth of stone”.
小题1:Which title best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A.Asbestos mined in CanadaB.Fireproof matter
C.A “wonder” mineralD.A new roofing material
小题2:Johns proved his ability as a salesman by_______.
A.going into roofing businessB.carrying asbestos from Italy
C.sending a trained scientistD.showing the use of asbestos gloves
小题3:Which is the most important character of asbestos that the author wants to show us?
A.It is like thread.B.It feels soapy.
C.It burns easily.D.It is unusually heavy.
小题4:The author’s main purpose in writing this passage was to _______. the need for more scientists asbestos with other minerals
C.increase the sales of asbestos
D.present facts about asbestos



小题2:细节题。根据After putting on a pair of asbestos gloves, …took red-hot coals from the fireplace and played with them in his hands 可推知,他是用当场演示的方法来推销他的产品的。故答案为D。
小题3:推断题。根据When it is separated, a strange thing happens; the rock breaks down into fine, soft, soapy fibres(纤维)及 Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into thread 可以断定答案为A。
In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually was made up of saying poetry aloud and giving speeches.
In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss ques­tions in their field of study with people who had made a spe­cial study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates (应试者) for the doctor’s de­gree.
Generally, however, modem examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modem industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, looks like a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.
One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series (一系列)of ques­tions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly.  
4. The main idea of Paragraph Three is that ________.
A. workers now take examinations            B. the population has grown
C. there are only written exams today     D. examinations are now written and timed
5. The kind of exams where students must select answers are
A. objective                                          B. personal  
C. spoken                                             D. written
6. Modem industry must have developed ________.
A. around the 19th century               B. before the Middle Ages
C. in Greece or Rome                  D. machines to take tests
7. It may be concluded that testing ________.
A. should test only opinions                B. should always be written
C. is given only in factories          D. has changed since the Middle Ages
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
If you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(受责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: Practice remembering.
1. The main reason for one is poor memory is that _______.
A. his father or mother may have a poor memory
B. He does not use his name or legs for some time
C. his memory is not often used
D. he can’t read or write
2. If you do not use your arms or legs for some time _______.
A. you can’t use them any more      
B. they will become stronger
C. they become weak and won’t become strong until you use them again.
D. they will become neither stronger nor weaker
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Your memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.
B. Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you don’t give it enough chance for practice.
C. Don’t learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.
D. A good memory comes from more practice.
4. Some people can’t read or write, but they usually have better memories, because _______.
A. they have save much trouble           B. they have saved much time to remember things
C. they have to use their memories all the time  D. they can’t write everything in a little notebook
5. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. Don’t Stop Using Your Arms Or Legs      B. How To Have a Good Memory
C. Strong Arms And Good Memories         D. Learn From the People
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While all my classmates seen to be crazy about a one-way ticket to Mars(火星), I’d rather say Mars is totally unsuitable for human existence. People won’t have enough food supplies there, and the terrible environment would make it impossible for them to live a long life. Besides, the journey won’t be safe. Can anybody explain to me just why people would go to Mars, never to return?
Steve Minear, UK
Here are the things you can think of: the desire to explore a foreign and unique environment, the excitement of being the first humans to open up a new world, the expectation of fame and glory…For scientists there is another reason. Their observations and research will probably lead to great scientific achievements.
Donal Trollop, Canada
There are already too many people on the Earth. I think that sometime before the end of the century, there will be a human colony(殖民地)on Mars. It will happen when people finally realize that tow-way trips to the red planet Mars are unnecessary. Most of the danger of space Flight is in the launches(发射) and landings. Cutting the trip home would therefore reduce the danger of accidents, save a lot of money, and open the way to building an everlasting human settlement on another world.
Enough supplies can be sent on ahead. And every two years more supplies and more people will needs, and Mars is far more pleasant than the other planets in the outer space.
Paul Davies. USA
小题1: The main purpose of Steve Minear’s writing is     . report his classmates’ discussion invite an answer to his question explain the natural state of show his agreement on going to Mars
小题2:Which of the following best states Donal Trollop’s idea?
A.There is a plan to send humans to Mars.
B.There are many reasons for going to Mars.
C.Scientists become famous by doing research on Mars.
D.It is possible to build an Earth-like environment on Mars.
小题3:Paul Davies points out that      .
A.humans need only a one-way ticket to Mars.
B.two-way trips to Mars will be made safe soon is easy to reduce the danger and cost of flights to Mars is cheap to build an everlasting human settlement on Mars
小题4:What does Paul Davies think of human existence on Mars?
A.Humans will have to bring all they need from the Earth.
B.Humans will find Mars totally unsuitable for living.
C.Humans can produce everything they need.
D.Humans can live longer in the colony on Mars

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Thirteen vehicles lined up last March to race across the Mojave Desert, seeking a million in prize money. To win, they had to finish the 142-mile race in less than 10 hours. Teams and watchers knew there might be no winner at all, because these vehicles were missing a key part -drivers.
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, organized the race as part of a push to develop robotic vehicles for future battlefields. But the Grand Challenge, as it was called, just proved how difficult it is to get a car to speed across an unfamiliar desert without human guidance. One had its brake lock up in the starting area. Another began by throwing itself onto a wall. Another got tied up by bushes near the road after 1.9 miles.
One turned upside down. One took off in entirely the wrong direction and had to be disabled by remote (远距离的) control. One went a little more than a mile and rushed into a fence; another managed to go for six miles but stuck on a rock. The “winner,” if there was any, reached 7.8 miles before it ran into a long, narrow hole, and the front wheels caught on fire.
“You get a lot of respect for natural abilities of the living things,” says Reinhold Behringer, who helped design two of the car-size vehicles for a company called Sci-Autonics. “Even ants (蚂蚁) can do all these tasks effortlessly . It’s very hard for us to put these abilities into our machines.”
The robotic vehicles, though with necessary modern equipment such as advanced computers and GPS guidance, had trouble figuring out fast enough the blocks ahead that a two-year-old human recognizes immediately, Sure, that very young child, who has just only learned to walk, may not think to wipe apple juice off her face, but she already knows that when there’s a cookie in the kitchen she has to climb up the table, and that when she gets to the cookie it will taste good. She is more advanced, even months old, than any machine humans have designed.
小题1:Watchers doubted if any of the vehicles could finish the race because        .
A.they did not have any human guidance
B.the road was not familiar to the drivers
C.the distance was too long for the vehicles
D.the prize money was unattractive to the drivers
小题2:DARPA organized the race in order to         .
A.raise money for producing more robotic vehicles
B.push the development of vehicle industry
C.train more people to drive in the desert
D.improve the vehicles for future wars
小题3:From the passage we know “robotic vehicles” are a kind of machines that         .
A.can do effortlessly whatever tasks living thing can
B.can take part in a race across 142 miles with a time limit
C.can show off their ability to turn themselves upside down
D.can move from place to place without being driven by human beings
小题4:In the race, the greatest distance one robotic vehicle covered was          .
A.about eight miles B.six miles
C.almost two miles D.about one mile
小题5:In the last paragraph, the writer implies that there is a long way to go         .
A.for a robotic vehicle to finish a 142-mile race without any difficulties
B.for a little child who has just learned to walk to reach the cookie on the table
C.for a robotic vehicle to deal with a simple problem that a little child can solve
D.for a little child to understand the importance of wiping apple juice off its face

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Flying over a desert in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour"s flight one of the scientists wrote in his notebook, "Look here for probable metal." Walking across hilly ground, four scientists reported, "This ground should be searched for metals." From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word "Uranium".
None of the scientists had X-ray eyes: they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth"s surface. They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of locating minerals in the ground -- using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie under the ground on which the trees and plants are growing.
This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of bushes and trees that grow on the surface.
At Watson Bar Creek, a mineral search group gathered bags of tree seeds. Boxes were filled with small branches from the trees. Roots were dug and put into boxes. Each bag and box was carefully marked. In a scientific laboratory the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes andtested. Each small part was examined to learn whether there were minerals in it.
Study of the roots, branches and seeds showed no silver. But there were small amount of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds. The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches.
If the trees indicated that there was no gold in the ground, the scientists wouldn"t spare money to pay for digging into the ground.
小题1:Scientists were flying over a desert or a hilly wasteland or a mountain region to ________.
A.train their the trees C.look for for minerals
小题2:The study of trees, branches and roots indicated that __________.
A.there were larger amounts of gold in the branches far from the tree trunk than in the seeds
B.there were smaller amounts of gold in the tree roots deep in the ground than in the branches
C.there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing closer to the tree trunk than in the seeds farther from it
D.there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the leaves on the ends of the branches
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of a tree that can help the searchers?
小题4: Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?
A.Scientists searching for treasure with special equipment.
B.New methods of doing geological study.
C.Gold could be found in trees and plants.
D.A new method of searching for minerals.

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