阅读理解。     I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and l

阅读理解。     I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and l

阅读理解。     I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards
from the job. I also think my work is important. There was a time when I thought I would never have that
sort of career (职业).
     I wasn"t an excellent student because I didn"t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking
what I might do and found I didn"t have much to offer. I just accepted that I wasn"t the type to have a
      I  then found myself a job, looking after two little girls. It wasn"t too bad at first. But the problems
began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the
evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she"d give me time off the next. But
unfortunately, it didn"t often work out. I was getting extremely tired and fed up, because I had too many
late nights and early mornings with the children.
     One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me. I
told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification (资格证书) if
I wanted to work with children. I didn"t think I would be accepted because I didn"t take many exams in
school. She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience
counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work
helping out at a kindergarten.
     Now I"ve got a full-time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier
that you could have a career, even if you aren"t top of the class at school.1. When staying with the two girls" family, the author ________.A. was paid for extra work            
B. often worked long hours
C. got much help from her boss        
D. took a day off every other week2. Why did the author leave her first job?A. She found a full-time job.              
B. She was fed up with children.
C. She decided to attend a part-time course.  
D. She needed a rest after working extra hours.3. What has the author learned from her own experiences?A. Less successful students can still have a career.  
B. Qualifications are necessary for a career.
C. Hard work makes an excellent student.        
D. One must choose the job she likes.
1-3: BCA
阅读理解。     Children, especially boys, tend to idealize their fathers when they are young. Every little boy wants to
grow up to be just like his father, and every little girl thinks her father is the smartest man on the earth. It"s
not very easy to be a good father, but it"s not that difficult either. Children will truly enjoy spending time
with their fathers, not just when they are kids, but even when they are adults.
     Not all children communicate well with their fathers. Communication is often left to mothers, while
fathers dispense advice as and when necessary. Don"t expect all conversations to centre around the
dinner table. Go to your children"s bedrooms and talk to them about school, their teachers or their friends. Remember that the conversation cannot be one-sided. When your children open up to you, you also need
to open up to them.
     If your children come home from school feeling upset, go up to them and ask them what is the matter. And if it is something which seems to you to be a silly reason to be upset, don"t voice your opinion. It
may be silly to you, but to your children it is important enough. So don"t wave the topic away by telling
them not to bother about such stupid things. Simply discussing their problems with them will help them
feel better.
     Don"t shy away from having discussions about your teenage children"s love lives. Generally speaking,
your children are definitely not going to discuss intimate details with you. Try to let them know that you
are relaxed about topics on love. Tell your children how you met your wife. It is perfectly normal for
children to go through feelings for the opposite sex as they grow up, and by keeping the topic closed for
discussion, you are only shutting them off from discussing their feelings with you. All they will do is turn to
their friends.1. To children their fathers are usually very _____.A. kind    
B. great    
C. serious      
D.  strong2. From the second paragraph we can know that _____.A. some children don"t like their fathers at all
B. talking with children around the dinner table is unnecessary
C. it is better for fathers to communicate more with their children
D. mothers should communicate less with their children.3. Suppose your children are worried about something you should _____.A. have a talk with them                
B. express your opinion
C. keep silent                  
D. let them alone4. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word "intimate" in Paragraph 4?A. Public    
B. Personal    
C. Strange    
D. Serious
题型:黑龙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中的两项为多途选项。     Swimming cycling, jogging, skiing, dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help your
heart.   1   . Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise
adds up to having a healthier heart. Here are some tips for exercise success.
     ☆Choose activities that are fun and add variety. Develop several activities that you can
enjoy.   2  
     ☆Wear comfortable, properly fitted shoes and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing appropriate for the
weather and the activity.
     ☆Find a convenient time and place to do activities.   3  . If you miss an exercise opportunity, work
activity into your day another way.
     ☆Use music to keep yourself entertained.
     ☆  4   Decide what kind of support you need. Do you want them to remind you to exercise?
Exercise with you regularly or occasionally? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise?Spend
time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine? Share
your activity time with others. Ask your family members, friends or co-workers for help.
     ☆Don"t overdo it, especially at first. You can slowly increase the time and intensity (强度) of your
activities as you become more fit.   5  
     ☆Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at times. Nothing will inspire you more than
success!A. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible.
B. They all cause you to feel warm and breathe heavily without being out of breath.
C. Be an active role model for your children.
D. That way, exercise will never seem boring.
E. If you are overweight or have a high risk of heart disease, see your doctor for medical advice before exercising.
F. Surround yourself with supportive people.
G. Gradually, work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30-60 minutes.
题型:黑龙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Aron Presley was born on 8 January 1935 in Tupelo. His talent in
singing did not come up as a surprise, as he had a good voice right from his childhood. When Elvis was
ten years old, he participated in a Talent Contest at Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show and won
a prize for the song he sang.
     When Elvis was 13 years old, his family moved to Tennessee. To support himself and his father, Elvis
took on a job as a truck driver. A disc containing two ballads (民歌) that Elvis had recorded for his
mother as a birthday gift was first heard by Sun Studio"s president Sam Phillips. After listening to Elvis,
Sam made Elvis an offer and that was the birth of a new singing sensation (鼓动的人物); a new
superstar was born. In 1954 his first record was released from Sun Studio.
     In 1955, Elvis singed a $35,000 recording contract with RCA Victor (through Thomas Parker), who
promised to help in projecting Elvis Presley (a Local Star) as a National Level Star. As promised, Elvis
was shown in newspapers, television appearances, photographs where he was claimed to be the next
superstar of the music world.
     In 1956, his first performance with "Heartbreak Hotel" on The Milton Berle Show successfully put
Elvis on the top list of the superstars and the nationwide "Elvis Craze" was started. Elvis became the
prince who ruled hearts of his millions of fans.
     In 1960, he quit performing in concerts and concentrated in making movies. As his first movie Love
Me Tender was a big hit, he had no problem in marking his comeback in movies.
After making several very successful and hit movies, Elvis returned to the world of music. In 1968, Elvis
once again started working with his old band and gave some more smashing (极好的) hits to the world.
In 1972, he released his last top-ten single Burning Love.
     It"s nearly impossible to measure the level of popularity he had reached in his career. Elvis Presley
had more than 100 records on the billboard charts and out of which, about 18 records were on number
one position on the charts. During his lifetime, he worked in about 31 movies; all of them were huge
success.1. What is the main idea of the text?A. Elvis" great contribution to music.
B. How Elvis became the king of rock and roll.
C. Famous records that Elvis released in his lifetime.
D. An introduction to Elvis" life and his achievements. 2. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Elvis was not as popular as before after stopping performing in concerts.
B. RCA Victor assisted Elvis in making his first movie a big hit.
C. Elvis" performance with "Heartbreak Hotel" started the "Elvis Craze".
D. Elvis had over 100 records on number one position on the charts. 3. The text is organized in the pattern of _______.A. time and events
B. comparison and contrast
C. cause and effect
D. definition and classification
题型:山西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                   The seven Cs of a good letter
     What is the secret of writing a good letter? Here are two main ones. Don"t try to be fancy. Don"t try to
impress your reader. You will be successful if you follow these seven Cs.
     Clear. Use short, direct sentences.   1   Talk as if the reader were right there with you. Above all, don"t use an introduction.
     Correct.   2   Don"t guess, even for spelling. Refer to your dictionary. If you need to, check a reference book too. Use them as much as you need to.
     Complete. Don"t scatter your points.    3   This is good organization too.
     Courteous. Be friendly rather than overly casual. Present your information nicely even if you are
complaining about something. In all letters, treat others as you want them to treat you.
     Concise. Make each point as clearly and briefly as you can.
     Conversational. This is really the secret of good writing,   4  Such a letter has a natural, friendly tone.
Let your personality come through naturally.
     Considerate.  5   Write about what you believe the reader needs or wants to know. Try to be helpful.
This will build good feeling toward you.
     The seven Cs are about writing letters. But how about school papers? Use the seven Cs. Write as if
you are talking to your teacher or professor. You"ll be surprised. You"ll almost instantly become a good
writer. And you might even enjoy writing from now on.A. Just "talk" to the person.
B. Think of the readers"point of view as you write.
C. Make them easy to understand.
D. Include long sentences in your letter.
E. Make sure what you say is correct.
F. Writing should not be taken too seriously.
G. Finish one point completely before going on to the next.
题型:山西省月考题难度:| 查看答案

                                                              Joy in the Journey
     If you have ever been discouraged because of failure, please read on. For often, achieving what you
set out to do is not the important thing. Let me   1   .
     Two brothers decided to  2   a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to   3   .
     "What are you doing?" asked one of the visitors.
     "We plan to dig a hole all the way through the  4   !" one of the brothers volunteered   5   .
     The older boys began to  6  , telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth
was  7   . After a long silence, one of the   8    picked up a jar full of spiders,   9   and many other kinds
of insects. He   10   the lid and showed the wonderful   11  to the scoffing (嘲笑的) visitors. Then he
said quietly and confidently, "Even if we don"t dig all the way through the earth, look at what we have
found   12   the way!"
     Their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to dig. And that is    13  a goal is for - to cause
us to move in the direction we have chosen,   14   , to set us digging!
     But not every goal will be fully   15   . Not every job will end   16  . Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every dream will be   17   . But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, "Yes,   18    look at what I"ve found along the way! Look at the wonderful things   19  my life
because I tried to do something!" It is in the digging that life is lived. And I believe it is the joy in the
journey, in the end, that truly  20   .

(     )1. A. say    
(     )2. A. find    
(     )3. A. rest    
(     )4. A. house  
(     )5. A. calmly    
(     )6. A. laugh  
(     )7. A. important
(     )8. A. passers-by
(     )9. A. worms    
(     )10. A. moved    
(     )11. A. contents
(     )12. A. in  
(     )13. A. what  
(     )14. A. other than
(     )15. A. made  
(     )16. A. hopelessly
(     )17. A. come true
(     )18. A. and    
(     )19. A. breaking into
(     )20. A. matters   B. explain  
B. fill   
B. work  
B. earth  
B. patiently  
B. think  
B. difficult
B. watchers
B. rabbits  
B. removed  
B. scenes  
B. along  
B. how    
B. in other words
B. prepared
B. pleasantly
B. realized
B. or    
B. turning to
B. happens               C. think
C. dig  
C. laugh
C. wall  
C. excitedly
C. stare
C. impossible
C. visitors
C. wolves  
C. broke
C. pictures
C. to    
C. where  
C. rather than
C. produced
C. surprisingly
C. made  
C. but  
C. coming into  
C. appearsD. study          
D. search          
D. watch          
D. road            
D. impatiently    
D. smile          
D. interesting    
D. diggers        
D. flies          
D. pushed          
D. jars            
D. out            
D. which          
D. instead        
D. achieved        
D. successfully    
D. predicted      
D. so              
D. holding to   
D. proves        
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