阅读理解。     Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation,

阅读理解。     Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation,

阅读理解。     Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation, must begin with The Weather.
And in this spirit of observing traditional rule, I shall quote Dr Johnson"s famous comment that "When two
English meet, their first talk is of the weather", and point out that this observation is as accurate now as it
was over two hundred years ago.
     This, however, is the point at which most people either stop, or try, and fail, to come up with a convincing
explanation for the English "addiction" to the weather. They fail because their premise (前提) is mistaken: they
assume that our conversations about the weather are conversations about the weather. In other words, they
assume that we talk about the weather because we have a keen interest in the subject. Most of them then try to
figure out what it is about the English weather that is so fascinating.
     Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that the English weather is not at all fascinating, and that our "addiction"
to it is therefore very difficult to explain "To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is
that there is not very much of it. All those phenomena that elsewhere give nature an edge of excitement,
unpredictability and danger-tornados, monsoons, hailstorms-are almost wholly unknown in the British Isles."
     Jeremy Paxman takes offence at Bryson"s comments and argues that the English weather is truly fascinating: 
     Bryson misses the point, The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.., one of the
few things you can say about England with absolute certainty is that it has a lot of weather. It may not include
tropical cyclones but life at the edge of an ocean and the edge of a continent means you can never be entirely
sure what you"re going to get.
     My research has convinced me that both Bryson and Paxrnan are missing the point, which is that our
conversations about the weather are not really about the weather at all: English weather-speak is a form of code,
developed to help us overcome our natural reserve (含蓄) and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows, for
example, that "Nice day, isn"t it?", "Oh, isn"t it cold?"; and other variations on the theme are not requests for
weather data: they are greetings or conversation-starters. In other words, English weather-speak is a form of
"cleaning talk"- the human equivalent of what is known as"social cleaning" among our primate (灵长类的)
cousins, where they spend hours cleaning each other"s fur, even when they are perfectly clean, as a means of
social connection. 1. According to the author, most people"s explanations for the English love for weather talk are _____. A. scientific
B. incorrect
C. fascinating
D. accurate 2. As is stated in the passage, most people try to find out _____. A. why the English weather is so unique
B. whether the English enjoy their weather
C. why the English are so interested in the topic of weather
D. whether the English really talk about weather when they do so 3. In Bill Bryson"s opinion, the English "addiction" to their weather is _____. A. understandable
B. convincing
C. respectable
D. unreasonable 4. Disapproving of Bill Bryson"s opinion, Jeremy Paxman argues that _____. A. the English talk about their weather because it is unpredictable
B. the English don"t talk about weather as often as the outsiders think
C. the English weather can be as exciting as anywhere else"s
D. the English weather talk is merely a form of small talk 5. According to the author, English weather-speak is similar to primates" social cleaning in that they are
    both _____. A. ways of greeting
B. means of social connection
C. fascinating topics between people
D. phenomena difficult to understand to outsiders
阅读理解。                                                  Sightseeing Tours in Germany
      Germany has a variety of cities each with its own characteristics, from the busy city of Berlin, to the
ancient city of Cologne, to the Bavarian capital of Munich. Thankfully, these major German cities offer
sightseeing tours that offer the opportunity to better explore the surrounding regions and the country"s
most historic sites.
     Berlin on Bike
     Berlin on Bike takes visitors through the German capital via five bicycle tours, all with guides. Regular
tours include the Wall Tour and Berlin"s Best, with stops at some of the city"s most famous landmarks,
such as the Reichstag explores what life was like in East Berlin under Communist Rule. The cost of the
tour includes the bike and helmet rental, and tourists may choose to continue renting their bikes once the
tour has ended.
     Munich City Sightseeing Tour
     The Munich City Sightseeing Tour transports travelers throughout the city via an open-air,
double-decker bus. Passengers can hop on and off at various stops throughout the day. This tour
includes stops at such sites as the Munich central train station, the 1972 Olympic Stadium Park,
Munich"s opera house and Karlsplatz, the gate to the historic city. The bus features a narrated tour guide
and offers an English-language option.
     Nice City Tours- Cologne
     Nice City Tours offers three tours of Cologne, available to private or business groups in a variety of
languages. The old Town Tour runs for two hours and includes a guided tour of the Cologne Cathedral
and some of the city"s old squares. The Brewery Pub Tour explores some of the city"s most beloved
breweries and pubs, and details the history behind Kolsch, Cologne"s resident beer. Finally, the Old
Town and Rhine Tour begins by visiting some of old town"s most historic sites and ends with a ride down
the Rhine River.
     Nicecitytours.con/tours.htm1. The similarity of the three tours lies in that they all include_____.A. bus tours
B. English service  
C. three routes
D. guide"s service2. If you take a great interest in beer, which tour might be suitable for you?A. The Wall Tour  
B. The Brewery Pub Tour
C. The Old Town Tour            
D. The Munich City Sightseeing Tour3. Where can you probably see this passage?A. In a textbook.
B. On a website.
C. In an encyclopedia.
D. In a journal.
题型:黑龙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
号中词语的正确形式填空。      The Black Country is about 10 miles from Birmingham. It"s made up of four districts: Dudley, Walsall,
Sandwell, and Wolverhampton.
     Historically, it was famous for industry, which explains 1______ the area is called the Black Country. It
got its name during the industrial revolution, 2______ factory pollution turned the local skies black and coal
dust from the mines made the soil the same colour. Dudley, which is 3______ (probable) the heart of the
Black Country, has a history 4______ (date) back over 1 000 years, and its famous castle has been there 
5______ about the 8th century.
     People from the Black Country are very friendly. 6______ their local dialect, which comes from the old
"Middle English", can be very difficult to understand. I still remember taking 7______ visiting friend from
Canada to a local Black Country pub for lunch. 8______ the waitress could even finish describing the menu,
my friend looked at me with his eyebrows (眉毛) 9______ (raise). When I asked what he wanted to order,
he just shook his head in disbelief and asked if the waitress whom I 10______ (speak) to just now was
actually speaking English!
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It was about 11:15 pm on the passenger ship California. The night was freezing cold and the water was
filled with ice from the North Pole, making it difficult for the ship to sail on.
     In the radio room, operator Cyril Evans listened to the radio-talk between a nearby passenger ship and
the telegraph station on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Evans interrupted it and said, "We"re stopped
and surrounded by ice. Be careful as you pass through these waters." The radio operator on the nearby ship
replied, "I"m too busy to talk now. I have many messages to send to the telegraph station." Twenty minutes
later, as he turned off his radio and went to bed, Evans could still hear the ship sending its passengers"
     Earlier in the evening the California"s captain, Stanley Lord, had seen another ship approaching. It looked
about the size of his own, but attempts to contact the ship failed. It lay dark and mysterious about 10 miles
away. At 12:40 am there appeared a sudden flash of light just over the mystery ship. Captain Lord, thinking
the ship might need help, ordered his officers to signal the ship by lamp. There was no reply. Three more
rockets then exploded, none appeared to go higher than halfway up the mast of the mystery ship. Then at
about 2:00 am it turned and slipped into the darkness.
     In the light of the dawn there was no mystery ship, but 20 miles away was the scene of a great disaster.
Unfortunately, the mystery ship had stopped directly in front of the California, preventing people on board
from seeing clearly. If this ship had not been there, Captain Lord would have recognized that the rockets
were SOS rockets that came not from the mystery ship but from a more distant ship which the California
could not see. If Cyril Evans had kept his radio on for just 30 minutes more he would have heard SOS signals
coming from that distant ship he spoke with the night before. That ship was the Titanic which was sinking
fast, leaving 1 500 0f its passengers dead. It was April 14,1912. 1. From whose point of view is the story told? A. People on the Titanic.
B. People on the California.
C. People at the telegraph station.
D. People on Newfoundland. 2. Why were the rockets really fired? A. To celebrate the journey.
B. To signal for help.
C. To contact the Titanic.
D. To warn other ships. 3. What is the main function of the last paragraph of this passage? A. It shows how unlucky the Titanic was.
B. It describes how the Titanic sank.
C. It indicates that the people on the California were careless.
D. It lists how many people died in the disaster. 4. How many ships are mentioned in the passage? A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four. 5. From the passage we know that _____.A. the rockets were fired from the mystery ship
B. Cyril Evans went to bed earlier than usual that night
C. the Titanic started sinking at dawn the next day
D. the Titanic sent out many telegrams that night
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The English language is changing fast,thanks to the rapid progress of technology. We all have a rapid
choice:We can either bury our heads in the sand and spend the rest of our lives wishing Shakespeare were
alive and well. Or we can embrace (拥抱) the new English,enter into the spirit of the Internet age called
     "You can"t keep away from it, for the simple reason that whenever a new variety of language comes
along,it inevitably (不可避免地) influence the language as a whole." Says Dr David Crystal, honorary
professor of linguistics (语言学家) at the University of Wales in Bangor, whose book "Language and the
Internet" has just been published.
     The trouble with keeping up with the new English is not so much that there are so many new words
but that the old words no longer mean what we thought they did. In the past, if someone said they did
not have Windows,you would have to suppose they lived in a cave. These days, it is probably because
they use a Mac (which is a computer, not a rain coat). Spam is as disliked as it ever was, but whereas
it once meant an unappetizing (引不起食欲的) canned meat. It now stands for unwanted "junk" email.
Spellings are changing, too. Not only is text-messaging playing "hvc with vrbs" (havoc (混乱) with
verbs), but the conventions (常规) of email communication place little emphasis on "perfect speaking".
     Weblish loves to see nouns happily become verbs ("please bookmark this site"), and verbs become
nouns ("Send me the download"). Verbs and prepositions are regularly thrown together to become new
nouns or adjectives(dial-up, logon, print-on, pull-down, upload), while others are created from simply
pairing nouns: cyberspace, emit Internet, hyperlink, metatag, netspeak. 1. The best title of this passage would be _____. A. Technology and English
B. Newly invented English Words
C. Keep Up with the Latest Weblish
D. Keep Up with the Latest Development in 2. We can infer from the first paragraph that _____. A. all people welcome weblish English
B. weblish causes fear among people
C. some people wish Shakespeare were still alive
D. people may have different opinions towards weblish 3. The author thinks the main difficulty for people in keeping up with weblish is that _____. A. there are so many new words
B. old words take on new meanings
C. the technology is changing too fast
D. weblish words are full of spelling mistakes 4. Dr. David Crystal would probably agree that _____. A. people should not accept weblish
B. weblish will destroy the English language
C. people should know something about weblish
D. weblish can cause misunderstandings among people
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The Lego Group had a very low beginning in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter (木匠)
from Denmark. Christiansen began creating wooden toys in 1932. Two years later, he came upon the Lego
name by putting together the first two letters of the Danish words Leg and God, which mean "play well."
The name could be interpreted as "I put together" in Latin; it is also similar to the Greek verb meaning
"gather" or "pick up".
     In 1947, the company enlarged to making plastic toys. At first, the use of plastic for toy production
was not highly regarded by salesmen and consumers of the time. Many of the Lego Group"s shipments
were returned, following poor sales. However, Christiansen"s son, Gottfried Kirk Christiansen, saw the
great potential (潜能) in Lego bricks to become a system for creative play-As the junior managing director
of the Lego Group, he spent years trying to improve the "locking" ability of the bricks and made the bricks
more versatile (多用途). In 1958, the modem interlocking brick design was finally developed and patented
     Today Lego is sold in more than 130 countries. Every minute 33,824 Lego bricks are made, and kids
around the world spend 5 billion hours a year playing with Lego. There will be more than 400 million
people playing with Lego bricks this year. On average, every person in the world owns 62 Lego bricks,
and about seven Lego sets are sold every second.
     This year Lego fans all over the world are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the tiny building blocks.
Though already 50 years old, Lego is still the same product it was in the 1950s.
     Bricks bought then are still compatible (兼容的) with present bricks and that is probably the reason
the toy has never fallen out of favor. 1. Which of the following is true about the name Lego? A. It is a combination of Greek and Latin words.
B. It was created by Ole Kirk Christiansen"s son.
C. It was created in 1947 for naming the plastic toys.
D. It came from Danish words meaning "play" and "well." 2. When did the Lego brick become as a creative form of toy? A. 1958.
B. 1947.
C. 1934.
D. 1932. 3. Which of the following is true in describing the popularity of Lego? A. More than 5 billion people in the world own Lego sets.
B. Children spend an average of 62 dollars on Lego bricks each year.
C. People in the world spend 400 million hours playing with Lego every year.
D. The Lego Group now produces more than 30 thousand toy bricks every minute.4. What is most likely the reason why Lego still remains popular? A. Old Lego bricks may still be connected to new ones.
B. The company hasn"t changed its name since 1 947.
C. The material for the bricks has proved to be safe.
D. The price of the toy is relatively, reasonable.
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