An old woman had two large pots (罐), one on each end of a pole (扁担). She carried

An old woman had two large pots (罐), one on each end of a pole (扁担). She carried


An old woman had two large pots (罐), one on each end of a pole (扁担). She carried the pole with the pots across her neck.
One of the pots had a crack (裂缝) in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered (递送) a full pot of water. At the end of the long walk from the well to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half-full.
For two years this happened daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection.
One day, the cracked pot spoke to the woman by the well: “I am ashamed of myself because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.”
The old woman smiled: “Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your crack, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path. And every day while we walk back, you water them.”
“For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate (装饰) the table. Without you being just the way you are, I would not have this beauty.”
Each of us has our own cracks. But it’s these cracks that make our lives together so interesting and meaningful.
小题1:How did the cracked pot feel about itself at first?
小题2:Where were the flowers growing?
A.On both sides of the path.
B.In the woman’s house.
C.On the perfect pot’s side.
D.On the cracked pot’s side.
小题3:Which is the correct order of the following events?
① The woman picked the flowers and decorated the table.
② The woman told the truth to the cracked pot.
③ The cracked pot talked to the woman about its crack.
④ The woman found a crack on one pot.
⑤ The woman planted some flower seeds.
小题4:What does the passage mainly want to tell us?
A.Never laugh at old women.
B.Imperfection makes life meaningful.
C.Try your best to be perfect in life.
D.Don’t use a cracked pot to carry water.



小题1:细节题:从第三段的句子:But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection.可知一开始,有裂痕的罐子很羞愧。故选D
小题2:细节题:从第五段的句子:Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? 可知是在有裂痕的一遍有花生长。选D。
小题3:排序题:从文章的五六两段,可知正确的顺序是④ The woman found a crack on one pot. ⑤ The woman planted some flower seeds. ① The woman picked the flowers and decorated the table. ③ The cracked pot talked to the woman about its crack. ② The woman told the truth to the cracked pot.故选A。
小题4:主旨题:文章的最后一句话是主题句:But it’s these cracks that make our lives together so interesting and meaningful.这些缺陷让我们的生活更加有趣,故选B。
What I like to advise people is to find out what it is that makes them happy. What do you love to do? If you truly love what you do just go ahead and try to make a living by doing it. People will throw money at you to do it. But you will always have to work hard at it. I have to draw every single day of my life. I have to draw about 20 ideas. My advice is to put aside a certain amount of time every day and make you draw or whatever, especially when you don’t feel like it. Only in this way will you be able to perfect your talent.
The first step you take is to go to your local library and ask for the publications issued in the current years. When you get these publications, try to find the names of the top people concerned and their presidents. After you find these, write down their names and addresses. Keep this list and update it every year. Next thing you want to do is to create at least 40 cartoons. Get a grid(格子) from one of the strips in the newspapers, enlarge it to whatever size you wish and draw inside this grid. Now take the best 20 of your ideas and make them into finished pieces. To do this, you would want to copy them in ink because if you were a professional cartoonist, that was what you should do. Now you can reduce the size of the finished cartoons to fit onto a regular comic’s page. By comparing yours with the others already in print, it gives you a good idea of clarity to your cartoon.
The next step is to write letters to presidents of the publication. In the letters, explain who you think would read your work, or in other words, what group do you think you would target. After you complete these, send all of your information enclosed with letters in the appropriate envelope.
Now as soon as you send out these letters, start to create a brand new strip with all new characters. Don’t get married to one idea because if your idea gets turned down then you will give up. And always remember. If you receive a rejection from any of them, keep in mind that you are working on something better. You will be working on something new and more exciting and the rejection letter will not have any impact. With this in mind…
小题1:What is the advice from the writer in the first paragraph when you want to succeed in your life?
A.Stop doing anything until you find something quite suitable for your future career.
B.Put aside a certain amount of time every day to consider how to make a living.
C.Make a living by something that you truly like to do as your profession and work hard at it.
D.Perfect your talent only by drawing some cartoons.
小题2:The purpose of writing a letter to the president was to ____.
A.get some money to support the later career
B.enclose the information on how to become cartoonists with the letter
C.focus his attention on the work
D.explain who would be the readers of the work
小题3: The underlined phrase “get married to one idea” in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.
A.having a strong desire to get married
B.fixing all attention on one idea
C.marrying someone is a good ideas
D.refusing one idea to get married

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Little did I know that I was about to see something I would never forget at the Kentucky Association of School Administrators.
They introduced the young musician---Mr Patrick Henry Hughes. He was rolled onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music.
About ten minutes into Patrick’s performance, someone came on the stage and said, “I’d like to share a seven-minute video about Patrick Hughes.” Then the lights were turned down.
Patrick Henry Hughes was born with no eyes and a tightening of the joints(关节), which left him disabled for life. However, he was fitted with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first birthday, he discovered the piano. His mom said, “I could hit any note on the piano, and within one or two tries, he’d get it.” By his second birthday, he was playing records people asked for. His father was ecstatic. “We might not play baseball, but we can play music together.”
Today, Patrick is a junior. His father attends classes with him and he’s made nearly all A’s. He’s also a part of a 214-member marching band(游乐乐队). He’s a blind, wheelchair-bound trumpet player; he and his father do it together. In order to attend Patrick’s classes and every band practice, his father works the night shift(夜班) at United Parcel Service. Patrick says, “My dad’s my hero.”
On stage, between songs, Patrick talked to the audience about his life and about how blessed he was, “God made me blind and unable to walk. BIG DEAL! He gave me musical gifts and the great opportunity to meet new people.”
When his performance was over, the crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes.
小题1:The underlined word “ecstatic” could be replaced by “_________”.
小题2:What do we know about Patrick’s father?
A.He taught Patrick to play the piano.
B.He does part-time jobs in the daytime.
C.He accompanies Patrick in class and practice.
D.He expects Patrick to become a famous musician.
小题3:We know from the text that Patrick Henry Hughes ______________.
A.began to play the piano at age two in charge of a marching band now a high school student
D.admires his father greatly.
小题4:The story of Patrick Henry Hughes mainly teaches us to _______________.
A.develop an interest in music grateful for what we have ready to help people in trouble hard to achieve great success

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Have you ever wondered: What drives successful people? Take a look around and talk to your friends and seniors who are very successful, you will see all of them have adopted certain values which have proved vital for their success.
It is evident that successful people take initiative (主动性). When they find something needs to be done, they just do it instead of waiting. They believe that responsibility is taken, not given. They weigh immediately what has to be done and then do it with pleasure, thus strengthening their reputation.
Successful people are enthusiastic about the things they do, especially when they believe in what they are doing. They are motivated by their own satisfaction and the joy they get from doing their work. They work hard even when no one is watching and they throw themselves into their work.
They do not fear failure. Failures and disappointments in life are unavoidable. It is failure that teaches us much more than success. Successful people pick themselves up after a fall and try again with more determination and commitment and learn from each failure. They associate with those they can learn from and enjoy the company of those who appreciate their achievement.
Having good IQ often gets a person what he wants but it’s really the EQ that keeps him there and helps him enjoy a high reputation. Successful people are polite to everyone and treat others with respect. By giving respect to others, they command respect for themselves.
Another important quality of successful persons is that they never complain. It’s better to praise others and win favor with them. So instead of complaining about a situation, successful people always try to solve it.
To put it shortly, take initiative and be enthusiastic about them. Do not be afraid to fail, but get up and start again. When you do so, success will be just around the corner.
Title: What Makes People Successful?
Brief introduction
Successful people all have adopted certain values which are(1)__________ for their success.
of successful people
Taking initiative
◆They take immediate action without hesitation.
◆They take responsibility for what has to be done and do it(3)__________.
Being self-motivated
◆They’re enthusiastic about the things they do with a(4)_______ in what they are doing.
◆They devote themselves to their work.
(5)__________ from failure
◆They get up and start again after a failure.
◆They keep company of those (6)__________ their achievement.
Giving respect to others
◆They are polite to everyone and treat others respectfully.
◆They earn respect in (7)_________ by giving respect to others.
Making no(8)________
◆They praise others and win favor with them.
◆They always try to find any possible    (9)__________ to the difficult situation.
When you can combine the above into your action plan, you’ll have    (10)___________ to success soon.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Almost everyone is afraid of something --- snakes, heights, public speaking and so on.
It is normal and can even be helpful to experience fear sometimes. In dangerous situations, fear can keep our bodies alert (警醒的) so that we can act quickly to protect ourselves.
But for some people, fear develops into a “phobia”, which is a strong and unreasonable fear of something. For example, the majority of us feel a little scared when looking down from a tall building. But people with height phobia may have trouble breathing, feel dizzy or turn down a great job just because the company is on the 20th floor.
Phobias can prevent you from living a normal life. “People with spider phobia would stay out of their home or dormitory room for days if they thought a spider was present,” Katherina Hauner, a researcher at Northwestern University, US, told ABC news. This is why scientists have been trying to find a cure for this disease.
Since fear comes from experience --- from what we are told, what we see others experience and what happens to us --- some scientists think if they can “rewrite” these unpleasant memories, they might be able to help people overcome their phobias.
In a study by Hauner and other scientists, participants with spider phobia were asked to first touch a spider with a paintbrush. Seeing that it was not actually dangerous, they then tried touching it while wearing a glove. Finally, they could hold it with their hands.
Certain medicine has also been found to be helpful. Back in 2010, researchers at the University of Hiroshima, Japan, injected (注射) a special medicine into a fish --- who was afraid of light --- to turn off the fear center in its brain. From then on, the fish no longer feared light.
While the search for solutions to phobias is making great progress, it’s an open question whether getting rid of fear is good. Some people want to use these methods to make soldiers fight harder in wars by taking away their sense of fear. Dave Smithson of the charity Anxiety UK thinks that’s a bad idea. “It’s fear that prevents us from doing crazy things,” he says. “There’s a name for people who don’t have fear of consequences: psychopaths (精神变态者).
小题1:The main point of the article is to ___________. us what kind of role fear plays in our lives
B.discuss if it is good to try to get rid of fear
C.inform us of fear and phobia
D.discuss scientific studies related to fear
小题2:How does the writer make the meaning of “phobia” clear?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving examples.
C.By giving data in numbers.D.By giving descriptions.
小题3:Which of the following shows the progress scientists have made in finding solutions to phobia?
A.New medicine can shut off fear centers in animal brains whenever needed.
B.They can use phobias to keep our bodies alert so that we can protect ourselves.
C.They can now reduce the pain which is connected with phobia.
D.They have succeeded in helping some people ignore memories related to phobia.
小题4:Which of the following would Dave Smithson probably agree with?
A.There is nothing to fear except fear itself.
B.We should not let fear affect our decisions.
C.Fear is not a completely bad thing.
D.Without fear, everyone would be brave.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My mother let go of me when I could not let go of her .In one last brave moment she was strong for me ,thus making me strong ,too.
I was in the kitchen when        called and told me to make a quick decision .They could only hold a place for my         until the next morning.
The thought of being        from my Alzheimer’s stricken (早老性痴呆)mother when she needed me most       me .Dad died when I was a teenager ,Mom and I had        many hard times together .Mom taught me to laugh my way through bad experiences and sing through     days .But in recent years , except for extremely        moments of consciousness , she’d become lost in her own private world .I knew that Mom needed       nursing and medical care ,yet the possibility of a complete stranger coming to her at night ,when she would      around like a sleepwalking child ,filled me with a feeling of      .
Two bitter days passed     we left for the nursing home .I hugged and kissed her with       tears ,I’d always planned the best golden years for Mom in her old age ,but now I was saying    .
Suddenly there was something shining in her     , a look of recognition .“Stop crying now”,she said firmly ,“Say goodbye and get going .Don’t     about me .”
I stood with     and stared into her face .“Mom!”I cried and reached out for her .But as quickly as my “real ”Mom had appeared ,she    again into her world of a little child .       ,at that very moment I realized the mother ,that familiar Mom who knew and understood ,who      and sang with me in hard times ,would always be there , giving me       when I needed it most .
A.the hospitalB.the nursing home C.the kindergartenD.the school
A.wanderB.dreamC.sleep D.look
A.disappearedB.brokeC.returned D.left

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