Saving the Planet with Earth-Friendly Bamboo ProductsJackie Heinricher’s love af

Saving the Planet with Earth-Friendly Bamboo ProductsJackie Heinricher’s love af

Saving the Planet with Earth-Friendly Bamboo Products
Jackie Heinricher’s love affair with bamboo started in her backyard. “As a child, I remember playing among the golden bamboo my dad had planted, and when there was a slight wind, the bamboos sounded really musical.”
A fisheries biologist, Heinricher, 47, planned to work in the salmon industry in Seattle, where she lived with her husband, Guy Thornburgh, but she found it too competitive. Then her garden gave her the idea for a business: She’d planted 20 bamboo forests on their seven-acre farm. 
Heinricher started Boo-Shoot Gardens in 1998. She realized early on what is just now beginning to be known to the rest of the world. It can be used to make fishing poles, skateboards, buildings, furniture, floors, and even clothing. An added bonus: Bamboo absorbs four times as much carbon dioxide as a group of hardwood trees and releases 35 percent more oxygen.
First she had to find a way to mass-produce the plants—a tough task, since bamboo flowers create seed only once every 50 to 100 years. And dividing a bamboo plant frequently kills it.
Heinricher appealed to Randy Burr, a tissue culture expert, to help her. “People kept telling us we’d never figure it out,” says Heinricher. “Others had worked on it for 27 years! I believed in what we were doing, though, so I just kept going.”
She was right to feel a sense of urgency. Bamboo forests are being rapidly used up, and a United Nations report showed that even though bamboo is highly renewable, as many as half of the world’s species are threatened with dying out. Heinricher knew that bamboo could make a significant impact on carbon emissions (排放) and world economies, but only if huge numbers could be produced. And that’s just what she and Burr figured out after nine years of experiments—a way to grow millions of plants. By placing cuttings in test tubes with salts, vitamins, plant hormones, and seaweed gel, they got the plants to grow and then raised them in soil in greenhouses.
Not long after it, Burr’s lab hit financial difficulties. Heinricher had no experience running a tissue culture operation, but she wasn’t prepared to quit. So she bought the lab.
Today Heinricher heads up a profitable multimillion-dollar company, working on species from all over the world and selling them to wholesalers. “If you want to farm bamboo, it’s hard to do without the young plants, and that’s what we have,” she says proudly.
56. What was the main problem with planting bamboo widely?
A. They didn’t have enough young bamboo.
B. They were short of money and experience.
C. They didn’t have a big enough farm to do it.
D. They were not understood by other people.
57. What does Heinricher think of bamboo?
A. Renewable and acceptable                                               B. Productive and flexible.
C. Useful and earth-friendly.                                  D. Strong and profitable.
58. The underlined word “renewable” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”.
A. able to be replaced naturally                B. able to be raised difficultly
C. able to be shaped easily                    D. able to be recycled conveniently
59. What do you learn from the passage?
A. Heinricher’s love for bamboo led to her experiments in the lab.
B. Heinricher’s determination helped her to succeed in her work.
C. Heinricher struggled to prevent bamboo from disappearing.
D. Heinricher finally succeeded in realizing her childhood dream.
56—59 ACAB 

The year was 1985. Ronald Reagan was president. Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the USSR. Back to the Future was boffo at the box office. “Born in the USA” was climbing the charts. Philanthropy(慈善业) and pop culture combined with LiveAid and “We Are the World.” And “.com”, which few people outside of the military or universities knew, came into this world.
Looking back, few could have predicted “.com” would become one of the biggest cultural touchstones of the century. In March 1985, the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California assigned the first .com domain address to That seemingly nominal(象征性的) event set into motion forces that would change our world forever.
.com wasn’t the birth of the Internet, but it was the budding computer network’s coming-out party. It made it pretty and inviting. It did away with the need to have complex “maps” that were the equivalent of writing a phone number on your hand, and opened it up for a mainstream audience.
After 1985, all it takes is a simple .com name to get into business. “.com” became part of our daily lexicon and drove its own economic boom and depression. It helped create a whole new family of industries, facilitated global commerce and connected people around the world in ways never before possible.
It’s now 2010. Barack Obama is president, thanks in part to his smart use of the Internet. There is no USSR. A computer-generated Avatar has set new box office records. “TiK ToK” tops the charts. We’re sending robots to find water on Mars. And that once-obscure computer communications system is one of our civilization’s most prominent features.
61. This passage was written to mark _____.
A. the change of American presidency
B. the development of entertainment
C. the 25th anniversary of .com
D. the anniversary of the internet
62. What does the underlined word “boffo” probably mean?
A. Successful.     B. Changeable.     C. Tough.       D. Novel.
63. Which of the following can be the main contribution of “.com”?
A. It gave birth to the Internet.
B. It combined politics, entertainment and space science.
C. It made the Internet accessible to ordinary people.
D. It helped produce more domain addresses.
64. We can infer that before 1985, getting on-line was _____.
A. impossible     B. complex     C. expensive     D. popular
65. The first and last paragraphs were intended to _______.
A. make comparison             B. provide details
C. list arguments                D. stimulate readers’ interest
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Americanshave neverbeforeexercisedand dieted as eagerly as they are doing today. As a result,they do not only look younger and slimmer,but feel better.Because of increased physical fitness,life expectance in the nation has risen to seventy-three years, with fewer people suffering from heart disease,the nation"s number one killer.
Jogging (慢跑),the easiest and cheapest way of improving the body,keeps over 30million people of all ages on the run. For the price of a good pair of running shoes, anyone anywhere can join the race.
Dieting,too, has become a national  pastime.Promoters of diets that eliminate eating one thing or another,such as fats or carbohydrates (碳水化合物),promise as much as20- pound weight losses within two weeks. Books describing such amazing diets always head up (居…之首)the best-seller lists because people who are overweight want to lose weight quickly and easily.
Nevertheless,jogging and dieting, carried to extremes,can be harmful.Many confused joggers overdo and finally suffer from ankle and foot damage.Dieting,fortunately,becomes only a temporary means for shedding a few pounds while the body lose the balanced nutrition it requires,so most dieters cannot keep on diets.Above all,common sense should be the keystone for any dieting and exercise plan.
68.The main idea of this passage is that________.
A.both jogging and dieting can improveyour health
B.exercise and improved diet has raisedthe American"s life expectance
C.people,who jog and diet wisely,will behealthier than those who do not and exercise harm rather thanbenefit health
69.According to the passage,which of thefollowing statements is TRUE?
A.Jogging can damage the body becauseit is too tough an exercise.
B.Diets are so popular because they areon the best-seller lists.
C.Americans now live to be 73years old.
D.Exercise and diet are more widespreadin America than ever before.
70.It is implied but not stated that ________.
A.heart disease is the number one killeramong Americans
B.exercise and dieting bring about spiritual as well as physical well-being
C.people don"t stay on a diet because itdoesn"t work
D.a 20-pound weight loss within two weeks is too much for the body
71.The best title for this passage is _________..
A.Jogging and Diet     B.Exercise and Health
C.Physical FitnessD.Life Expectancy and Diet
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After blogging regularly for two months, people felt they had better social support and friendship networks than those who don’t blog. Blogging can help you feel less isolated, more connected to a community and more satisfied with your friendships, both online and face-to-face, new Australian research has found.
Researchers James Baker and Professor Susan Moore from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne have written two papers investigating the psychological benefits of blogging, regularly updating personal web pages with information that invites others to comment.
The first, published in the latest issue of the journal Cyber Psychology & Behavior, compares the mental health of people intending to blog with that of people not planning to blog. Moore says the researchers messaged 600 My Space users personally and directed them to an online survey. A total of 134 completed the questionnaire; 84 intended to blog and 50 didn’t.
“We found potential bloggers were less satisfied with their friendships and they felt less socially integrated, and they didn’t feel as much part of a community as the people who weren’t interested in blogging…” Moore says. “It was as if they were saying ‘I’m going to do this blogging and it’s going to help me.’”
And it seemed to do the trick, as the researchers’ second study shows. This study, which is yet to be published, was conducted two months later. The researchers sent out questionnaires to the same group of My Space users; this time 59 responded. Bloggers reported a greater sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and feeling more confident for they could rely on others for help. All respondents, whether or not they blogged, reported feeling less anxious, depressed and stressed after two months of online social networking.
“So going onto My Space had lifted the mood of all participants in some way,” Moore says. “Maybe they’d just made more social connections.” Moore acknowledges this early research and hopes to follow a larger group of people for a longer period time to test some of the research findings.
46. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. The mental health of bloggers                        B. Blogging improves one’s social life.
C. What kind of people are likely to blog             D. Blogging has become more popular.
47. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that ______.
A. those who were not interested in blogging didn’t have good mental health.
B. people were likely to become bloggers if they felt socially isolated
C. potential bloggers were those who had mental health problems
D. potential bloggers usually held a wrong view about blogging
48. The purpose of the second study is to find out ______.
A. what people do on My Space
B. how many people became bloggers
C. how people felt after blogging for two months
D. how many people kept blogging after two months
49. The second study shows that ______.
A. online social networking can do people good
B. only bloggers benefit from online social networking
C. not many potential bloggers became real bloggers
D. not all bloggers found the help they needed
50. The main purpose of people going on My Space is probably to ______.
A. exchange goods                                                 B. entertain themselves
C. seek help                                                          D. exchange views
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Everywhere you look, large quantities of information in the world are pouring. This data flood is already starting to transform business, government, science and everyday life. It has great potential for good — as long as consumers, companies and governments make the right choices about when to restrict the flow of data, and when to encourage it.
A few industries have led the way in their ability to gather and take advantage of the data. Credit-card companies monitor every purchase and can identify cheats with a high degree of accuracy. Stolen credit cards are more likely to be used to buy hard liquor than wine, for example, because it is easier to overlook. Insurance firms are also good at combining clues to spot doubtful claims: dishonest claims are more likely to be made on a Monday than a Tuesday, since policyholders (保险客户) who stage accidents tend to assemble friends as false witnesses over the weekend. By combining many such rules, it is possible to work out which cards are likeliest to have been stolen, and which claims are untrue. By analyzing “basket data”, supermarkets can make promotions to appeal to particular customers’ preferences. The oil industry uses supercomputers to help them before drilling wells.
But the data flood also poses risks. There are many examples of databases being stolen: disks full of social-security data go missing, laptops loaded with tax records are left in taxis, credit-card numbers are stolen by online purchase. The result can be privacy made public, identity stolen and cheats permitted large space. Rather than owning and controlling their own personal data, they very often find that they have lost control of it.
The best way to deal with the data flood is to make more data available in the right way, by requiring greater transparency in several areas. First, users should be given greater access to and control over the information held about them, including whom it is shared with. Google allows users to see what information it holds about them, and lets them delete their search histories or modify the targeting of advertising, for example. Second, organizations should be required to disclose details of security breaches, as is already the case in some parts of the world, to encourage bosses to take information security more seriously. Third, organizations should be subject to an annual security check, with the resulting grade made public (though details of any problems exposed would not be). This would encourage companies to keep their security measures up to date.
59. What is the best title for this passage?
A. Information Flood             B. Benefits of Data Flood
C. Harms of Data Flood           D. How to Use Data in a Right Way
60. From the passage we can infer that ________.
A. lots of data are lost because of hardware problems
B. online purchases are becoming more and more popular
C. credit cards are not so secure to use and will go out of use very soon
D. insurance firms have to investigate before they confirm their policyholders’ claims
61. Which of the following is the writer’s opinion about how to deal with the data flood?
A. Personal information should be used for public benefits.
B. The users should be given the right to access public information.
C. Companies should update their measures to guarantee their data safety.
D. Organizations should keep their resulting grade of security checks unknown to the public.
62. From the passage we can conclude that _________.
A. the data flood makes peoples’ life less convenient and more expensive
B. companies and insurance firms are responsible for the data flood
C. the information flood is more useful to organizations than to individuals
D. the information flood has both positive and negative influence on modern life
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I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law.
Let us take a  36 , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an)  37  were accepted; families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction of TV, they might   38  together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our  39  —everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of  40  illness —are caused at least in part by  41  to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to  42  our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.
On evenings when such talk is  43 , families could discover more active pastimes(消遣,娱乐. Freed from TV, forced to find their own activities, they might take a   44  together to watch the sunset  45  they might take a walk together.  46  free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment in  47  than in a TV program.  48  report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence,  49  at the college level.  50  is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
A different  51  of reading might also be done as it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the  52  ends, the TV net works might be forced to  53  with better shows in order to get us back from our newly discovered activities.
At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的. How will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years  54  television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can  55  childhoods without television. It wasn’t that difficult.
36.A.valuable   B.pleasant    C.quick D.serious
37.A.advice      B.suggestion C.opinion     D.Offer
38.A.get around       B.stand still  D.sit around
39.A.problems  B.trouble     C.affairs      D.Misfortune
40.A.physical    B.common   C.mental      D.familiar
41.A.attempt     B.failure      C.ability      D.permission
42.A.discuss   C.make sure D.see to
43.A.impossible       B.unnecessary      C.funny       D.unpleasant
44.A.walk B.look  C.ride
45.A.and   B.or     C.but    D.While
46.A.At    B.In     C.For   D.With
47.A.a fine poem     B.a good book     C.a quiet hour     D.a composition
48.A.Professors B.Scientists  C.Parents     D.Educators
49.A.yet    B.still   C.even  D.just
50.A.Writing    B.Skill  C.Speaking  D.Listening
51.A.form B.kind  C.method     D.step
52.A.reading     B.quiet hour C.activity     D.programme
53.A.come across     B.come about      C.come up   D.broadcast
54.A.before      B.since C.until  D.after
55.A.remind     B.remember C.recognize  D.Know
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