DThe cost of rice is expected to go up in the coming moths, as an improving glob

DThe cost of rice is expected to go up in the coming moths, as an improving glob


The cost of rice is expected to go up in the coming moths, as an improving global economy raises demand, and drought(旱灾) cuts production in countries such as India. Some economists say prices for rice, the main food for the world’s population, could be returning to levels that caused inflation(通货膨胀)fears in much of Asia last year.
Charuk Singhapreecha is dean of the faculty(系)of economics at Thailand’s Kasetsart University, Hesays prices-especially for Thai nice-are being pushed higher by new customers coming into the market after the economic slowdown of the past year. “They expect that the world demand will increase and we expect that the price of rice will increase next year,” Charuk said. “There are many new markets fro the Thai rice and also we still have for our old customers-China, some Arab countries-they will increase the demand.”
Prices on the global market could again near the record of $1,000 a ton set in the middle of 2008. This month, export prices for Southeast Asian rice have jumped from about $550 a ton to more than $650.
Vichai sriprasert, president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association, says further weakness in the US dollar and concerns over drought add to pressure on prices. Market experts say next year India is likely to try to import three million tons of rice-entering the world market for the first time in 21 years-because of a drought.
Vichai also warns that increasing demand for bio-fuels(生物燃料)from grain could reduce food crops, forcing the price of grains higher. “this is very serious. That’s why the price of rice will not go back to the level that we used to see,” Vichai said. “It will have to be raised at a higher level, but I don’t know where.”
The Philippines this week said it is cutting rice imports due to high prices, even though the country lost more than a million tons of grain to typhoons this year. officials from veetnam, a leading export competitor with Thailand, predict prices will reach about $800 a ton by the middle of 2010. This week the Philippines’ National Food Authority offered almost $665 a ton for 600,000 tons of Vietnamese rice.
Economists say higher food prices will only increase the problems faced by the region’s poor, who are highly dependent on rice as a staple food.
63.   Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 1?
A. Drought reduces production of rice in India.
B. Prices for rice were lower all the time in 2008.
C. Rice is a major food for the world’s population.
D. the improving global economy increases the need for rice.
64.   How many reasons did Vichai mention about rice price’s going up?
A.1.                  B.2.                 C.3.           D.4.
65.Why does the Philippines plan to cut rice imports?
A. Because of high prices.                      B. Because of typhoons.
C. Because of civil war.                        D. Because of drought.
66.What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Higher food prices will increase problems
B. There are many new markets for the Thai rice
C. The global economy is improving
D. Prices for rice are expected to rise

63-66 BCAD


The Heritage(遗产) at Risk programme aims to understand the overall state of England’s heritage by assessing each of its different elements. In particular we need to indentify those that are facing the greatest pressures and threats. We will use the information to work out how to reduce those pressures and in turn to calculate the resources needed to make our unique heritage of historic places safe.
You can search for sites on the register by entering a site name, location, street or educational block in the box below.
Conservation areas
A nationwide survey of conservation areas indicates that approximately 1 in 7 is at risk  from neglect(疏忽),decay(腐烂)or unpitying change.
Show your support for our campaign go save conservation areas from unavoidable decline and receive a free campaign pack by registering. There are some 9,300 conservation areas across England, meaning that we all live in or near to one or visit one regularly for work, shopping or rest. They are the element of England’s heritage that is all around us and which touches all of our lives. But until now no one had a clear idea what condition they were in.
The task of assessing condition and risk started with buildings. Following a survey of all grades of listed buildings in London, English Heritage published in 1991 the first annual register of those at risk there.
The success of this London work led to the national buildings at risk strategy in 1998, and publication of a register of buildings at risk covering all grade I and II listed buildings and structural scheduled monuments in the country, at risk and vulnerable(易受伤害的).
There are 1,600 entries on the current English heritage Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest. Sites at risk have typically been adversely(不利地) affected by development and neglect; often they have been changed by development and are faced with major change. Sometimes development beyond the boundary of a registered landscape can be just as harmful as construction within its boundaries; this is especially true that development would influence designed views that extend beyond the chosen site itself.
67.   The purpose of using the information to work out how to reduce pressures is to      .
A. assess each of English heritage’s different elements
B. identify those that are facing the greatest pressures and threats
C. calculate the resources needed to make heritage of historic sites safe
D. help you to search for sites at risk on the register
68. It can be inferred  from “Conservation areas” that conservation are as across England      .
A. are almost all at risk from neglect, decay or unpitying change
B. can be entered with a campaign pack free of charge
C. are in very close connection with our lives
D. are in whatever condition people are sure about
69. The text mainly talks about      .
A. English heritage at risk                      B. historic places of interest
C. English heritage register                     D. location of English heritage
70.According to the last paragraph, the bad effect development has on the sites at risk is that_____.
A. it has changed the sites at risk with no intention
B. it can sometimes cause harm beyond the registered boundaries
C. it would affect  the designed views instead of the chosen sites
D. it has neglected the local people of special historic interest
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very different.
Firstly, there are no lessons. All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachers, only “staff members”. The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway. “You do not need to say to a three-year-old, ‘Go explore your environment.’ You can’t stop them!” says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school. “But if you make children do what you want all day… they will lose all taste of learning.” At Sudbury Valley School, you will find children talking, reading, painting, cooking, working on computers, studying French, playing the piano, climbing trees, or just running around.Two boys spent three years just fishing!
The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote each—even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget (预算,经费), and even which staff they want and do not want anymore.
When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today. One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist.
56. What is the main idea of the article?
A. An unusual school.           B. Children’s hobbies.   
C. A school without teachers  D. Education in the US.
57. What does the school believe?
A. Teachers cannot teach children well.
B. Children learn best when they do what they want to do.
C. Learning is for adults—children should only play.
D. Children should only learn about one thing at a time.
58 What does Daniel Greenberg say about three-year-olds?
A. They love learning.         
B. They are very naughty.
C. They want to be outside all the time.      
D. They are too young to learn anything.
59. Who has the most power in the school meeting?
A. The older children have more power than the younger children.
B.A child has more power than an adult.
C. The younger children have more power than the older children.
D. Everybody has equal power.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The next great land area that man hopes to control is the moon. In size it is nearly equal to the area of North and South America. However, it presents a hostile (不友好的) environment. Temperatures range +120 to -150 degrees Centigrade (摄氏). There is no air, and no water.
Today there is considerable scientific speculation (思索) about living on the moon. When man will begin life on the moon surface is still not determined. But experts believe that settlement will take place in three steps. First, there will be increasing periods of exploration with temporary shelters (临时住所). These periods will be followed by longer stays with housing under the surface of the moon and daily necessities brought by the settlers themselves from the earth. Finally, settlements that are self-supporting will be founded.
The main job of the early settlers will be to stay alive. They will have to plant crops under huge domes (圆顶屋) to produce food and oxygen and find water sources. After this is done, the settlers will have time to explore the possibilities of commercial (商业的) development and to make discoveries important to science. The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human staying alive may make it ideal for certain kinds of manufacturing (制造业). Operations requiring a vacuum (真空) or extreme cold are examples. Therefore, industrial diamonds might be produced on the moon.
64. The area of the moon is _________.
A. about the same as that of North and South America
B. larger than that of North and South America
C. hardly equal to that of North and South America
D. far smaller than that of North and South America
65. According to this passage, the settlement of the moon ________.
A.will soon be realized
B.can be done under the moon surface
C.is being experimented by many scientists
D. sounds entirely impossible
66. To stay alive on the moon, the early settlers must first of all be able to ________.
A. develop commerce
B. get enough food, oxygen and water
C. make discoveries important
D. explore the possibilities of industrial development
67. Though the environment on the moon is bad for human staying alive, it is very good for ________.
A. making such things as industrial diamonds  
B. all kinds of manufactured goods
C. medical operations                     
D. commercial development  
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

What is in the drug that makes you sick or dead? For example, cocaine is harmful, but what makes it harmful?
I can’t tell you all about drugs, but I can ___36___ you think about them in this ____37____ way. Your body is a very complicated machine, ____38____ a lot of chemical machinery, all of which is finally turned ____39____ it all works together. Special chemicals, which we call drugs, can affect it in many different ways.
Some drugs are ____40____ when your body has a problem, as with disease—causing bacteria. Then someone may give you aspirin to keep your temperature from going too ____41____ or some penicillin (青霉素) ____42____ it stops the growth of some kinds of bacteria. ___43_____, all drugs are really poison, ____44_____ if you take too much, so you must always use them ____45____.
Why do some people take drugs like cocaine? For a little while they seem to make you feel better, or happier. But ____46____ their effects have ____47____, your body has to pay an extra ____48____ to get back to normal. That makes you want to get ____49____ of the drug.
Drugs like cocaine have their special effects because they act as ____50____ for your nervous system. They cut off some of your nerve pathways and take away some of your senses and your ____51___. They make you want always more. And just a little too much can even ____52____ nerves to your heart and stop its beating
Many of us worry about the ____53____ around us and what pollution does to us. How about your internal environment and what goes on ____54____ you? You control that all by yourself in what you put into your ____55_____. Most drugs are pollutants. You would not want pollutants in the air and water around you. Why would you want pollutants in your body?
36.  A.   make              B.   cause                    C.  help                 D.   let
37.  A.   funny             B.   different               C.  simple              D.   true
38.  A.   just                B.   really                   C.  especially         D.   sometimes
39.  A.   as if              B    even if                 C.  where              D.   so that
40.  A.   powerful        B.   helpful                 C.  painful             D.   helpless
41.  A.   high               B.   tall                       C.  much               D.   hot
42.  A.   when              B.   until                     C.  as                    D.   before
43.  A.   besides           B.   thus                     C.  however           D.   naturally
44.  A.   at most           B.   at least                 C.  at times            D.   at first
45.  A.   carefully         B.   easily                   C.  carelessly         D.   a lot
46.  A.   where             B.   before                  C.  after                D.   until
47.  A.   worked           B.   worn                    C.  appeared          D.   lost
48.  A.   number          B.   quantity                C.  amount            D.   price
49.  A.   Some more     B.   nothing                C.  a little              D.   a few
50.  A.   guards            B.   medicine              C.  chemicals         D.   poisons
51.  A.   worries           B.   happiness              C.  freedom           D.   pride
52.  A.   lead               B.   block                   C.  offer                D.   stick
53.  A.   places             B.   nature                  C.  people              D.   environment
54.  A.   inside             B.   around                 C.  outside             D.   next
55.  A.   heart              B.   head                     C.  body                D.   mind
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

III. Cloze test 完形填空 1’ * 20 = 20’
People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the  36  300 years, there were  37  many changes in  38  places that now people can  39  tell an English person  40  an American in the way he or she talks.
Many old words  41  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a
“faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are  42  heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in  43 . Americans often made up new words or changed old  44 . “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and  45  in England.
Also, over the last three centuries the English language  46  thousands of new words for things that weren’t known  47 . And often, American and English people used two  48  names for them. A tin can (洋铁罐头) is called “tin” for short in England, but a “can” in America. The word “radio” is  49  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do  50  cars, railroads, etc.  51  different names in British and American English.
But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One  52  is the large amount (数量) of American speech that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or  53  travelers.  54  this, Americans seem to be influencing (影响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be  55  on both sides of the Atlantic (大西洋).  
36.A. following     B. recent       C. oldest        D. last
37.A. such              B. too                C. so                 D. great
38.A. either            B. both               C. neither          D. two
39.A. hardly            B. difficulty        C. clearly          D. easily
40.A. with              B. from                C. to               D. and
41.A. disappeared   B. were disappeared   C. spoke   D. were spoken
42.A. not                B. hardly              C. yet             D. still
43.A. America         B. the two countries   C. England     D. British
44.A. word              B. forms              C. ones             D. ways
45.A. another           B. also planted     C. a plant        D. a kind of food
46.A. added          B. has added            C. discovered     D. has discovered
47.A. anywhere    B. in some countries  C. before     D. for centuries
48.A. new              B. short                 C. different      D. surprising
49.A. produced       B. made                 C. developed      D. used
50.A. to                B. away                 C. with             D. from
51.A. has              B. have                 C. has given       D. was given
52.A. thing           B. cause                C. reason           D. expression
53.A. from            B. through             C. on                D. by
54.A. For              B. Because             C. Besides         D. Because of
55.A. different         B. more different   C. the same         D. more useful
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