完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 It was to be our

完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 It was to be our

完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
It was to be our second Christmas in Germany and we decided to avoid the naked tree problem the year before. We wrote to my father, and he  1 to purchase a tree for us in States. He would ship it to us in several smaller  2 .
Two days before Christmas we were in a   3 .All the boxes had arrived except for one. The tree trunk and stand were still  4 .We decided to wait one more day.
  5 , in Bremerhaven, a young mail clerk  6 a long thin box under a counter. He picked it up and saw the customs tag(标签)which  7 “artificial(人造的)Christmas tree trunk and stand”. He realized that someone in Mannheim would be  8 a tree for Christmas. He felt  9for them, but there wasn’t much he could do. There was no  10 on Christmas.
He put the package on the  11 shelf and headed for the coffee bar. The place was 12 and he ended up sharing a table. Two men were speaking and the clerk  13 that one of his companions at the table was stationed in Mannheim. He had just picked up the  14 he had shipped from the States and was driving back that afternoon. The clerk thought of the 15 and said to the man,“You could really  16 Santa for someone in Mannheim tonight if you’d like to.”He explained about the lost tree trunk and stand. The man agreed.
The following day, my husband was reaching for his coat  17 the doorbell rang. There stood a  18 holding a long thin carton, our tree trunk and stand. He explained about the clerk and the coffee bar meeting. We invited him in,  19 it was Christmas Eve and he left in a hurry.
The next day as we celebrated the Christmas with the beautiful tree, I whispered:“Bless those two strangers who  20 our Christmas with their kindness.”
A.hid B.forgotC.coveredD.found



小题1:根据后文He would ship it to us可知,作者的父亲是同意给他买一个圣诞树,故选A. refuse拒绝  fail失败
小题2:从后文All the boxes had arrived except for one.可以知道是小盒子,故选C.
小题3:从后文所以的都到了,唯独这一个没有到,离圣诞节只有两天了,所以大家都很着急,in a panic处于着急,恐慌中,故选D.
小题4:A.broken 破坏 B.separated分开 C.unknown 不知道 D.missing丢失从后文We decided to wait one more day.可知,树干和支撑架肯定是丢失了,还没有送到,故选D.
小题5:事情应该是同时发生,讲述的是在Bremerhaven,一个邮递员的生活情景,故选A. Therefore因此  Afterward之后
小题6:A.hid 躲藏B.forgot忘记 C.covered覆盖 D.found 句意:发现一个年轻的邮寄员发现了一个盒子,故选D
小题8:根据句意,他知道在Mannheim 会有人没有圣诞树了,故选D
小题9:A.sure确定B.happy快乐的 C.painful痛苦的  D.sorry遗憾的,抱歉的,句意:他对他们表示很遗憾,故选D
小题10:A.passage文章 B.message信息 C.delivery运输  D.labor劳动 根据句意来看,他无能为力是因为在圣诞节假期没有运输服务提供了,故选C
小题11:A.safe安全的 B.high高的  C.proper合适的 D.secret秘密的,从句意看,他应该是放在了一个合适的架子上,故选C
小题12:从后文he ended up sharing a table.他不得不和别人共用一个桌子,可知人很多,故选D
小题13:A.supposed假设 B.discovered发现C.expected 期望D.wondered想知道,根据句意,邮递员发现桌子旁边的一个同伴正准备回Mannheim,故选B
小题15:从后文He explained about the lost tree trunk and stand. The man agreed.可知,他想起了那个包裹,所以他让这个人帮一个忙,将包裹送Mannheim.故选C
小题16:A.become成为 B.play 充当,扮演 C.pretend假装 D.assist援助,根据句意,他可以扮演一回圣诞老人,故选B
小题17:根据句意,第二天,我丈夫正在取衣服时,突然门铃响了,be doing sth…when正在做某事时,突然…故选D
小题18:A.postman邮递员 B.santa圣诞老人C.stranger陌生人D.driver司机,根据上下文,他见到应该是陌生人,所以选C
小题19:从上下文it was Christmas Eve and he left in a hurry.可知他很快就走了,所以他并没有进屋休息,转折关系,故选A
小题20:A.celebrated庆祝 B.decorated装饰  C.confirmed确认                D.brightened点亮 根据句意,作者感激那两个陌生人,为自己家点亮了圣诞树,也点亮了圣诞节,故选D
If you don’t want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents secret, according to a British market research document released last week.
Researchers peered (凝视) into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and compared the contents with the owners’ lifestyles. They claim to be able to classify the nation’s people by fridge contents.
They say those people can be separated into five categories:nutrition nerds (no social sense), food faddiest (whatever’s in style), martyr mums, fast food fanatics and restaurant regulars.
Nutrition nerds care much about what they put into their bodies. Their fridges are stocked with fruit, vegetables and healthy meat.
People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or accountancy. The vast majority is single, but if they have a partner, that person will be similar.
A fridge full of vitamins — enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion. They tend not to eat the foods they buy. Known as the food faddiest, they just want to be seen as purchasing the latest important things.
A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the martyr mum. Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want. This fridge hints at difficulty balancing family and work life.
Fast food fanatics always buy mineral water or soda pop. The nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce. Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard, also, someone who is not into long term planning.
Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life. The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants.
小题1:What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
A.Some researchers are fond of staring at other people’s fridges.
B.People don’t want others to know about their secrets.
C.The food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personality.
D.There are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people.
小题2:According to the passage, people who belong to food faddiest_________.  
A.don’t care much about money when buying things
B.will try their best to stay healthy
C.often stay up late to finish their job
D.prefer to ask others about what to do next
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.“Nutrition nerds” are always organized and successful in their jobs.
B.“Food faddists” like to stock their fridges with all kinds of vitamins.
C.“Martyr mums” care themselves more than others.
D.“Fast food fanatics” usually do not stock their fridges with fresh fruit.
小题4:What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?
A.All kinds of food they like.
B.Only something to drink.
C.Fruit, vegetables and meat.
D.Food rich in vitamins.
小题5:What is this passage mainly about?
A.What people store in their fridges.
B.Fridge contents and its owner’s secret.
C.What we should store in our fridges.
D.How to keep our fridge contents secret.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season.
“Seventy-six percent of consumers who plan to buy holiday gifts say that they will spend money or buy at least one technology product; definitely a solid vote of confidence for technology.”
Steve Koenig is with the Consumer Electronics Association. He says the group’s latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products. “Here in 2012, $252 on average——the technology spend for consumers this year.
From tablet computers to smart phones, American shoppers have been lining up to get the newest and coolest electronic devices on the market. There are more choices today than ever before. "It"s kind of hard to make a decision."
Tablet computers are one of the best-selling products this year. Brian Tong is Senior Editor of CNET.com. The website reports on tech news and examines the latest electronic products. He says the Apple iPad Mini is one of the most popular tablets. Its starting price is $329. One of Apple’s biggest competitors is the Google Nexus 7. It starts at $199.
Its hardware is more powerful than what’s in the iPad Mini, but also it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple’s maps.
But Brian Tong says there is one reason why people may like the iPad Mini more than the Nexus 7. “If you just want to read books and surf the Internet, you don’t really need to get an iPad Mini, but if you want the largest robust group of apps (应用软件) that’s where the iPad and Apple’s ecosystem shines the most.”
Elman Chacon is with the electronics store Best Buy. He says another hot product this season is smart cameras. They connect to the Internet through WiFi. This makes it easy for users to email or upload photographs directly from the camera.
“You can literally take a picture and upload it into your Facebook in a matter of seconds. These things are pretty cool because they do a lot of things.”
Streaming media boxes also connect to the Internet. People are able to watch web content such as movies and YouTube videos on their televisions. Another popular item is wireless speaker systems. The newest ones work with any device that has Bluetooth technology, including smart phones, laptops and tablets.
小题1:What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Every technology product costs an average of $252.
B.Consumers are spending $252 more on technology products than last year.
C.Consumers should spend $252 on their technology products.
D.It is estimated that $252 on average might be spent on electronics by consumers in 2012.
小题2:According to Brian Tong, why may people prefer the iPad Mini to the Google Nexus 7?
A.Because it is cheaper.
B.Because it has more functions.
C.Because you can read books and surf the Internet with it.
D.Because it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple’s maps.
小题3:What does “Its hardware” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A.The hardware of tablet computers.
B.The hardware of the Apple iPad.
C.The hardware of the Google Nexus 7.
D.The hardware of the iPad Mini.
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.People will spend most of their money on electronics.
B.Photos can be uploaded from the camera when connected to a computer.
C.A streaming media box is a box which can contain CDs.
D.Most people would like to buy electronics as gifts.
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Electronics: People’s Most Favorite Gifts this year
B.Which is More Popular, the Apple iPad Mini or the Google Nexus 7?
C.Latest Technology Products
D.More Electronics to Choose from

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Beach volleyball is one of those sports that can be an exciting game to play and watch, or, can just be about some friends getting together to have a great time. It’s really easy, and all you need is sand, a net and a group of people, of any age or fitness level, who want to have fun.
Beach volleyball can be played with as few as two people on each team, making a total of four people. However, if you are less skilled and experienced in the game, it will be easier to play with a larger team. The more players you have, the less ground each person will be responsible(负责)for covering and the more time they will have to recover in between shots. If you only have a few players, each of you will get quite a workout running for the ball after each volley. If you are looking for that relaxing, fun, low-key experience, choose larger teams.
Beach volleyball is similar(相似)to regular volleyball in its rules. However, even experienced volleyball players do not realize how much more difficult it is to run and jump on sand. Since it is harder to move quickly on sand than a hard ground, play will be much slower than regular volleyball on a playground. When a player trains for beach volleyball, he will focus(专注)on building lower body strength as well as upper body. While he needs to be able to hit the ball with a great deal of power and accuracy(准确性), strengthening his legs is extremely important.
Whether you are in it for the competition, or just to have a great time with your friends, beach volleyball can be very exciting and fun. You may even start out with friends and fall in love with the sport.
小题1:When you join a large beach volleyball team, you’ll_________.
A.have as many shots as possibleB.improve your volleyball skills
C.be responsible for more groundD.feel light-hearted(轻松)while playing
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You can hit the ball with much less power when playing beach volleyball.
B.The playground size of beach volleyball is much larger than that of regular volleyball.
C.You can run more quickly when you are playing regular volleyball.
D.The rules of beach volleyball are totally different from those of regular volleyball.
小题3:What does the writer think of beach volleyball?
A.It is a difficult sport to learn.
B.It is a very exciting and interesting sport.
C.It is a sport which needs less power.
D.It is a sport which needs more skills.
小题4:Why is it much slower to play beach volley ball than regular volleyball?  Because _________.
A.it is not an easy job to move on sand
B.it is a workout running for the ball
C.it is usually a larger team
D.the beach volleyball is heavier
小题5:The passage mainly tells us _________.
A.the game of beach volleyball
B.how to become an excellent volleyball player
C.why beach volleyball is one of exciting sports
D.what we should pay attention to when playing beach volleyball

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My wife called,“will you come here and make your darling daughter eat her food ?I rushed to the scene. My only daughter,Sindu ,frightened. In front of her was a bowl filled with rice. She  2 disliked rice .
“Sindu ,why don’t you take a few 3of this ? Just for Dad ’sake . If don’t ,your mom will shout at me .”Sindu softened a bit and 4 her tears with the back of her hands.“OK,Dad.I will eat .But you should ……”Sindu hesitated.“Dad ,if I eat the rice ,will you give 5 I ask for ?”“Oh,sure .”She 6 eating the whole quantity . After the ordeal was through ,Sindu came to me ,“Dad ,I want to have my  7 shaved off this Sunday !
“Darling ,we will be sad  8 you with a clean-shaved head .”“Dad ,you saw how difficult it was to eat the rice .”Sindu was in tears.“ 9 you promised to give me whatever I ask for.”
It was  10 for me to call the shots .“Our promise must be  11 .”
With her head clean-shaven ,Sindu had a round face .On Monday morning , I dropped her at her  12 .Just then , a boy  shouted ,Sindu please wait for me !13  struck me was the hairless head of that boy .
“Sir , your daughter Sindu is great  14 .”a lady said to me ,“That boy who is walking along with your daughter is my son Harish .He is 15 from leukemia(白血病). He lost all his hair due to the side  16 of the chemotherapy(化疗).He refused to  17 to school for fear of being laughed at . Sindu visited him last week , and promised him that she will take care of the teasing issue. But , I  18 imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of  19 ” .
“My little angel , you are teaching me  20 selfless real love is !” I wept.
A.in factB.for exampleC.indeedD.really
A.sufferingB.separating C.judgingD.affecting
A.come backB.turn backC.pay backD.date back
A.your daughterB.my sonC.meD.you

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It is said that there are about 40,000 different kinds of jobs in the world. 小题1:“Finding a job ”is not the same as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job which they are not suitable for . 小题2: Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.
First , it is important to realize what kind of person you are, which special qualities make you different from everyone else and what you are interested in . 小题3:If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, this is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse instead of a big dog, that is a skill.
Then ask yourself this question: in the following three areas----skills with people, skills with  information and skills with things-----which are your best skills?
After examining your skills, the next step is research. To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers. 小题4:
Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! 小题5:
A.It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing.
B.Choosing the right one itself is a difficult job.
C.We must know what our ideal jobs are.
D.There is a difference between an interest and a skill
E. Ask your friends about the work they they do.
F. “Chance” may play a more important part than “decision”.
G. Your parents may also give you some useful advice.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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