CANYOUIMAGINEHOWHARDITWOULDBETOREADSENTENCESLIKETHIS? The ancient Greeks wrote this way. The lack of punctuation marks(标点符号) probably didn’t bother good readers, though. As they read, they just put pauses where they fit best. Also at this time, sentences switched directions. A sentence read from left to right. The next one read right to left, and then left to right again, etc.
The ancient Romans sometimes punctuated like this: They·put·a·point·between·each·word·in·a·sentence. The word punctuation actually comes from this idea and the Latin word punctum, which means a prick(刺).
When the 5th century arrived, there were just two punctuation marks: spaces and points. The space separated words and while the points showed pauses in reading. Then in the 13th century, a printer named Aldus Manutius tried to standardize punctuation. He always used a period for a complete stop at the end of a sentence. He used a slash (/) to indicate a short pause. Over time, that slash was shortened and curled, and it became the modern comma.
Since that time, other marks have enlarged the punctuation family. The exclamation mark comes form the Latin word xt. It was originally formed by putting an upper-case(大写字母) I on the lower-case xt. The Latin word xt means “exclamation of joy.” The question mark originally started out as the Latin word question, meaning question. Eventually, scholars put it at the end of a sentence to show a question. Over time, it became a symbol formed by putting a lower-case q on an o.
Punctuation is still changing today. New marks are coming into existence, and old punctuation marks are used in new ways. Take for example, the “interrobang.” This 1962 invention combines the question mark and exclamation mark for times when writers want both. For example, “She did what‽” or “How much did you pay for that dress‽” Obviously, the interrobang is not widely used or recognized – yet. But its invention shows that English is not yet finished with its punctuation.
小题1:Which of the following is a comma?
A., B.:C. ;D.!
小题2:What’s the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of punctuation.
B.The introduction of punctuation.
C.The very beginning of punctuation.
D.The ancient Greek way of writing without punctuation.
小题3:Please put the following events in the order they happened.
a. The exclamation mark and question mark came into the punctuation family.
b. Comma came into existence.
c. Romans put a dot between words to separate words.
d. A period was used to end a sentence.
e. The “interrobang” was invented.
小题4:What is the most possible situation for “She did what‽”?
A.You are told she gave her baby boy a good beat.
B.You are wondering what she did to save the poor boy.
C.You want to know what she did for a living after fleeing to a foreign country.
D.You demand someone else tell you what in the world happened to her.
小题5: According to the article, we learn ________.
A.punctuation didn’t come into being until the 5th century. one can really tell what new marks we may have in the future.
C.the invention of “interrobang” is a failure since it is not widely used.
D.both the exclamation mark and the question mark come from Greek words.



People can enjoy visiting some major imperial temples (帝王庙宇) where emperors worshipped nature on various sacred days•
Temple of Moon (Yuetan)  
Built in 1530,the roughly 8 hectare Temple of Moon,or Yuetan Park,to west of the imperial city was the site of imperial sacrifices to the moon.
In the past decades, bushes and fruit trees have been planted here.In 1969,a 180 meter--all television broadcasting tower was erected in the park,taking up about one eighth of its total space•
Opening hours:6 am~9 pm
Location:6 Yuetan Beijie,Xicheng District.Buses to get there:15,19,823.
Temple of Earth (Ditan)
The Temple of Earth,or Ditan Park,near the North Second Ring Road,is where emperors prayed to the earth for favorable weather and national prosperity.Built during the Ming Dynasty in 1 530,it is the only existing place to worship the earth.
The surrounding areas have become an open space for people to engage in leisurely activities.Since the late 1980s,traditional temple fair have been held here regularly during the Chinese lunar new year.
Opening hours:6 am~9 pm
Location:A2 Di’anmenwai,Chaoyang District.Buses to get there: 104,108,116,or take the subway to get off at Yonghegong to go north.
Temple of Sun (Ritan)
The Temple of Sun,or Ritan Park,in eastern Beijing,is located near the Jianguomen area and adjacent(邻近的) embassy district.It is a short walk from the Yong"anli subway station on the Line 1.The altar (祭坛) was built in l530 as a place for emperors to make ritual sacrifices to the sun.
It features expansive gardens and a small lake.A mural (壁画)wall, the park’s main scenic attraction now,was a piece of artwork created about 20 years ago to draw more sightseers.The park is also known for its blossoming lotuses.
Opening hours:6 am~9 pm
Location:6 Ritan Beilu,Chaoyang District.Buses to get there:1,4,28,43,57.120.
小题1:What kind of people is the text mainly written for?
小题2:You can take a No.______ bus if you want to visit The Temple
of  Sun                    
小题3:If you want to worship the earth,you must go to _____.
A.Yuetan ParkB.Ditan ParkC.Ritan ParkD.Beilu Park
小题4:The purpose of building a mural wall in Ritan Park was to_____.
A.defend the parkB.prevent people from coming into the park
C.attract more sightseersD.make ritual sacrifices to the sun

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Everyday, 340 million people speak it. One billion people are learning it and it is said that by 2050, half of the world’s population will be using it. What are we talking about? That global language—English.
The English language started in Britain in the 5th century. It is a mixed language. It was built up when German. Scandinavian and French invaders settled in England and created a common language for communication.
Today it is the official language of the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Ireland as well as many islands in the Caribbean . Many other countries and regions use it for politics and business, for example, India. Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines. English is also one of the official languages of Hong Kong.
But global advertising and pop music mean that in most countries, you will see or hear some English. Thanks to McDonalds, we all know about "burgers". "fries" and "milkshakes". Songs by Madonna, Britney Spears and Celine Dion are in English. We can sing along, even if we do not understand what we are singing!
English is a messy (杂乱的) language. Every year, dictionaries include new words that talk about popular culture, for example, computer-related words such as "blogging", "download" and "chatroom". Also included are words that teenagers use. Who does not know "cool", "OK" and “hello” ?
Other languages also influence English. Many English words come from French. Words like "cafe" and expressions like "c"est la vie" (that is life) are all part of the English language. On the other hand, the French language includes English words like "le weekend" and "le camping". German words are also part of English. Words like "kindergarten" come from the German language.
Recently, British people have become interested in "yoga". But the word comes from an ancient Hindu language in India.
小题1:The English language has a history of  ______.
A.over 2000 yearsB.over 500 yearsC.over 1500 yearsD.over 1000 years
小题2:The underlined expression “thanks to ” can be replaced by ______.
A.because ofB.thankful toC.not if.
小题3:Which of the following statements is true about the language of English ?
A.It has been changing all the time.
B.It has borrowed words from all the other languages.
C.French words are used by the English because dictionaries have French words.
D.Singers and film stars have the greatest influence on language.
小题4: Many countries and regions use it for politics and business except______.
A.the USAB.NigeriaC.the PhilippinesD.Norway

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It was 1504,and Columbus was making another trip to the New World. Columbus and his men needed fresh water and food after three months at sea. They saw an island and went on shore. On the island there were unfriendly Indians who refused to give food to them. Columbus’ men were afraid of the Indians, but he had a clever plan. He used sign language to tell the Indians about his mysterious (神秘的) power to turn off the light in the sky. He knew about a lunar eclipse (月蚀) the next night because the information was in his almanac (天文历书). Columbus told the Indians, “ Tomorrow night I’ll turn off the light in the sky.” But they didn’t believe him . When the eclipse began the next night ,the Indians became very frightened . They begged Columbus to turn on the light again , and they quickly gave him all the food and water he wanted. Immediately Columbus and his men hurried back to the ship and sailed away in the moonless night.
小题1:Columbus and his men stopped at the island because_______________.
A.they wanted to meet the Indians there
B.they hoped to get supplies of food and water
C.they had never been on the island before
D.they had planned to visit it
小题2:The Indians ___________ Columbus and his men.
A.were glad to seeB.were kind to
C.welcomedD.were not kind to
小题3:Columbus ________ to tell the Indians that he had mysterious power.
A.used movements of hands and expressions in his face
B.spoke in the language of the Indians
C.drew a lot of signs
D.wrote in the language of the Indians
小题4:“The light in the sky ” here means __________.
A.the sunB.the moonC.the starsD.the daylight
小题5:The Indians gave Columbus food and water because they _________.
A.believed Columbus was a man with mysterious power
B.were interested in Columbus’ trip
C.wanted to help Columbus
D.were clever

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Coffee has a history dating back to at least the 9th century and has been a catalyst for social interaction across cultures and eras. Originally discovered in Ethiopia, coffee beans were brought into the Middle East by Arab traders, spreading to Egypt, Yemen, Persia, Turkey, and North Africa by the 15th century. Muslim merchants eventually brought the beans to the thriving port city of Venice, where they sold them to wealthy Italian buyers. Soon, the Dutch began importing and growing coffee in places like Java and Ceylon (largely through slave labor), and the British East India Trading Company was popularizing the beverage in England. Coffee spread across Europe and even reached America.
Where there has been coffee, there has been the coffeehouse. From the 15th century Middle Eastern establishments where men gathered to listen to music, play chess, and hear recitations from works of literature, to Paris" Cafe le Procope where luminaries of the French Enlightenment such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Diderot came to enjoy a hot cup of joe, coffeehouses have traditionally served as centers of social interaction, places where people can come to relax, chat, and exchange ideas.
The modern coffee shop is modeled on the espresso and pastry-centered Italian coffeehouses that arose with the establishment of Italian-American immigrant communities in major US cities such as New York City"s Little Italy and Greenwich Village, Boston"s North End, and San Francisco"s North Beach. New York coffee shops were often frequented by the Beats in the 1950"s. It wasn"t long before Seattle and other parts of the Pacific Northwest were developing coffee shops as part of a thriving counterculture scene. The Seattle-based Starbucks took this model and brought it into mainstream culture.
Although coffeehouses today continue to serve their traditional purpose as lively social hubs in many communities, they have noticeably adapted to the times. Rediscovering their purpose as centers of information exchange and communication, many coffee shops now provide their customers with internet access and newspapers. It has become extremely common to see someone sitting at a Starbucks listening to music or surfing the web on his or her laptop. Coffee stores today also maintain a fairly identifiable, yet unique aesthetic: wooden furniture and plush couches, paintings and murals drawn on walls, and soft-lighting combine to give coffee shops the cozy feeling of a home away from home.
Today, big business retail coffee shops are expanding quickly all over the world. Starbucks alone has stores in over 40 countries and plans to add more. Despite its popularity, Starbucks has been criticized and labeled by many as a blood-sucking corporate machine, driving smaller coffee shops out of business through unfair practices. This has even spawned an anti-corporate coffee counterculture, with those subscribing to this culture boycotting big business coffee chains. Increasingly popular coffee stores such as The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf are also giving Starbucks some stiff competition. In any case, it seems pretty clear that coffee has weaved itself into the fabric of our consumer-oriented culture.
小题1: Which of the following is the correct order of coffee spreading in history?
①Egypt         ②America   ③the Middle East   ④Netherlands   ⑤Venice
小题2:We can infer from the passage ________.
A.Starbucks has beaten all the competitors
B.there are no changes in the development of coffee culture
C.the taste of coffee has changed a lot
D.Starbucks has some effect on the development of coffee culture
小题3:The famous coffeehouse “Starbucks” originally come from _______.
小题4: Nowadays, if you come to a coffeehouse, you can _______. chess with other customers
B.enjoy delicious dishes from South America the internet a TV play

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The history of nomenclature (命名) in Britain is so old that no one knows the beginning of the story. Since written history began, people have had names. It is therefore impossible to do more than guess at how the earliest given names were chosen. Most names appear to have had some sort of original meaning, usually descriptive, rather than being simply a pleasing collection of sounds.
These descriptive names developed both from nouns and adjectives. The Irish Gaelic people  used descriptive nouns and adjectives which were meaningful. Early in prehistory some descriptive names began to be used again and again until they formed a name pool for that particular culture. Parents would choose names from the pool of existing names rather than invent new ones for their children.
With the rise of Christianity (基督教), Christians were encouraged to name their children after the holy people of the church. These early Christian names can be found in many cultures today, in various forms. The pool of names in use in England changed basically after the Norman came in 1066. Then French names of Germanic origin became popular within three generations. As a result names like Emma, Matilda, Richard, and William, became common in English nomenclature. At the same time a few Old English names, like Edward and Alfred remained because they were names of holy people or kings; others were kept because they were used with slight changes by Germanic names from the Normans like Robert.
Surnames developed from bynames, which are additional ones used to differentiate people with the same given name.  These bynames fall into particular patterns.  These started out as specific  to a person and were taken down from father to son between the twelfth and sixteenth century. The noble usually used taken-down surnames early or the peasants did so later.
小题1:We can infer from the text that    .
A.the first given names had not any actual meanings
B.people probably had names when there was no written language
C.the history of nomenclature is shorter than written history
D.names began to be used long after there was written language
小题2: The underlined word “they” (in Para.3) refers to “    ”.
A.Old English namesB.other names
C.names of Germanic originD.names of holy people
小题3:According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Robert is a Germanic name from the Normans.
B.Church didn’t encourage nomenclature used in the church.
C.Names like Emma and William were the most popular in 1066.
D.Names like Edward and Alfred were French names of Germanic origin.
小题4: Give the right order of surname development in history.
(a)People used bynames to differ people with the same given names.
(b)People chose given names from the pool of existing names.
(c)Bynames started out as specific to a person.
(d)Surnames became popular with common people.
(e)Surnames were taken down from father to son in noble families.
小题5: Which group of words can best describe the development of British nomenclature?
A.Additional, Particular and Various
B.Meaningful, Christian and Foreign
C.Descriptive, Meaningful and Germanic
D.Old English-styled, Christian and Original

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