阅读理解。     At one time or another most farmers have problems with mice. This is e

阅读理解。     At one time or another most farmers have problems with mice. This is e

阅读理解。     At one time or another most farmers have problems with mice. This is especially true for grain farmers.
Mice eat a lot of grain. They also carry diseases (疾病) ,which people can get from eating or touching grain
the mice have made dirty. Farmers can use special grain storage buildings or they can kill the mice. However,
both methods can be costly. Farmers must buy materials to build the special grain storage buildings or
chemical poisons to kill the mice.
     Here is a way to kill mice without spending a lot of money. It is a simple but effective kind of mouse trap.
The method is first used by some farmers in the west African country of Mali. An agricultural expert in Mali
reported about the Mali mouse trap in a magazine. The expert reported that his gardener caught 150 mice in
just one night. The gardener used four traps. The trap is easy to make. First, remove the top from a 20 liter
metal or plastic container (容器). Put it in a hole in the ground. The top edge of the container should be the
level with the surface of the ground. Fill the container with water to within eight centimeters of the top. Add
tiny pieces of grain wastes. They should float on the water. Also put some wastes on the ground near the trap.
During the night, mice will come out to eat the grain wastes. They will fall into the container and drown.
Replace the food in the trap every night. 1. According to the passage,  _____ used the mouse trap first.A. an agricultural expert in the west Africa
B. farmers in the United States
C. an American gardener
D. farmers in Mali 2. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. A simple and effective method used by farmers to kill mice.
B. Methods used by farmers to kill mice.
C. Farmers have problems with mice.
D. How to kill mice. 3. Which of the following can"t protect grain from being eaten by mice? A. A special grain storage building.
B. Chemical poisons.
C. A mouse trap.
D. A hole in the ground. 4. Which is probably the trap mentioned in the passage?
1-4:  DADB
阅读理解 。     What do you do if you suddenly have the chance to visit Australia for the first time but only have one day
to spend there? Why not just stay in Sydney, I advise. You"ll find you can do a lot in Australia from there. And
here"s how:
     Wander along the South Circular Quay and chances are you"ll come across an Aboriginal (土著居民) or
two playing a didgeridoo (迪吉里杜管) But there"s not much left of the Aboriginal heritage (遗产) in Sydney.
It"s a deep wound which even now remains very painful. A more exciting way to experience Aboriginal culture
is to take a trip on the Tribal Warrior, a respected old pearling lugger (打捞珍珠的小帆船). Now it is being
used as a tourist ship offering tours of Sydney Harbor. The tours, run by Aboriginals, take in some of the most
popular sights of the harbor( such as the Sydney Opera House).
      Of all the sporting heroes Australia has produced, Sir Donald Bradman is widely considered the greatest. So
it"s nice to meet him-or at least a life-size model of him-face to face in the imaginative little museum within the
famous Sydney Cricket (板球) Ground. The stadium has been hosting cricket matches since the 1850s. You
can also meet ancient worthies such as Frank Spofforth and Tiger O"Reilly here.
      You really don"t need to go any further than Sydney to experience the excitement of one of the country"s
great national hobbies, surfing. Bondi Beach is in a suburb (郊区) of Sydney easily reachable from the center.
What a life! You can leave the office and within half an hour be out riding those waves at Bondi. Never surfed
before? Head for Lets Go Surfing, a Bondi school offering surf classes for beginners and experienced surfers
alike. If you"ve ever been interested in surfing, do it here. 1. By taking a trip on the Tribal Warrior, you can ______ . A. buy pearls from Aboriginals
B. see the Sydney Opera House
C. learn how to play a didgeridoo
D. circle around the Sydney city 2. What do we learn about the Sydney Cricket Cround? A. We can talk with Australian sporting heroes there.
B. We can visit a museum owned by Bradman there.
C. It is a famous cricket stadium with a long history.
D. It has been used as a cricket museum since 1850. 3. From the last paragraph, we can learn that ______.A. Bondi Beach is a bit far from Sydney"s center
B. Lets Go Surfing is a surf school for beginners only
C. surfing is the most popular sport in Australia
D. people living in Sydney can go surfing after work 4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. How to Do Australia in a Day
B. Most Popular Sights of Sydney Harbor
C. Let"s Experience Australian Culture
D. Holiday Experiences at Bondi
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It doesn"t have to be war. But sometimes, it is. As the caretakers of the family, mothers mainly control the
family"s course through the trouble of their daughters" adolescent (青春期的) years. As such, they often feel it
their duty to make sure that each member survives and grows stronger. As a result, mothers often feel a greatly
increased burden (负担 ) during their daughters" adolescence.
     It"s far from easy to live with someone who is experiencing rapid changes in how she looks,thinks and feels. Mostly, girls" changing bodies usually make their mothers uncomfortable. Just when girls are turning into
shapely young women, mothers are often in or near midlife. It may be difficult to live with adolescent daughters who remind them of their ever diminishing (减少的 ) youth.
     Mothers mainly describe feeling scrutinized (细察) by their teens. As one mother put it," Living with my
daughter is like having my own personal X-ray machine." This is because your daughter"s effort to develop her
own individuality (个性) drives her to examine your every action. This is totally different from her early
childhood, when you often could do no wrong or were the"best mother in the world".
     Some women have a hard time dealing with trouble, so their teenage daughters" challenging behavior is
particularly unwelcome. Thinking back to when your daughter was a little girl, you probably expected her to
get into quarrels with others. Since your daughter has reached adolescence, you may believe that your daughter
should be beyond all that. She should know how to get along with people-especially with you.
     Remember that this period passes, and mothers and daughters often end up close friends. But for now,
you"re the adult, so enjoy the sufferings. 1. According to the first paragraph, the "war" should happen between _____.

A. mothers and fathers
B. parents and children
C. mothers and daughters
D. fathers and sons

2. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us? A. Dealing with trouble may hurt mothers.
B. Mothers become older and older.
C. Daughters" growth affects mothers.
D. Mothers often fall behind society"s development. 3. Why do mothers often feel scrutinized by their daughters?A. Daughters have X-ray machines.
B. Daughters are building their own personalities.
C. Daughters are strict with mothers" appearance.
D. Daughters are making jokes on mothers.4. What is mothers" expectation of their adolescent daughters? A. They are friendly to people.
B. They can face life"s challenges.
C. They make quarrels with others.
D. They should do no wrong.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Compassion is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translate compassion into action. An
experience last weekend showed me this is true. I work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for
the elderly. These old people are our main cus- tomers,and it"s not hard to lose patience over their slowness.
But last Sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable les- son. This untidy man walked up to
my register (收款机 ) with a box of biscuits. He said he was out of cash (现金), had just moved into his
room, and had nothing in his cupboards. He asked if we could let him have the food on trust. He promised to
me the next day.
     I couldn"t help staring at him. I wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before,
and what he would be like if luck had gone his way. I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of hu- man soul, all
alone in the world. I told him that I was sorry, but store rules didn"t allow me to do so. I felt stupid and unkind
saying this, but I valued my job.
     Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke up. If anything, he looked more pitiable."Charge it
to me," was all he said.
     What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft and safe and easy. Compassion, on the other hand, is caring
in action. I thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed either. Then I reached into my pocket
and paid for the biscuits myself. I reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart
and taught me compassion. 1. The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the biscuits___. A. promised to obey the store rules
B. forgot to take any money with him
C. hoped to have the food first and pay later
D. could not afford anything more expensive2. Which of the following best describes the old gentleman? A. Kind and lucky.
B. Poor and lonely.
C. Friendly and helpful.
D. Hurt and disappointed. 3. The writer acted upon the store rules because____. A. he wanted to keep his present job
B. he felt no pity for the old gentleman
C. he considered the old man dishonest
D. he expected someone else to pay for the old man4. What does the writer learn from his experience?A. Wealth is more important than anything else.
B. Helping others is easier said than done.
C. Experience is better gained through practice.
D. Obeying the rules means more than compassion.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by pro- viding clues to who people are, who they
are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer"s back- ground, personality,
status, mood, and social outlook.
     Since clothes are such an important source of social informa- tion,we can use them to influence people"s
impression of us. Our appearance assumes particular significance in the initial phases of interaction that is
likely to occur. An elderly middle-class man or woman may be alienated (疏远) by a young adult who is
dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person"s education, background, or interests.
     People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easily agree on the
lifestyles of girls who wear certain outfits (套装), including the number of boyfriends they like- ly have had
and whether they smoke or drink. Newscasters, or the announcers who read the news on TV, are considered
to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conserva- tively. And college students
who view themselves as taking an active role in their inter-personal relationships say they are concerned about
the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can relate instances in
which the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and how we acted. Perhaps you have
used clothing to gain confidence when you waited for a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court
     In the workplace, men have long had clear precedents (先例) and role models for achieving success. It has
been otherwise for women. A good many women in the business world are uncertain aboutthe suitable mixture
of" masculine" and"feminine" charac- teristics they should express by their professional clothing. The vari- ety
of clothing choices to women has also been greater than that available for men. Male administrators tend to
judge women more favorably for managerial positions when the women display less "feminine" grooming (打扮)-shorter hair, moderate use of make- up, and plain tailored clothing.1. According to the passage, the way we dress _____. A. provides clues for people who are critical of us
B. indicates our likes and dislikes in choosing a career
C. has a direct influence on the way people regard us
D. is of particular importance when we get on in age 2. From Paragraph 3 we can see young adults believe certain types of clothing can _____. A. change people"s conservative attitudes toward their lifestyle
B. help young people make friends with the opposite sex
C. make them competitive in the job market
D. help them achieve success in their interpersonal relationships 3. Many career women find themselves in difficult situations because _____.A. the variety of professional clothing is too wide for them to choose
B. women are generally thought to be only good at being fashion models
C. men are more favorably judged for managerial positions
D. they wonder the extent for them to display the feminine qual- ities through clothing 4. What is the passage mainly about? A. Dressing for effect.
B. How to dress appropriately.
C. Managerial positions and clothing.
D. Dressing for the occasion.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In many ways, the earliest periods of photography are the most satisfying. Learning to use the controls is
easy and comes quickly, and you can measure the results in terms of sharp and correctly de- veloped pictures.
Once you have mastered that, you can start on the second step of your photographic work. Using these basic
skills in the wide variety of situations to give the pictures you want, noticing what you see through the
viewfinder and turning that into the most effective picture become totally interesting.
     All good photographs have one thing in common: there is no doubt what the subject of the picture is meant
to be. Every photog- rapher must use those same standards to his or her work, not only to finished results but
to the subject before he or she takes it. Always work out quite clearly what the subject of the picture is to be
and why you are taking the picture. For example, "I am going to take a picture of this street to show the
different styles and ages of the buildings and that people have been living,working and shopping in them since
time began." By doing this you have a better idea of what to include in the picture and what to leave out. How
often have you been shown photographs taken by people away on a trip some- where? The judgment is always
similar, something about"the car park is out of the picture to the left",or " you can"t quite see from this picture
but if you go up the street". The photographs are usual- ly collections of buildings, people, parked cars,
possibly a distant look of an ancient church, and best of all, a figure which you are told is Aunt Henrietta,
disappearing in the middle distance. When photographers show you their pictures, they have a clear idea of
what they want to bring to your attention, but it often does not ap- pear in the picture. If they had given just a
little of their time to think about their future judgment before taking the picture, then the picture would relate its
own story. Good pictures can show their sub- jects quickly and easily. 1. What does the first sentence of the passage mean? A. The skills of photography are not as satisfactory nowadays as before.
B. The earliest pictures were the best pictures people have ever taken.
C. The present-day photography depends more on technology than on art.
D. Learning to produce a sharp and correctly developed picture is only the first step
     in photography and is easily learned. 2. What will it bring you if you decide the purpose of the photo- graph in advance? A. It will allow you to leave out unnecessary material.
B. It will allow you to stand in the best place.
C. It will help you to vary the subjects of your pictures.
D. It means you will waste less time.3. Many photographers fail because____. A. their pictures include both buildings and people
B. everything is not clear in their pictures
C. the subjects of their pictures are not obvious
D. the explanation given for their pictures is mistaken4. What book is this passage most likely taken from? A. A book on photography for news reporters.
B. A book on how to photograph people.
C. A book on choosing the right camera.
D. A book on improving photographic techniques.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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